GUILTY OH - Two women & child killed, 13yo abducted, Apple Valley, 10 Nov 2010 #5

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I know I can't quote directly -- and I apologize if this is old news -- but in the comment section of the latest TV10 article, someone is making a claim that Stephanie lived with Tina and the kids. Has this been reported in MSM? Is this a rumor? That would certainly explain car placement -- if it's true.

I thought Stephanie lived on Magers Road...Tina's house is on King Beach Road.

But who knows...I'm not sure how much I trust MSM - they've dropped the ball so much on fact-checking, IMO.

But you're right - it would explain a lot more about her & Tina looking for an apartment & why her Jeep would be at Tina's.
Oh my many possibilities and all we can do is guess. What a weird person he is. I keep thinking about Groenes. His preference was lil boys yet he kept Shasta alive and with him for some reason.

Duncan was an equal opportunity predator....he is a suspect in the murder of two girls in the Seattle area IIRC.......
I feel sure all vehicles have been seized, and have or are being processed. Including the mysterious large silver truck. We are getting little info on them.
Was anything in them, blood, or other evidence?
If MH didn’t transport these people in a vehicle, he likely wouldn’t of taken them far. He managed to get Sarah to his house 10 miles away. Not to mention it would have been terribly risky, awkward, time consuming and clumsy to of had to deal with four of them living. He did have 5 days though.
And who knows how long he had planned this. He could have had things prepared in advance, which would of given him an edge.
I have two questions, which aren’t going to be answered anytime soon. Who told LE that Sarah would “defiantly” be found in MH’s house? Did they see her?? Or know something else?
And is it known if anyone was transported in any of those vehicles? Living or dead?
LE just isn’t going to give out this info I don’t think. They know a lot more than they are telling. You can’t make three people disappear in the blink of an eye, without any trace of it. Most especially now that they have a known perp.
The media is making me nuts on this one!
Pretty much they aren't releasing what they have and haven't found in the way of blood. I'm honestly surprised that they openly admitted the tarp and trash bags found at the Kokosing Gap Trail were linked to the case.
There is still the possibility of poor little Tanner too.

They haven't said yet if the blood is even human! And they would know that quickly.
I thought of that too... and now with the sheriff wanting to know what the victims were wearing? Maybe he disposed of the clothing and the dog??? I don't know, wish I did but at the same time hope I don't find out. Don't want the bubble of my ideal world popped, kwim?
Information is from - Mt. Vernon Municipal Courts under TR/CR case lookup.

Sorry a newby here and not sure if i can post this?

Have you searched under that for MH? it has a previous speeding charge on the 11/10/08, is that his parents address, is there anyway of finding what the reg plate related to? maybe a pickup that people are mentioning?
Someone is posting speculation on 10TV's article in the comments section concerning amount of blood in home and what exactly happened. Most likely just rumors but thought I'd link it if anyone wanted to take a look:

It's towards the last page of comments.

Had to read many comments to get to the one about "were the creep lived". Makes me wonder where did mh live, before the 5 bedroom house? His mom said he hadn't lived with them for 2 years, and he moved into the 5 bedroom house a year ago. Where did he live in between? :steamed:
Had to read many comments to get to the one about "were the creep lived". Makes me wonder where did mh live, before the 5 bedroom house? His mom said he hadn't lived with them for 2 years, and he moved into the 5 bedroom house a year ago. Where did he live in between?

This is a toughie... could've been anywhere and he was using his parents address to have his mail sent to. My brother did this for a couple of years because it seemed he bounced from apartment to apartment.
I can’t help but think that MH had the Mother first, the children next, and the friend came in later. Or switch the children & the friend. I just can’t imagine him being able to over take two adult women and two children at the same time, with out people scattering and someone getting out a door, or window or something.
Of course in the case of extreme fear, and concern for one another, possibly everyone froze, and cooperated.
Transporting 1 living person, and three others, dead or alive. Is quite a task though.
This is a toughie... could've been anywhere and he was using his parents address to have his mail sent to. My brother did this for a couple of years because it seemed he bounced from apartment to apartment.

