**OLD REVISIT**GA Seen Near Woods Where Teams Searched for Caylee

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I think George has either come to the conclusion that Caylee is dead. And perhaps he has come to the conclusion that she is in "a" woods. Knowing the search is coming, knowing that the possibility that her remains will be found and more evidence against his daughter, he might have been thinking about that. Or he may have been having one of those unspoken discussions with Caylee that he wants to find her and put her to rest, but that to do so would put her mother into more danger. Or he could be just looking and wondering if Casey would be able to do any harm to Caylee and dispose of her in the woods.

But by him going during the daylight, I doubt that he was intending to alter the scene either at that time or later. He went during daylight, during a time of higher travel. He didn't try to hide his visit at all. And even if he intended to alter the scene later, it isn't like his visit would be forgotten.
(Bolding is mine.)
Now, that's a quandary I would not wish upon my worst enemy. I feel very sorry for him.
I have searched for Caylee a dozen times and have a friend who searches daily. It get's frustrating and overwhelming. I can tell you this after serching for hours I would always end up back to one certain place and just stand and look for ever! Sometimes I would just sit and take in everything around me and wonder...why and where. It's really powerful that GA is doing the same thing in my opinion. Sometimes you get a certain feeling or energy sometimes you feel peaceful and other times you feel frustrated!
I think GA was out there to find some kind of peace, as much as I dislike CA I think GA has some kind of soul and morns his grandaughter and I truly believe that he knows KC had a hand in it.

Wow!! Thankyou.It cant be easy going out there to search. The emotions would be so intense, and actually being there....I just cannot even imagine!!
You are doing a wonderful thing.:blowkiss:
No. I don't think it was a "stunt" in any way. I think it was a grieving grandfather staring out at the woods where he KNOWS (or at least BELIEVES) his sweet baby that he loved with all of his heart is laying, dead. No stunt, just pure raw grief.
ITA, he says what he says to comfort and support his wife, but he knows she is gone, and now he knows where they are going to look, and he goes there because he misses her, and he is grieving. People should leave him alone, and let him grieve. Soon enough they are going to find her, and then what is CA going to do. Let him grieve in peace for crying out loud.
I wish he had a friend to go with him, and sit with him there while he waits for TES to find her. It should be CA but since it isn't, it should be someone. His son, his pastor, someone, because he needs the support, and b/c too many people would rather suspect him then pray for him. He is just one more person in the line of victims of KC... jmo
George could possibly be up to something or scouting out the area during daylight before a middle of the night visit with a big flashlight. If he's so miserable and forelorn, then why the heck didn't he take a stand and give Tim something of Caylee's for dog to search. How does he know to go to this particular area out of other nearby areas...............

maybe he did( of course without telling CA) We can hope.
If GA would tell where Caylee is, he would find peace.

and he would find himself homeless. Remember the house is Cindy's, and she'd boot him for sure!
I have been lurking for a few weeks and have been sitting up at the hospital with a very sick husband. I wish I could agree with everyone about GA but seriously I don't think he is willing to walk away from $$$$$$$. MOO zi think it's somewhat more sinister.

Best wishes on your husband's quick recovery, SF
From reading the article it looks like the timeline for George looking is this:

George was looking into the woods in the early evening of 10-30 (Thurs.)

The viewer contacted LE (and probably at some point also contacted the media)

Cindy made contact with the reporter on Tues.

My guess on why Cindy got involved was that when wftv got ready to write the story they probably tried to make contact with George and couldn't reach him. Most media will at least try to make contact to get the other side of the story or at least some comment. Maybe they didn't get an answer and left a message on the answering machine. Cindy getting the message probably thought she better come up with a story quick, so she texted back.

The only comment I have on Cindy's story is that it sounds about as reasonable as the Zanny did it, and told me not to talk about it.
Wow, I am thinking just the opposite. :)

There is a reason why GA was in that area and I'm positive it is NOT to scout out another possible location for the KidFinders tent!

Why would they look for an alive Caylee in the woods!! :waitasec:

Ah Geeze people - this grandpa believes his grandaughter is alive. Here are people out looking for a dead child. They are expending their time, effort and money to SEARCH FOR A DEAD CHILD! I can well believe that this man is incredibly frustrated and WAS IN FACT trying to see if there was a place to put his billboard to try to pull some people to help him look for his LIVING grandaughter.

MY HEART ABSOULTELY BREAKS FOR HIM! Where is compassion in this country anymore? Everyone expects the worst out of people and seem hell-bent on beating up on someone when they are at their lowest.

I remember reading about the FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE where the people went and cheered the lions on as they tore apart human beings. Everyone seems to have this bloodthirsty attitude towards GA, CA and LA and it is just plain horrible!

