GUILTY OK - Anne Josette Hill, 16, Edmond, 10 April 2014

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Oh, definitely one of the things that drove me nuts in the early days of this case. I may have even grumped about it a time or two in this thread. There were calls to help pass out flyers, yes, but none to help search for Annie Jo. No ground searches of any kind that I can remember, other than her family members searching the park.
I believe I did hear about the PI doing a search or two, but nothing came of them. I never heard any more about searches being done. I wonder if the PI is still working on this case?
I am back and forth about whether I believe Thomas knows more than she is saying, regarding location and where to find Anne.

If she recalls as much information that is listed in the affidavit, then why would the location be the only detail to have slipped her mind? You know you saw her being strangled, you partook in putting her body in the trunk of HER car, you were the passenger in HER car, you helped unload her body in a wooded area, and you placed leaves to cover her body, but you can't remember where? Doesn't add up.

However, if drugs and alcohol were a factor, it's understandable that she wouldn't have a recollection of all the details. I just don't know.
I think even with drugs and alcohol the adrenaline that would surely be flooding her system would sober her up quickly on the way to dump the body. She was in a dead girl's car, had her body in the car, and just saw her murdered by strangulation (which took time by the way). Heightened awareness makes sense to me, but maybe I am mistaken.
I think certain things would stick out in Chloe's mind about the location on that night. The hypnotist is a great idea but I can't see her attorney letting her do that unless there is something in it for her. I think LE feels they have a strong enough case without the body and don't want to give up anything. Maybe they feel it will eventually be recovered before a trial takes place.
It was just on our local news the PI and crew are asking the public for help in ideas where to search! They also have a list of things like rock formations, an oil well, etc. likely to be in the area. AWESOME!

I will put more concrete information up as soon as I find it. (And Google I come!)
Great news! Anne's 17th birthday was yesterday, according to the FindAnneHill Facebook page. Happy Birthday Anne!
Investigators Ask For Help In Disappearance Of OKC Teen


Darcie Parton-Scoon said she hopes releasing a new set of clues about the area will give them new leads in the case.


Investigators said they have searched 2,000 rural acres and covered more than 200 miles without success.


From the confession, Parton-Scoon said the areas of concentration are off I-40 west of Oklahoma City and I-35 south of Oklahoma City, although the eastern and northern portions of the highway have not been ruled out.

"We know at the exit there could possibly be a man-made rock formation," Parton-Scoon said. Specifically, Parton-Scoon said they are looking for a field in a wooded area with oil or pump sites nearby. "Between the drive to the well site and from the exit, there could be a structure that looks like a white mobile home."
I am using this map to jump ahead on where to find some oil fields to search around and Google Earth to sweep the areas:

ETA: This is only a drop in the bucket of all the oil leases and wells around OKC/Edmond area, but it does provide a few areas to check out. The white mobile home and oil well in a field near a wooded area describe so many places in OK. The man-made rock formation at the exit sounds like maybe a sign or marker and makes it stand out a bit more.


I think this area should be searched. I drive past it everyday. There's a lot of woods, a big field, white buildings, and an oil rig.I haven't paid any attention if there are rocks though, when I drive past tomorrow I will look. NE 23rd and N sooner rd.
I didn't see the oil rig. Could you point it out to me? Thanks for taking the time to post this and to look for Annie Jo!
Scoon said the estimated maximum mileage from Coltrane and Second Street in Edmond is a 200-mile round trip. CFSI Oklahoma is looking for areas within the highlighted areas of a map that include the following details:

• Oil or pump site areas in a largely open field;
• Is rural with wooded areas in the perimeter;
• Is in close proximity of a highway — a 5-mile or less drive;
• Has a white building (possibly a house) of some type between the highway and well site; and
• Could possibly be near an exit with a natural or manmade rock formation.

The area of concentration would be off I-40 west of Oklahoma City and I-35 south of Oklahoma City, Scoon said. Locations north and east of the highway have not been ruled out, Scoon said. Locations will be prioritized by more and less likely locations, Scoon said.
I wish they'd get Tomnod involved with this. The geographical area is just too big. I've been looking at maps and working over the possibilities in my head and can't even find a place to begin. :(
I was looking at the maps yesterday and I saw white buildings near nearly every well in the link SS posted last night.
I didn't see the oil rig. Could you point it out to me? Thanks for taking the time to post this and to look for Annie Jo!

Sorry for pic quality, it's the best I could Do while driving. But here is one of the rigs on that plot of land. I saw a few other areas that could be possible when I was on my way to Edmond.
I am using this map to jump ahead on where to find some oil fields to search around and Google Earth to sweep the areas:

ETA: This is only a drop in the bucket of all the oil leases and wells around OKC/Edmond area, but it does provide a few areas to check out. The white mobile home and oil well in a field near a wooded area describe so many places in OK. The man-made rock formation at the exit sounds like maybe a sign or marker and makes it stand out a bit more.

BBM: What's everyone's opinion on this? I was thinking about asking my BIL, a trucker, to see if he has any buddies who drive these routes regularly (I-40, I-35) to if they would recognize this. Guess it can't hurt to ask him anyway?
So basically the only areas they're ruling out are the ones already searched?

Investigators have searched from Guthrie to Highway 9 as well as from Seminole all the way to Hydro. But so far, it's turned up nothing.


Guthrie's at the top and Highway 9 runs past Norman south of the metro, connected by I-35. I wasn't sure where Hydro was, way over there to the west.

So the five miles on either side of the interstates have already been searched between these locations and we're supposed to be looking beyond? Is that correct?

This is all very confusing. I wonder if there was some inkling, a rumor, early on that Annie Jo's body wasn't in the Edmond area and that's why there were no ground searches. I also wonder how Chadd and his sidekick that evening (since she's back in juvie) made it back to Edmond if they were so messed up or turned around or whatever that they don't know which way they went. Did they wander around lost for some period of time after dumping Annie Jo? Maybe stopped for gas, asked for directions? If only someone could remember seeing them that night, it would sure help knock down the possible search area.

Also, I'm just noticing this morning that the rock formation is not necessarily man-made:

Could possibly be near an exit with a natural or manmade rock formation
There's a better map out there somewhere in MSM, with a big blue cross through the middle of the state, but I've only seen it in thumbnail version so far; the links never lead to the full-sized version. If anyone else can find it, please post the map — or post the link and I'll do it. TIA!

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