OH OH - William 'Bill' Comeans, 14, Columbus, 7 Jan 1980 - #1

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Its an excellent well presented post there goingbymygut. Im now intrigued as to whether he could have been the perp. If he lived in Galloway or Western Columbus at the time then id be very very interested in him. Perhaps he had a gay lover who lived near or around maple drive? A younger gay lover who had access to Westland high school? Or like you said, a teacher there??

Original post TBM:


I don't want to spend a lot of time on this, but I do want to weigh in with a few thoughts on the above, rather than let them go unsaid -- whether or not they are popular.


(3) I also saw that the BC classmates FB page has been set to private. JMO, but based on what happened with the Twitter account, I think that was probably wise. It may give Bill's classmates, above and below his grade level at the time of his death, the security they need to share what they think and/or know.

(4) What makes this case different than some other cold cases is that the family has successfully engaged LE -- the FCSO -- in revisiting their case. Does anyone really have any difficulty understanding why this would be their priority at this time? It is an open investigation. We are not privy to the communication taking place there, so just like other speculation, speculation about the potential success or failure of that venture is just that -- opinion (and perhaps some sour grapes). No matter how unhappy anyone is with the information provided to us, it's what we have to work with. Cases abound that have less.

(5) JMO, but if we, as posters, want to continue to support this case, I think we should be thinking, "What can we do to make a difference for the Cs?" I have seen plenty of good thinking on this thread across posters -- a lot of deep, thoughtful questions and many astute observations. IMO, you are all qualified to make a difference.

So what can we do? I'd like to put that question to you. Some thoughts I have:

  • Continue looking for cold and solved cases after 1980 that have things in common with Bill's murder.

  • Look in prisons for offenders whose MOs, ages, and targeted victims align with Bill's murder.

At the moment, that's all I got! What can you add?
Original post TBM:

So what can we do? I'd like to put that question to you. Some thoughts I have:

  • Continue looking for cold and solved cases after 1980 that have things in common with Bill's murder.
  • Look in prisons for offenders whose MOs, ages, and targeted victims align with Bill's murder.

At the moment, that's all I got! What can you add?

GREAT post, BTW. I wish I could put my thoughts into words like some of you do here. Writing comms (Communications) is NOT my strong suite. I admit it. :)

Anyway, so my BBM. Why start after 1980? Why not start in 1979 (when the attacks started), or even 1978, a few yrs before? Just a thought I wanted to throw out on the table. :)
I have to wonder... Would an adolescent really ask a teacher about "how to make yourself pass out" if he were engaging in such an (uncommon) practice? Any guarantee that teacher wouldn't talk to his parents, guidance dept., principal, and tip off the whole world?

This has just reminded me of a stupid craze that went round school when I was about 13 or 14 .... so around the mid 1980's. We used to make each other pass out - one person would take lots and lots of very deep breaths, in and out, for a couple of minutes, then another would bear hug that person, pushing their clasped hands over the heart area. I can't believe how stupid we were. We did it at each other's houses, out in the woods, and even on the beach.

It was a strange feeling (bit like being on gas and air) when you feel yourself going and everything would spin around and you'd be out. It could take a minute or so to revive.

Just goes to prove that teenagers do some stupid things to each other and themselves, and I wonder what any of us would have done if someone hadn't woken up?

I mean - it would have looked like murder, especially if the person was left in the woods or on the beach.

A bit off topic - but it just made me think about why someone might ask a question like the one I've quoted.
GREAT post, BTW. I wish I could put my thoughts into words like some of you do here. Writing comms (Communications) is NOT my strong suite. I admit it. :)

Anyway, so my BBM. Why start after 1980? Why not start in 1979 (when the attacks started), or even 1978, a few yrs before? Just a thought I wanted to throw out on the table. :)

Thx Gemmie :) You do great! I think the BBM point above is a case in point. WTH not! You are absolutely right!

To your point, maybe we should all be less quick to disagree, more quick to question each other so we can clarify our thoughts. For me, when I dig down into a thought, I can get to the bottom and find my first thought was pretty dumb ;) IMO, we can all use the help. More brains, more success. Okay, I'm about to break out in a cheer and you don't need to see that. LOL.

As you all know, WS is a victim friendly forum and we all have to be conscious of respecting boundaries of privacy and offer full support to them. Families of victims are usually working with LE to investigate crimes against their loved ones and are unable to share information that WS members feel they need to help get answers. We're all aware that its unfair to discuss or sleuth family, friends or acquaintances of Bill's who have not been named by LE as suspects or POI's, no matter how badly we wish to help in the effort to find justice.

I'm grateful Bill's brother and sister were generous in sharing their memories and thoughts of Bill. He sounds like he was a great young man who had much more joy to bring to his family and friends before his young life was taken. It's just a hunch, but I have a feeling his family will find justice and the answers their seeking.

