OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs, money, & dog found abandoned, Oct 2009 - #1

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I saw two different address' for Bobby one in Ok city and the current town listed. This was on zabasearch.
Do we have an address for them?

The closest I can come is:

SANDY BASS BAY Rd 1, 74432 Eufaula, Oklahoma


ETA: There appear to be a few unmappable SOs in Eufaula and Red Oak - maybe I am not interpreting the search results correctly - it looks to me like they are not keeping track of the SOs very well?


  • Google Map of Sandy Bass Bay 1 Rd Eufaula Ok.jpg
    Google Map of Sandy Bass Bay 1 Rd Eufaula Ok.jpg
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Members of the missing family were identified as Bobby Jameson, Cheryl Lynn Jameson and their 5-year-old child, identified as Madison. The family was identified as having a home in the Sandy Bass Bay area northeast of Eufaula.


Meanwhile, McIntosh County Sheriff Joe Hogan said his deputies had checked the family’s home near Eufaula. They found nothing amiss, he said.

The Jameson home had a home security system with some video on it, Hogan said.

Law enforcement officers have also looked at the security video, but found nothing to help them solve the mystery of where the family is, according to Hogan.

Nothing on the home security video that was amiss ... hmmm ... just another day leaving town for a few days with a wad of cash. Okay, getting a bit punchy - can't find very much information. Daddy Bobby owed a mortgage of about $53,000.00 back in 1999 - absolutely useless piece of information.

G'nite sleuthers. Hoping we sleuth out some more information.

Based on this, the family was in the area on Thursday the 8th and the morning of Friday the 9th of October/09.

Was there no school in Eufaula on Friday the 9th of October/09 I wonder and did the family stay overnight on Thursday the 8th somewhere near Panola Mountain or Red Oak.

Will have to do some searching to see if we can find out who the man was that was staying with the family last year.

I'm glad you mentioned this. It was in the earliest news account posted here, but was dropped for an updated report.

It makes absolutely no sense for these people to have been there on both the 8th. and the 9th. The original article stated that a group of hunters spoke with them on the 8th. and again the morning of the 9th.

These people live no more than an hour or so from where their truck was found. I can't grasp why they would've spent the night of the 8th. in Red Oak or whatever the closest town was when they could've driven home and then driven back the morning of the 9th.

The tires on their truck were caked with mud. If the truck wasn't 4 wh. drive they may have been stuck. It could be that another vehicle came up on them, and the driver and passenger offered to take them back to town, but instead took them elsewhere and killed them.

If that is not the case, and they were walking the land they went to view, then I have a few thoughts about why they may have left the dog in the car.
They may have been curious about what wildlife could be found on the place which a dog would have scared off or perhaps the dog was one with long hair and they didn't want to deal with tangled fur. There are city dogs and country type dogs, and I'm thinking this was a city type dog. Also, maybe they forgot to bring the dog's leash.

I really think something sinister happened up there though. Just my gut feeling. I hope LE is looking into those hunters in addition to looking into the guy who used to live with the family. That's an odd thing in itself. Could be why they had the security cameras installed at their home.

I just hope they find this couple and their little girl. I'm afraid they may have been buried somewhere though. Had to have been more than one perp.

I feel sure if this had been a double homicide and suicide they'd have been found not far from the truck.
TravelingBug: Thanks so much for the updates. I can't stop thinking about this family and I'm glad there are pictures getting out into the public.
This family is so much on my mind. I'm trying to think of scenarios of what could have happened. I've gone looking at houses, but never at just land.

When I've gone looking at houses, I park my car, everybody gets out, goes in the house, looks around, goes outside, walks around and looks around. If there's something interesting or I want to look at neighboring properties, I'll walk over to the edges of the land the house is on. I wear or carry my coat if it's chilly. I *always* take my purse - would never leave it in a car, but in a remote, low crime area? I might leave my purse.

Those of you who have gone to look at land, what did you do? What were your actions?

- Would Madyson have been taking a nap and therefore Mom and Dad left her in the car with the dog, money, purse, etc? If so, would they have locked the doors, or was this a 'safe' area with nobody around? Gone and walked around the land, and 'something happened'. Madyson wakes up and leaves the car to look for Mom and Dad, and then 'something happens' to her.

