OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs, money, & dog found abandoned, Oct 2009 - #7

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[I]Someone questioned why Sherilyn's journal was in the truck. [/I]

I have a friend who keeps a very detailed journal. Whenever we do road trips, even short ones, she takes it to either update past things she hasnt had time to write about, or keep notes about our day/trip. She even writes down funny things we say. Its easier for her to do that while Im driving rather than try to remember details later. I dont find it odd for her to have it if she planned to write in it while he drove.

I have to respectfully disagree with the theory that the truck was dumped at its location after the crime or later. The show, Disappeared, reported that there was no GPS movement from that exact spot where the truck was found. I think they walked around, took the picture by the rock, were preparing to leave, placed all items in truck, including phones and dog, and decided to climb the stairs of the short water tower to get one last view. Since the dogs tracked them to there, I think they met their perp. at that spot. I dont think the perp even came back to the truck. Im sure they must have dusted for fingerprints, vacummed for foreign fibers, etc. I dont think the perp had any interest in "things". I think the interest was in the little girl.

Just a thought
[I]Someone questioned why Sherilyn's journal was in the truck. [/I]

I have a friend who keeps a very detailed journal. Whenever we do road trips, even short ones, she takes it to either update past things she hasnt had time to write about, or keep notes about our day/trip. She even writes down funny things we say. Its easier for her to do that while Im driving rather than try to remember details later. I dont find it odd for her to have it if she planned to write in it while he drove.

I have to respectfully disagree with the theory that the truck was dumped at its location after the crime or later. The show, Disappeared, reported that there was no GPS movement from that exact spot where the truck was found. I think they walked around, took the picture by the rock, were preparing to leave, placed all items in truck, including phones and dog, and decided to climb the stairs of the short water tower to get one last view. Since the dogs tracked them to there, I think they met their perp. at that spot. I dont think the perp even came back to the truck. Im sure they must have dusted for fingerprints, vacummed for foreign fibers, etc. I dont think the perp had any interest in "things". I think the interest was in the little girl.

Just a thought

These are very good points. Particularly the GPS comment. I'm not yet convinced that they are not in the woods somewhere. Other search parties in the past have come within a few feet of an item & still missed it and then found it on subsequent searches. Or in the case of Caylee Antony a worker found her. But, if there was a perp the little girl would have been the most valuable item.
Do we have a model number on the Blackberry? I think that's a question that someone is bound to ask me when I call the Blackberry folks for answers.
Wow...I have known about this missing family for some time now but have only come across this thread in the past few days. I have read some of the earlier postings and all of the posts on threads 5 & 6, along with watching the entire Disappeared Episode and several news vids, plus a few of the newspaper articles...what a tangled and mysterious case!!!

I see there is a good group of WS'ers here and a couple of people who are apparently more involved with this than just being posters in a missing persons forum. I wish we had more like you over on the Missing McStay Family thread. Interestingly there are several likenesses between the 2 cases...whole family vanished into thin air, no varifiable reasons for the disappearence, family pet left without food/water/care, 'follow the money' references, and, the biggest one of all, neither family has been found dispite months of searching! The biggest difference I see is a lack of motive for either foul play/voluntary disappearence in the McStay case as opposed to dozens of motives in the Jamison case...and dozens of suspects.

From what I have read and heard I am leaning heavily towards some sort of involvement with drugs in this case, with my second fav theory involoving the inheritance.
Do we have a model number on the Blackberry? I think that's a question that someone is bound to ask me when I call the Blackberry folks for answers.

I think the model # may be a lost cause unless someone can figure out where it was purchased and when. I know I haven't been able to track it down yet.
These are very good points. Particularly the GPS comment. I'm not yet convinced that they are not in the woods somewhere. Other search parties in the past have come within a few feet of an item & still missed it and then found it on subsequent searches. Or in the case of Caylee Antony a worker found her. But, if there was a perp the little girl would have been the most valuable item.

I concur completely.

(Hello again Jamison folks! With the weather looking the way it is this winter, I think we're looking at late April now for a SAR effort. Just wanted to update ya'll on that.)
I concur completely.

