OK - Jody Rilee Wilson, 23, murdered, Wister, 5 May 2009 *Arrests*

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So, Jody's body was so decomposed in THREE DAYS time that the coroner couldn't determine a cause of death. That to me says that Jody died on the 5th and must have been stashed somewhere very warm and moist to decompose that much in three days time. I'm thinking trunk...so where was Bo from the 5th till the 8th?

Supposedly, in New Mexico, at the funeral. Yeah right!
Supposedly, in New Mexico, at the funeral. Yeah right!

I would think their attendance at a funeral in NM should be easily verifiable one way or another by LE (um, hopefully LE has done so?)
Yowza !! If true, Bo sure doesn't let any grass grow under his feet, does he? Opens up some new possibilities, depending on when he met her, where she's from, and who her friends are. If she's a recent acquaintance, prolly no huge deal, but if she's an "old friend", could speak to motive. We found it odd that Bo went to a funeral in NM with the new baby, but given they were newlyweds, I don't think we theorized that his absence could have POSSIBLY involved visiting a gf (who would have known that Jody's husband was not going to be home). Sheer spec ... but at least a new development to consider.

I disagree. A man meets a woman and gets married less than a year after his wife goes missing and dies a tragic death. That is suspicious to me. I know people seek people and become close after tragedy and death, but in this case, I think it's noteworthy. The desire to be free of your wife to keep your options open and be single is a motive too.
Well lets hope wife #2 doesn't disappear like Jodi .....
I disagree. A man meets a woman and gets married less than a year after his wife goes missing and dies a tragic death. That is suspicious to me. I know people seek people and become close after tragedy and death, but in this case, I think it's noteworthy. The desire to be free of your wife to keep your options open and be single is a motive too.

Well I even disagree with myself Mae :) What I really meant (that didn't come across) is .. YES absolutely, either way I find it suspicious, but to me it would be even MORE suspicious if Bo's relationship with the new wife existed around the time of Jody's death. I think that would weigh in heavier in the motive department and toss an additional poi into the picture.
I would think their attendance at a funeral in NM should be easily verifiable one way or another by LE (um, hopefully LE has done so?)

Bo's aunt does say the Wilson family attended the funeral. I think she said it was on Friday. She (aunt) said they were there a few days before that, but couldn't remember which day.

I do believe they went. But Jody said they were leaving on Thursday, not Tuesday. I think something terrible happened that Tuesday and the Wilson family decided to leave earlier. That way, they would have an alibi.
There is a real possiblility that Jody lied to her parents, and lied to the Avon Lady that she was "going to a Funeral". You can fill in the blank as to why she would do this.

Where did she meet the Avon lady at? The stories never seem to have all the info.
There is a real possiblility that Jody lied to her parents, and lied to the Avon Lady that she was "going to a Funeral". You can fill in the blank as to why she would do this.

Where did she meet the Avon lady at? The stories never seem to have all the info.

Yes, that's a possibility.
I know she was depressed; from what I've read, PPD.
She could have needed time alone.
There is a real possiblility that Jody lied to her parents, and lied to the Avon Lady that she was "going to a Funeral". You can fill in the blank as to why she would do this.

Where did she meet the Avon lady at? The stories never seem to have all the info.

Sure, she could have lied. But why lie to her parents? They are on the east coast! It's not like they would come around and bother her.

Also, do you really think she would let her baby go on a trip without her? I do not!
Sure, she could have lied. But why lie to her parents? They are on the east coast! It's not like they would come around and bother her.

I think that she did intend to go. If she did lie to her parents it could be because they were using Bo's phone to contact her since she lost her own & it's possible they were going through a rough part of their marriage & she didn't want them to know.

I was her age once.. we don't know how her parents originally felt when she said she'd gotten pregnant by someone she wasn't dating long. I know what my dad said to me. Once the baby came my dad was fine; but before that, not so much.

Also, do you really think she would let her baby go on a trip without her? I do not!

