OK - Jody Rilee Wilson, 23, murdered, Wister, 5 May 2009 *Arrests*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
One detail the medical examiner’s office was able to discern was that the 23-year-old Wister woman was likely already dead when she was dragged into the woods.
"It appears that the decedent was likely dragged to the area where the body was discovered and the nature of the documented injuries suggests that this likely happened in a postmortem setting,” the document stated.

Investigators say the autopsy report sheds no light on what has been a frustrating case.

"It still doesn’t tell us if it’s a homicide, or a suicide, an accidental or a natural death,” Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation spokeswoman Jessica Brown said. "We’re kind of left in a situation with nowhere to go. We’re still following leads as they come in, but not many are coming in.”

Read more: http://www.newsok.com/autopsy-doesn...7?custom_click=lead_story_title#ixzz0UV7HBJZH

Wilson’s badly decomposed body was found May 8 in a wooded area about 35 feet off a logging road on Poteau Mountain, about 10 miles from her home in Wister, according to the medical examiner’s report.
The autopsy report indicates when Wilson’s body arrived at the medical examiner’s office, her blue jeans, which had $11.64 in the pockets, were around her knees, and her scalp with all her hair was not attached to the body.

But that doesn’t necessarily mean there is reason to suspect she was raped or scalped, Brown said.
And the autopsy does not list the separated scalp as a documented injury.

"There could have been animal activity,” Brown said.

Read more: http://www.newsok.com/autopsy-doesn...7?custom_click=lead_story_title#ixzz0UV7TDfVH

Ok I'm sorry but the 2nd and 4th bold by me above have got to be some of the stupidest comments I have ever read !
If it is apparent the body had been drug to where it was found well HELLO !
If a animal had done this there would be some indication of bite marks etc...
I don't see where they said they actually found her hair and scalp ? Just said it was missing.
If I was these parents I would ask for a second opinion and look see. Something has not set right with me since I first read this case, and some one new needs to step in indepently.
And then to boot her vehicle was found like 100 mile away, I am shaking my head.
The situation with the husband bothers me a lot, especially that he took that newborn with him out of town and Jodi stayed behind , I am not buying it at least not right now.
What kind of murder scalps their victim ? I know alot of times when people murder they do keep something from their victims I think, especially in serial killers not certain of that though will have to look it up.
I am all for looking a little more into husbands family as they are his alibi.
Jodi's parents really need some one else looking into this as well like a PI that they had suggested.
I have found know more information on how the house was found ect...after they discovered her missing, or anymore info on what was found in her vehicle.
Info has been scarce for sure.

mysticrose - agreed! And how can the autopy NOT mention the scalp and hair?? My assumption is that Jody was dead well before she was brought up the mountain, and drug the 35 ft by her hair, causing it to become detached from her body due to decomposition already setting in. I also think she was left face down, allowing the M.E. to see the abrasions on her back and legs (if she had been left on her back, it would have been obscured by lividity, yes??). Wouldn't you think the abrasions were PRE-mortem? Wouldn't they look very different if the abrasions occured while she was being drug to her final resting place? The jeans could have been pulled down while being drug. Also, I read she was wrapped in trash bags, has anyone else seen confirmation of this? Did the ME think she did that to herself before she drug herself 35 ft and committed suicide by some unknown means??

Sorry if I'm being too graphic...let me know and I will tone it down.
mysticrose - agreed! And how can the autopy NOT mention the scalp and hair?? My assumption is that Jody was dead well before she was brought up the mountain, and drug the 35 ft by her hair, causing it to become detached from her body due to decomposition already setting in. I also think she was left face down, allowing the M.E. to see the abrasions on her back and legs (if she had been left on her back, it would have been obscured by lividity, yes??). Wouldn't you think the abrasions were PRE-mortem? Wouldn't they look very different if the abrasions occured while she was being drug to her final resting place? The jeans could have been pulled down while being drug. Also, I read she was wrapped in trash bags, has anyone else seen confirmation of this? Did the ME think she did that to herself before she drug herself 35 ft and committed suicide by some unknown means??

Sorry if I'm being too graphic...let me know and I will tone it down.

I remember reading this as well. I will see if I can find the article, I remember her mother being upset about detail coming out or something like that. I'll see if I can find it.
I also remember reading it. It was the paraglider who said it. I will look, also.
Here's a video with the para-glider that found her. He mentions gabage bags.
ABC video link

Video 2

Family of Murdered Woman Searches for Answers
Her body had been wrapped in trash bags and her car abandoned at a restaurant. "We just want to open up to the public- somebody had to see something. A truck doesn't sit at a restaurant for over a month and nobody comes forward. Somebody had to see a lot of stuff going up on that mountain," said Stacey Rilee, Jody's mother...

Her husband was out of the state at a funeral, and there was no sign of a struggle at her home

LeFlore County's 6 homicides unusually high

After autopsy, cause of Roxbury woman's death remains a mystery - Daily Record
Her husband, Donald Bocephus Wilson, known as Bo, and his parents were away at a funeral in New Mexico when her body was found. Jerry Donald Wilson, Bo's father said in an interview with the Daily Record two months ago that the family left for the funeral on Tuesday, May 5, taking Bo and Jody’s baby, Annabelle, with them.

