GUILTY OK - Patrick Misner for raping 4yo girl, Sapulpa, 2012

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This is something that was hanging with me as I read thru the thread. Where does it say there's a table blocking the entrance/exit?
If you have a source for this, this IS a very important clue. If the crime had been committed by the mom's bf, why would he block the access? Someone that doesn't want walked in on would block the access, correct? If he's the only one there, why would he need to do that?

That post was so long ago. Best I remember I saw a pic or video showing a nightstand or table that was up against the window. This was before the pics of the window boarded up and I have no idea now where to find it.
I am glad it was not the boyfriend after all and feel terrible for this family to be split up after all this time. Also I feel for the boyfriend wrongly accused and the time he spent in jail.
Thank you all for your interst in this case and I hope that I can keep you all informed on all that you are intersted in and want to know more about. Yes I'm very proud of my daughter though at the time very upset with her. they were theating to take her childern and at that time they had convinced me. but not her, she just kept saying that she just can't convince her heart because it just did not add up to her why would he do this to her baby girl? and that he loved our grand daughter. why would her daughter be asking for her Daddy if he done this to her? and why after three years would he do this? and why couldn't she just wait until the DNA came back? she did say that she believed her daughter and maybe tried to believe in her mind that Tommy did this alful thing but I know she never convinced her heart.
As far as the night stand is concerned I don't remember seeing that but I do know that it blocked the window and in the back of the night stand there was a hole like someone had poked it with something. I did tell the sheriff that I believed that he came in though the window because it looked like someone had hit the back of the night stand when they used something to break the window.(I thought he might of used a tire tool bar idk what you call it.) but thats what it looked like to me, but I was told no that it was proly staged to look like that. but as far as I know there was nothing blocking the door way and I do not recall any one telling us that. there were alot of things wrote and said that had us really confused too. so many things that just wasn't right. but when you get so many people involved then I guess you will hear everyones verison truth or not.
Thank you all for your interst in this case and I hope that I can keep you all informed on all that you are intersted in and want to know more about. Yes I'm very proud of my daughter though at the time very upset with her. they were theating to take her childern and at that time they had convinced me. but not her, she just kept saying that she just can't convince her heart because it just did not add up to her why would he do this to her baby girl? and that he loved our grand daughter. why would her daughter be asking for her Daddy if he done this to her? and why after three years would he do this? and why couldn't she just wait until the DNA came back? she did say that she believed her daughter and maybe tried to believe in her mind that Tommy did this alful thing but I know she never convinced her heart.
As far as the night stand is concerned I don't remember seeing that but I do know that it blocked the window and in the back of the night stand there was a hole like someone had poked it with something. I did tell the sheriff that I believed that he came in though the window because it looked like someone had hit the back of the night stand when they used something to break the window.(I thought he might of used a tire tool bar idk what you call it.) but thats what it looked like to me, but I was told no that it was proly staged to look like that. but as far as I know there was nothing blocking the door way and I do not recall any one telling us that. there were alot of things wrote and said that had us really confused too. so many things that just wasn't right. but when you get so many people involved then I guess you will hear everyones verison truth or not.

:welcome: and hugs to you Nana. I have been praying for your family, especially your sweet baby girl who suffered so needlessly because of that animal. I hope he rots in prison. I also hope and pray that your family will find healing, especially the sweet baby girl. Know that there are many people out here, strangers in the cyber-universe that hold you and your family in prayer.
I really don't understand what CPS is doing here. TB was falsely accused, why is he still not allowed to be with the children?
I am betting they (CPS) claim mom is not a good decision maker based on her defending Tommy when LE (and many others) was still convinced he was the monster.

Even though he has been cleared now, CPS probably still views it as if mom would take up for her man above and beyond protecting her child.

I am not saying I agree with this line of thinking, just saying I think that IS the line of thinking being followed by CPS in this case.

I suspect this to be true because of a similar circumstance where my sister's children were removed from her SOLELY based on the fact that her then BF was a potential threat. Even though she called police on the day in question to assist her in leaving the home when he refused to let her take her child with her. Even though she removed herself and the children from the home that very day. Even though she is the one who sought help for the situation, her children were removed from her for a time based on CPS suspicions that she may put a man first, ahead of her children.

It took her months and months and required parenting classes (which they made her pay for BTW, broke and homeless after leaving the "threat") to get her kids back.

If as I suspect, this is the reason for the continued CPS involvement in this family's life, I hold them even more so in my payers. Having watched sis go through this dog and pony show, it is a long row to hoe.

