OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs, money, & dog found abandoned, Oct 2009 - #1

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The fact that this family has gone missing is one thing.
Things like that can happen.
But, no one reported them missing.
Where are grandma and grandpa and brothers and sisters
and uncles and aunts? And the mom or dad's boss?

Have these people lived in Eufaula a long time?

Why didn't the rancher check things out more throughly?
It does not seem like the kind of place
a pickup truck would just be sitting days on end.
Wouldn't he be curious?

Even after truck reported and family discovered missing
and the items found in the truck
still there was not a large scale search.
I understand from the news articles
that the sheriff has very little manpower,
but they could have called in reinforcements
Where did they think these people had gone?
I know, I should not second guess LE,
it just is so bafflilng how and why this family is missing.

And I don't understand about not looking during black powder hunting season.
Where I live, lots of people hunt. There are forests and mountains
and no one would call off a search due to a hunting season.
In fact, I can remember when LE has tried to make sure hunters know there is a missing person out there.

With all the time that has gone by, I can only think they have
either met with a tragic accident or come to sort sort of harm.

Prayers that there will be answers soon.
"During a search on Friday, investigators found a pocket knife. Sheriff Israel Beauchamp said pictures of the knife would be shown to the Jamison's family members to determine if it was a knife the couple owned. . .

Beauchamp said the search for the family would conclude Friday evening and would not resume unless new evidence or leads come into the sheriff's department."
Very strange case:waitasec: and there is very little information on the family. It seems to be obvious that they planned to return to the truck as the money, dog, and cell phone were left there. That is a lot of cash to be carrying around. With a small child with them one would think that they wouldn't trek too far away from the truck. It is quite possible that they didn't understand or know about the dangers the land itself could present to them - meaning sink holes and things that could just swallow them.
Hopefully the knife will shed smoe light on the fate of the family. Just leaves me scratching my head really. What a puzzling case.
It is quite possible that they didn't understand or know about the dangers the land itself could present to them - meaning sink holes and things that could just swallow them.

That's definitely a possibility... especially since the truck was supposedly found near an abandoned well/drilling site. :waitasec:
That's definitely a possibility... especially since the truck was supposedly found near an abandoned well/drilling site. :waitasec:

The oddest part about this case to me is the amount of money found in the truck - for the life of me I cannot even begin to imagine what they were doing with that amount of cash.
I guess alot of people have their containers brought in by helicopter. I think they run about 1000.00 each to buy. They'd be ok out there with solar or wind power, propane and a septic system. These containers are favored by those living off grid and are very green. I guess the world has an overabundance of containers and people use green products to finish them off. Bamboo in place of wood, recycled tire products. That type of stuff. Alot of people are also using containers instead of building cabins.

I just find this odd. Not to be offensive to anyone, but I just don't see the green movement to be a big attraction in rural Oklahoma. In Eufaula, where the family is from:

"The median income for a household in the city was $20,547, and the median income for a family was $28,871."

In the Dallas-Ft.Worth area, "the median income for a household in the CSA was $43,836, and the median income for a family was $50,898."

Over 71.6% have a high school education....but only 16.6% have a bachelor's degree from a college/university and the unemployment rate is 7.4%.

Coverting homes to green energy appliances etc. is definitely catching on around the country, but I just don't see it being a big reason for drawing this family out to an area associated with OIL LEASES (like the antithesis of green energy).

While demographics etc. are not always important in solving cases like this, I think its an interesting angle to check out considering the lack of information regarding this family. We've heard nothing about jobs, family in the area, etc. Based on the fact that they are from a town of 3,000 people or less, where the level of people living under the poverty level is double that of the entire state of OK's level...I would assume that this family was planning on making their once in a lifetime purchase of dream property etc., not necessarily a second property for hunting cabin for example. The large amount of cash indicates that they were planning on some type of a purchase. Usually people do not deal in cash transactions when buying property, having to get financing etc. from lenders, banks what not. This seems unusual to me, but then again I am from a big city, not sure what the dynamics are in rural places about buying property etc.

HOWEVER, maybe they were not actually buying property. While their car was found near property for sale, they were in an extremely isolated area by the looks of maps and pictures. Were they really planning on moving out there or purchasing land? Maybe this was a meet-up gone bad for something more sinister...owed drug money, hush money? I am just speculating, but this area seems way out of the mainstream, even for a rural family who lives in a small town.

