Identified! OK - Oklahoma City, 'Sharon Marshall' 8UFOK, Apr'90 - Suzanne Sevakis

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Suzanne's mother had all those kids back to back? And got divorced and remarried so quickly, as well. A little too fast in the *advertiser censored* for me. It's easy to see how she let someone like Floyd in her life. He knew that was an unstable situation and what Suzanne's mom was like and the life she was leading. It was very easy to take Sharon, instead of say, if he had hooked up with someone like Carol Brady. I hate to say it, but I think the mother's lifestyle factored into Sharon being taken like that.

I agree that Suzanne's mother was a tempting target for Floyd, but think any single mom who was not wealthy and whose kids' dads were not in their every day lives* could be a target. As for the divorce and remarriage, she was probably trying to do right by her kids and create a stable environment. Sadly, Floyd seemed a good choice. And, I don't think being a target is the same as being at fault, which seems to be what you are implying.

As mentioned by another poster, Floyd fooled probably hundreds of people for many years. I just read A Beautiful Child and social workers actually thought that this man should have a relationship with Michael and were working toward that goal. Despite foster parents assertions about Michael's problems when they first got him. One foster family turned Michael away initially because they could not handle him. Yet Floyd had them convinced he was a good dad. He also fooled school officials, cops and all sorts of other people over the years with Suzanne. So I can understand how Suzanne's mom think he was a good guy.

* I am assuming the dads were not involved since the kids went to the stepfather rather than bio father when mom went to child. Most involved dads would jump at the chance of getting custody of kids if the mom was jailed.
Moderators, her name has been restored. I think it is now time to move her to the Identified section.
May the soul of Suzanne Maree Suvakis rest in the peace she did not find in her short time on this earth.
Moderators, her name has been restored. I think it is now time to move her to the Identified section.
May the soul of Suzanne Maree Suvakis rest in the peace she did not find in her short time on this earth.

There still is plenty of activity on this thread. I was planning on leaving it here until it falls to page 2
Perhaps we can start a thread for Suzanne's brother And Michael?
Assuming that the baby brother is alive, I wonder why Floyd dumped him at a different social services place than his other two sisters.

I think that maybe the dumped the baby first - very soon after he abducted the four children - because he wanted the girls. Later, for whatever reason, he decided three girls were too much to handle. Maybe he couldn't afford to care for three of them, maybe they grated on his nerves because they kept crying for their mom, maybe he thought the older one was too strong-willed for him to manipulate easily and he was scared she'd talk. So, he dumped the two and took his 'favorite', Suzanne.

I wonder how Floyd treated the kids before the abduction. I bet you that, looking back now, the mom is seeing things - even ''innocent'' things - in a MUCH different light. Did he immediately take a liking to Suzanne in particular? Did he show favoritism and/or give Suzanne a lot of attention compared to her siblings? I can't imagine he'd keep Suzanne over her siblings if she wasn't his favorite beforehand.
I wonder, if that the Amazon comment is true, and the ancestry-type site is true this would corroborate the Amazon comment...then the bio father and Suzanne's would be step-mom and half-siblings are all on FB. Which I wonder what the maternal half-siblings are called, because I would assume they would be on FB too, and how could they not have come across this case sooner (there are groups as some of you know). Odd.
As far as closing this thread and creating separate threads for Michael and the baby brother, I vote for keeping things here. The Sharon name recognition is valuable in itself.
As far as closing this thread and creating separate threads for Michael and the baby brother, I vote for keeping things here. The Sharon name recognition is valuable in itself.

Like Sharon (identified), son Michael (missing, Oklahoma, '94), and infant brother (missing, North Carolina, '75)?

We'll see what Carl thinks....
I wonder, if that the Amazon comment is true, and the ancestry-type site is true this would corroborate the Amazon comment...then the bio father and Suzanne's would be step-mom and half-siblings are all on FB. Which I wonder what the maternal half-siblings are called, because I would assume they would be on FB too, and how could they not have come across this case sooner (there are groups as some of you know). Odd.

I looked at the ancestry site. It's not some vast, connected tree. It is Suzanne, her parents, what would be two half-siblings from her father's second marriage, and her grandparents. That's it. I think there might have been one person listed as private, couldn't see how that person was connected though. It had no info from mom's extended family so I think it was created by someone on the father's side. Also, it wasn't like some family trees that are so sprawling that there are many tenuously connected people on it (like my family tree, which my uncle sent me a few years back - I found out the girl I sat next to at work was actually my third cousin - and I don't live in the kind of small town where you'd expect that, small world!) I digress, but the point is that it was obviously created by someone very close to the family, who knew Sandra's maiden name and Suzanne's full name too. There is not any ancestry on there that you would really have to do any research to find. I've often wondered if that tree was put up there solely in the hopes that maybe Suzanne would google herself, realize the connection and try to get in touch with them. I'm choosing to think this was the case.
Can they run Suzanne's mom's or dad's DNA through the UID database to see if there are any hits for Suzanne's brother? Wouldn't it be weird if he was Grateful Doe?
Can they run Suzanne's mom's or dad's DNA through the UID database to see if there are any hits for Suzanne's brother? Wouldn't it be weird if he was Grateful Doe?

I'd say the odds are pretty remote, but not impossible.
*mind blown* :bombshell:
I can't believe she's been identified!

And I can't believe I didn't see this until now!

I wish this could be at the banner at the top of the pages. I only occasionally venture into the unidentified section, but I've read a lot about Sharon Marshall. I'm sure there are many others like me that would love to know that she's been identified but don't come into this forum.

(Is it just me or does it feel weird / disrespectful to anyone else to type "Sharon Marshall" when we now know her given name? Yet it also feels weird to type "Suzanne" as she was known as "Sharon" for so long.)
It is weird, but I don't find it disrespectful. From what I have read, she had friends in high school who knew her and loved her as Sharon Marshall. Even though Floyd may have given her that name, Sharon/Suzanne was able to be a distinguished students with friends.
Birkbeck's ABC facebook just posted that her middle name is actually spelled Marie on her birth certificate so that makes me wonder about the Ancestry listing spelling it as Maree....
Birkbeck's ABC facebook just posted that her middle name is actually spelled Marie on her birth certificate so that makes me wonder about the Ancestry listing spelling it as Maree....

Interesting. That makes me think that the person putting the info on ancestry was working from a written source (letter, diary, family Bible, etc.). In cursive writing it would be very easy to have a loopy "i" that resembled an "e".
Michael already has a thread somewhere on was a very big case when it happened
I wonder, if that the Amazon comment is true, and the ancestry-type site is true this would corroborate the Amazon comment...then the bio father and Suzanne's would be step-mom and half-siblings are all on FB. Which I wonder what the maternal half-siblings are called, because I would assume they would be on FB too, and how could they not have come across this case sooner (there are groups as some of you know). Odd.

The maternal family is all on FB also. It wasn't difficult to find them at all. But I don't think this case is widely known in the general public and with the info that bio-mom had, it may have never connected.
I would venture to guess that Bio Dad probably was not involved with the search for her , I would imagine even if the police wouldnt help Mom, that if the Bio father wanted to file kidnapping charges he could.
I wish we knew more about the search her family has done over the years in finding Suzanne. I know that if I had a sister who disappeared I would search like crazy to find out what happened. I'm not saying her family didn't search, I would like to know more.

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