OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs, money, & dog found abandoned, Oct 2009 - #1

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I guess the rumor that they were well off was wrong if they were planning on moving to a shipping container.

I just can't get my mind around this case. I can think of scenarios, but then one of the details (like the money being left behind or that they can't be found anywhere around) makes each scenario unlikely. What a mysterious case!
I am truly starting to wonder if they had an accident or fell into an old mine shaft, or one of the underground rivers. The only thing is why would they leave their cell phones in the darn truck!
OK, I gotta try to remember everything I wanted to post. I was trying to catch up on the thread before actually posting anything.

On the dog: most of the articles make mention that it was a small dog. If the family was doing any hiking/walking, they may have left the dog in the truck because it would be too much for him. As for leaving him to protect the money, I doubt it, if he was a small dog he wouldn't be TOO much protection.

On the cash: As other poster's mentioned, I can't see ANY reason for bringing cash to purchase land. I don't think it would be legal, and even if it was, it would just be asking for trouble and problems. It would be SO much safer to make the transaction with a personal or cashier's check or some other non-cash form.

On the cellphones: It may be as others theorized, that there was no service in the area. However, I NEVER go ANYWHERE without my cellphone. I grew up in Utah and still visit often. And even when I go camping etc, I take my phone. You never know when you might need it, and you MIGHT get reception. Although I don't suspect everyone thinks on those same lines.

If this was a drug deal of some sort, I don't understand why they would bring their daughter.

I live in the Dallas area and my fiance's family is from Okmulgee, OK. It has rained here in N.Texas and also in most of Oklahoma almost non-stop for the last 50 days or so. Maybe 10 total dry days in that time. In fact, I was just speaking with my FIL to be (he visited us last night) and we were talking about how much rain they've gotten in Oklahoma. So yes, it sounds like scent dogs will not be of much use in this case.

Like many others, this case is baffling to me.
New Mommy....saw that you have a footnote on Kara K........have you been to her thread today to see the pix of the New York amnesia victim???

Gosh, you know, I fear that this may be a murder/suicide case. I hope that I am very wrong. :(
Search for missing Eufaula family hampered by mud

RED OAK — Search efforts for a family missing for two weeks in rural Latimer County got off to a slow start this morning due to muddy mountain road conditions.

Latimer County Sheriff Israel Beauchamp said searchers are trying to get as much done today as possible, because the roads and conditions are only going to get worse.

"This is probably the last day we're doing to do this for a while," he said

Read more: http://newsok.com/search-for-missing-eufaula-family-hampered-by-mud/article/3411324#ixzz0Ung26pEP
How come we have not heard from ANY family members ? In the media or anything ?
Does any one else find this extremely odd ?
No sisters, brothers, mothers, fathers...No one...No one pleading for this family...
Search for Eufaula family picks up to beat dangers of hunting season

RED OAK — The search for a missing Eufaula family is racing the clock with black-powder hunting season beginning on Saturday, Latimer County Undersheriff Matt Bohn said Thursday.

Anyone with information about the Jamison family’s disappearance is asked to contact the Latimer County Sheriff’s Office at (918) 465-2161.
"That will just about make it too risky to be out there searching after that,” Undersheriff Matt Bohn said.

A hunter found the GMC pickup of Bobby and Sherrilynn Jamison and their 6-year-old daughter, Madyson, about 30 miles from their home on Saturday and alerted a nearby landowner, Bohn said.

The landowner then remembered seeing the white pickup with a yellow flashing light on top on Oct. 9 and called the sheriff’s office.

Bohn said Jamison bought a used utility truck, and the yellow light is not connected to his livelihood.

Read more: http://newsok.com/search-picks-up-to-beat-dangers-of-hunting-season/article/3411255#ixzz0Unhe9Fgj
I'm hoping LE hands out information to the hunters. Hunters are known for stumbling across remains. I think LE should always do this every year if they have someone missing in their area.
Shipping container is interesting...seems an odd idea in the middle of nowhere-where were they going to get container from? There would be no running water, indoor toliets when they first moved in, so maybe they are totally comfortable living a lifestyle that is less 'modernized'--could make sense if they have voluntarily disappeared and are 'living off the land' theory. Maybe the shipping container was going to be a temporary trailer home on the land as they built dream home on property? You know, a place to stay on weekends as they built the home up...I wonder if they had made any appts to show/sell current home to anyone? Perhaps talked to contractors or builders about getting materials etc? Where's the closest town/school/grocery store from the point they went missing....if they were moving into shipping container on supposed property had they contacted Madyson's school about transfering records to closer school? Who knew of their plans to move? Why were they moving--definitely a buyer's market at the moment...do they perhaps rent current place?

So many unanswered questions and more seem to pop up as soon as we get new info on this case. I am interested in whatever new info they find/release about this family's relationship with their extended families, their involvement in community or lack thereof etc.
I guess alot of people have their containers brought in by helicopter. I think they run about 1000.00 each to buy. They'd be ok out there with solar or wind power, propane and a septic system. These containers are favored by those living off grid and are very green. I guess the world has an overabundance of containers and people use green products to finish them off. Bamboo in place of wood, recycled tire products. That type of stuff. Alot of people are also using containers instead of building cabins. I like to look at different architecture and have been following container houses for a couple of years.