What irritates me to no end in cases such as this is the seeming little that it takes for CPS to act in one case (here) and the seeming mountain of clear evidence of abuse they manage to find "unfounded" in other cases. the randomness in the application of their guidelines infuriates me.
Well if that is what CPS is thinking then that is messed up. Why shouldn't the mother have defended TB-he was falsely accused, after all.
In addition, people are innocent until proven guilty-and he was actually innocent. So what would give CPS the right to hold it against the mother? And why would CPS punish TB? And we all know how CPS sometimes re-unifies children with abusive parents and in how some of these children end up dead. But in this case, again, a man was falsely accused and didn't abuse the child.

CPS is one seriously messed up agency nationwide. I have seen too much following cases here to think otherwise.
Yes tlcox that pretty much sums it up all I can say is you better watch what you say because they will take it and twist it to make it say what they want. and trust me they do not always write down the whole truth and nothing but the truth to get what they want. and we have papers they filed to prove it. but they have picked the wrong mama to mess with her childern. they also brought in the little girls bio Dad whom never in her life by his own choice, (IMO) she did not no him and was scared to be around anyone but her mama,papa and nana. my daughter was told by the DHS worker that they would go by what her counslor recommended, but it turned out that the childern's court appointed att. was friends with the bio dads lawyer and DHS was working with him because they were not happy with our daughter. even after finding out she was right.
so they gave him unsurvised visit's even when we told them that this could cause her even more fear and set her back. they not only gave him visits with her but also with her little brother whom is not even his but he is Tommys son. and they would not even give him unsurvised visit's. and so he was unable to see his son while the little girls bio got them both and was not in the little girls life less on the little boys. there is so much I cannot say at this time but in time I will....
Why is 'saving face' more important than protecting the innocent, convicting the guilty and seeing justice? Because what you say is true. To the prosecutors, to the police, it's not about who's guilty, it's about them and who they said did what. Regardless of the truth, regardless of the evidence. Like in this case, wasn't it along the lines of 'we knew it was him because his story wasn't plausible'? Well, guess what, it wasn't Tommy. The sad thing is, instead of admitting it, some D.A.s and cops would let it stand. At least these ones said sorry, we goofed.

The only person who said he was sorry was the Judge who insponged him from this crime. the rest have treated him like they have been treating our Daughter, which is not good.... Also news that you all maybe interested in Tommy was released July 3rd with a slip of paper showing he bonded out. ( which is a lie because he never paid anything that was when the DNA came back )after telling us they seen all the post on a news web site that was saying to let him out and let the people have him and people saying what needed to be done to him. ( which was not the post they were telling us about but it was right in there with it.)They didn't even have it put in the paper untill 6 days later. and if anyone would of seen him and all he had was a peice of paper saying he was bonded out ummmm I wonder what could of happiend to him. Creek Co. wasn't even warning people that there was a rapist still out there. and when they did find out who it was they told us that they had a APB out for Patrick. but after reading this I see that was untrue also. :jail:
well they did say that Patrick slept all day and was out all night. and that he left the same day that Tommy was picked up but also at the time the news and such was pretty much putting it out there that Tommy was the one that raped our grand daughter. and to tell the truth I was even convinced, because they said that our grand daughter said it was him. and they had all this evidence against him. So really I do believe that they did not even think he could of done it his crimes before were not of a sexual nature even the sheriff dept. did not think it could of been him they were shocked to find it was him when the DNA came back a match. He also had two daughters of his own around five years old and a son.

Ok Patricks twin girls are three and his son is six years old.... sorry about that
Actually I do have a question for Nana.

So this monster's family apologized to your daughter and all...but dang. There's a part of me what wonders how could they not have suspected him from the getgo. I mean, he was recently released from prison...could have conceivably given them SOME suspicion (weird behavior, maybe they heard him leave the house in the middle of the night, hiding bloody laundry, throwing his shoes away, I don't know SOMETHING). I mean this guy doesn't sound like a braintrust. And then he skips town out of the blue right after the rape? could they not have wondered???

