Found Deceased OK - Aja Johnson, 7, Geronimo, 24 January 2010 - #3

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So, CPS/DHS had nothing to do with her be placed in the Father's custody? This was not my understanding, but I don't know enough on this to say definitively, but I know that there are several on here that do.

I caution against using media clips as a fact statement, they write stories, they spin things to get their readership/viewer stats up.

Media clips are what most people here use. That is all we have to go on unless it is proven to be incorrect or we have eyes on the scene like a local resident. This has been printed in numerous media outlets and has been brought to the attention of the state representative that has called for an investigation. It is the job of DHS to protect the child. The mother does not have to prosecute the offender. The state will do that on their own but they have to be notified by an agency, such as DHS, or a parent. Hobbs should have been arrested on the child battery charges. Who knows, he might have been serving time for it instead of killing his wife and an innocent baby.

Just saying that IMHO this was only one of the places where the ball was dropped. All of the finger pointing in the world will not bring Aja back but it might just save another child.

As always I value your, and all websluther's opinions.
Delve into some of the (in-) actions by DHS/CPS in Oklahoma and you'll find some harrowing cases. I'm certainly pro-CPS - my ex- in TX is a caseworker and I know how hard it is, and what value a dedicated caseworker brings to the job - but, like much else in OK, all is not okay here.
Delve into some of the (in-) actions by DHS/CPS in Oklahoma and you'll find some harrowing cases. I'm certainly pro-CPS - my ex- in TX is a caseworker and I know how hard it is, and what value a dedicated caseworker brings to the job - but, like much else in OK, all is not okay here.

Oh, I doubt that. I just that this was one of the cases they got right, at least in the end, perhaps I was mistaken. Going to go and try to dig up some court docs or any other official ppwk I can locate. Anybody have it already before I start spending countless hours?
Oh, I doubt that. I just that this was one of the cases they got right, at least in the end, perhaps I was mistaken. Going to go and try to dig up some court docs or any other official ppwk I can locate. Anybody have it already before I start spending countless hours?

It may be that, in Aja's case, caseworkers and supervisors did excellent work. And it's true that the job is hugely difficult, and frequently a thankless task. And it may be true that, in the cases I'm thinking of, the courts were to blame. But, in comparison to, say, San Antonio, where a crushing burden exists because of size and of poverty and worker caseload is depressingly high, the agencies here come off (to me) as frequently disorganized and disturbingly ineffective.

It's also true that if a parent or parents deliberately disobey the demands of good parenting, it is they who are to blame, and not, in the long run, CPS.
Here's an example of what I mean by questionable DHS work and court decisions in OK
Judge's ruling is under fire
A decision to keep Liberian girls with their abusive adopted parents is scrutinized.

U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe asked a top Oklahoma official on Friday to investigate his own agency's reported support of keeping Liberian-born children with adoptive parents who were convicted on child-abuse charges.
"It is also my understanding that in a closed hearing, the judge heard testimony from a representative of the Oklahoma Department of Human Services who supported this decision based upon the supposed wishes of the adopted children," Inhofe stated.
much more at

And another:
Mysteries remain in death of Enid toddler, 2

Alicia Taylor, of Enid, blames the Oklahoma Department of Human Services for contributing to the January 2009 death of her former foster child.

Taylor cared for Naomi Whitecrow and her baby brother, Johnny, from the time Naomi was 14 months old until she was 19 months old. Naomi was "happy, healthy and thriving” when DHS took the children from her home, Taylor says.

Less than six months later, Naomi was dead. The state medical examiner’s office performed an autopsy and found recent scrapes and bruises on her face, chest, back, legs, right buttock and head, along with numerous old and new scabs.

Nearly a year after Naomi’s death, police arrested Amy L. Holder, 38, of Edmond, Naomi’s foster mother for the last four months of her life, on a charge of felony child abuse. Holder’s preliminary hearing is scheduled to begin May 3.

"My question is: ‘Where was DHS?’” Taylor said. "Why weren’t they checking on her?”
much more, at
More than 375 people crowded into Vondel L. Smith & Sons Mortuary in south Oklahoma City today to pay tribute to 7-year-old Aja Danielle Johnson.