Below is a good article about container houses.

Has anyone noticed that this is only about an hour from Waleetka? The two cases are probably not related but I recall alot of talk about drugs/meth labs. I think a possible scenario is that they maybe went to look at land, possibly land rugged enough so no one would stumble across meth labs. Then something else happened:

- Maybe they were also conducting a drug deal but something went wrong. They stumbled across something/someone else (who wasn't aware of the cash)? I mean seriously - $41,000?!? Not normal.

- Perhaps someone with "unfinished business" followed them and got to them when they got out of their vehicle. Again, not aware of the cash.

Something just doesn't seem right here. No offense, but the little girl looks afraid in the picture. And her left chin/cheek area looks like a bruise/scrape . And this seems to be the only picture of her, because surely if there was another one it would've been used instead, KWIM?

(FYI, we have a small dog and if we were getting out to explore terrain like what was shown in the pictures, we would have left our dog in the car, too.)

Very odd.

(and all JMHO)
I'm with you belimom - I think something happened. I can see no reason to leave the dog in the truck if this family was moving under it's own steam, so to speak. Unless they intended to return to the truck immediately or were just standing around right outside the truck. I think someone made them leave everything behind or it is a murder/suicide made to look like something else.

Also, what about the guy that KNEW the dog was in the truck for several days? What is his story? How come he didn't report the truck and the dog right away or at least the very next morning? Or feed the dog? What the heck? I hope LE is putting him on a poly because I feel certain he knows something.

Also, what about the guy that KNEW the dog was in the truck for several days? What is his story? How come he didn't report the truck and the dog right away or at least the very next morning? Or feed the dog? What the heck? I hope LE is putting him on a poly because I feel certain he knows something.


I wondered about folks seeing the dog in there, too. Honestly? Alos, no one seems too intent to look for them. Took a long time to get anyone interested in alerting media and really forming search parties. To stop looking b/c of 'black powder season'? When you have three PEOPLE missing and possibly in danger and/or evidence fading with each day? You wear orange safety vests and let folks know a search is being conducted. Again, JMHO. Re-iterate: my opinion only.

That is the white truck I have seen in the news articles.

Notice the very muddy tires, when they drove in there, it must have been raining or very wet from recent rain.
Probably the truck is a 4 wheel drive, so I would think, no problem getting in or out.

And the road looks like it would barely be wide enough for 2 cars to pass.

And is that a dealer license plate on the front of the truck
or does OK have that color plate?
Looking at the image blown up to 200 percent, it looks like
there is not a license plate.

Why would a truck have that amber light on top?
And it has extra headlights or fog lights in front.

Is this a 2009 pickup? Did they just buy this pickup?

IMO: There would be no reason for them to leave the
pickup unless they were meeting someone or walking to a
piece of land nearby.

Prayers for the family.

**Bolded and underlined by me.**
This is very common on vehichles that are used in construction, hauling, and transportation. The most common use you would probably see would be on a wrecker or flat bed car hauler. They are also on the trucks that precede and follow oversized 18 wheelers. A former bf of mine works in construction, and his work trucks always had the amber lights and the flashing headlights on them. I would assume that the truck was used for one of these purposes.

Which brings the question, could they have been there for a legitimate business deal, other than a land pruchase, IE vehichle purchase, equipment purchase?
What a strange case! :waitasec:

I don't really see how this could be a Meth Lab gone wrong. That would be assuming there are even houses or trailers out there where someone could cook meth. It's not exactly like having a moonshine still out in the open. They aren't cooking it out under the trees where a wildlife officer can see them. So that just doesn't seem right to me. And while meth person might not have much of a brain left, surely the father or mother would try to at least bribe the guy by trading the money in the truck for their lives or the little girl's life. But it seems they never came back to the truck.

As for the cell phones - that could have just been an oversight that they were left in the car. If they expected to be out of the car just for a few minutes they might not have taken them. Last time my family went to the Smoky Mountains, my hubby and I got separated from the kids on the trail, so I told him to call the kids to check on them, and my husband sheepishly admitted he had left the phone in the car. But that was fine because later my daughter admitted she had left hers in the car! And this was after we had talked about how cell phones have saved people's lives in the park system. So people do foolish things out in the wilderness and that's what gets them killed.

About the dog - maybe they didn't want him to get lost while they were in the woods, or perhaps they were worried about snakes?

Sounds like a really remote area with bears and wild boars. Here in Tennessee there have been women and children attacked and actually eaten by bears just a few hundred yards from main roads. One mother stopped at a picnic area in March one year right after the bears came out of hibernation, and her kids were attacked and dragged down a creek before she could do anything to stop it.

And wild boars are huge and can chase people or kill someone with their tusks. The family could have been running from animals and fallen from a cliff or down into one of those mines.

Or the obvious thing - they could have gotten turned around lost and gone the wrong way back to the car. It's horrible to think about and I hope they find some traces soon.
Reading about the family plans to purchase a shipping container reminds me of survivalists. Many people have bought some land or arranged to have some sort of shelter out of the city on land near water, fishing, places to grow things, etc. just in case the economy completely collapses or something bad happens. Something could have happened somewhere if they were searching for land or they could have met up with a nut to look at land.
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