I do have a comment for nancy. His family didn't know because they were his family and they loved him, they believed they knew him. They didn't put it together, couldn't or wouldn't accept it, and just didn't dream it was a possibility. Some might have let the possibility cross their mind, but, your mind just doesn't work that way when it's a family member, or someone you're close to. Do you have any idea how many wives never realized, even refused to believe the possibility existed that their husband was a rapist, or serial killer? . It's like the person is Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde, you just can't fathom it's that person you know and love.
Please do not interpret this as criticism of you, Nancy, because it definitely is not. I've stood in shoes similar to yours and asked the same kind of question. I also ask how some people lie about things that are so darn obviously lies, yet they expect you to believe them, and someone said it has to do with vanity. The guilty person just thinks they are so smart or so good at pretending that they will be believed. It's vanity on their part.
I hope I was helpful even if you didn't ask me, Nancy, but I've gone thru this so many times I've reached the point where in some cases I can see it, too.
Yes I do agree to the above statement. But I also believe this is what the Law inforcement and DHS does also. the truth is there but they would rather believe a lie
they have made instead of doing their job. all it would of taken was one phone call to get a k-9 out there to find the guy but by talking to each other and just putting this case together they had all they needed. they lie to us and the news people and proly each other. They take things that was said and twist and turn it around untill it can work for them to make a case against our daughter and Tommy. they make the bio Dad out to be father of the year. ( when in TRUTH should not even be looked at as a dad IMO that is why her papa and I have been in her life so much and because she loves us and feels safer with us we have been there along with her Mom and Dad) I know that some of you may know what I'm talking about becuz it either happiend to you or someone you know. and because everyone is so scared of losing thier childern they just go along with it to just work to get their kids back. there are so many things that are untrue about what DHS is saying and I know that they are getting info from the bio side that has already told so many lies to the DA and we have proved them wrong. you would think that the DA would get a clue sooner or later that they should not believe them but what can I say they was willing to send to Tommy to prison if his lawyer wouldn't of stood up and said No wait for the DNA to come back. he could of already of went to trail and sent to prison before they got the proof they needed, and by then he would of proly been dead. I know what they are trying to do and it makes me sick they want to find this so called bio dad and make him look like father of the year and work with him and try to make him be a daddy and then say look what WE did maybe Tommy and the mother didn't do this but look at what we found out and they did this and look at this poor bio daddy whom they deprived of being in his little girls life BUT LOOK WE DHS of CREEK CO DID we reunited him with this poor little girl we are sooo good, but they will not tell everyone they did it with lies and deceit or how much THEY put this poor BABY GIRL though. PLEASEEEEE something needs to be done to stop this abuse of power done by these people whom say they do it for the childern that is alot of BS in this case they done it to cover their butts they had out there for all to see. then they realized it didn't look to pretty and they might want to cover it somehow. and the sad thing is that everyone believes them because they are DHS. makes me sick. am I mad? yes I'm they are tearing this family apart just to try to make themselves look good. man I wish that I could tell you all more what all they have done in the name of justice but that will have to come at a later date. and untill that Day please keep praying that God will bring out of the darkiness into the light.... thank you all so much
I'm sorry to just keep pouring out my fustratians. but there is such a need for people to realize what is going on. I to had heard horror stories before about CPS but I thought that maybe the people wasn't telling all of the story because I myself did not believe that DHS could get by with crap like that, but trust me they do. Be careful because it could happiend to you. we never thought that our family would have need of them being in our lives either. but something out of our control brought them in. and now they are here hot and heavy....
I am glad you feel comfortable here Nana. I imagine that you have to just vent and let it all those frustrations out somewhere. Especially what with having to be strong for your daughter and grandkids as they navigate this crazy mess. Sometimes when we are busy being strong for others we have to have somewhere to just let it out.

I think everyone here understands that.
As tlcox says, your family has gone and is still going thru a difficult time, i also am glad you can vent here.
My child and i had CPS involved in our lives for 10 years, difference is i went to them, other than to say it was hard to get there attention at the start, CPS was one of the best things in my childs and my life, I begged CPS to take him or teach me. He was in protective custody for 10 years(which means i keep him but CPS can and would take him, when things got unstable) there was partial foster care so he could experiance a normal -2 parent with sibling family, mental health councellors, parenting classes, and on and on. I gave up my pride, my possesiveness, my power so i could hold on to him.