I hope Bill's family continues to read here and when they're ready, share any news they can about progress in his case.

Sometimes we just have to work with the information we have and go from there. There's nothing wrong with that, as long as speculation doesn't drift into discussing people who haven't been named as suspects or POI's.

I'm still uncomfortable with speculation about teachers and others at Bill's school or in his neighborhood. Most of those people are probably still living, many of them likely still in the Columbus area. WS is a widely read forum, we shouldn't be discussing them or speculating on what they knew or did.

IMO, it sounds like LE and Bill's family are already doing the most helpful thing: raising awareness of his case and reaching out to former schoolmates, friends and others in the area who might have seen or know of something.
I hope this post isn't interpreted as inflammatory by the family (though I personally don't find the content on a person struggling with their sexuality inflammatory). I just think it's important to exhaust all theories

Some connected and random thoughts I haven't yet heard expressed:

Is it possible Bill was really struggling with possibly being gay? I imagine this might be a lot of speculation + stereotyping... but he was into choir, musical theatre, piano, appeared to be a very inward, thoughtful maybe even a bit sad from his photos; someone who had something on his mind. That was one of the first things that came to me. Perhaps he staged the prior two assaults... no one saw them and there wasn't really any evidence, right? Perhaps he felt so ashamed of his sexuality that he felt he had to kill himself but didn't want his family to have the specific heartbreak of knowing he took his own life. Maybe he didn't tell his family too much about the assaults because they didn't actually happen + he just wanted a murder to look more plausible.
I'm wondering if the knife that was next to him at the crime scene had his DNA on the handle. If it did, maybe Bill brought it with him to make the scene look more like a murder or perhaps to end his life with it if the strangulation didn't work.
The valium supports a suicide theory I think; perhaps he felt it would make the strangulation hurt less. then again, it could also be that bill was secretly self-medicating the anxiety that came with having been attacked twice. Was there indication from the autopsy that this was the first time he took it? Or had he been taking it regularly? Not sure if any of that can be determined through tests.
Even if Bill wasn't gay; was there any sign AT ALL of him being depressed? Of feeling different for being a sensitive, creative guy?
Was it odd that Bill was so unforthcoming about his previous assaults? Was he generally open about most things? Was his personality generally positive and upbeat? Did people ever see a sad side to him?

How much did other people and his friends know about the alleged assaults? Any hard evidence to prove they actually did occur? Did Bill tell his friends anything about what was going on? what was his social life like? did he hang out with one person in particular? Did his friends see him as mysterious-- would he go off and hang out with people/person they didn't know? Did he have a significant other? Was he a target for daily bullying at all?
It seems like if people were assaulting Bill his classmates would know what was going on/have ideas about who it was. Are they still scared of possible retribution?

And I just read about the notes that were sent to Bill and people around him. Were they ever able to compare handwriting?
My thoughts: lets say the victim was female, jumped from behind once then claimed she could not ID the perp, only 4 weeks later comes home at 1am with strangulation marks and again claims a mysterious attacker. She takes a polygraph and is evasive. Wouldn't everyone looking for an abusive BF a personal relationship? No one would think stranger or wondering if she saw something she shouldn't have or was involved in some kind of a drug dispute. It would be abuse. Why not the same in this case?
Can anyone name a cold case or even a news story where groups of men strangle other men as just a warning??? Guys beat the crap out of each other if they disagree or want to intimidate. They break a bone, a jaw or simply use them as an example to others.

After reading the entire thread, I believe Bill was involved in a bad relationship, probably with someone older. A neighborhood person that either hurt him for rejecting advances or made him participate in something he was not ready for, or wanted. The final act was likely a plea to talk somewhere alone in private, close by and get closure. I think it ended badly.
Bill knew his killer and he was a close neighbor.

I may be off completely but the 'facts' of the case seem to only point in this direction.

Hi, leilarose.

Family members have answered many of your questions. You'll find their posts, plus links to news articles and a timeline at the link below.

William Comeans: Media, Facts, Timeline and Maps **NO DISCUSSION** - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

i looked through this and that thread and don't see much about bill's social circle, dating life, stuff he told his friends, personality/demeanor in the months before he died + generally before that. i'd be curious to know more about his personal and school life
i looked through this and that thread and don't see much about bill's social circle, dating life, stuff he told his friends, personality/demeanor in the months before he died + generally before that. i'd be curious to know more about his personal and school life

i think this case will be cracked open by a former classmate coming forward. someone around him had to have an idea of what was happening... i wonder if the family has gone through yearbooks and searched for people, inviting them to Bill's facebook group + leaving the number to call w information or something? i don't really know the etiquette of these things though
GREAT post, BTW. I wish I could put my thoughts into words like some of you do here. Writing comms (Communications) is NOT my strong suite. I admit it. :)

Anyway, so my BBM. Why start after 1980? Why not start in 1979 (when the attacks started), or even 1978, a few yrs before? Just a thought I wanted to throw out on the table. :)
That's an excellent suggestion, Gemmie. I search cases 5-10 years in either direction, and I don't lock into only one geographical region.
Interesting, pdxmama. Is there any one thing that throws you to that side of the fence? I ask because I'm still straddling it. The other piece that sticks with me is her wiliness -- the way she held back information that would incriminate her and refused to say why she undertook the hoax. Any thoughts? I agree that what you say about such people can be the case, I'm just wondering why you feel so sure in this one. You don't need a reason, of course. I'm just thinking through possibilities and wondering what you think.

