GUILTY OH - Two women & child killed, 13yo abducted, Apple Valley, 10 Nov 2010 #4

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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IIRC, up here it was reported that there was no spatter in the house but that the blood was just in "unusual amounts" on the floors, indicating an injury happened. (I believe there were two areas of blood)

I may be wrong, but I believe that's what was reported here locally in MV.
It was more of an issue, that he was in his car late at night, at the very spot where they found Tina's truck than it sounded at the news conference, even if they couldn't make a case at the time. I'm betting they ran his DL through the system right then and found out he had a felony conviction for arson out of Colorado.

Add fingerprints on beer cans and maybe something from a text message and somebody put it all together.

Thanks SuzyQ!

I note the following in the article you linked:

"Herrmann, her children and Sprang disappeared Wednesday from Herrmann's home in nearby Howard. Barber has said blood indicating an injury had been found in Herrmann's home, where Sprang's vehicle was in the driveway."

We now have another place mentioned for where Stephanie's car was found. In the first reports it was in Tina's garage. In later reports it was in Stephanie's garage. Now, it's in Tina's driveway.

Only one of these reports can be accurate.................

This is gonna drive me crazy. lol.
From the article posted above:

The sheriff revealed that authorities first questioned Hoffman on Thursday, the day after Herrmann didn't show up for work at a local Dairy Queen and was reported missing.

Police found him "just sitting there" in his car near a public bike trail opposite property owned by Kenyon College, near where Herrmann's pickup truck was found the same day, Barber said. It wasn't clear whether the pickup truck had been found first.

Here is the link and FYI, all that underlining (links to other articles) came with the copy/paste.
HI new to this forum and have had a quick browse through, but have found it very difficult to catch up and follow.

I do however have a scenario to throw out there for thoughts/ideas.

If I am correct his gf has left him and she had a son ........ possible rage taken out on Tina and Kody

Sarah looks like old gf ......... was keeping her to take on gf role.

With this it lets him get rage out against the mother and brother and a replacement gf that he can control and manipulate.

Just speculation ...... the friend just happened into the middle of it all.
I wish reporters could be held accountable for their terrible reporting.

From the same article (red and bold by me). You would think if both were there, both would be mentioned in each sentence. Sprang's vehicle is a Jeep.

Herrmann, her children and Sprang disappeared Wednesday from Herrmann's home in nearby Howard. Barber has said blood indicating an injury had been found in Herrmann's home, where Sprang's vehicle was in the driveway.

Wednesday - Tina Herrmann is reported missing when she doesn't show up for work at a Dairy Queen in Mount Vernon, about 40 miles north of Columbus. Her children, Sarah Maynard, 13, and Kody, 10, are last seen at school. A sheriff's deputy goes to the house and sees the lights on and a pickup truck in the driveway.

Nevermind. Had a thought, but once the blood was discovered, I don't think there was ever a time police weren't there ... so the Jeep could not have been moved.
My comment on Dna testing was meant to say that they prolly have that data NOW.. (not necessarily what led to the knowledge of Sarah's location).

I am sure he left other evidence, OR there was a tip.

As for forensic testing, there are much quicker tests available than what we all think of as "DNA testing"- there is blood typing (can have within an hour), male/female, etc. I was really not saying that the blood or beer can forensics tests led them to MH, but rather, they could have, pretty quickly, RULED OUT (vs ruled in) whose blood was in the house depending on personal physical characteristics.

As for actual DNA testing, I said 24-72hrs. Technically, finding the beer cans on Thurs eve could have given a match to MH by SAT. But as others have said, the knowledge that only Sarah was known to be there... well, who knows. There may have been a tip, or there may be "other" tissue they recovered besides blood, indicating lethal damage to the others. LE is not gonna compromise this case, so you will hear VERY little on what they found. Unless there is an unintended press leak, I think we will all have to wait until the trial is done. The last thing anyone wants is a MISTRIAL, or to have it moved out of the area. I can guarantee you, the DA is very active right now in what goes out to the public, and EVEN the family. The families are told very little, unfortunately.
Well, now ... It looks like maybe my theories 4-7 can be eliminated ... no accomplice suspected.

Authorities arrested him Sunday at his two-story tan-sided house about 40 miles north of Columbus. Barber would not reveal what led investigators to the home and said there is no indication others were involved. It was unclear whether Hoffman knew the two women.
I've noticed a few glitches with the forum tonight. For a while I couldn't access WS at all. I also noticed that posts that were on page 3 are now on page 2.

Yeah, me too...thought I broke W/S AGAIN
Anybody think they did a DNA test on the beer cans and got him pinned as the suspect from that? I dont know why that just popped in my head.

Also is the google earth map something we could compare a car from or was he not in the area then?

