OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs, money, & dog found abandoned, Oct 2009 - #9

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Well, that explains it.
I did read that, but I'm thinking well I'm okay there.
I just forgot I was using Firefox at the time.
It's been a long draining day with the Anthony trial.
I guess I'm not thinking straight any more.
Thanks again.
ok I'm sorry, but those knife entries are crazy. and I myself have been dx bipolar but I have never written anything even close to that scary- people as knife metaphors complete with all kinds of diagrams. it is extremely alarming, and def sounds off major danger bells in my head and I would think, anyone who reads them. this was a disaster waiting to happen IMO...I feel pretty confident that they were not in touch with reality at that point. the only thing that would possibly make sense is if they were trying to figure out some kind of tattoo design, and even then I find it extremely disturbing. why are people represented by knives instead of something that doesn't represent cutting or violence? even god is pictured as a large knife. definitely just plain weird.

Steve Quayle site: also crazy.

Reading over it, I got the feeling the writting on the knives and males and females etc.. MIGHT be some sort of occult type reading she wrote, like tarot card but a themed or speciality deck. The diagrams may be a drawing of how the item/ or items she was reading( or dice she was rolling or whatever method) layed out for the reading.

Like some ways or predicting a future (not really ) would be using tea leaves or match sticks.
My opinions only, no facts here:

I have been doing handwriting analyses for almost 30 years. Before I expend effort evaluating your posted images, is there considerable certainly in your opinion that these posts are authentic? Please elaborate more on the provenance of these diary entries.

Was wondering if you had decided to give it a go or not. I find that fascinating. :tyou:
Reading over it, I got the feeling the writting on the knives and males and females etc.. MIGHT be some sort of occult type reading she wrote, like tarot card but a themed or speciality deck. The diagrams may be a drawing of how the item/ or items she was reading( or dice she was rolling or whatever method) layed out for the reading.

Like some ways or predicting a future (not really ) would be using tea leaves or match sticks.

Soul, I have to agree with you. I really think it means nothing, except for Sherilyn.

I noticed in the photos of Sherilyn's journal, there are no dates on the pages, except for one page. Were there dates written on any of the other pages? Usually, when you write in a journal, you put the date. Sort of like a diary.
Thank you, little.

Brings me back to the initial observations of SAR notes, and the property that had 'many dogs.'

And breaks my heart in the process. :(

Oriah, what are your thoughts on searching the Duhons old rescue on Panola mountain?

Have you had any contact with Sheriff Brooks?

I also have another question for you. Can the dogs tell the difference between a dead animal and a dead human?
Oriah, what are your thoughts on searching the Duhons old rescue on Panola mountain?

Have you had any contact with Sheriff Brooks?

I also have another question for you. Can the dogs tell the difference between a dead animal and a dead human?

I will definately be back to answer the Panola mountain 'rescue'.... just in and out right now trying to avoid the heat lol.

In the meantime- the BBM:

YES. Appropriately trained working dogs can distinguish human remains from other remains. HTH!
Thank you, little.
What do ya'll make of this?

From what I've read about the Duhons (Barb Reed case, being kicked off the mountain, son David being charged with rape and now this) they are a violent bunch!
The court case between the Duhons and Nickel/Jones, was dismissed on Sept. 29, 2009.

http://www1.odcr.com/detail.php?Case=039-SC 0900041&County=039-

I'm sure they (Duhons) were not very happy about having to leave their mountain retreat!

They (Duhons) had to have been given time to move their possesions and animals down the mountain. Which means they would have been traveling the same roads the Jamisons were traveling on.
The court case between the Duhons and Nickel/Jones, was dismissed on Sept. 29, 2009.


I'm sure they (Duhons) were not very happy about having to leave their mountain retreat!

They (Duhons) had to have been given time to move their possesions and animals down the mountain. Which means they would have been traveling the same roads the Jamisons were traveling on.

Yes. Especially considering there are, well, only a few routes to travel without significant effort made otherwise. Hmm.

Wfgodot, are you on summer vacation? ;)

If not, I'd love a literary reference as to the implications of this.
Wfgodot, are you on summer vacation? ;)

If not, I'd love a literary reference as to the implications of this.

Extreme heat in OK making life, thought, impossible at the moment. My back yard seems to be the center of a massive inversion of scalding air - must be 200° out there right now.
Extreme heat in OK making life, thought, impossible at the moment. My back yard seems to be the center of a massive inversion of scalding air - must be 200° out there right now.

Today seems to be a Book of Job day all around.

Stay in the A/C, wfgodot.
Off (our) topic a noodge, but YouTube now has the 1977 Girl Scout Murders documentary (go to YT, search for Someone Cry for the Children; it's in six parts), which has some spooky Cookson Hills / our basic area stuff in it. Worth a look.
You can map Wilburton to Red Oak to the truck location, little. It's definately a route of interest.
You can map Wilburton to Red Oak to the truck location, little. It's definately a route of interest.

I will try it, Oriah. Thanks!

There is another way, thru the forest, right?
Where is the coverage and concern in this case? I just can't comprehend an entire family disappearing and the media doesn't follow up.

i have been gone for awhile and haven't got caught up yet so this may have been addressed already, but if you ever visit southeast oklahoma you might get a better idea of why the media isn't all over this case. it certainly makes sense that they would be, but there is no "local" media. the nearest television stations are at least 50 miles away and any newspapers are very small mostly weekly papers. couple that with the fact that the people are very private and they do not trust strangers, especially any sort of law enforcement or media. they live in such a remote place for a reason and they do not want anybody "up in there business".
Activity on the FB site...although I have my doubts about whether it's a good idea to publicly announce plans (unless necessary, like for soliciting volunteers or other support).

Hopefully all will stay safe!

I'm a bit tearful to read that Madyson's birthday is approaching...sure do wish she AND her parents will be found soon. Those pix posted for Father's Day tore me up, too...

Probably overly sentimental/dramatic, but maybe just philosophical: this (the Jamisons) is one of the mysteries that I hope to someday (soon) see answered. Right up there [accidental pun] with UFOs, God, Heaven, the afterlife; and with Kyron Horman, JFK, the meaning of life, the why's of death, the why's of abuse/murder, the whereabouts of everything important that I misplaced (or had stolen from me) during my lifetime, and, and...and...... ;)
i have been gone for awhile and haven't got caught up yet so this may have been addressed already, but if you ever visit southeast oklahoma you might get a better idea of why the media isn't all over this case. it certainly makes sense that they would be, but there is no "local" media. the nearest television stations are at least 50 miles away and any newspapers are very small mostly weekly papers. couple that with the fact that the people are very private and they do not trust strangers, especially any sort of law enforcement or media. they live in such a remote place for a reason and they do not want anybody "up in there business".

Start a campaign to write the Governor. They usually respond.
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