Johnson's decomposing remains were discovered last week in woods southeast of Norman — two months after her abduction in Comanche County.
Pastor John Steiger delivered the eulogy, saying, "All of us are feeling something we didn't feel until Aja came into our life."
Here is the video of Aja's memorial today. It was beautiful. So many wonderful family memories of Aja were shared by Pastor John. Jada (Aja's niece, Besty's daughter) read a beautiful poem. The service ended with Carrie Underwood's "Temporary Home."

57 minutes long. The first 10 minutes is just music.


This is what CPS/DHS did to protect Aja!

Family of missing Geronimo girl waits
Relatives, friends keep eyes and ears open for sightings, news about 7-year-old Aja Johnson
Published: February 21, 2010

BLANCHARD — Aja Johnson was beaten and bruised by her suspected abductor in August, according to a family friend who had sheltered the 7-year-old child and her mother at that time.
Lester William Hobbs, 46, the man wanted in connection with Aja’s apparent kidnapping and the slaying of his estranged wife, Tonya LeAnn Hobbs, "just went off” on the girl, bruising her "from her butt to the bottom of her knees,” said Sissy Miller, 26, of Blanchard.
"That poor child was bruised so badly she couldn’t even sit,” Miller said. "We took pictures and turned them into DHS. We told school officials, and they reported it, too, but we were just told there was nothing that could be done. Now look what’s happened.”
Aja has been missing since Jan. 24, when relatives found her mother beaten to death inside Lester Hobbs’ recreational vehicle that was parked outside his sister’s trailer home in Geronimo.
Tonya Hobbs, 37, died from blunt force trauma to the body, according to the state medical examiner.
Since then there have been no confirmed sightings of Aja, Lester Hobbs or Tonya Hobbs’ white 1992 Toyota Paseo (Oklahoma tag 577-BPW), which investigators think might be key to solving the case. The U.S. Marshal’s office and the FBI have joined the hunt.
"I can’t even sleep at night,” said Miller, who is taking care of Tonya and Lester Hobbs’ 13-year-old daughter. "I just keep waiting to hear that little knock at the front door, hoping it will be Aja. I look all the time. Whenever I’m driving I’m constantly looking, thinking I might see her walking down the street.”
Miller said on a recent cold day, Aja’s older sister said to her, "‘I hope Aja has her coat. It’s really cold today.’ I just broke down and started crying.”
Roy Anderson, Miller’s father and next door neighbor, is also grieving. He had known Tonya Hobbs for 15 years and has raised her oldest child, a 15-year-old boy, since he was a baby.
Anderson said he worried about Tonya Hobbs’ relationship with Lester Hobbs.
"I tolerated him,” Anderson said. "Then I saw those bruises on that little girl, and that was it for me. I don’t care who you are, you just don’t hurt a child.”
Department of Human Services spokeswoman Beth Scott said Friday she could "neither confirm nor deny” the reports of Aja’s bruising.
She cited state law and the agency’s requirement to protect victim confidentiality.
J.J. Johnson, Aja’s father who gained custody of her in November, continues to have sleepless nights. Through it all, he said he remains positive.
"I just miss her so bad,” said Johnson, 60, of Oklahoma City. "Every time the phone rings I think, ‘This could be it. This could be the one.’
"I think about the day she comes home all the time. I just picture her walking through that front door with a big smile and hugging her daddy.”
Waiting for her
Aja’s bedroom remains as it was the day she left with her mother, supposedly for an overnight birthday party. Barbie dolls she played with in the bathtub rest atop a toy chest, her favorite miniature horse sits atop a dresser and a stuffed wiener dog lays on her tiny bed with a inscription stitched on its side: "I love you this much.”
A Disney castle toy stove sits against the wall.
"This is where she’d turn on the stove and say, ‘Daddy, I’m cooking breakfast,’” Johnson said. "She’s something else. ... I know wherever she’s at, she’s missing her daddy and wants to come home.”
Tonya Hobbs was supposed to have supervised visits only, but Johnson allowed her to take Aja to the party. He never imagined she would instead take Aja and her sister to see Lester Hobbs, who had reportedly threatened to harm Tonya and the girls only months earlier.
In August, Tonya Hobbs filed a request for a protective order in Lincoln County.
She wrote, "My husband has threatened to hit my daughters in the head with a hammer and kill them. He also threatened to kill me if I left him.”
The court dismissed the request when neither Tonya nor Lester Hobbs appeared for the hearing.
By January, Lester Hobbs’ freedom appeared to be in jeopardy. He was ordered to appear in Lincoln County District Court on Jan. 25 on a DUI charge, and his criminal past seemed to be catching up with him. In 2001, state Corrections Department records show, he was convicted of assault with a deadly weapon in Cleveland County.
"Lester wanted to see those kids one last time,” said Johnson, trying to piece together the tragedy. "For whatever reason, she trusted him, and it cost her her life.”
On the night before the discovery of Tonya Hobbs’ body, she and Lester Hobbs were seen arguing by the older daughter, Miller said.
"(She) told me Lester was yelling at Tonya,” Miller said. "He had found the numbers of some guys in her cell phone, and became angry. He even called a few of them, and one turned out to be a cousin.
"She misses Aja a lot,” Miller said of the older daughter. "I just tell her, ‘Pray.’ I truly believe Aja is still alive.”