You just jogged my memory! Some states now require that anyone who commits a felony has to submit DNA. I don't know if Colorado has that law and when it went into effect, but if it's been on the books for a while, MH's DNA might be on file.

There was a case in Reno, Nevada (Brianna Dennison) that many of us followed here on WS. A young college girl was abducted, raped, and found a few weeks later. There was DNA from the perp on her body and at the site where he dumped her. Nevada had been lax in processing the DNA of convicted felons, and there was a wait while they caught up, in order to compare the perp's DNA to the state's index.
I understand they don't want to taint the case and are cautious about what info they release BUT....right now.....they have 3 people still missing and the sheriff DID ask the public to try to remember if they saw something strange/unusual around Veteran's Day. I think LE should have been prepared, and released, during the press conference today, photos of the vehicles possibly involved in this crime. Waiting until tomorrow is a gross waste of time imo.
It was more of an issue, that he was in his car late at night, at the very spot where they found Tina's truck than it sounded at the news conference, even if they couldn't make a case at the time. I'm betting they ran his DL through the system right then and found out he had a felony conviction for arson out of Colorado.

Add fingerprints on beer cans and maybe something from a text message and somebody put it all together.


Good point! Maybe mh didn't leave fingerprints though, he may have been wearing gloves at some point and/or wiped off the beer cans, not thinking about saliva and DNA testing. Perhaps that is another reason why it took Friday and Saturday, while LE was processing evidence, to enter mh's house and rescue Sarah. I imagine mh learned a lot while he was in prison, why leave beer cans with traceable evidence if you don't want to be found? Either it's stupidity, forgetting about one critical detail because one is caught-in-the-moment, or maybe taunt LE?
Thanks SuzyQ!

I note the following in the article you linked:

"Herrmann, her children and Sprang disappeared Wednesday from Herrmann's home in nearby Howard. Barber has said blood indicating an injury had been found in Herrmann's home, where Sprang's vehicle was in the driveway."

We now have another place mentioned for where Stephanie's car was found. In the first reports it was in Tina's garage. In later reports it was in Stephanie's garage. Now, it's in Tina's driveway.

Only one of these reports can be accurate.................

See, this is why I've stopped commenting on any news coming out on this story. I have very few brain cells left, and I can't afford to overtax them trying to put together possible scenarios based on random things reporters just throw out there so they don't have to go to any trouble finding out the facts. NOTHING about the circumstances of this crime have remained stable except the location of Tina's vehicle. I'm not even sure the perp's name is Matthew John Hoffman and not John Matthew Hoffman.
From 2009
Senate Bill 241, or "Katie's Law", is being debated today on Capital Hill. It will require all those convicted of a felony in Colorado to submit a DNA sample.

Don't know from this whether it passed.

It did.

Senate Bill 241 will allow police to take DNA samples from suspects arrested for rape, burglary and other felonies. Current law only allows police to take DNA samples from convicted felons.
This is gonna drive me crazy. lol.

It's going to drive me crazy too! Where are the real journalists, the ones who fact check their articles before submitting?
See, this is why I've stopped commenting on any news coming out on this story. I have very few brain cells left, and I can't afford to overtax them trying to put together possible scenarios based on random things reporters just throw out there so they don't have to go to any trouble finding out the facts. NOTHING about the circumstances of this crime have remained stable except the location of Tina's vehicle. I'm not even sure the perp's name is Matthew John Hoffman and not John Matthew Hoffman.

Me too...I'm outta here for'rain cant take anymore LOL

Have a good night all!
See, this is why I've stopped commenting on any news coming out on this story. I have very few brain cells left, and I can't afford to overtax them trying to put together possible scenarios based on random things reporters just throw out there so they don't have to go to any trouble finding out the facts. NOTHING about the circumstances of this crime have remained stable except the location of Tina's vehicle. I'm not even sure the perp's name is Matthew John Hoffman and not John Matthew Hoffman.

I dunno STEAD....on VINE....he's listed as Matthew John. I've searched the names both ways and not much came up other than his arrest/conviction in CO and he was referred to with the same name. VINE is the only reference I'm considering gospel at this time LOL.....MJH.

My brain cells are fried too by the way. I do kind of wonder why it's so hard for journalists to accurately report now days......they can't step out of their air conditioned offices and away from their Black Berries long enough to do some good old fashioned media investigating???
It was more of an issue, that he was in his car late at night, at the very spot where they found Tina's truck than it sounded at the news conference, even if they couldn't make a case at the time. I'm betting they ran his DL through the system right then and found out he had a felony conviction for arson out of Colorado.

Add fingerprints on beer cans and maybe something from a text message and somebody put it all together.


"Investigators tracked Hoffman down with the help of a receipt for a tarp that was purchased at a Walmart store in Mount Vernon."

I know it sounds weird, but maybe he left it in Tina's house or car.
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