OK - Jody Rilee Wilson, 23, murdered, Wister, 5 May 2009 *Arrests*

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Hi Roselvr...I do not feel these two case are connected either at all.
As I have said before and the whole time of this case that it is the husband who killed Jodi.

Everyone has "feelings" about things. I could never figure out why my mother thought I had been out smoking cigarettes. She always said "A little birdie told me." Years later she told me that I smelled like smoke. I understand what you are saying. The only difference is, I was hanging around guys that were smoking, and it got all over my clothes. This man is the first suspect, but be carefull when you say "he did it." That's pretty bold, and may not be the truth.

Hi Sameole...
It is pretty bold for me to say I feel he did it and most certainly it is how I feel...to me there are to many factors playing into this and reading elsewhere from people whom have known both Jodi and Bo find his actions are odd to say the least.
I agree the closeness of both murders is of interest here...I am always open to different scenarios as I am not just stuck on one. I don't like tunnel vision.

It would be nice to be able to put some sort of connection between the two murders other then the proximity.
Do we know if Jodi and Jeff knew each other or did they know some of the same people.
I feel Joe's murder is from someone who knew him or of him and was local to the area.
And of course JMO....

Welcome to WS....
This is what I said...
IMO, the 2 crimes are not related.. I fully expect the hubby to get arrested at some point for Jody's murder..

This is what you said..
Hi Roselvr...I do not feel these two case are connected either at all.
As I have said before and the whole time of this case that it is the husband who killed Jodi.

Everyone has "feelings" about things. This man is the first suspect, but be carefull when you say "he did it." That's pretty bold, and may not be the truth.

We both think the husband is the 1st obvious choice.. Things don't add up for me; which is why I said I feel he is guilty. I could be wrong; as I said this is just a feeling I have

I've heard that Jody's cell was found after all in her house; which leads to other thoughts.
She was going to go to the funeral - a funeral that so far no one has even found documentation of.
One would think that the husband has been questioned and the house searched.
Her car stumps me. Why was it so far away?

Now, having said that, I also feel the way you do about things.
If it is not the hubby, then yes, I feel it is connected to Joe Neff. I sway each way as I am not sure.

She very well could have been the victim of foul play.
She could have met a friend; something happened along the way.

Here is why I feel Jody and Joes's murders are related: According to my map, Joe was found about 10 miles from Jodies town, and Jodie was found about the same distance from Joes town/home. This just seems immposible to be by accident. It's almost as if they are sending a signal or something. This also brings into the possibility that two seperate groups are operating in concert with each other. But, bottom line is these two murders appear to be related.

So no, I can't say the hubby is defiantly guilty; but from what I've read/heard; it wouldn't surprise me if he was.. and if he is reading here; I wish he would start working with LE instead of clamming up.

Well, let me rephrase it; No one is ruled out at this point. But, the fact that the husband got a lawyer is not evidence of anything. There would have been too many people involved if the husband did it, and it starts involving his parents, etc. If he did it, he had to have had help. This scenario just doesn't work for me.
As far as the funeral, that's the first I heard of that. You would think that if his main alibi was out the window the cops would be all over him. Then there is the matter of her truck. Unless there is a bus stop at the restaurant, one person couldn't have done that unless they had a motorcycle in the back of the truck, or something like that.
Just as a little aside to this; when I had to move from lower to upper Michigan I pondered how I could get two vehicles up here without spending money on a tow bar, etc. One of the ways I came up with after a couple of beers, (it makes you think you're smarter than you are), is putting my 21 speed in my truck, driving it five miles, riding my bike back home, putting it in the van, driving 10 miles, back on the bike five, etc. I think I figured it would take me two weeks to come 200 miles.
Yeah.. I know what you're saying.. The way I see it is that yes, he could have killed her on his own; very well could have put her car on a trailer or a towbar; driven it there in the dark; parked it; turned around and went home. Think I heard he has a pickup truck. Pretty sure he has ATV's; he has motorcycles. He & Jody could have been out for a ride & started fighting. After she was killed, he went home to ditch the car. The baby was very little; she could have been in the truck with him when he dumped the car.

I do not know if Jody's car has a hitch on it. If so, it's possible her car was driven; towing the "get away" car.

I am curious where the husband and baby were picked up by the family members and at what time. I find it difficult to believe the husband would have been as careless as to drive her car 100 miles away, on the way to New Mexico, where his travels took him. Why not just leave it at home, to lend to the idea that he saw her at home prior to leaving? This also leads to questions about the grandparents. What do they know? Do they have an alibi for prior to leaving for New Mexico?

BBelieve me, I agree that the husband seems to be a likely suspect, but some of the pieces just don't add up yet. It almost seems as if someone could be setting the husband up? Crazy, I know, but do any of Jodi's feiends or relatives have stories about problems they were having in their marriage? The articles I have seen sound like she was happy, in love and loved her daughter. I wouldn't be surprised if her parents didn't know, but I would think her friends would know if she were having problems. They sound like they were close and good friends.