The whole thing is very odd. Nothing was stolen, dog was left in car, indicating this perhaps wasn't a robbery and the family wasn't planning on being gone long....another idea is that maybe someone was hunting out of season--accidently shot one of the family members while they were checking out land in small day hike. No cell phones, so no one calls police. Didn't want to get in trouble, lose possible hunting license later or fined big bucks, so they wound up killing other members of family in an attempt to keep quiet and disposing of bodies in woods...didn't take anything etc. to keep their tracks covered and avoid the situation being seen as premediated (robbery for example that turned to murder?).

Just thinking of some different angles in this very baffling case...
The oddest part about this case to me is the amount of money found in the truck - for the life of me I cannot even begin to imagine what they were doing with that amount of cash.

I can't figure that out either, and it only makes everything more mysterious that the money wasn't stolen from the truck.

I guess the only thing we can be fairly sure of is that whatever happened to them must have happened quite a distance from where the truck was parked. I wonder where the searchers found the knife in relation to where the truck was parked.

I think if someone murdered them near the truck, they would have at least checked the truck out, and maybe even hidden it. Also, strange, but I don't think even murderers would leave the dog in the truck. Maybe I'm wrong about that.

How far would they have wandered without coats? Seems like if there was some illegal drug activity happening within walking distance, the searchers would have come upon that.

I HOPE we find out some time what happened to this family.
Its a shame the family is not giving more of a background on this family. Are they outdoorsy type's, hiking, bird watching whatever. Does he own a gun? Who gains from his will ( which could be why the $ was left behind, it would go back to his estate).... Did this farmer who called in the truck notice any other vehicles around that time? Ok, just thinking out loud. Maybe those were extra coats left in the truck all the time. ( I do that). Anything missing from home which would suggest they planned on hiking/camping. They could have taken the stuff to set up somewhere then come back for the personals and dog. I know this still doesnt answer the $ question either. UGH
What a strange case! :waitasec:

I don't really see how this could be a Meth Lab gone wrong. That would be assuming there are even houses or trailers out there where someone could cook meth. It's not exactly like having a moonshine still out in the open. They aren't cooking it out under the trees where a wildlife officer can see them.

It may not have anything to do with this case, but outdoor meth labs are the big thing now. Our state police warned hunters to be aware of meth labs in the woods this season because they're moving to a method where they don't need to cook it. They mix chemicals in a container and leave them in the woods to vent.
Sorry if this has already been posted....am thinking maybe the family does bear some looking into:


In May, Bobby Dale Jamison filed a civil suit against his parents Bobby Dean and Scarlet Jean Jamison for more than $10,000 for the loss of money to which he said he was entitled when his father sold the family gas station.
Bobby Jamison took out a protective order against his father in May, but authorities said it has been dismissed and appears unrelated to the disappearance of the younger Jamison and his family.
In the suit, the missing Jamison alleges his father enticed him to work for free at the Oklahoma City gas station, but with the understanding that one day, the son would have a half-interest in the station when he was older.

.....What if they were to meet Dad and "buy him out"?
"During a search on Friday, investigators found a pocket knife. Sheriff Israel Beauchamp said pictures of the knife would be shown to the Jamison's family members to determine if it was a knife the couple owned. . .

Beauchamp said the search for the family would conclude Friday evening and would not resume unless new evidence or leads come into the sheriff's department."

Seems a little puzzling to me that if apparently no family members reported them missing during this time, that LE would think those same family members are even remotely close enough or interact with them enough to possibly know if a pocket knife belongs to them. :waitasec:

Unless it were a particularly fancy/unique/memorable/heirloom type pocket knife, it would seem highly unlikely they'd have a clue on something of that nature. An item a little more substantial than a pocket knife maybe, but...

Goodness knows my family who is very close and would certainly know in under a day if a family member suddenly 'vanished' - let alone in weeks - wouldn't even have a clue about pocket knives I'd own...even if one of them gave it to me...unless it outright had my initials on it! :crazy:
This is an updated link from the one previously posted.

Beauchamp said the search for the family would conclude Friday evening and would not resume unless new evidence or leads come into the sheriff's department.

Beauchamp said an FBI agent will remain on the investigation team since a missing child is involved.
more at link....

So, the search is over? Over. Because of hunting season.

FBI will keep someone on the team, but what is he/she going to do?

And http://texasequusearch.org/
I thought TES was going out there?
Tim Miller will be traveling to Oklahoma tomorrow morning to assist the OSBI in hopes of finding the Jamison family.
this dated oct. 22, 2009.
Seems a little puzzling to me that if apparently no family members reported them missing during this time, that LE would think those same family members are even remotely close enough or interact with them enough to possibly know if a pocket knife belongs to them. :waitasec:

Unless it were a particularly fancy/unique/memorable/heirloom type pocket knife, it would seem highly unlikely they'd have a clue on something of that nature. An item a little more substantial than a pocket knife maybe, but...

