OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs and Dog Found Abandoned, 8 Oct 2009 - #11

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I don't know if you have read my other posts, but my theory is that they are in a WPP.
If remains were actually found they could belong to some other individuals, they could have even been a homeless group.

As I understand it, WPP doesn't work like that. Their family is told they were put into protection; just not told where they are or how to contact them. WPP doesn't want people looking for them or posting their picture all over the place because they don't want them to be found.
As I understand it, WPP doesn't work like that. Their family is told they were put into protection; just not told where they are or how to contact them. WPP doesn't want people looking for them or posting their picture all over the place because they don't want them to be found.

Good point.
As I understand it, WPP doesn't work like that. Their family is told they were put into protection; just not told where they are or how to contact them. WPP doesn't want people looking for them or posting their picture all over the place because they don't want them to be found.

My answer to that would be-yeah before the age of the internet, cell phones with cameras and such. I think they are having to adapt these programs to new technology.
Something I just thought of is that it's kind of interesting the remains were found by a family with the same composition as the Jamisons - father, mother and daughter. At least that's what it said in the newspaper article I read.
My answer to that would be-yeah before the age of the internet, cell phones with cameras and such. I think they are having to adapt these programs to new technology.

New technology imo makes it even more important that people not be publicizing their disappearance and looking for them. Instead of just flyers put up locally, where the protected people would not be anymore (so not much risk of that doing much harm), postings with pictures are put up all over online--FB, this site, etc. Witness protection doesn't disappear people and send local LE on wild goose chases.
New technology imo makes it even more important that people not be publicizing their disappearance and looking for them. Instead of just flyers put up locally, where the protected people would not be anymore (so not much risk of that doing much harm), postings with pictures are put up all over online--FB, this site, etc. Witness protection doesn't disappear people and send local LE on wild goose chases.

From what I saw LE wasn't exactly on a wild goose chase! Posting pics isn't as big a deal anymore especially when it would be so easy these days (due to tech) to find a pic of them anyway. At least the message that they have disappeared is broadcast to a much larger audience. I don't think someone with a bone to pic is going to wander around the woods looking for them.
From what I saw LE wasn't exactly on a wild goose chase! ... I don't think someone with a bone to pic is going to wander around the woods looking for them.

snipped by me

I don't even understand what you're saying here...
snipped by me

I don't even understand what you're saying here...

What Im saying here is that given my theory that they are in a WPP and we are lead to believe they disappeared in a heavily wooded and rural area of Ok. Even someone with a big grudge against them isn't going to go and search a big giant forest for them.
Following up on previous post about the weather and mud tracks. They were last seen on the 8th right? Well pretty sure one of those posted videos said they were coming back the next day (9th) after getting the directions. So the now the mud tracks make sense and the weather was not an issue. Right?
If they were put into WIT- SEC, the name for the WPP, then why are we discussing remains that are most likely theirs?
I'm not following all this " looking for the Jamisons" because it seems to me that the bones of the Jamisons are now probably undergoing DNA testing for positive ID.

Have I misunderstood something? Thanks in advance. :)
If they were put into WIT- SEC, the name for the WPP, then why are we discussing remains that are most likely theirs?
I'm not following all this " looking for the Jamisons" because it seems to me that the bones of the Jamisons are now probably undergoing DNA testing for positive ID.

Have I misunderstood something? Thanks in advance. :)

No you didn't, we are just tossing ideas around. What if scenarios.

Very likely the remains are the Jamison family and the WPP theory will be tossed.
For those interested or heavily invested in the map theory-has anyone tried the "walking" directions when mapping out the directions from the truck to the site where the remains are said to be found?

Yes and it started in 2009.
Some blasts from the past by the awesomely prescient Oriah:


I am interested in the area of the hollow and the stream/pool/waterfall/whatever you call it (depends on time of year) and also south of the hollow- there is quite a drop off there.

little, do you know who owns the gas well east of Smokestack?

<same page>

Originally Posted by little726
I found this for Smokestack Hollow;
I'll see what I can find on the well.

