OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs, money, & dog found abandoned, Oct 2009 - #1

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this article posted previously:In this case, recent rainfall had made tracking impossible, so the search meant setting up grids to look for disturbed ground, checking waterways and looking for any pieces of clothing — any clues.

Beauchamp said the air searches were frustrating at times, because he had two helicopters, a plane and an unmanned drone, but because of the thick "triple canopy” foliage, and windy conditions, pilots were not able to see much of anything. On the ground, it was slow going, through thick mud, tangled undergrowth, rocky ravines and mountainous terrain. But searchers said it was becoming almost as important to complete a thorough search to rule areas out
Bad search conditons.
Inside the pickup, investigators found Bobby Dale Jamison’s wallet, Sherrilynn Jamison’s purse, maps, a GPS, a "substantial” amount of cash, and a cell phone last used Oct. 8. At first, Beauchamp said, it appeared the family had become lost because they were not at the location marked on the map, but investigators recently learned the site where the truck was parked was a second site where the family was looking for land.
So they had gps and maps and looked at two sites. I wonder if people from the first site had any conversations that might be interesting.
And the cell was last used Oct 8. So they have been missing 2 weeks and 2 days. It sure does not look good.
And I wonder did Bobby Dale Jamison win that suit against his father and that is why they had the money to buy land and purchase a shipping container and buy a used pickup?

What in the world happened out there to this family?

The missing man's (Bobby Dale Jamison's) lawsuit against his father (Bobby Dean Jamison) for fraud is still pending. It was filed earlier this year.

In general, I would be suspicious of a defendant in a lawsuit if the plaintiff and his heirs went missing.
I wonder if the parents with whom the lawsuit is against have been questioned or notified?

Where did Bobby and his wife work? And as someone has already asked "Where did they obtain this money?"
No, but I sure would love to know where that cash came from. I have to admit that my first impression was that this diappearance was staged (absurd I know but this is where my thoughts took me).

Items left in the truck: gps, maps, wallet, purse, dog, coats, cell phone and a large sum of cash. From the pictures of the search area, I don't think I would venture outside of the truck w/o taking at least the gps and marking a waypoint for where the truck was so I could find it again. It really makes me think that they do not want to be found.

The large sum of cash is bothering me to no end. That is not small change so I have to ask the following: Were there any large bank/credit union robberies around that area just prior to the family going missing or did Bobby Jr. take what he felt was due to him from the sale of the gas station? Was there a recent inheritance - has anybody in either his or her side of the family pass on recently? If the family had access to a large (few hundred thousand dollars) the cash left in the truck wouldn't seem like a whole lot to them and may have simply been forgotten and left behind.

Do we happen to know if both mom and dad had drivers licenses or was it just dad - also, are all known vehicles in either of their names accounted for?

God forgive me for thinking these thoughts if this poor family is really lost in that vast woodland. I am saying my prayers right now for forgiveness if this family is in dire need of help in those mountains.

I had not thought of this angle...nice work!!!

Perhaps the family isn't even in the area....What if something happened closer to home resulting in family's murder (fingers crossed this is not true), bodies are buried or otherwise disposed of near home. In order to throw off investigations, assuming someone would eventually be looking for these people (school looking for Madyson, work (?) calling for parents), the suspects loads up the car with the dog, money (maybe not even family's money--hush money, drug money as possibilities?), cells and GPS and drives it to middle of nowhere then has buddy drive back to town whatever. No one notices family is gone for sometime and by this point, suspects have LE going down all the wrong roads and they are miles away etc.

Just an idea...
One hour and 25 minutes from Eufaula to Red Oak where the searches were taking place. The only major centre I noted was Tulsa to the north of Eufaula.


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All I can think is that someone forced this family at gunpoint into another vehicle and took off with them. That, in turn, makes me think of what happened to the Groene family. Remote area, forests, perpetrator with a gun, make them tie/tape each other up so they can't resist. All because the perpetrator wanted the two little children for perverted and evil reasons.