Their daughter fooled alot of people for years and years. To pass judgement on her parents for not seeing what her friends did not see is just plain ignorant. Your parents are your first champions in life. Yes, it is tragic. But I dare even one of you to say that GA and CA did not love that dear baby with all of their heart. They are hanging onto the only sanity left to them - believing that Caylee is still alive. Pray for them that when they have to accept reality that they will be able to handle it. God Bless them!
Maybe he WAS scouting a place for their tent! If they set up a tent for the same time as the TES search maybe they figure searchers WON'T go near them given the bad blood ??? Just a thought that they might be "guarding" Caylee?? I'm searching this weekend with the TES folks and would LOVE to be assigned that area!! It's not far from where TES will be set up, but it's not really close either.
I will not speculate on any of the Anthony's 'possible' inner turmoils until I hear a statement directly from their mouths. And to date I have heard nothing from any of the Anthonys that supports they want to find Caylee.
George is gonna catch the wrath of Cindy when he walks in that door!

Yep. And his visit to the woods made her tell another mistruth about setting up a tent in the woods.

Casey was home a long time. George may know where the baby's body is. He might have been contemplating going against Casey, CA, JB and MJ and going to see his grandbaby. Or he may have been contemplating tampering with evidence. I have always felt GA was too smart to involve himself in that.

I reckon that old feller was just standing out there feeling miserable
Ah Geeze people - this grandpa believes his grandaughter is alive. Here are people out looking for a dead child. They are expending their time, effort and money to SEARCH FOR A DEAD CHILD! I can well believe that this man is incredibly frustrated and WAS IN FACT trying to see if there was a place to put his billboard to try to pull some people to help him look for his LIVING grandaughter.

MY HEART ABSOULTELY BREAKS FOR HIM! Where is compassion in this country anymore? Everyone expects the worst out of people and seem hell-bent on beating up on someone when they are at their lowest.

I remember reading about the FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE where the people went and cheered the lions on as they tore apart human beings. Everyone seems to have this bloodthirsty attitude towards GA, CA and LA and it is just plain horrible!

Their daughter fooled alot of people for years and years. To pass judgement on her parents for not seeing what her friends did not see is just plain ignorant. Your parents are your first champions in life. Yes, it is tragic. But I dare even one of you to say that GA and CA did not love that dear baby with all of their heart. They are hanging onto the only sanity left to them - believing that Caylee is still alive. Pray for them that when they have to accept reality that they will be able to handle it. God Bless them!

Your post proves that there are people who still have compassion :blowkiss:
I don't know how to feel about this. I just can't wait until all the cards fall and everyone has to deal with the truth. jmo
Ah Geeze people - this grandpa believes his grandaughter is alive. Here are people out looking for a dead child. They are expending their time, effort and money to SEARCH FOR A DEAD CHILD! I can well believe that this man is incredibly frustrated and WAS IN FACT trying to see if there was a place to put his billboard to try to pull some people to help him look for his LIVING grandaughter.

MY HEART ABSOULTELY BREAKS FOR HIM! Where is compassion in this country anymore? Everyone expects the worst out of people and seem hell-bent on beating up on someone when they are at their lowest.

I remember reading about the FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE where the people went and cheered the lions on as they tore apart human beings. Everyone seems to have this bloodthirsty attitude towards GA, CA and LA and it is just plain horrible!

Their daughter fooled alot of people for years and years. To pass judgement on her parents for not seeing what her friends did not see is just plain ignorant. Your parents are your first champions in life. Yes, it is tragic. But I dare even one of you to say that GA and CA did not love that dear baby with all of their heart. They are hanging onto the only sanity left to them - believing that Caylee is still alive. Pray for them that when they have to accept reality that they will be able to handle it. God Bless them!

:clap::clap::clap: I wish I was able to express myself as well as you do. I feel the same way, where is the compassion for the grandparents, and the uncle. It is very tragic i also pray they would be able to handle it. If it was me and they find her i know I would not be able to accept it .I would not want live without my heart. mo
They want to have TES search there to throw them off of the other areas of interest.

now that makes sense to me. Thats why he would be there making sure he was seen in broad daylight.

I have to agree with you. There is no way that LE has not set up some kind of tracking device on these folks. Be it GPS, undercovers...... The A family knows this as well. Also, it's not like they can go anywhere without being noticed. imo
Ah Geeze people - this grandpa believes his grandaughter is alive. Here are people out looking for a dead child. They are expending their time, effort and money to SEARCH FOR A DEAD CHILD! I can well believe that this man is incredibly frustrated and WAS IN FACT trying to see if there was a place to put his billboard to try to pull some people to help him look for his LIVING grandaughter.<SNIP>

NOPE don't buy it for one minute!!! JMO :)
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