I have not been able to get into this thread for 3 days so I apologize for my late response.

I don't think she was involved (not saying I can't be convinced) because it just doesn't fit any scenario I can think of. If LE took the time to investigate, charge and prosecute her for the hoax, it seems unlikely that they would not discover that she had a higher level of involvement. I don't see LE covering for AJT and once she was charged there would just be too many people involved to hide/ cover up her involvement in the actual murder at that point.

Now, I did toy with the idea that her note writing was intended to throw the investigation off because SHE was covering for someone but (and this is based on no more evidence than a gut feeling) I don't believe that she would have been sophisticated enough to pull off this level of diversion.

She really comes off to me as someone with some sort of disturbed personality that really was looking for attention and wanted to be in the middle of all the excitement.
I have not been able to get into this thread for 3 days so I apologize for my late response.

I don't think she was involved (not saying I can't be convinced) because it just doesn't fit any scenario I can think of. If LE took the time to investigate, charge and prosecute her for the hoax, it seems unlikely that they would not discover that she had a higher level of involvement. I don't see LE covering for AJT and once she was charged there would just be too many people involved to hide/ cover up her involvement in the actual murder at that point.

Now, I did toy with the idea that her note writing was intended to throw the investigation off because SHE was covering for someone but (and this is based on no more evidence than a gut feeling) I don't believe that she would have been sophisticated enough to pull off this level of diversion.

She really comes off to me as someone with some sort of disturbed personality that really was looking for attention and wanted to be in the middle of all the excitement.

I agree with you that she was probably not involved in the attacks. Based on what we know so far, it sounds like she had some type of emotional/mental problem and saw this as an opportunity to generate some of what she considered "excitement". The notes allowed her to become part of the case and to keep the situation stirred up and confused. Unless we find out something new I think she was just a person who took advantage of what was going on. She did not give a good explanation for what she did most likely because there was no logical explanation, or at least not one that mentally stable people would understand.
Original posts TBM:
Now, I did toy with the idea that her note writing was intended to throw the investigation off because SHE was covering for someone but (and this is based on no more evidence than a gut feeling) I don't believe that she would have been sophisticated enough to pull off this level of diversion.

Unless we find out something new I think she was just a person who took advantage of what was going on. She did not give a good explanation for what she did most likely because there was no logical explanation, or at least not one that mentally stable people would understand.

Now that you separate that out, I see what you're saying, pdxmama. It's the part I left in above that leaves me on the fence. As to her not being "sophisticated enough," I see your point. But then again, she did create a diversion, and maybe not being sophisticated was what made it successful? I mean she put all kinds of crazy in the pot: The mimicked notes, her claims of break-ins and van abductions. There is a kind of screen that crazy creates.

Dogperson, I think you're right re the first part BBM. And re the second part BBB, I think that's very possible too. The only thing that contradicts that for me is that she had a very good reason for holding back on other parts of the investigation (refusing to give a handwriting sample or to take a polygraph). I'm not 100% sure how confused she actually was.

The bottom line is dogperson's point about not being able to get anywhere with this. We'll just have to wait and see.
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I hope all of the renewed energy directed toward this case doesn't dwindle... it's one of those cases that is very solvable IMO.. the more attn it gets the more likely someone with any knowledge of the situation at all is to come forward. someone knows something---probably quite a few people know things
btw if Bill's sister is reading this... you are an absolute genius for creating that twitter acct! a very creative way to grab people's attn and have people develop some deep empathy for your brother + your family. it has made a real impact on me

i wonder how much bill's HS friends have come forward with stuff... rumors, speculation that was going around the school at the time... or even just helped to rally some other classmates around Bill's case + try to get some more information
Thank you BeeBee. This case is solvable, but my hope is dwindling. My love and prayers to this very special Family. Don't judge, until you have walked the walk. :(
I've re-opened the thread. As you can see, quite a few posts had to be removed or snipped.

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<snippity snip snip snip>


Thank you for posting this and bringing it all to the forefront for everyone to read again.

Stupid question... What do you think about adding this to the special read only thread you created where all the facts are? It doesn't exactly fit (not a case fact), hence the stupid question... to me, I like how all the facts are in one place and having this there for easy access would be nice. :idea:
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