As much as I say the same thing; there is also doubt because I remember being a young mother; sleep deprived & having a husband that did not help out much. It's possible she wanted him to take the baby so that he'd have to do something; or at least be there. We don't know if the baby preferred being with Bo over the grand parents; some babies want mommy & not daddy.

Well I even disagree with myself Mae :) What I really meant (that didn't come across) is .. YES absolutely, either way I find it suspicious, but to me it would be even MORE suspicious if Bo's relationship with the new wife existed around the time of Jody's death. I think that would weigh in heavier in the motive department and toss an additional poi into the picture.

:) Sorry about that! Point taken. Regardless of when he met the new wife, it seems like he did not want to be with his wife.
I apologize if this has been answered before, but ... anybody know if Bo works, and at what, and who takes care of the baby when he does?
Yes, it was answered. It was one of the questions I asked at the very beginning of this, and thought it may be an issue because he was a welder. The grandfather of one of the weleetka girls was a welder, and I believe Denise Stice, who was also found in water, was married to a welder also. Seems like an important point to me.
Yes, it was answered. It was one of the questions I asked at the very beginning of this, and thought it may be an issue because he was a welder. The grandfather of one of the weleetka girls was a welder, and I believe Denise Stice, who was also found in water, was married to a welder also. Seems like an important point to me.

Didn't someone say that he had access to the road going to where she was found?

btw.. surprised to see you on Topix; thought you were done there. lol

Yes, it was answered. It was one of the questions I asked at the very beginning of this, and thought it may be an issue because he was a welder. The grandfather of one of the weleetka girls was a welder, and I believe Denise Stice, who was also found in water, was married to a welder also. Seems like an important point to me.

Interesting sameole and very important !!! Joe Neff had a background as a welder !! Had been in the welding business with his brother.

BTW, I got excited and forgot to say Thank You :)
You're welcome sillybilly. The point I tried to make a fw months ago was this: If Bo was going to a funeral, and he was working as a welder, which apparently he was, he would have been entitled to paid "funeral leave" which meant that someone on his job would have been aware that he was leaving. Joe Neff, who was a welder, was getting ready to retire. Someone would have been aware. I don't know the exact situation with Denise Stice's husband, but he was home the day she was murdered. I thought I read that he was a welder. Peter Placker definatley was.

Roslver, topix is like driving by a car crash, you just can't look away.
Didn't someone say that he had access to the road going to where she was found?

btw.. surprised to see you on Topix; thought you were done there. lol

You busted me.
Didn't someone say that he had access to the road going to where she was found?

btw.. surprised to see you on Topix; thought you were done there. lol

You busted me.

Depends on who's posting.
They surely don't understand you there. Wasn't someone else posting with your name there?

People can only think one way & they refuse to listen to other options/ideas.
No one knows who really committed the crimes.
How can anyone say either way?

They surely don't understand you there. Wasn't someone else posting with your name there?

Yes, that happened real terrible on the Weleetka topix, because I struck a nerve over there with the timeline that shows the Plackers had 15 or so minutes alone at the crime scene. The one that got real interesting though was "Heavener Dispatcher Surrenders." It was a timely thing that happened with her and all of the chaos on the LeFlore county Sheriffs. Trena Nixon herself got on there and wow!! She actually admitted that she had gotten drugs from the Walmart that Jody worked at in the pharmacy, (answering phones and such), and drugs that she was charged with stealing matched the type Jody was on for depression. I am still blown away by it all too.
But, the other part about all of this is the hand held radio range that both Jody and Joe were found from each others homes. I don't even want to say what I am thinking. I don't want to think it. But it seems there is a level of sophistication to these murders that is important to the case. If the task force fails to interview the dispatcher as to her whereabouts etc, then they are making a bad mistake.
With Jody having worked at the Walmart pharmacy, one has to wonder if she was going to be a witness in any potential upcoming legalities.

Did I maybe just say what you were thinking, sameole? ;)

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