The point to that story is, your family has gone thru a terrible experiance, understandably you all need to come to peace with it. The bio father is not much touched by the situation so to CPS he will seem the most stable. You cannot fight with CPS, you cannot let your issues as valid as they are, become part of your relashionship with CPS. Only the childs well being is important, is she getting councelling, is there anything you can do that CPS can support you with, those are the things you can push for, ask them to do the most they can for the child do not fight.
You said the child is angry, she has a right to be, it is beautiful to see that you are so understanding of her and her needs, you are really a very good wise grandma. Things may not work out the way you hope, but you will never loose her, you love and care for her so very much. The child cannot make her own choices now, but she can and will in the future. Your doing the best you can for her, i wish you and your family well.
With CPS breath slow, count to 10 or maybe 100, good luck. :)
sorry I posted the same message twice I was trying to edit and I posted instead.... my bad
I'm a parent advocate/Parent partner... I pair up with families who have had their families torn apart by DHS and I help the parents advocate for themselves to get their children home and get their cases closed, if you need anything, message me on here and I'll do what I can to help.
As tlcox says, your family has gone and is still going thru a difficult time, i also am glad you can vent here.
My child and i had CPS involved in our lives for 10 years, difference is i went to them, other than to say it was hard to get there attention at the start, CPS was one of the best things in my childs and my life, I begged CPS to take him or teach me. He was in protective custody for 10 years(which means i keep him but CPS can and would take him, when things got unstable) there was partial foster care so he could experiance a normal -2 parent with sibling family, mental health councellors, parenting classes, and on and on. I gave up my pride, my possesiveness, my power so i could hold on to him :)

Thank you so much for taking the time to write and give me hope. I'm so glad
that you had a good outcome with them. and really I would have to say out of everyone I have talked to you are the only one that have had them to work with them. My daughter has been doing everything that she could think of doing to help our grand daughter, yes they both are in Counlsing and she is a very good mother. she has no issues with the fact that she needs to go to parenting classes, and counlsing for her and her family she is even all for that. she does have issues with the lies they told to get custody and the bio father lied to get visitian AFTER he was told it could cause his daughter stress fore she was under going some very stressful treatment with trying to learn how to feel protected and safe again and and trying to trust again. we were doing everything that we were told to do where DHS or the family of her bio dad were doing nothing but trying to keep him out of trouble. and they have done nothing but lie none of them have taken the time to consider this little girl and her rights or her right to feel safe. they have vilated so much of this babys rights they have never even talked to her. we told them fromthe beginning what kind of person he is and they have NEVER checked into anything we have told them and yet believed everything he says. there are so much more which will be brought up at the right time and people will see just what an in justice that was done here. but I'm really happy for you that yours turned out well. but our daughter cannot just give in to thier lies and the pressure that they are putting on her. because she has two babies that she has fought for since this has happiend to her baby girl. and she will not lie and look like a unfit Mother just to aplease them and then they end up taking her kids. you see it is totally another story when they are working for you then against you. but she does have papers that they filed that are lies that she has proved so I ask why should she lie and let them take her childern when it is DHS that are the ones depriving them? the judge even kicked it out of his court room last month so they could go back and do it right. so the judge even seen it so thats a good thing on her part. I'm not trying to be hateful or nothing but there is just so much that I cannot say. hopefully the truth will be brought out and everyone will see just how bad they were. and yes I have told DHS and all of them how unfair and wrong they are for what they are doing to our grand daughter and all they do is smile and say she just has to get over it because her daddy has his rights. (WHY) idk I may be crazy but I would think they would think of a little four year old little girl whom was raped and was scared to death every day of her life and only felt safe when she was with her mama, papa and nana just to be forced to go with a boy she didn't know that was called her daddy. (she had seen him and been around him and his mom even took little videos and had pictures of when she was a baby in which my daughter gave to his mother because when she tried to give them to him he did not want them but she did not have a father daughter realationship with him he was to busy living his life. and had no time for her) and whom she was scared of. just for some ungodly reason they thought should have more rights then her.
I'm a parent advocate/Parent partner... I pair up with families who have had their families torn apart by DHS and I help the parents advocate for themselves to get their children home and get their cases closed, if you need anything, message me on here and I'll do what I can to help.

Our daughter does have a very good lawyer working on this But I think she might be really interested in this also. she is just so upset with the way her daughter has been treated in all of this so much more info that will surprize you. but she does have a paper trail that they left which is good. I have not yet learned how to do all this I did it once but my daughter got me there. so just let me know how she can get ahold of you. We have moved out of creek co. and now our daughter has new workers in which we have heard is really good and that they work for the child so just crossing our fingers and hoping this will work. but I do know she does want her childern and all this in justice over.... Our grandchildern are with their mother now because cps would not take the little girl away after what happiend to her but that is the only thing they have done right in all this.
It's great she has a good lawyer that will help more than anything anyone else can do :)

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