**Old thread**Focusing solely on George Anthony

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On thing I would really like to clear up where George is concerned is just how much of a LE background he really has. I remember early on in this case his background in LE was more fully explored, and it was determined that he was a deputy in the Sheriff's Department for a little while, but was actually not much more than a Barney Fife in his small Ohio town. I've heard Cindy and others refer to him as an ex homicide detective, but in actuality I don't think he ever held a position anything like that. In the town where I live Sheriff's Department employees are beneath the true police department, and they consider it a big step up if they can get to the police academy and then be hired by the police department. So, what really is the extent of George's background, some twenty odd years ago, as a "cop"?

Regarding the bolded part: I don't know where you live but in most areas of the country, when there is a sheriff's department, they ARE the police. They have as much law enforcement jurisdiction over their area as any police department would have. Usually, cities have a police department, and counties have a sheriff's office. Cities within those counties can have police departments. Neither the sheriff and deputies are in any form less than the police chief and the police officers. States have State Troopers. None of these are less than the others. :eek:
Could someone explain to me the difference between being a sherrif and being a police officer? Where I live each town has it's own police department with officers and then we also have the County Sheriff's Office. I have never understood the relationship/difference. Anyone??

The difference is in the name and the locale. Counties and Parishes (Louisiana) have sheriff's departments. Within those counties, the cities can have their own police departments. Neither is over the other. They carry equal weight and they can both arrest criminals, have detectives that investigate murders, etc. They work within their own jurisdictions and sometimes they work together.

In some cities, there is both a police department and a sheriff's office. The police fight crime, do investigations, arrest people, that sort of thing, while the sheriff's office might be in charge of running the local prison or jailhouse, or whatever.

Usually, the sheriff's office is law enforcement, except in some cities where there is a division of duties.

In the case of the Anthonys, they live outside Orlando city limits, so their law enforcement is the Orange County Sheriff's Office, and the Orlando Police Department is no over OCSO in any way. Therefore, they directed Cindy to OCSO.

I have no doubt that GA and KC were masters at lying to Cindy. It seems it would have been a survival tactic around her. She would have rammed their errors down their throats, so to avoid conflict, they didn't tell the whole truth, or even (in KC's case) made up an entire new fictitious lifestyle just to make Cindy happy.

I do believe someone in that family knew where Caylee was before Dec 11th. I would have guessed it was Lee, but since Cindy was the one who had DCasey go out looking in that location in November, well, somebody certainly had an inkling where that baby was.

I always felt CA's intense questioning of KC, and her writing down everything KC said, was CA's way of trying to get to the truth. She knew her daughter was lying, she knew she was guilty of something, and she just kept badgering, of course, in a "respectful" way to make KC think she believed her. She was walking on eggshells around her volatile daughter.

GA has always been a puzzle. I've always believed he knew KC was lying, that she was up to no good, and that she really killed Caylee. I also wondered if he knew something about the trunk when he and KC had the fight about the gas cans. The fact that he didn't call police upon finding the stinking car in the tow yard, that he went to work after they brought the car home, and that CA was busy destroying evidence the whole time was highly suspicious.

We'll never really know exactly who knew what unless somebody confesses, which they won't do. I still think they are all guilty of something, even if it's destroying evidence and interfering in the murder investigation. After all, from day one, day thirty-one, or any other day, they've sided with KC and thrown Caylee by the wayside, which in itself is immoral. They've all let Caylee down.
It was during this same timeframe that she told Lee in a jailhouse phonecall that "the opportunity for her to search for Caylee wasnt taken advantage of" and she was hinting about where he should be searching.....Close to home, in a place that was familiar to the two of them but NOT so familiar to their parents. (This was the same call that they were talking in what seemed to be some sort of code)

Yes, I remember that call, which was the reason I suspected Lee knew where Caylee was long before anyone else did, long before Dec. 11th. I always wondered why he didn't move Caylee, but since he was being watched 24/7 like everyone else in the family.......... still, how could anyone just leave that child out there?

Then again, maybe they looked and had others look, but just didn't find Caylee. We know DC was sent to search.

