**OLD REVISIT**GA Seen Near Woods Where Teams Searched for Caylee

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Or he is looking for a place to park the billboard so they can be as distracting as possible to the searchers....

If that's the case, LE should make a very large area around the search OFF LIMITS to anyone except people searching with TES & LE. At this point I wouldnt want the Anthony's to search in the woods with TES. They could stay at the TES command center, but that's it. However, there is so much bad blood between Cindy & the public, she should stay very far away. Just keep a low profile while the search is going on.

Prayer are with all those searching for Caylee & Jennifer, that both these girls be brought home .
I can't believe it took him this long. I realize the A's are pushing the Caylee is alive theory... My husband lost our 4 year old at a street festival for about 5 seconds- I felt extreme and complete panic for about 2 seconds then immediately went into action to find her. I can not imagine not ACTIVELY going EVERYWHERE to find a missing loved one. Especially a small child- :confused:

As for CA texting the reporter- she has an answer/explanation/excuse for EVERYTHING.

God, Thank you Jesus that you found her--I know, it's beyond panic.
George needs to be on suicide watch.
I think he feels her there..
Lord help him...
George knows Caylee is gone.

I believe that denial is what has fueled the A's to this point, and I think that reality is slowly starting to set in.

I so want for caylee to be found, but I also worry that when she is, the A's will fall apart, and find the one way that they can be reunited with their grand daughter.
I know this isnt a popular opinion.(understatement...lol) I understand that we all have different perspectives- I 'm just not someone who wishes ill upon anybody,particularly those who are already sufferring more than we could ever imagine....thats my opinion, I know that others see it differently, and I respect that.

I hope they have a strong support network during the scheduled search this weekend. Because when Caylees body is found they will be learning that the little girl they loved so much is never coming back.No room for denial, and zero hope. I wouldnt wish that on anyone.
I really think George has suspected since the beginning that Caylee was gone. I have always felt bad for him. I think there is a part of him who wants to hold onto that little shred of hope, but maybe that shred is unraveling and that's why he was out there. I don't buy CA story that he was scouting for a place to put the billboard. They know TES will be there and they are not looking for a live Caylee, so why would they put it there. Maybe, George is starting to come to terms with this, but who knows.
I just got home and saw this thread so if this has been asked please ignore....why would CA text WFTV? why would she tell them anything? I thought this was the station JB was upset with...why would she just out of the blue text a reporter??? Can somebody help me with this please? TIA
I have started to resent google map. I keep looking up these places...Then I get directions to Hopespring Drive. Zoom in. Zoom out. Shift left. Shift right. A needle in a haystack. I can't search (too far away) but I read about those that have and those that will and my heart is heavy. There are so many places that she could be!

I don't know what George has done or hasn't done.

If he hasn't done anything and doesn't know where she is, I can't imagine the anguish he is feeling. I am pained searching google. Who could possibly understand what he might be feeling/thinking searching near his home. For his grand-daughter.
IMO there are no winners regardless of the outcome.

KC has wrecked the lives of many, as well as her own. And for what?

CA must feel as life is spinning out of control. No swinging of a hammer, no evasion tactics, no ranting or raving, no texting or TV appearances will put this right and deep down, she must know it.

But the saddest of all to me is GA. His face is etched in agony. To hear that he was standing beside of the road, looking into the woods is beyond sad. He would have to know that he would be recognized, so the desire to be there must have been powerful.

And just maybe instead of trying to tamper with evidence, he is sending a nonverbal message because he wants this to end and little Caylee to be found.

Of course, all of this is just my opinion. And in case, you're wondering, I'm not on the "Anthony's side" unless of course, you count little Caylee.
Well if it was MY grandaughter I would not give a hoot who was watching - at least people would know I cared enough to even search instead of telling everyone else to get off their azzes and go look for Caylee. JMO

welcome to Websleuths :)

Thank you for the welcome. I have been reading here since poor little Trenton went missing, If they search with a separate group then people will say they are trying to find and hide evidence. If they were to search a know group I think they would feel they might be threatened like the protesters did.I am a mom mom to a beautifull 3 yr old grandson who is my heart, but honestly I dont know if I would be able to except any ones word if God forbid I was in thier position. It would be so devastating.
I have been waiting patiently for George to show up somewhere and he did!

Yes, me too.....and I'm praying mightily to Caylee with the hopes it will give her the strength to reach down and touch him so he gains the fortitude he needs to do the right thing.

If any of that makes sense.
I have been lurking for a few weeks and have been sitting up at the hospital with a very sick husband. I wish I could agree with everyone about GA but seriously I don't think he is willing to walk away from $$$$$$$. MOO zi think it's somewhat more sinister.
Simple, control. IMHO, she's acting manic because she's lost control, of Caylee, of Casey and probably George and Lee too. She is trying to gain control over something whether it be the media or BB's and Blogs.

Oh god ..
I hope that doesn't mean she'll start posting too .. :rolleyes:

The reading is bad enough ..
Imagine her online, here, with us?
God help us ..
I think George has either come to the conclusion that Caylee is dead. And perhaps he has come to the conclusion that she is in "a" woods. Knowing the search is coming, knowing that the possibility that her remains will be found and more evidence against his daughter, he might have been thinking about that. Or he may have been having one of those unspoken discussions with Caylee that he wants to find her and put her to rest, but that to do so would put her mother into more danger. Or he could be just looking and wondering if Casey would be able to do any harm to Caylee and dispose of her in the woods.

But by him going during the daylight, I doubt that he was intending to alter the scene either at that time or later. He went during daylight, during a time of higher travel. He didn't try to hide his visit at all. And even if he intended to alter the scene later, it isn't like his visit would be forgotten.
Yes, me too.....and I'm praying mightily to Caylee with the hopes it will give her the strength to reach down and touch him so he gains the fortitude he needs to do the right thing.

If any of that makes sense.

Makes perfect sense. And is very well stated.

Mind you, that said, isn't it all the more heart-wrenching that CAYLEE is the one we all believe is capable of genuine strength in this family? That makes me very sad.
Oh god ..
I hope that doesn't mean she'll start posting too .. :rolleyes:

The reading is bad enough ..
Imagine her online, here, with us?
God help us ..

LOL, she wouldn't last long. We have mods with bigger hammers!
In my opinion
George Anthony is a lost soul just as Caylee is. You can see it in his eyes. This poor man needs to make a choice if he wants to save himself and he knows it. He has to find the inner strength to do it before it is to late. That struggle must be unbearable for him. No matter what he does this choice will cause him more loose and pain. To survive he needs to walk away from everyone and everything that has mattered to him to and focus on finding Caylee's body. In that he will finally be able to gain peace.

In the woods, amongst the sounds of life, if one listens closely enough one can hear the spirits whisper.
I know this is one heck of a long shot, maybe KC told the minister who visited her for 4 hrs. what happened and where Caylee is located. Perhaps he was told to give the message to GA. Or maybe GA stood in that spot near the woods to create suspicion that Caylee may be in that area, instead of the Airport area that is going to be searched so heavily this weekend. Or maybe he is coming to terms with the fact that his grandbaby is no longer with us and he has his own suspicions as to where she may be. Who knows? This is anyones guess.
From what I understand and believe, a viewer saw GA standing out there staring and called it in.

I believe that Cindy texting WFTV was her attempt at damage control.

God bless George, I am worried about him.

George is gonna catch the wrath of Cindy when he walks in that door!
I just saw the video... Cindy's claim makes nooooooooooooo sense... given the location. I wish she would just let her lawyer deal with the media... she's not doing herself any good by speaking out.
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