GUILTY OH - Two women & child killed, 13yo abducted, Apple Valley, 10 Nov 2010 #7

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When having trees cut down on our property we have watched them using the harnesses to get the chainsaws up in the tree to them so I imagine anyone familar with tree trimmers would have thought of him using those to get the bags with the bodies up there.

I agree, he would have had to have used harnesses or pulleys, too far and too high for otherwise.
I hope this isn't morbid, but I do wonder what and how much evidence they have in this? And how long before we will know what it is? Years?

We won't know most of what they have till it unfolds at trial. JMO
I must have had lazy tree cutters, they went up in a bucket truck not ropes and pulleys.
This is what I know about trees: when there is a crook or saddle at the top of the trunk, water can collect, then leaves, then bugs, then over time, rot. It can rot all the way down through the middle of the tree because the nutrients come up from the roots through the bark of the tree to reach the top of the tree and ultimately the leaves. An inside rotten core won't kill a tree but it will make it weaker over time. Now if you took something as teensy as a car key and made a circle all the way around the tree - then the tree would die. Also, different species of trees all have different lifespans. does anyone know what kind of a tree that was??? Maybe we can figure out how tall it was and how old it was.

just me being me......

ETA - my point being it could very well be a naturally hollowed out tree - but who would climb up that high to make that discovery???

I read in a MSM article yesterday it was a beech tree...if I can find it again I'll post a link.
I must say thanks to the funeral director that escorted all the bodies out of woods with dignity.
I read in a MSM article yesterday it was a beech tree...if I can find it again I'll post a link.

you're correct, here it is

A hollow beech tree in which the bodies of three murder victims were found in the Kokosing Lake Wildlife Area was toppled this afternoon in Knox County.

Ohio Division of Natural Resource officials used chain saws to cut down and section the 65-foot tree that held of remains of Tina Herrmann, her 11-year-old son, Kody Maynard, and Stephanie Sprang
I'm dreading the inevitable parade of psychiatrists and the schizophrenia defense. Twenty years from now, "cured" and released from the mental hospital...

Nah, he'll never be released.

He's got a horrific conviction in Colorado too. Wonder what the judge thinks about Hoffman now?

I think killing three people at once is called "mass murder".
<modsnip> It's the actual thinking of the plan and then carrying it out that is sick. And because MH, apparently, used a pulley system, IMO I would not be surprised if the comments on other websites came from someone with inside knowledge. It's just a little to coincidental on the details and sends my hinky meter off.

Also, the "if Hoffman were smart" seems a little too scripted by Hoffman himself. Hoffman was not so smart that he didn't get caught and caught soon enough that Sarah was found alive. At least that's one thing to be thankful for. Unlike Catfish Billy, most people wouldn't describe devising ways to dispose of murder victims as "smart." Most sleuthers can agree that they are trying to get inside a sick, not a "smart," mind. Honestly, if kidnapping Sarah was MH's central ambition, killing three innocent people was about as far from "smart" as he could get.

I mean no offense to anyone. Everything is just my opinion. I understand that we may disagree but it is not in any way my intention to offend you or anyone else. And I apologize if I have done that.


I didn't take offense to anything you had written; unfortunately when we are typing our thoughts, our feelings can come across wrong to others, as I fear mine did to you. ((hugs)) I would guess that 99.9% of us here on WS would never intentionally offend one another. When I read "Souls" post, the last question made me smile (in a good way), because here at WS part of what we do is brainstorming ideas in our efforts to gain a better understanding in these horrific cases we sleuth.

I apologize that my post came across with a different "feel" than what I wished to convey. ALL our thoughts and opinions matter, because we all care about the victims, survivors and justice. When I wrote, "with all due respect", I wrote that with gentleness, not sarcasm. Never would I wish for my words to come across in that manner.

I must have had lazy tree cutters, they went up in a bucket truck not ropes and pulleys.


I bet our guys wish they could have used a bucket truck but due to our property constrictions (water, fence and pool) they couldn't even get a regular truck in there. All manual labor to tote it out of there too and it was 2humongous trees.
after seeing the sideshow, I now believe that the bodies would never have been discovered for some time...maybe years....unless a storm knocked it over...this hiding place had to have been visited before....if I were the cops,I'd look for other bones....
Ohio manager says she knew something was wrong with worker later found slain with 2 others

By MEGHAN BARR , Associated Press
Last update: November 19, 2010 - 4:30 PM

MOUNT VERNON, Ohio - The first indication that something had gone terribly wrong in this tiny Ohio town came when a Dairy Queen manager went to check on a friend who didn't show up for work.

The manager, Valerie Haythorn, told The Associated Press on Friday that when she drove by last week, the lights were on at the home where Tina Herrmann lived with her two children. Herrmann's truck also was in the driveway and, thinking all was well, Haythorn kept driving.