Facebook Group posts with info-

I started reading from the bottom up; so ring/tat must have given them reason to ask for dentals.

1. they were able to identify her by her wedding ring and tattoo.
2. It is confirmed that the body found in the state park was Jody. The dental records confirmed her body...
3. everyone keep watching the dailyrecord article...20 minutes ago they stated her death was "suspicious" now it says the authorities are treating her death as a homicide.
After watching this news clip..Thank You Rose!
If she was in trashbags how would her body decompose as quick as it did ? It would have been some what sheltered from the elements..I don't know? Almost like being buried...

Hopefully what I've posted will help you guys.
I see some of us had the same thoughts.

FWIW, while reading the facebook groups page; I found that this post is linked there, so let's all try to keep that in mind that her loved ones may be reading.

how can the autopy NOT mention the scalp and hair?? My assumption is that Jody was dead well before she was brought up the mountain, and drug the 35 ft by her hair, causing it to become detached from her body due to decomposition already setting in. I also think she was left face down, allowing the M.E. to see the abrasions on her back and legs (if she had been left on her back, it would have been obscured by lividity, yes??). Wouldn't you think the abrasions were PRE-mortem? Wouldn't they look very different if the abrasions occured while she was being drug to her final resting place? The jeans could have been pulled down while being drug. Also, I read she was wrapped in trash bags, has anyone else seen confirmation of this? Did the ME think she did that to herself before she drug herself 35 ft and committed suicide by some unknown means??

Sorry if I'm being too graphic...let me know and I will tone it down.

I've been trying to figure out how her hair came off, that would make sense.

After watching this news clip..Thank You Rose!
If she was in trashbags how would her body decompose as quick as it did ? It would have been some what sheltered from the elements..I don't know? Almost like being buried...


It also makes me wonder..
Was she wrapped in the bags and then brought there or dragged there by her hair (as was mentioned above) then the body was bagged?

How did the drag marks get on the body if the bag was over her?
After watching this news clip..Thank You Rose!
If she was in trashbags how would her body decompose as quick as it did ? It would have been some what sheltered from the elements..I don't know? Almost like being buried...


From Roselvr's link - BBM:
After autopsy, cause of Roxbury woman's death remains a mystery - Daily Record

Delays in the case apparently had been caused at least partly by difficulties working with a decomposed body.

“There was not a lot to work with,” said Cherokee Ballard, a spokeswoman for the Oklahoma State Medical Examiner’s Office.

:waitasec: This does not compute for me. Shouldn't an M.E. be used to working with decomposed bodies? Or do they only accept nice, fresh victims in OK? The wikipedia article said above ground, or not submerged in water would speed the process. Could they have been thick, black, garbage bags, so they caused her to heat up more than she would have normally? Also, if flies were able to get into the bags...
Hopefully what I've posted will help you guys.
I see some of us had the same thoughts.

FWIW, while reading the facebook groups page; I found that this post is linked there, so let's all try to keep that in mind that her loved ones may be reading.

I've been trying to figure out how her hair came off, that would make sense.

It also makes me wonder..
Was she wrapped in the bags and then brought there or dragged there by her hair (as was mentioned above) then the body was bagged?

How did the drag marks get on the body if the bag was over her?

You just might be on to something, Rose. Dragging her by her hair. Bo and his brother are into the "biker" scene. Maybe they dragged her behind a motorcycle! God, I hope not!!!

That could account for her scalp being removed from the body.
You just might be on to something, Rose. Dragging her by her hair. Bo and his brother are into the "biker" scene. Maybe they dragged her behind a motorcycle! God, I hope not!!!

That could account for her scalp being removed from the body.

Do you think the two receipts in her pocket could have anything to do with it?
Do you think the two receipts in her pocket could have anything to do with it?

Yes. It must have a date and time on it. Also, did she carry a purse? There has been no report of it being found.
You just might be on to something, Rose. Dragging her by her hair. Bo and his brother are into the "biker" scene. Maybe they dragged her behind a motorcycle! God, I hope not!!!

That could account for her scalp being removed from the body.

Maybe if her hair got caught up into a wheel/axle type kind of thing...this could cause it to be ripped off...
My DH seems to think that it would be unlikley the hair would come off from being dragged by her hair, he said the hair is one of the best attached parts on the body, just his input..
As far as the abrasions on her legs, if they got there after she had passed, I wonder if the bags were torn to indicate she was already in them when drug there ?
If they werent torn then that would indicate that whomever did this horrible act placed her in them after the drug her there, which would also indicate they were comfortable knowing the area and that they had time.
I would assume she was already in them as to not leave any trace of fluids ect...in the vehicle of transport. I would also be under the impression that her vehicle is the mode of transport unfortunatley to this location.
My DH seems to think that it would be unlikley the hair would come off from being dragged by her hair, he said the hair is one of the best attached parts on the body, just his input..
As far as the abrasions on her legs, if they got there after she had passed, I wonder if the bags were torn to indicate she was already in them when drug there ?
If they werent torn then that would indicate that whomever did this horrible act placed her in them after the drug her there, which would also indicate they were comfortable knowing the area and that they had time.
I would assume she was already in them as to not leave any trace of fluids ect...in the vehicle of transport. I would also be under the impression that her vehicle is the mode of transport unfortunatley to this location.