Goodness knows my family who is very close and would certainly know in under a day if a family member suddenly 'vanished' - let alone in weeks - wouldn't even have a clue about pocket knives I'd own...even if one of them gave it to me...unless it outright had my initials on it! :crazy:

The only pocket knife I would have known would have been my dad's. He had it over 70 years and was used for nearly everything under the sun.

ot: I have a very close family and I know they would report me missing, if I was late two hours and did not answer the cell.

And where are their families anyway?
this article posted previously:In this case, recent rainfall had made tracking impossible, so the search meant setting up grids to look for disturbed ground, checking waterways and looking for any pieces of clothing — any clues.

Beauchamp said the air searches were frustrating at times, because he had two helicopters, a plane and an unmanned drone, but because of the thick "triple canopy” foliage, and windy conditions, pilots were not able to see much of anything. On the ground, it was slow going, through thick mud, tangled undergrowth, rocky ravines and mountainous terrain. But searchers said it was becoming almost as important to complete a thorough search to rule areas out
Bad search conditons.
Inside the pickup, investigators found Bobby Dale Jamison’s wallet, Sherrilynn Jamison’s purse, maps, a GPS, a "substantial” amount of cash, and a cell phone last used Oct. 8. At first, Beauchamp said, it appeared the family had become lost because they were not at the location marked on the map, but investigators recently learned the site where the truck was parked was a second site where the family was looking for land.
So they had gps and maps and looked at two sites. I wonder if people from the first site had any conversations that might be interesting.
And the cell was last used Oct 8. So they have been missing 2 weeks and 2 days. It sure does not look good.
And I wonder did Bobby Dale Jamison win that suit against his father and that is why they had the money to buy land and purchase a shipping container and buy a used pickup?

What in the world happened out there to this family?
I'm sure the last few phone calls are being heavily scrutinized (or should be).

The only pocket knife I would have known would have been my dad's. He had it over 70 years and was used for nearly everything under the sun.

ot: I have a very close family and I know they would report me missing, if I was late two hours and did not answer the cell.

And where are their families anyway?

That's what just doesn't make sense to me... :banghead:

LE thinks the same family members that apparently a) didn't notice they were missing, b) didn't report them missing, and c) haven't commented or made a public plea for information about their missing family members are suddenly going to know about such an obscure detail?

Very odd if you ask me.

I wonder if they suspect someone in the family knows something and so they're asking about the pocket knife to gauge reaction?

And I still find it odd that even if this family isn't close, that NO ONE seems to have said anything publicly asking for information or speaking about them or anything.

In the face of a totally bizarre disappearance, and absolute silence on the part of family/friends, would even a distant family member or two typically want to say SOMETHING just to keep attention on the case and try to get to the bottom of it? And if not, WHY?
looking at zabasearch, it has both father and son listed as 44 years old. On the ones that I saw on the search site it didn't show sherilynn as a relative.

This whole incident is just totally wierd.

I tried obtaining property tax records online, but there are no links to do a search. At least I didn't find any.
Has anyone seen an explanation for the legitimate possession of that cash? That's a great deal of money-- I have to wonder where it came from to begin with.
Has anyone seen an explanation for the legitimate possession of that cash? That's a great deal of money-- I have to wonder where it came from to begin with.

No, but I sure would love to know where that cash came from. I have to admit that my first impression was that this diappearance was staged (absurd I know but this is where my thoughts took me).

Items left in the truck: gps, maps, wallet, purse, dog, coats, cell phone and a large sum of cash. From the pictures of the search area, I don't think I would venture outside of the truck w/o taking at least the gps and marking a waypoint for where the truck was so I could find it again. It really makes me think that they do not want to be found.

The large sum of cash is bothering me to no end. That is not small change so I have to ask the following: Were there any large bank/credit union robberies around that area just prior to the family going missing or did Bobby Jr. take what he felt was due to him from the sale of the gas station? Was there a recent inheritance - has anybody in either his or her side of the family pass on recently? If the family had access to a large (few hundred thousand dollars) the cash left in the truck wouldn't seem like a whole lot to them and may have simply been forgotten and left behind.

Do we happen to know if both mom and dad had drivers licenses or was it just dad - also, are all known vehicles in either of their names accounted for?

God forgive me for thinking these thoughts if this poor family is really lost in that vast woodland. I am saying my prayers right now for forgiveness if this family is in dire need of help in those mountains.
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