(Hello again Jamison folks! With the weather looking the way it is this winter, I think we're looking at late April now for a SAR effort. Just wanted to update ya'll on that.)
If a miracle occurs ;) , put me on the backburner for onsite support (computer, coffee, laundry, meals, gopher stuff, dog care, etc.). Otherwise, for any computer/phone communication stuff.

I can't stop thinking about these people, and don't want to. :D
If a miracle occurs ;) , put me on the backburner for onsite support (computer, coffee, laundry, meals, gopher stuff, dog care, etc.). Otherwise, for any computer/phone communication stuff.

I can't stop thinking about these people, and don't want to. :D

Thank you, Cazzie. We like support!
I concur completely.

(Hello again Jamison folks! With the weather looking the way it is this winter, I think we're looking at late April now for a SAR effort. Just wanted to update ya'll on that.)

Wind chill right now in my part of OK is -2°. I think we're "anticipating" -7° later, and tomorrow.
Wind chill right now in my part of OK is -2°. I think we're "anticipating" -7° later, and tomorrow.

Yeah. Brrr. Thus the late April reschedule- unfortunately lost the window of time in the Fall due to another case. But hopefully all you Okies will have thawed by then. :)
Stay warm, wfgodot.
Brrr WFG it"s a balmy 20 around the barnyard here in SC Oklahoma right now.

Oriah do you stay in touch with LE in Latimer Co. to know if they are still actively working this case if you can say?I havn"t heard anything in the news..
Brrr WFG it"s a balmy 20 around the barnyard here in SC Oklahoma right now.

Oriah do you stay in touch with LE in Latimer Co. to know if they are still actively working this case if you can say?I havn"t heard anything in the news..

It's balmy here too, by those standards. :)

Re: LE in Latimer Co......ummm, as far as I know they are still 'actively' working the case.... on paper. Does that help answer that question, lol?

I don't know of anyone else actually planning a search other than us. Rumors of, but nothing verified. But that means...very little in this case. (MOO of course!)
I concur completely.

(Hello again Jamison folks! With the weather looking the way it is this winter, I think we're looking at late April now for a SAR effort. Just wanted to update ya'll on that.)

Will keep the FAITH, Oriah!:gthanks:
About not knowing the model number of the phone, all I can say is RATS!

That and $3.95 will get me a cup at Starbucks.

mtrooper, how soon after the Jamisons disappeared do you think it was that Bobby's mother got rid of Madyson's clothes? We talking six months or six weeks?
Brrr WFG it"s a balmy 20 around the barnyard here in SC Oklahoma right now.

Not sure what actual temperature here is right now; just caught on the radio the "feels like," and, after walking the dog awhile ago, I'll go with the "feels like" - certainly feels like below zero. Brrrrrr, alarming, though the wind isn't strong. We did get 2" of snow yesterday, though. Unlike last year's radical snowstorms, this one was gentle and pacific as if one were inside a snow globe being shaken slightly. Quite nice as long as one stayed indoors looking out!
Can someone refresh me? What are we hoping to find with the model # of the Blackberry? Was this Bobbys phone? Where is the phone now? Is this the phone that SJ's son supposely has now? I am unfamiliar with Blackberrys. Do these phones have sim cards?
The last I knew, Sherilyn's son had dropped the phone into the swimming pool.
Can someone refresh me? What are we hoping to find with the model # of the Blackberry? Was this Bobbys phone? Where is the phone now? Is this the phone that SJ's son supposely has now? I am unfamiliar with Blackberrys. Do these phones have sim cards?

notsoconfused, I was going to call Blackberry and ATT to see how those other voicemail calls showed up as Bristo instead of registering as voice mail checks. I thought knowing the model number might prove helpful as different models would have different capabilities and features whether that might play into it or not. I just didn't want to sound like a complete dufus when someone asked what the model number was, and I couldn't tell them. I don't even know what a SIM card is exactly.

Dufus is as dufus does. Guess I'm going to have to take the dufus route after all, and call anyway, but tomorrow I'm going to go spend the day with my 5 mo. old granddaughter and her mother, my daughter.
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