Thanks for posting information - it was posted sometime in Feb. here on the Aja thread. Aja was beat black and blue in August and nothing was done until December when dad got custody/nothing was done to Lester and you are so right - IF he had been charged with assault and battery - he wouldn't have been around in Feb. At that time, Lester lost his whipping post and needed to get even with everyone - his cruel and unusual punishments escalated. moo
Media clips are what most people here use. That is all we have to go on unless it is proven to be incorrect or we have eyes on the scene like a local resident. This has been printed in numerous media outlets and has been brought to the attention of the state representative that has called for an investigation. It is the job of DHS to protect the child. The mother does not have to prosecute the offender. The state will do that on their own but they have to be notified by an agency, such as DHS, or a parent. Hobbs should have been arrested on the child battery charges. Who knows, he might have been serving time for it instead of killing his wife and an innocent baby.

Just saying that IMHO this was only one of the places where the ball was dropped. All of the finger pointing in the world will not bring Aja back but it might just save another child.
As always I value your, and all websluther's opinions.

Very true.
I agree with this "save another child" can lay blame, and sorry I do.....directly at the mother........cos I can tell you now, if my husband had belted my daughter so that she couldnt sit down and had threatened to hit my daughters in the head with a hammer, for goodness sakes, I would have been out of their so fast and I sure as s**& would not have lied and taken them to see him again...KNOWING that he was probably going to be going to jail....I mean it would have been obvious he was going to be in some emotional state......

and what tops this of for me is the next door neighbour saying he practically bought up her 15 year old doubt to another man and obviously she wasnt acting as a responsible mum there as well...

so there for me is where the "save another child" fits in.....she was not a responsible mother, should have been only allowed to visit her and if she was madly in love with Hobbs as numerous tattoos suggest, then she alone go to him......not take the child that wasnt even his............disguists me in fact......and sorry if I offend anyone but i am so sick of these weak women.
Revamz, If you are so sick of these weak women then go work in a battered women's shelter. Get out and help them, learn about them. I think you will have a little better understanding and compassion towards them AND at the same time you will do something incredibly valuable and maybe just maybe save a woman and/or a child along the way.
oh no....I am not taking the blame off him at all...please dont get me wrong......he was a monster.....a volatile vicous man and yes it was HE who murdered her mother and is to blame for her death.......he was a ....BUT

she was weak.....she was not with him, so why go back that night....he had bashed her and her children and if she was so in love or under his charm why take the child that was not his, when she was safe with her dad and she could go and visit her without putting her near this she was weak....she llllooovvveeedd him.....and obviously couldnt keep away....great lady go back but dont drag your children into harms way.....

you would be quite shocked at the position I do do for a living and the TRUTH that I have seen.......yes there are battered woman out there, I agree, and I feel so so sorry for them and applaud them when they get away and yes I know that some of the husbands/boyfriends etc still stalk them would be terrible and i feel for them

but lets face it there are weak women out there who do put the man before their goodness you see it on here alot.....I have had one affect my life and she destroyed 4 kids because she could not cope without a man .....

that poor little boy...I think it was Marc Bookal was one such case......he had broken one childs arm, been in jail, abused this boy (burns I think) and yet mummy went back to him when he got out of jail and obviously turned a blind probably still with him...