That's the one, little. There is an area in there with two ravines, one that runs SSW and another that is E. There's a little waterfall towards the end that has a stream at the base. It kind of narrows and widens as it runs downhill- hard to explain with the terrain being so remote and up/down. There are also several 'sink hole' type depressions farther upsteam off the bank, maybe where it washed out at some point?


soul, I don't really have a clue about the clue log, lol. I believe most of those 'hits' are in the vicinity of the water tower- although there is another page of them as well, where I believe they were searching another area.

The thing is- if those are true HRD hits from HRD dogs....then what was recovered as evidence from those locations?


Imvho, the initial search efforts were somewhat lacking in organization- and likely in experience in multiple ways.

A disappearance that calls for such a massive response from LE and SAR should have records like crazy. But unfortunately they are both lacking in a lot of different ways.

What's an HRD 'hit' without a sample taken and placed into evidence? Kwim?


As for the search to be conducted- there has been quite a bit of turmoil in the SO since making public the proposed search. Make what you will of that. Also, the family/friends of the Jamisons initially seemed to desire help from professional SAR but do not seem to desire help from professional SAR now- although I will say that we have been out to the mountain despite those 'obstacles.'

<same page>

As for the locals vs part-timers vs transients on the mountain....well, I'll say this much- there are only a handful of year-round folk. They do not wish to be made public, although I do know that one of them called the SO's repeatedly and left messages regarding the abandoned truck. This was not the same year-round local that allegedly took the dog to care for before the dog went back to family.

As for part-timers, most are hunters.
As for transients, most are either growing marijuana, or making meth.

No WAY have they have all been questioned. Several of the full-time locals were questioned. That's about it.


I hate to say it, but you know what our biggest red flag was that pointed toward massive misinformation on many levels (and raised a considerable amount of doubt for me)?

Being requested for search and rescue assistance... and then said requestors being angry and oppositional when it was accepted.

It's almost like family, friends, and local LE are really uncomfortable with the prospect of locating the Jamisons.

If they were put into WIT- SEC, the name for the WPP, then why are we discussing remains that are most likely theirs?
I'm not following all this " looking for the Jamisons" because it seems to me that the bones of the Jamisons are now probably undergoing DNA testing for positive ID.

Have I misunderstood something? Thanks in advance. :)

I think I read they believe the remains are theirs because of the close proximity to the truck. I brought up my theory that they are in the WPP to get some feedback. I have gotten some decent arguments against but nothing that has made me rethink my theory-yet that is.
I think I read they believe the remains are theirs because of the close proximity to the truck. I brought up my theory that they are in the WPP to get some feedback. I have gotten some decent arguments against but nothing that has made me rethink my theory-yet that is.

After I finished reading all the previous threads on this case, I'm rethinking my original theory that the Jamisons died from exposure to the elements up on that mountain. But my thinking is not moving toward WPP. Not at all.
After I finished reading all the previous threads on this case, I'm rethinking my original theory that the Jamisons died from exposure to the elements up on that mountain. But my thinking is not moving toward WPP. Not at all.

After all my reading on this case my original thinking that they were murdered has changed to WPP
After all my reading on this case my original thinking that they were murdered has changed to WPP

This investigation was massively screwed up from Day 1. Whether by incompetence or design or a combination of the two, I haven't yet decided. But the WPP question should be answered by the remains at some point. Hopefully soon, but this is Oklahoma, where we have a long history of rather embarrassing problems with the state ME's office, so...
Two people having obviously paranoid delusions... And a child who was told she was speaking to dead people.

What, exactly, would they need protection from, other than themselves?
Everyone on here has denied they were involved with drugs. They didn't work due to physical limitations. I think they were addicted to PRESCRIPTION pain meds. Addiction is by no means limited to illegal drugs.

What is the theory of how 2 unemployed paranoid delusional people who thought they were witches ( or at least one did, according to her best friend) ended up being in need of federal government protection? Did they stop paying on their nice house because they were going into WIT-SEC? Did they buy a shipping container and spray paint it with signs and portents because they were leaving?

None of this makes a bit of sense to me. Sherilyn's mental disorder was documented. She was supposed to be on medication. The gov't didn't give her Bi Polar disorder.
So, most or at least those of you posting today think this is a conspiracy theory in action? Do you apply these same principles to other cases here at WS? Are there other missing persons cases tied to WPP, as it is being called?
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