- Mom stays in car with napping or cranky Madyson while Dad goes to walk around the land. 'Something happens' to Dad. Mom goes alone or with Madyson to look for Dad, and 'something happens' to them.

- Dad and Madyson go walking to look at land and 'something happens'. Mom napping/resting in car after a while goes off to look for them and 'something happens' to her.

- What's the 'something' that could have happened? One of them walking around the land has an accident. The other two walk off to find help? Nope, they would have driven to get help. And the one who had the accident would still be on the land or nearby with their injuries. Or they would have tried, if they could, to crawl back to the car for shelter.

- Mom and Dad leave napping Madyson and go to walk around and look at land. Somebody kidnaps them. Madyson finally wakes up and leaves the car to look for Mom/Dad and has an accident or is overcome by the elements or wildlife or kidnapped by a stranger.

- Could both Mom and Dad drive? Could Dad have walked to look at the land and Mom couldn't drive so went with Madyson to find him? Walked to try to get help for an injured Dad? How far was help if Mom or Mom/Madyson walked to try to get help?

I'm just brainstorming, trying to think of reasonable scenarios, and nothing makes sense. Nothing except somebody taking all three of them under threat so they went compliantly.

Did the 'kidnapper' not see the money in the car? If the 'kidnapper' did see the money, what was more valuable to them about this family than the money? I'd have to say that would most likely be Madyson. Terribly, terribly sad.

Or did the 'kidnapper' know Mom/Dad and have a dispute with them and was in a rage against Mom or Dad and just took all three. To do what? Kill them all? Take Dad/Mom to a bank to get money not knowing the money was in the car? Finds out there's no money in the bank and kills them all elsewhere and dumps their bodies?

Was Mom having a flaming affair and the boyfriend came in something prearranged to kill Dad and Mom and Madyson go off with the boyfriend? And left money, coats, purse, etc, to throw people off with something pre-planned to kill Dad?

This is going to drive me nuts.
From this link posted earlier:

Beauchamp said that they found a lot of money, several coats, cell phones, maps and a GPS system inside the abandoned truck.

It sounds like the "GPS system" was built into the truck and not a portable hand held unit.

If it was a hand held GPS you would think they would have taken it with them.

If the GPS was built into the truck would LE be able to get any info from the unit?
I know nothing about GPS equipment, but they might have stored "waypoints" into it or the system might hold a track of their route.

Even if a perp erased the GPS, might LE still be able to get info from it?

The GPS thing has been bugging me and I was wondering what everybody else thought about it.
I searched last night online and found a court case in OKC involving a Robert D Jamison. There seem to be alot of Jamison's around OK so I may or may not be Bobby or his father. It had to do with some sort of financial fraud, if I read all the legalese correctly. I think someone said early on that the family was believed to be well-off? I haven't seen anything at all regarding their financial situation, except for court records indicating the father had a mortgage around $53,000 - the same info elepher50 posted.

That truck was not a cheap truck by any means. Somewhere a report said that Bobby had bought a used utility truck with the yellow light on top. Depending on how old/new it was, of course the price would fluctuate. But it's still considered a *nice* truck by my standards - someone whose father/brothers all drive pickup trucks, hunt, etc.

Just trying to see if there was a financial motive that comes into play here. I do recall someone "verifying" the $41,000 (something close to that) in a previous post. Can't recall where the info came from, however.

I don't believe that whatever harm (if any) befell them was a purposeful act on their part. If this was an intentionial staging, they *still* would've left the dog at home. And they probably would've been found by now - same as if a wild animal would've gotten them. There would be some sort of evidence.

Either a perp got to them somehow, or they fell into an underground well/river that are allegedly all around the area.
Regarding the home security video, the length of stored tape varies by unit. They've been missing for a couple of weeks so I think any video of them leaving probably isn't on there any longer. This Eufaula man sounds interesting, though.
I searched last night online and found a court case in OKC involving a Robert D Jamison. There seem to be alot of Jamison's around OK so I may or may not be Bobby or his father. It had to do with some sort of financial fraud, if I read all the legalese correctly. I think someone said early on that the family was believed to be well-off? I haven't seen anything at all regarding their financial situation, except for court records indicating the father had a mortgage around $53,000 - the same info elepher50 posted.