lets face it...this is only one case.....I can think of countless others

these are the weak women I speak of.......and she was one.......there was no need for Aja to be there...she was I said before......threatening to hit your kids in the head with a hammer is bad.....that aint just normal being nasty dont have your kids hanging around that man...
Thanks Darlin Gal for the link to the video---what a beautiful service---I am so very glad she was found and was able to have a dignified funeral service and burial---she deserved that and so much more!
seems to me there is plenty of blame to go around, as is the normal in these cases.

i absolutely sympathize with battered women and what they go thru, and i by no means excuse what this monster did.

that being said, it is one thing to fail to protect yourself. when you fail to protect your child, knowing what this monster has already done, and threatens to do to her, how do you live with yourself? can someone explain that to me? im trying to understand.
seems to me there is plenty of blame to go around, as is the normal in these cases.

i absolutely sympathize with battered women and what they go thru, and i by no means excuse what this monster did.

that being said, it is one thing to fail to protect yourself. when you fail to protect your child, knowing what this monster has already done, and threatens to do to her, how do you live with yourself? can someone explain that to me? im trying to understand.

The problem lies in the fact that these men are incredible liars and can be very charming, it's the nature of the beast. They already love them, so when they work their magic they believe them. They believe that all the lies, that they will never change, that they love them, on and on.
well if they believe they wont hurt there kids again then the kids need to be removed. sorry if that's not a popular opinion.
well if they believe they wont hurt there kids again then the kids need to be removed. sorry if that's not a popular opinion.

Well it is one I agree with...

and apparently the court agreed that only supervised visits were to be allowed...and that is what her father "fought" for...

yet....T was permitted to take Aja without supervision

which is why I already posted the "snake" story....

some situations and people are so volatile that you can't let your guard down slip and tragedy occurs.
seems to me there is plenty of blame to go around, as is the normal in these cases.

i absolutely sympathize with battered women and what they go thru, and i by no means excuse what this monster did.

that being said, it is one thing to fail to protect yourself. when you fail to protect your child, knowing what this monster has already done, and threatens to do to her, how do you live with yourself? can someone explain that to me? im trying to understand.

Please note that in Tonya's case (and thousands of others across this nation and world) she does not have to live with it at all. She is a victim of Hobbs as well.
I have not posted in awhile, been trying to do a little research for Oriah, but read when I get the chance. I don't like arguments about who's responsible for the death of a child unless there is justice being sought. Justice is done for Aja AND Tonya- the thing to be done now is to help prevent future tragedy.

in my experience, there is nearly ALWAYS a chain of events that occurs and the child pays the ultimate price.

For those that do not feel they understand battered womens syndrome (and I certainly cannot claim to, as I am a man) I suggest you think of these women who put their children in harms way as taller, heavier, and older versions of what an abused child will do when presented with the choice of being returned to their abusive parent(s) or "going somewhere safe" like foster care or an adoptive home. They always want to go home for the very reason that they should NOT: they are TERRORIZED. We do not judge them, do we? Because they are children, we do not judge their inability to comprehend their own risk of danger to themselves and others because of the decisions they make, and so we (hopefully) intervene via the court system to try and help save them from harm.

Battered women are no different. They do what they do, because they are terrorized beyond their own ability to protect even themselves.
Why one would think they could protect anything else, is beyond me. If you are so locked in the shell of terror that you cannot see outside of your own fear, you are completely unable to protect anything else in your care.

seems to me there is plenty of blame to go around, as is the normal in these cases.

i absolutely sympathize with battered women and what they go thru, and i by no means excuse what this monster did.

that being said, it is one thing to fail to protect yourself. when you fail to protect your child, knowing what this monster has already done, and threatens to do to her, how do you live with yourself? can someone explain that to me? im trying to understand.

Hobbs threatened the lives of the children - he has a history of following through with his threats, no reason to not believe him. What we don't know is 'why' he threatened Tanya with taking the girls' lives - seems to me, Hobbs had Tanya in the corner of a cage - the kids will be dead if you don't do this and that - and you will be dead if you don't do this or that. She lived in a small, little, spot in OK, DFS were sent pics of Aja with bruises all over and failed to respond.

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