What a horrible situation. I hope I'm very, very wrong.
All I can think is that someone forced this family at gunpoint into another vehicle and took off with them. That, in turn, makes me think of what happened to the Groene family. Remote area, forests, perpetrator with a gun, make them tie/tape each other up so they can't resist. All because the perpetrator wanted the two little children for perverted and evil reasons.

What a horrible situation. I hope I'm very, very wrong.

Oh BeanE you could be so right about this ... remembering the Groene family and Shasta and Dylan ... I sure hope not though ... too hard to even think about right now.
There is nothing remarkable about this family that I have found yet. Nothing really stands out. Bobby Dale Jamison has 3 court records on file:

1. Speeding ticket in 1988
2. DUI in 1991
3. Fraud charges against his father this year 2009 (still pending)

That is it ... am trying to follow the money trail as that may lead us to some answers but haven't found any money trails to follow yet ... so little information.

Still looking/thinking/researching.

Has anyone seen an explanation for the legitimate possession of that cash? That's a great deal of money-- I have to wonder where it came from to begin with.

re the money:

There was this dispute over the gas station proceeds or something to that effect. What would the likely cash-on-hand for a gas station be? Or the weekly takings? Could the cash income be that high (versus debit and cc)? If he helped himself to the cookie jar would the family have reported him?

If they legitimately withdrew that amount out of their bank in a single sum, or sums over 10k, there should be a report.

What if they took the money from the gas station safe or account, or someone dangerous (dealer?) and then thought better of it "What were we thinking? We'll never get away with this! Maybe they won't come after us if we disappear but leave the money behind?"

Now that the money is known, and their immediate family unit possibly dead, some of these other relatives may come forward because they want a piece of that cash if they turn up dead.

In reality, I think they probably had some kind of accident related to the terrain, and I still don't see a good reason to carry that kind of cash around.
This is one of the spookiest disappearances I've read about in awhile, and the thing that makes it so is the presence of the $41,000. I really don't believe this family wandered off and got lost or fell off a cliff. How far into the woods would they have gone with a little girl, no cell phones, or coats? It seems if they had gotten lost the searchers would have found SOME sign of them by now, same if they had gotten attacked by some wild animal or god forbid it was a murder/suicide. There would be some evidence left behind - pieces of clothing, bones, etc. And I also find it unlikely that ALL 3 of them fell off a cliff or fell into a mine or sinkhole.

Have they analyzed the mother and father's computer/phone/mail records to see if either were having any disputes with another person? Perhaps this person/people followed them out there, and like someone else suggested, hustled them into another vehicle at gunpoint. At this point, I'm feeling that is the most likely scenario: that soon after exiting the truck they were somehow forced into another vehicle or had pre-arranged plans to meet someone and ride somewhere else in another vehicle and then return to the truck soon after. Then some kind of deal went bad (I doubt a drug deal because I seriously doubt the father would have brought his wife and daughter along for something like that) or an argument ensued. I also doubt it was some kind of robbery, because the money was not taken and it doesn't seem like someone even tried to break into the truck, which, if they did not find the money on the family, would be the first thing they'd do.

I think LE is probably wasting their time searching the woods near the truck. I don't think the family ever went into the woods. I think they left the area in another vehicle, by force or not I don't know, not long after exiting their truck.
Also, perhaps we're putting too much stock into the presence of the money. Because we even know it exists/it was left in the truck it means these people were not robbed or killed for the money. Maybe the money was just there circumstantially - for a purchase of some kind of maybe the family was just transporting it from one location to another - and something happened to them that had nothing to do with them having that amount on them. Am I making any sense?
This is one of the spookiest disappearances I've read about in awhile, and the thing that makes it so is the presence of the $41,000. I really don't believe this family wandered off and got lost or fell off a cliff. How far into the woods would they have gone with a little girl, no cell phones, or coats? It seems if they had gotten lost the searchers would have found SOME sign of them by now, same if they had gotten attacked by some wild animal or god forbid it was a murder/suicide. There would be some evidence left behind - pieces of clothing, bones, etc. And I also find it unlikely that ALL 3 of them fell off a cliff or fell into a mine or sinkhole.