Just trying to see if there was a financial motive that comes into play here. I do recall someone "verifying" the $41,000 (something close to that) in a previous post. Can't recall where the info came from, however.

The son has a suit against the dad for the gas station business from what I have read thru this thread.

I am thinking there is something here with this scenerio.
After reading and looking at tons of stuff something was twigging as not be quite right. I don't think the family went hiking around that tract of land based on this:

Bobby Jamison is 6 feet 3, weighs about 170 pounds, has brown hair and has a back disability.


Also, maybe the large sum of cash came from some sort of disability claim - just another avenue to explore.

ETA: More than just this one statement is not quite right - just clarifying that this is not the only "not right" thing.
The son has a suit against the dad for the gas station business from what I have read thru this thread.

I am thinking there is something here with this scenerio.

Yes, I knew about that but I found additional court records about a Robert D Jamison, who was "dismissed with prejudice" although colleagues were found guilty.
Now I do not really have a link for this as I only read it on topix, a comment left that the amount of cash was like $41,000. I would say that is a substantial amount of cash...enough to by some property as stated that is what they were doing, looking to buy 40 acres...

So here's where the $41,000 came from. So it does not seem to be released from LE that this is the amount of cash. Sorry for being one of the ones running around with this number now.

FYI, regarding the truck not being reported sooner, if it was a used utility truck that Bobby had purchased, then people probably just ignored it, thinking someone was doing work or checking on something. Even with the dog inside, it may have taken someone awhile to realize it wasn't simply leaving at night and returning to the same spot every day for work-related purposes. Just a thought...
Yes, I knew about that but I found additional court records about a Robert D Jamison, who was "dismissed with prejudice" although colleagues were found guilty.

I did searches on Bobby D. but not on Robert D. .. can you share what the charges were - just in general to save me going looking them up?
Sure, here's a link: http://www.dhayeslaw.com/pdf/cates.pdf

Again, this may or may not be Bobby or his father.

NASD is securities/stock market related fraud type stuff. Can't really tell from the document if this is either one of the Bobby's. No monies were awarded to Robert D. from the way I am reading it. The other parties were awarded a chunk of change - around 3 million.

Take what I have noted with a grain of salt as this legal type stuff just kills me.
So much could go wrong and apparently did.

I only went to look at land one time and we met the seller, got out of the cars, walked around, talked about wells, how deep you have to dig, if the creek goes dry, did the property have water rights, was it septic approved, roamed around the land, looked at the view, thought about where the house would sit, discussed how much it might cost to put a gravel driveway in, then left to go and talk it over with the husband.

Of course, I have to say, I would not have chosen where they seemed to be looking at, way off the grid for me.

But, I am trying to think like them, IMO:
They leave town, go check out one piece of property for sale. They talk with people around there. They leave to go check the second piece of property.
The truck is parked.
Maybe it is warmish with the sun coming through the windshield. They take their coats off. Get out to just stand and look around.
Waiting, I would think, for the property owner to show up.
Does he/she show?
The police would know this.
Did they decide they could figure out where the property was, by their gps? And decide to take a look see, even if the property did not show up?
But, then we are
back to the question of why no coats, or the cells, or the dog?

Questions for me are:
Where is the property in relation to where they parked?
Were they expecting the owner?
Did the owner show up?
If so, what did he tell police?

Did they think they would walk into the property?
Gee, even a seemingly flat level piece of property, of one or two acres,
have gopher holes, and all kinds of obstacles.
And that place looked steep and brushy.

The dad had a back disability and was said to walk stooped over.
So, how far could he get on foot?

When I looked at the pics of the truck, there are ruts in the mud.
But hard to tell if another truck came up behind them or not.
Where does that road lead? Does it dead end?

It really does seem, like other posters have said,
that either they walked off the road and were hurt or
fell into a cavern or sinkhole or ?


While standing outside, someone came by,
abducted them, did not care about the dog
or any money in the car.
That seems kind of personal or
entirely random.

Well, that thinking out loud did not get me anywhere.

Where could they be?
I guess it will be awhile before we know, if there are no searches scheduled.
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