Identified! OK - Oklahoma City, 'Sharon Marshall' 8UFOK, Apr'90 - Suzanne Sevakis

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DNA Solves
I'm not sure that your link has the facts straight, frankly. (ETA: What I should say instead, probably, is that the court document cited gives FDF's version of the story, from that time.)

I DO (as someone else mentioned) think it odd that he said "Sharon's" mother was named Linda Williams and he apparently used a Williams alias when marrying her (Suzanne/Sharon) mother. Yet...I don't think her mother's name was Linda...though I am not sure. An alias of hers, as you suggest? Just don't know.

I do think he gave some nuggets of truth from time to time.

Much of what you say, I agree with. I think, with whatever capacity he HAD to love, he probably did love her. And certainly he was dependent on her in many, many ways. I also think she loved him, to a degree -- and probably hated as well as feared him, too. After he took her, he was all she had, for a long time.

Suzanne's mother's name was not Linda. And there are marriage records confirming that she did marry Brandon Cleo Williams (i.e., FDF's Alias). So the story about how he left because she wouldn't marry him was a lie.
I"n February, 1973, Floyd was arrested by the Atlanta Police Department for attempted kidnapping. At that time, he was on parole after serving time in a federal prison for bank robbery. Floyd failed to appear for trial. Federal authorities issued a warrant for his arrest as a parole violator.

Shortly after he became a fugitive, Floyd developed a relationship with Linda Williams. When they met, Linda Williams had a daughter named Sharon. In 1974, Floyd took Sharon with him after Linda Williams refused to marry him. During Sharon's childhood, Floyd and Sharon lived together as father and daughter in several states. Floyd used a variety of aliases to avoid arrest on the outstanding warrant."

I mean, he was telling us the truth the whole time. Its so crazy. His alias is even there. I wonder if Linda was Suzanne's mother's "ALIAS". Honestly with her pregnancies close to divorces from other men and kids from different men, she sounds kinda "wild child".. back then.. Maybe somewhere in Floyd's warped mind he thought he was protecting the kids or he just couldnt handle taking care of them and had to leave, but like he said in the interview with Matt, Suzanne cried when he tried to leave her there, so he took her with him... he has been diagnosed with passive dependent personality, so that makes sense. He was dependent on her and NEEDED her. Another crazy twist, He did to Michael what he did to Suzanne...stepdad abducts crazy. He had to fill that need, as he was alone again and that was all that was left of Suzanne. I bet, in his very warped way, he loved her. Its the saddest story I have ever heard.
The story via Matt's site is that they were married and while she did a small stint in prison Floyd took off...when she got out Floyd and all kids were gone...other girls were left with social services except bro and Suzanne.
Would Sharon likely have begun school (maybe kindergarten?) before she was abducted -- and do we know what MONTH she was taken?

Was just thinking that if she had started school and it was during the school year, FDF could have dropped the two younger girls off at social services and picked Sharon up from school with some bogus, horrifying story that something had happened to her mother (and possibly her siblings, too). He could have had the baby boy with him at the time, or he might have "taken care" of the baby beforehand.
Suzanne's maternal grandfather chimed in last month with a comment on the listing for A Beautiful Child.

This was story about my granddaughter who was missing from me from 1975. It brings a conclusion to very sordid affair.
BTW, if you close that yellow message at the top of the page and then hit refresh, the yellow goes away, fyi.
I know what Suzanne's mom's REAL name is. I know its not LINDA, but I was wondering if she used an alias at some time while with Floyd and maybe it was Linda. That is all I was saying, lol..... I have lots of blanks filled in, I just thought it was interesting that Floyd did tell some truth mixed in with the lies.. I wonder how he kept it all straight anyhow, there were so many. I saw the grandfather's comment. I believe there is a pic available of him on ancestry ( not that I looked or anything, that would be against the rules, so that is hypothetical that he was blonde...)
by the way, this case took an interesting turn for me. I grew up in North Carolina, and am only 3 yrs younger than Suzanne. My hometown is only about 200 miles from where this all went down, and I actually lived in Charlotte for some time when I was a teenager.... I never expected this to end up in North Carolina.!! oh and MY real name IS Linda,
Yes, looks like several people have hit on the same basic info on the probable parents, and one could speculate that the first marriage broke up because two people who got married too young could not weather the father being in the militay and getting deployed to Vietnam - that may be how people ended up in NC from MI as there are lots of bases in NC. I didn't think the two sisters could be younger.
What's with the yellow border around every post? It looks awful.

Please comment in this post to let staff know how you feel!

BTW, if you close that yellow message at the top of the page and then hit refresh, the yellow goes away, fyi.

Very thankful you figured it out; but something tells me closing the box is a glitch. The yellow should be a skin option, not forced on us
So very happy that Suzanne has her name back but my heart goes out to the family, who must be devastated.