Have they analyzed the mother and father's computer/phone/mail records to see if either were having any disputes with another person? Perhaps this person/people followed them out there, and like someone else suggested, hustled them into another vehicle at gunpoint. At this point, I'm feeling that is the most likely scenario: that soon after exiting the truck they were somehow forced into another vehicle or had pre-arranged plans to meet someone and ride somewhere else in another vehicle and then return to the truck soon after. Then some kind of deal went bad (I doubt a drug deal because I seriously doubt the father would have brought his wife and daughter along for something like that) or an argument ensued. I also doubt it was some kind of robbery, because the money was not taken and it doesn't seem like someone even tried to break into the truck, which, if they did not find the money on the family, would be the first thing they'd do.

I think LE is probably wasting their time searching the woods near the truck. I don't think the family ever went into the woods. I think they left the area in another vehicle, by force or not I don't know, not long after exiting their truck.

How do we know it is 41K? I have seen the reports as "substantial amount of money" but no exact figure.
I just had another thought (I don't know if someone has mentioned it or not). If they were getting in another vehicle willingly to go further to look at land, etc, I believe they still would've taken their coats and probably cell phones. They may have left the little dog, thinking they would be back soon. So maybe the perp was in the car with them and instructed them on where to park, when to get out, enter another vehicle, etc. Just brainstorming here.
That's the only reason I can think that they would leave coats behind on a cold day (as it has been reported to have been), unless they were really bundled in heavy sweaters/fleece pullovers.

I know we may be nitpicking at the info filtered to the public, but this case is so baffling.

Yes, you are right. We do not have a link to 41K.

See I am thinking that substantial means different things to different folks. They could have left, say a couple hundred or a couple thousand and cell phones, id, etc and figured it would really make people think foul play and not voluntary. Although the dog is weird. Just thoughts I had about this, but, I am medicated so it could just be me.
Finally something from the family - including someone who's being looked into!



"I hate the fact knowing that we might all end up going to funerals, but if that's God's plan, then that's God's plan," said Charla Heffley, Bob Jamison's cousin.


"A lot of worry, wondering if they're still alive, wondering why they can't find them. I'm just praying to God, to everybody, that they are alive and that they can come back home," said Connie Kokotan, Sherilynn Jamison's mother.

Kokotan says her daughter's family loved the outdoors and the Latimer County sheriff says they were looking to buy 40 acres of land in the area where they disappeared.

Kokotan also says investigators are looking for a man who lived with the family last summer in their Eufaula home."

"Nothing makes sense. I don't even understand why they were up that far, away from their home," said Connie Kokotan.


Kokotan is praying her daughter, granddaughter, and son-in-law are simply somewhere else and hopes someone, somewhere, has that crucial bit of information that will solve the mystery.

"I can't understand why this has happened to them and I'm hoping that they can be returned safely home," said Connie Kokotan.

Great update thank you! Now I wonder if two vehicles were taken up there?
I thought this was interesting:

"Kokotan also says investigators are looking for a man who lived with the family last summer in their Eufaula home."
Sheriff Israel Beauchamp said hunters on four-wheelers found Bobby and Sherilynn Jamison's abandoned truck last Saturday near the Panola Mountain.


Beauchamp said a resident in the community of Red Oak called 911 Saturday to report that the abandoned truck was found.

"(They) knew that the vehicle had been there for a while because they had spoken with that family on the 8th and the morning of the 9th," Beauchamp said.

Based on this, the family was in the area on Thursday the 8th and the morning of Friday the 9th of October/09.

Was there no school in Eufaula on Friday the 9th of October/09 I wonder and did the family stay overnight on Thursday the 8th somewhere near Panola Mountain or Red Oak.

Will have to do some searching to see if we can find out who the man was that was staying with the family last year.
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