And the thing about her SUV..
There's been no report of whether they found anything.

In one video I linked to (think it;s under the para glider one) her parents were giving her finger prints to the OK police to rule her prints out in the SUV.

Also she did not work; she started selling Avon the week before.

I have to say that the lack of information stinks.
Hopefully her parents have the answers to these questions.
Maybe if her hair got caught up into a wheel/axle type kind of thing...this could cause it to be ripped off...

My opinion - unlikely.
From what I read, it sounds like her hair and scalp, while not attached to the body is intact.

If a motorcycle got a hold of her hair it would be in shreds.

I used to ride (fwiw)
I've had the inside of my foot shredded by a bicycle wheel/spokes.
I was left with (well from what I remember) road rash where the skin was.
I remember when a friend of mine was in an abusive relationship she had her hair ripped out of her scalp several times. I do think it's possible that Jody's hair and scalp could have been ripped by someone dragging her, especially considering the terrain was probably not smooth and the distance. Even more so if she was attached to something pulling her at a faster pace than walking.
This murder is nothing like the one where the guy was murdered, and then the house set on fire.

With so many murders in that county, perhaps the husband did it and thought he could get away with it because of the other murders. She could've been stashed somewhere, and then moved when he got back in town or he could've directed someone close to him to move her body during his absense. I'm not saying this is what happened, only that it exists as a possibility.

Animals would be least interested in the scalp, typically they're going to go after the fleshier parts of the body.

Decomp sets in as soon as a person's dead. So I do think someone pulled her by the hair, and the scalp just lifted off. This was no suicide, and I don't even know how anyone ever got the idea it could've been.

If she was so decomposed then isn't it possible she was strangled, and the tissue too decomposed to show the effects of the strangulation?

Now, taking a young baby to a funeral out of state begins to make sense if the mom's already dead. Otherwise it makes little sense. I don't know what mom would let her husband go off with her young baby, esp. not a first time mom--no matter how tired she is. And no typical husband is going to want to take a baby out of state to a funeral when his wife is perfectly able to care for the baby.

I suppose his mother probably cared for the baby in route, but there's just something about this that doesn't ring true. Oh wait, I suppose the husband's family could've wanted relatives to see the new baby. Still, I just can't imagine that the mother wouldn't have gone with them. It's not making sense.

Parents of Slain Wister Woman Visit Site Where Body Was Found


"If the same paraglider went up today and knew where the body was he would not be able to see it," Jim Rilee explained. "He would not know this body was not meant to be found it was just by the grace of God that she was found."

Jodi's body was discovered May 9th on private property about a half mile or so up a gated road on Poteau Mountain.


Jodi Rilee-Wilson's body was not wrapped in trash bags as has been reported. Her parents believe whoever hid her body knows the area well. The Rilees want people to remember their daughter as a loving young woman with a world class smile. They say she was very family oriented. Baby Annabelle is being raised by her father and his family.

Autopsy: Ex-Roxbury woman's body was dragged into woods

The report says Rilee-Wilson suffered abrasions to her back and hand, and a leg contusion, apparently caused when she was dragged 35 feet from a logging road into the woods.

Dr. Joshua Lanter of the Oklahoma Medical Examiner's Office, wrote in the autopsy report that the body was examined in "an advanced state of decomposition" that can mask some injuries or diseases.

"The lack of findings suggestive of significant injury or disease does not necessarily rule out the existence of those entities," he wrote.

He wrote that the abrasions were "consistent with a post-mortem injury."

Parents of Slain Wister Woman Visit Site Where Body Was Found


"If the same paraglider went up today and knew where the body was he would not be able to see it," Jim Rilee explained. "He would not know this body was not meant to be found it was just by the grace of God that she was found."

Jodi's body was discovered May 9th on private property about a half mile or so up a gated road on Poteau Mountain.


Jodi Rilee-Wilson's body was not wrapped in trash bags as has been reported. Her parents believe whoever hid her body knows the area well. The Rilees want people to remember their daughter as a loving young woman with a world class smile. They say she was very family oriented. Baby Annabelle is being raised by her father and his family.

Thank You, now that I read that again I remember that was what her parents where upset about was the "rumors".
As little info as we have for her it is good to get the right info on her.

I do not know what it is about this case but I can't seem to just let it go.
To me it seems obvious as to who should be locked up at this point and there is a terrible disjustice going on here for not only Jodi but her baby and parents as well.
I am totally apalled her husband has made no statement at all that I can find, WTH Bo ? Speak UP....

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