For those who think the mom didn't do enough to look for her, remember she was looking for two children, not one, so even if she hard of this story, she may not have connected the dots. I suspect she was thinking Floyd took the boy and the girl for a ready made family and raised them together; and her focus was on finding a brother and sister looking for their bio parents. Floyd was a predator and he knew how to spot prey. He took advantage of a woman who was probably poor and had kids whose fathers were not in their lives. It's just appalling that the police did nothing when the kids were taken by their step dad. Bad enough that bio dads were not pursued bck then, but also step dads who really had no legal rights! (unless he adopted them, which doesn't sounds like the case. )

This sad tale was what brought me to Websleuths. I don't recall hearing of a boy kidnapped with Suzanne, is this the first we are hearing of this? And if so, that is another reason why Suzanne's bio mom and investigators may have not made the connection.

As for her brother, I think it is likely that he is deceased. There is a possibility that he kept the boy for a little while to placate Suzanne, but a one year old became too much work and he killed him in a fit of rage or to punish Suzanne. I also agree that their is a possibility that he was dead while mom was in jail and that was what triggered his flight.
I don't think necessarily everything FDF did regarding Suzanne and Michael was about being a pedophile.

I agree with you. It's often hard for people to see the human side of people like FDF, but I suspect he did have some genuine feelings in there too. Unfortunately, he simply wasn't able to give them the life they deserved. He was really mentally disturbed.
I don't know what sort of feelings Floyd had. Sociopaths and psychopaths don't process feelings and emotions like your average person. And Floyd has a lot of diagnoses that go with just those. I don't know how or what he felt.
I felt this would only be solved through DNA or Floyd using his last bargaining chip to get better conditions or more privileges. I doubt he was trying to unburden his soul.
It disgusts me that LE refused to take a missing person report. Several people might not have died if they had done so.
I felt this would only be solved through DNA or Floyd using his last bargaining chip to get better conditions or more privileges. I doubt he was trying to unburden his soul.
It disgusts me that LE refused to take a missing person report. Several people might not have died if they had done so.

i also feel the same way but back then they had baclwards pd officers whos father grandfather great grandfather etc were cops and you didnt mess with such things.

my only thoughts is with his alias brandon cleao williams (sp) would they have ever found him and put him and floyd together? its apparent he only ever used that alias once and never again. and back then there was no computers or technology as advance as it is now so i wonder would they ever found floyd using that alias?

now the family has some closure on Suzanne but not the brother i hope when and if they are ready to speak we will get more info and maybe they will join ws and fill us in on those missing blanks
Suzanne's mother had all those kids back to back? And got divorced and remarried so quickly, as well. A little too fast in the *advertiser censored* for me. It's easy to see how she let someone like Floyd in her life. He knew that was an unstable situation and what Suzanne's mom was like and the life she was leading. It was very easy to take Sharon, instead of say, if he had hooked up with someone like Carol Brady. I hate to say it, but I think the mother's lifestyle factored into Sharon being taken like that.
I know the family are considered victims too but I had the same question regarding the timeline on the children. I'm not even sure how it's possible to do all of that in such a short period of time but it was done!

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And what kind of background did Floyd come from? Was he abused as a child? Did insanity gallop in his family? What's the deal?
And what kind of background did Floyd come from? Was he abused as a child? Did insanity gallop in his family? What's the deal?

From what I recall from reading A Beautiful Child he was the youngest of four children of an alcoholic and abusive father and after his father died his mother, unable to care for the kids took them to an orphanage in Ga. Floyd suffered alienation from his siblings as well as physical abuse. Not an excuse but I'm sure this all shaped him unto the monster he became.

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It still angers me that LE would not take a missing person report. The mother was presumably poor and had just got out of jail, but if she had means we know full well they would have. Since most missing people show up in a short time, LE generally sees this as wasted time.

Anyone know if the birth parents are living, or should that not be discussed here for the family's privacy?
It still angers me that LE would not take a missing person report. The mother was presumably poor and had just got out of jail, but if she had means we know full well they would have. Since most missing people show up in a short time, LE generally sees this as wasted time.

Anyone know if the birth parents are living, or should that not be discussed here for the family's privacy?
They are living
Suzanne's mother had all those kids back to back? And got divorced and remarried so quickly, as well. A little too fast in the *advertiser censored* for me. It's easy to see how she let someone like Floyd in her life. He knew that was an unstable situation and what Suzanne's mom was like and the life she was leading. It was very easy to take Sharon, instead of say, if he had hooked up with someone like Carol Brady. I hate to say it, but I think the mother's lifestyle factored into Sharon being taken like that.

I'm not sure what that means, exactly. I can tell you though that sociopaths don't come with warning labels. At least when they are highly socialized/functional (and a surprising number of them are!) BTK's wife had no clue. None. Ann Rule worked side by side with her good friend Ted Bundy and would never in a million years have pegged him as a killer - and she had been a cop! Suzanne's mother is not nearly the only one Floyd fooled. Clearly he had the ability to present himself as a part of civilized society - a little strange maybe, but not a killer. It doesn't mean she was stupid or a bad mom or anything else. It just means she had the misfortune of meeting this evil manipulator instead of you or me.

Four kids was hardly an abnormal size for a family in the early seventies.

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