Too many unanswered questions with those people......
For anyone who may have missed Nancy Grace last night, News Reporter Mark Williams was on and claimed to have information from a nurse at Halifax Hospital that GA's suicide episode was "for attention and he did not take an overdose of pills".
Here's a link to the video
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w330rndU3eI"]YouTube - Nancy 6/22/09 Casey Part 5[/ame]
It's at the 1:30 minute mark.
If the statement is true that George only did the 'suicide' thing for attention, then he must have wanted the content of the suicide note to be known. I have always thought the suicide attempt was a fake. I never had any sympathy for him over that. I think that George and Cindy cooked this up and then Cindy called Brad Conway. I do not believe that Brad Conway knew it was fake. (don't like him, but do not think he would take part in a fake suicide') Cindy gets Brad to the house, or either he was to meet with George and Cindy that evening. Brad was the one who called LE. DRAMA, which is what both Cindy and George wanted, IMO.

I have to admit that I would like to read the note, but if it was something to be put out there to garner sympathy, then I am glad the note was sealed by the court. I have never been a big 'George' fan. He came off as a rather 'goofy' person to me from the beginning, and I have not changed my mind.

I agree with what another poster stated about someone in the family knowing exactly where Caylee's body was. I still find it very curious that in one of the first jailhouse visits, Casey told Cindy to not worry, that she (Casey) had not said anything.

IMO, Casey lied, George lied, Cindy lied, and Lee lied. All of them are liars because all have been caught in inconsistances. We most likely will never know exactly what all has gone on in that family because no one can or will tell the truth.

My theory (and it's only a theory) is that the "attention" GA was seeking was from Cindy. This is right around the time that Cindy was acting a bit too friendly with her private investigator DC. I remember the videos of her and DC walking close together and GA was trailing behind them, and Hoover's testimony with M&M indicate there was something going on.
My theory (and it's only a theory) is that the "attention" GA was seeking was from Cindy. This is right around the time that Cindy was acting a bit too friendly with her private investigator DC. I remember the videos of her and DC walking close together and GA was trailing behind them, and Hoover's testimony with M&M indicate there was something going on.

I remember this. Not to be snarky but the thought of Cindy flirting and George being jealous soon after their granddaughter's skeleton was discovered is appalling. Again, not the picture of the typical grief-stricken family.
Yes, I remember that call, which was the reason I suspected Lee knew where Caylee was long before anyone else did, long before Dec. 11th. I always wondered why he didn't move Caylee, but since he was being watched 24/7 like everyone else in the family.......... still, how could anyone just leave that child out there?

Then again, maybe they looked and had others look, but just didn't find Caylee. We know DC was sent to search.

Too many unanswered questions with those people......

I've thought about this too. I will always wonder if DC found "something" on his mid Nov trip to the remains site. But then I think about the way she was eventually found------scattered everywhere. If RK thinks he saw the top of a skull in Aug then she wasn't looking like Caylee even then. Maybe the skull was all that was recognizable as human remains at that point. IDK, I'm getting sick now, can't even finish my thought coz I'm thinking about what happens to that poor baby. JMO
I remember this. Not to be snarky but the thought of Cindy flirting and George being jealous soon after their granddaughter's skeleton was discovered is appalling. Again, not the picture of the typical grief-stricken family.

The bolded can be said about almost e-thang this family has done or said. Even the memorial was iffy. Grunds memorial was much more heart felt. Poot---fergot what thread I was on and had a thought but is gone now. LOL

Guess this will fit in any thread---> I am so sick and tired of the BS from all the A's. They make it clear that it is all about them and how they want the World to perceive them.
Hello WS :)