When Herrmann missed a second day, Haythorn drove back to the house &#8212; and this time she went inside.

Haythorn said she climbed in the back window because the front door was locked. Once inside, she discovered a significant amount of blood.

much more here in 2 page article


Here's another article & picture w/ Valerie
Someone said we could use a's my post from an older thread, on 11/17. It was the day of the extensive search of the park nearest MH's home. There had been a little rain but then...
Cazzie said:
Someone on M-kids prayer FB said there's a rainbow over Mount Vernon (Foundation Park) and here's the photo of it!

At the time, many thought it to be a "sign"...a good sign (that all would be found alive).

link to old post/thread
I found this web site, selling supplies for tree trimmers and recreational climbers. It helps understand what tools he may have had in his kit.

Also, it appears there are some who climb trees for recreation and actually hang out or even camp in the branches with special equipment. Never knew this, but it may explain some of his habits.
This guy musta thought he was a squirrel. He liked leaves. He liked trees. He ate squirrels. He worked in trees. He hung out in trees.
He stored these people in a tree.

thank goodness Sarah was saved!

Bold mine.

A family in my community has a grown son that has beastiality issues with chickens/dogs. When arrested for *advertiser censored* on computer, once in jail he would somehow paint stripes on himself and sleep under his cot.....he thought he was a cougar. There are alot of wackos out there!
Someone said we could use a's my post from an older thread, on 11/17. It was the day of the extensive search of the park nearest MH's home. There had been a little rain but then...

At the time, many thought it to be a "sign"...a good sign (that all would be found alive).

link to old post/thread

Perhaps it was a HUG from God, letting us know that He was weeping over the evil actions done to innocent souls...:cry:
MH had to have planned this and knew about this particular tree and used it as
a hiding spot.
The average person walking through the woods would never see the hollowness of this tree.
No one would know it could hold 3 people and a dog............only HIM!!!

EXACTLY what I think, Passionflower!!!!!! That's kinda why I wanted to know what kinda tree it was, it's lifespan, how long it had been growing for. Was MH around that area when he was a kid and always knew there was a perfect hollow tree in that location? Did other kids/people always "know " there was a cool hollowed out tree???

If it was a nature preserve - well, when we were kids our parents often took us to the same parks, camping spots year after year. We would watch the landscapes mature over years of visiting. We knew where every hollow tree, every beaver dam, every hidden berry patch was.
Hi penelope.. I have thought similar about their having been dismembered..but the one thing that is leading me to believe this is not the case is that more than once, in fact several times it has been publicly stated that the bodies were found wearing the same exact clothing that they were last seen wearing on Wedsnesday...

meaning what are the chances that in dismembering that all 3 would still have enough of their clothes still intact and on them that LE would be able to make this observation and report this?? I just find it very unlikely..

Anyone else have any thoughts on this?

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I, too have been searching for the past hour for photos of the tree that I know that I saw last night..and cannot find them ANYWHERE!!!!!!!!!

I know I did not dream up these pix...or did I?

It was a pic looking strait on at the tree{not an aerial taken on the ground standing directly in front of the tree}..Fairly close, as its mainly the trunk of the tree that is visible in this pic.. and there were 3-4 large and filled black garbage bags that seemed to be tied off shut at the top that were in front of the tree and visible in this same pic...

Does anyone else remember seeing this pic?

Sorry to quote and repost my own post but am going bonkers searching and searching for this pic. (which I described above)

I have even pulled up my "History" from the past 24 hrs and literally at this point have gone to everysingle page in my computer history of past 24 hrs.


so have come to the conclusion that it HAS GOT TO BE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING TWO:

1) for whatever reason(and I can't think of any particular reason off the top of my head) the picture that I saw has been removed and/or deleted??


2) at this point am considering that I guess it could be possible I dreamed this. But could swear that I DID NOT.

It is a specific picture that I cannot locate that is an upclose view(either literally taken at close range or zoom lens) with great clarity and detail. Mainly the trunk of tree visible and there were definitely 3 or 4(not positive if it was 3 or was it 4. But do know it was NO LESS THAN 3 and it was NO MORE THAN 4) extra large sized garbage bags(the very thick and durable type) appeared to be almost filled and each looked as if the bag itself was tied in knot on top of each bag. And all 3-4 of these bags were clearly visible and located directly in front of the large tree(with trunk being what is mainly visible in pic).

Again I apologize if this is coming across as bothersome or unimportant. But have scoured my computer and news media sites on the Internet and cannot find this pic.

If anyone else saw this pic or knows anything about what I am describing that I saw last night I would be forever grateful if you'd share with me where you saw It(and I'll shut up.

TIA to anyone who takes time to answer and/or has knowledge of what I am inquiring about.

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