The link to the lady who's body was found across the highway from a cabin, wonder if she was going camping alone, with friends, if her husband suspected an affair and caught her there with someone? Makes me wonder how/why she died. One thing for certain, highly doubtful that either woman up and died without the aide of someone else.

Oh yes, one other thing. Small town, wonder what day, time the coffee receipts were for and if employees were questioned as to whether Jodi was alone or with someone else?
Almost always, when something like this occurs the husband is the first suspect. The poor father whose daughter was taken from her bed, Elizabeth Smart, was under intense scrutiny when she disapeared. I can't rule out the husband, but there could have been any number of people who knew he going to a funeral. Folks at his job. If he is working, he would have been entitled to funeral leave.
One of the interesting things about her case also is the Autopsy. They just found those hikers dead on Mount Hood a couple of days ago, and they have already completed an autopsy. What took hers so long? It could have been a delay tactic by the OSBI if there is insurance involved. "Undetermined" would halt any payouts from insurance wouldn't it? I have been told by a number of folks that things are so bad in Detroit right now, that you can get a crack head to kill anybody for a hundred bucks. Scary thought
While sleuthing on this case, I googled the Pig Out Palace. Google images comes up with a pic of the bar with an older, bright red pick-up parked out front. Dunno how many peeps in OK drive trucks that look like this, but given LE is looking for one in Joe Neff's case, maybe they could check this out:


Truck could just belong to a one-time customer, or maybe a "regular" there. Have also posted this link over in the thread for Joe Neff, posts #406 to #408 at:

Joe Neff (my dad) unsolved murder 14 May 2009 -no leads - Page 17 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

PS: i'm not in OK, so if someone feels this significant to pass along to LE, please do so. I assume they read here, but just in case. Prolly nothing, but we never know until we know.
While sleuthing on this case, I googled the Pig Out Palace. Google images comes up with a pic of the bar with an older, bright red pick-up parked out front. Dunno how many peeps in OK drive trucks that look like this, but given LE is looking for one in Joe Neff's case, maybe they could check this out:


Truck could just belong to a one-time customer, or maybe a "regular" there. Have also posted this link over in the thread for Joe Neff, posts #406 to #408 at:

Joe Neff (my dad) unsolved murder 14 May 2009 -no leads - Page 17 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

PS: i'm not in OK, so if someone feels this significant to pass along to LE, please do so. I assume they read here, but just in case. Prolly nothing, but we never know until we know.
These trucks are very common in Oklahoma!
Well, reading Topix, it appears her "hubby" got married on Christmas & someone posted the new wife is wanting to adopt Jody's baby girl :(
I haven't found anything yet on the Oklahoma court website. Maybe they went out of state to get married. Maybe they took another trip to NM.
Well, reading Topix, it appears her "hubby" got married on Christmas & someone posted the new wife is wanting to adopt Jody's baby girl :(

Yowza !! If true, Bo sure doesn't let any grass grow under his feet, does he? Opens up some new possibilities, depending on when he met her, where she's from, and who her friends are. If she's a recent acquaintance, prolly no huge deal, but if she's an "old friend", could speak to motive. We found it odd that Bo went to a funeral in NM with the new baby, but given they were newlyweds, I don't think we theorized that his absence could have POSSIBLY involved visiting a gf (who would have known that Jody's husband was not going to be home). Sheer spec ... but at least a new development to consider.
Roxbury's new mayor grateful for support after daughter's suspicious death

ROXBURY — The township council reorganized Monday and selected Jim Rilee to be 2010's mayor, and Fred Hall to be deputy mayor.

While Rilee, as all mayors do, spoke about the previous year's accomplishments and what he looks forward to in 2010, he acknowledged the bittersweetness surrounding the event.

It's been less than a year since his only child, Jody Rilee Wilson, 23, was found dead in Oklahoma in early May. She'd moved to Wister, Okla., in December 2007, married in 2008 and gave birth to a daughter soon before her death, which police deem suspicious. The investigation is ongoing.

"Stacey and I want to thank all of Roxbury Township for standing behind us in our time of need and we could never begin to thank all that have helped, supported and grieved with us over the last eight months — a true statement of character of the citizens of Roxbury Township and Morris County," Rilee said Monday of himself and his wife, according to a copy of his remarks

Roxbury native's death remains a riddle
Woman's e-mail raises questions
By Abbott Koloff • Staff Writer • January 10, 2010

Jody Rilee Wilson, in an e-mail sent on the last day she was seen alive, told a prospective employer that she planned to attend a funeral with her husband and in-laws — a funeral that took place in New Mexico on the day her body was found on an Oklahoma mountaintop.

The contents of that e-mail, revealed to the Daily Record in an interview this past week, deepen the mystery surrounding Rilee Wilson's death. The 23-year-old Roxbury native, the daughter of Roxbury Mayor Jim Rilee, did not go with her husband, Bo Wilson, in-laws and then-3-month-old baby, who all left hours later for the funeral, 600 miles away.