Statement to LE(Rick Plesae)
August 21st 2008

LE: I, I know you've talked with Cindy about this since uh, this all came out. Have you had the opportunity to uh,m speak directly to George or uh, trade any emails between you and George?
RP: No. I, I , George and I aren't, aren't real close. Uhm, I nev, I always, I, I respected him and stuff but I, I never really cared for him because you know, they lost their first home and everything. You heard about that right? How'd they lose their first home?
LE: No. How'd they lose their first home?
RP: Uh, he, he was uh, he was a police officer for a while in uh, Trumbull County Sheriff's Department. And then uh, my sister wanted him to go into his dad's car business because George's, one of George's sisters was married to a very successful car businessman in Austin Town, Bob Eddy, Bob Eddy cars uh, in Austin Town. Bob Eddy's.(my note: what car dealership was that again...?) And its, its a huge dealership and they, they're very wealthy. And uh, George's dad owned a, a real good sized used car lot. And he, he was doing pretty well so Cindy thought that George's dad was going to retire pretty soon and wanted George to go into that. So she persuaded him to, to leave the police department and work for his dad, well George and his dad, they didn't get along real well and that was like gasoline and fire. I don't know their history, uhm, but, I, I know there was some kind of altercation and uh, George's dad said, "I don't think, you know, I think you need to find another job somewhere. I don't want you back here." Uh, so George started his own car lot. And he bought up a , a small car lot in Niles, off of uh Youngstown Warrens Road, uh, off 42...its called 422, but its Youngstown Warrens Road, in uh, in Niles there. And what happened was he got in over his head and he second mortgaged uh, their home and when the bills came in he couldn't pay them. And they had to, they, their home got foreclosed on. And Cindy wasn't working then because she had, she had had Lee and then had Casey. And uh, Casey was only a couple years old and since my mom had just moved to Florida they ended up moving not to long later.
RP: But I never, I always thought George, I said, wow, I said, if you were that far in trouble why didn't you say something? Cindy would have went back to work and you guys could have saved your house. You know, I, to me, I never told it to him, but I mean it, it struck me that way. And then they almost got a divorce sometime in 2005. They were fighting and, and uh, George ran up some bills uh, I think on-line gambling or something.
LE: Well, uh, Rick what, what exactly did she explain to you about that break up? If...
RP: Uh...
LE: ...if you know anything beyond just the gambling bills what, what did she say was going on at the time because or understanding is that...
RP: That...
LE: ...he left the house for a while.
RP: Yeah. She threw him out of the house. She just said, "you know what? I, I don't need you here," she said, "I have enough problems with, with uh, with the baby on the way and stuff." or, or the baby was there. Let's see, it might have been shortly after the baby was born or something. Anyway she uh, she threw him out of the house. And they were out of the house for a while. And then he filed for divorce first and was filing for half the house and, and alimony because he wasn't working. And that, that made her mad and, anyway, they, they reconciled. And my mom was even unhappy that they reconciled because again, so uhm, you know, no good. Because why would Cindy go back? I guess Cindy didn't have any other, anybody else, and plus George was good with, with uh, with the baby. So and the kids wanted George back so...
LE: So is your...
RP: ...they got back to...
LE: ...Lee, uh, Lee and Casey wanted George to come back?
RP: Yes, yeah, they didn't want, they didn't want their mom and dad to break up.

Statement to LE(Shirley Plesae)
August 21st, 2008

LE: About, well about Casey stealing from the family.
SP: Yeah
LE: And taking so much they had to go into their 401k because three, a few years ago she had a problem with George.
LE: Well, we know about the problem with George, too.
SP: Okay
LE: We know about the problem with George.
LE: Yeah
LE: And it didn't have anything to do with the 401k at this point.
SP: No, but I mean she said she had to you know, pay a lot of those bills back(inaudible).
LE: Yeah, but what, what was the first reason she told you she needed to get into the 401k? Was that it, or was it because Casey was stealing a lot of money that they were, they were going to lose their home again?
SP: Oh, well see she never told me any of that stuff because she'd known I had my hands full worrying about dad.
LE: True, true.
SP: So uh,...
LE: She first, she first told you, what you told us a minute ago, she first told you it was about trying to pay the bills off that Casey'd run up, right?
SP: Yeah
LE: And then she told you later it was about George?
SP: Well, yeah. Well first I knew she had all the problems with George because I know he was hundred of dollars or thousands of dollars into debt.
LE: Uh-hum
SP: That she even had to pay back the IRS because he cashed in his savings, or you know, whatever they had at the, when he was guard over to the...
LE: Yeah
LE: Was it his business, what he, what he did for work?
SP: Yeah
LE: His retirement stuff?
SP: Yeah, his retirement fund. Uh, and he didn't tell her that, tell Cindy so she could include it in their...
LE: Uh-hum
SP: ...(inaudible) And she gets the big, you know, they keep half of her check or something, so she, she just tells me stuff a little bit at a time because she don't want to worry me. Now if...
LE: When, when did she change, when did she tell you recently that she was doing it to pay off George's stuff? Was it, was it just since all this has happened?
SP: Yeah, since it, since Rick was telling all of this.
LE: But, before Rick was telling all this it was because of what? What did she tell you before?
SP: She told me before that the, she had to refinance the house and stuff because of I think I thought she said it because of George. I don't know.
LE: Okay but you don't remember her mentioning that Casey was, was out there spending a whole bunch of their money...
SP: Oh
LE: ...and...
SP: Yeah. The last, yeah
LE: How much money did she say that Casey took? Do you remember?
SP: Well she said uh, you know, they said something about it being like forty-five thousand.
LE: Forty-five thousand?
LE: What did she tell you?
SP: Well she said, "I would, I couldn't have a, a credit card with that much." And I said, well Cindy, she could have made up other cards with your names on them. I mean George was doing that.