Yes, you are right, but if mh just got off parole this past October hopefully LE would know what mh's whereabouts were until then. Back at his parents house temporarily? (maybe they are trying to distance themselves too, can't say that I blame them, although enabling is a different thing...) A friends house? Sigh...hope LE knows...
LE knows!!!
They have his cell records, his computer, and no telling what all from his home.
His parents have likely cooperated, possibly his siblings or acquaintances as well, and would like to remain anonymous, I feel sure.
They have all vehicles that were ever registered in his name, etc..
Loans, or credit history, if any. Bank statments, etc.. City & Utility billing history
Seems as if LE is just going to have to find the missing persons on their own though, if he won’t cooperate.
I bet they will find them. And it probably won’t take that long.
Neighbors: Suspect in Knox County kidnapping controlling, odd

His former girlfriend claimed he choked her, pushed her against a wall and used his forearm to pin her neck during an argument at his house on Oct. 24, according to a police report obtained by The Associated Press. The woman told investigators she thought he was going to kill her, but did not want to press charges.

He would sit in a tree or atop his roof and watch them, they said. He collected leaves at a park across the street from his home and would stuff them into trash bags, hanging the bags on the inside walls for insulation.
One other thing that enters my mind is:

This is quite the crime for a first time offender involving humans. I know of his arson history, which speaks for itself, and assault history but, for a first time try on humans, to attempt 4 people at once? And keeping one living? Seems unusual.

Makes me wonder if he’s had practice? Any other unsolved disappearances?
Most people are saying he was a loner. Aside from the brief GF & Son time period.
Knox County Sheriff David Barber said Hoffman was not employed at the time of his arrest. He had worked briefly for a Knox County lawn care company called Fast Eddy's.

Fast Eddy's Manager Sandy Bird said Hoffman worked part-time for the company's tree division for about three weeks, as a sub-contractor, on a probationary basis. She said Hoffman was let go about three weeks ago because his performance was not up to company standards.

"He was quiet and unassuming," Bird said. "There was nothing to tip us off."
Hoffman lived in Bazetta with his mother, Patricia Hedglin, and stepfather during the early 1990s. Trumbull and Knox County records show they sold their home on Westlake Drive in 1997 and moved to Howard in Knox County the same year.

When reached at her Knox County home Tuesday evening, Patricia Hedglin acknowledged having lived in the Warren area, but declined to comment on her son.
Until about two weeks ago, Hoffman, who graduated from the Knox County Career Center in 1999, briefly worked for Fast Eddy's, a grounds-maintenance and tree-trimming company outside Mount Vernon.

Sandy Burd, office manager for the business along Rt. 36, said nothing seemed odd when Hoffman was first hired. "He didn't appear strange. He just blended in."

But after getting a part-time job and filling out an application on which he failed to disclose his Colorado arson conviction, Hoffman unnerved his supervisor, Burd said, and he was let go after working less than three weeks.

"He (Hoffman) just struck him as really odd; just too strange. He would just stare into space," she said. The supervisor also discovered that Hoffman had oversold his tree-trimming experience, although he had his own ropes and tree-climbing gear. Hoffman's neighbors have said that he was known to climb and perch in a tree at his home.

Knox County Sheriff David Barber said Hoffman was not employed at the time of his arrest. He had worked briefly for a Knox County lawn care company called Fast Eddy's.

Fast Eddy's Manager Sandy Bird said Hoffman worked part-time for the company's tree division for about three weeks, as a sub-contractor, on a probationary basis. She said Hoffman was let go about three weeks ago because his performance was not up to company standards.

"He was quiet and unassuming," Bird said. "There was nothing to tip us off."

So, lost a job and lost a girlfriend at around the same time. Ugh...the perfect storm for someone already unbalanced perhaps. Yes, I know millions of people go through those kind of losses and MUCH WORSE and do not commit crimes against humanity. I am just struggling to make some kind of fleeting sense of this senseless tragedy.
Just wondering if it's okay to bring the perp's parents' names over, even after being in mainstream media. Seems like they're under enough scrutiny as it is and don't need to start being sleuthed...
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