The investigation into her death, which authorities have labeled suspicious, remains stalled eight months later, with Oklahoma authorities saying they have run out of leads and are unable to determine how she died. An autopsy determined she had been dragged through the woods after she died but was unable to identify the cause of death because her body was badly decomposed.

Gayla Limore, an Avon district manager in eastern Oklahoma, said in an interview with the Daily Record last week that she met with Rilee Wilson on the afternoon of Tuesday, May 5, 2009, the last day she is known to have been seen alive.

"She told me they were planning to go to a funeral Thursday," Limore said. "She said she would be gone until Saturday."

Limore said Rilee Wilson reminded her she would be away for a few days in an e-mail sent later that night, a little after 9 p.m. Limore said she has provided a copy of that e-mail to law enforcement authorities.

Authorities have said Rilee Wilson's husband told them he left for the funeral without her on May 5. In a brief interview with the Daily Record last year, Jerry Donald Wilson, Bo Wilson's father, said the family left for the funeral that evening

Timeline of events: Jody Rilee Wilson case
January 10, 2010

• May 5, 2009: Jody Rilee Wilson is seen for the last time, according to law enforcement authorities. She sent an e-mail at 9 p.m. to a regional Avon representative saying she was planning to attend a funeral in New Mexico with her husband and in-laws, and would return May 9. Her husband, Donald Boscephus Wilson, known as Bo, told police he left the couple's Wister, Okla. home for the funeral on the evening of May 5 without his wife, bringing their then-3-month-old baby Annabelle with him.

• May 8, 2009: A funeral Mass is celebrated at a church in Clayton, N.M., for S.D. Mayfield, Bo's uncle. Mayfield's widow, Earlene, says Bo and his family attended. That same day, a paraglider flying over Poteau Mountain near Heavener Runestone State Park, Okla., spots a body in the woods.

• May 9, 2009: Bo Wilson returns home and reports his wife missing to police.

• May 11, 2009: Law enforcement authorities identify the body found on Poteau Mountain as Jody Rilee Wilson.

• June 12, 2009: Rilee Wilson's missing brown Chevy Blazer is found in the parking lot of Pig Out Palace, a 24-hour restaurant in Henryetta, Okla., off Interstate 40, about 100 miles from where her body was found. The restaurant owner later said the vehicle had been in the lot for weeks before law enforcement officials were called

So Jodi had the full intention of going to the funeral as I suspected all along according to her mother and now it is confirmed in her email and employer.
Bo leaves without her to go have we found out what time he left ? I know he was still there around 5:00 pm because Jodi used his phone to call her parents at that time the same day she went missing.
As far as the time the email was sent from Jodi Bo easily could have sent it from the computer and really who would know the difference...

I would not find it hard to believe that someone either from Bo's family or a friend had a hand in helping him out with Jodi's vehicle. Heck for all we know he could have left the vehicle with the keys in it and someone stole it ....
This husband is guilty and LE has dropped the ball on this bad. This of course is mo only...
Well, I think I finally found the obituary -

Scroll down to the highlighted words

S.D. Mayfield

CLAYTON, N.M. - S.D. Mayfield, 79, died Monday, May 4, 2009.

Rosary will be said at 8 p.m. CST today in St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church. Mass will be celebrated at 11 a.m. CST Friday in the church with the Rev. Glen Jones officiating. Burial will be in Wheeless Cemetery in Wheeless, Okla., by Boxwell Brothers Funeral Directors, 2800 Paramount Blvd., in Amarillo, Texas.

Mr. Mayfield was born May 22, 1929, in Tulia, Texas, to Christopher and Gracie Mayfield. He married Mary Earlene Pittman on June 22, 1968, in Dumas, Texas. He served in the U.S. Army and Air Force during the Korean War. He was a wonderful husband, father and grandfather.

He was preceded in death by his parents.

Survivors include his wife, Mary Earlene Mayfield; two sons, Gilbert Lou Mayfield and wife Donna of Amarillo and J.C. Mayfield and wife Paula of California; a daughter, Deborah Kay Mayfield of North Carolina; two brothers, Jim Mayfield and wife Arlene of Clayton and David Mayfield of Roswell; a sister, Carmen Belle Boucher of Dallas; six grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren.

Viewing will be from 9 to 10 a.m. CST Friday in St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church.

Amarillo Globe-News, May 7, 2009
Jody told Gayla Limore, she was leaving on THURSDAY for the funeral. But Bo's dad said they left TUESDAY evening. Tuesday was the last day anyone had heard from Jody. I'm curious as to WHY they left sooner?

This could explain why Jody's body was such a mess when they found her. She could have been on that mountain longer than we think!
So, Jody's body was so decomposed in THREE DAYS time that the coroner couldn't determine a cause of death. That to me says that Jody died on the 5th and must have been stashed somewhere very warm and moist to decompose that much in three days time. I'm thinking trunk...so where was Bo from the 5th till the 8th?

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