Statement to LE(Joyce and Bailey Dickens)
July 22, 2008

BD: About three, three to four years ago, right after that baby was born, the mother threw the husband out the house, she had a boyfriend they were gonna get a divorce and then about six, eight months later George showed back up at the house, she brought him back in. She's the one that makes all the money, he can't keep a job she is very domineering, a complete control freak...

Wow! Thanks for that last post, some very interesting stuff there... George made up phony credit cards too, gee wonder who Casey gets the fraud gene from? They both have a sense of entitlement, which is why neither George nor Cindy feel a need to work now...
I think that George is full of anger. I'm not sure what all he is angry about...losing Caylee for sure...maybe being put in the position that he has been put in by his wife and feeling pressured to go along with trying to protect Casey. Maybe he is just angry at life and how his has gone and he is tired of the whole mess. I don't know why for sure but that man is full of anger. Look at the way he acted in the depo. I think George has always had a temper but has tried to control it but he didn't control it at his depo. He acted like a little boy having a fit and just flying off the handle over everything. Going out of control. Then in the courtroom the other day after they lost the hearing. I won't be surprised to hear that he has had a breakdown. I think he is headed for some kind of explosion and his rage will ignite it.

I wonder if Lee is still living at home. He is staying in the background and I don't know of him going to even one of the hearings to support his sister. I wonder if he doesn't resent his parents lives being all about Casey? I wonder what he thinks of all of the covering up and lies they have told. I still remember when he said "I believe everything my sister tells me" and then he added "BECAUSE I HAVE TO." It sounded to me that he either take Casey at her word or he wouldn't be part of the family. We know Lee doesn't believe everything Casey says because of the things he has said to her friends.

I know this is GA's thread, but thanks for the contrast with LA....LA has stayed away from the camera, and like magic, we aren't messin' with him! if the GA/CA would just ssshhhhh, like LA, we would more than likely be focusing on other stuff here.
I feel worse and worse for LA each day-Everytime he pulls up in his driveway, he knows what is inside. No one will be concerned with what his day was like, all will immediately be centered on the murdering elephant in the room.
To bring it back to GA, maybe he could find solace in time alone with his son. RG said he did not think LA was praised a lot in their house, and while that is only speculation, it still could not hurt for GA to take time away with Lee. Maybe they could take the opporunity to come clean with each other and start to face the music together.
Thanks for bringing the statements from RP, SP, and that couple. Some of that stuff I didn't know. So possibly, quite possibly, both GA and KC were racking up bills in Cindy's name on credit cards she didn't know she had? :eek: $45,000 is a nice chuck of change. Also, they were garnishing CA's paycheck (half!) because of GA's debts? Well, that's one reason why CA is the way she is. She worked while the other two stole from her. OMG. That is so frustrating, but yet, she let them get away with it while she did all the work.

Obviously GA has issues that KC inherited. He hasn't been able to keep a job. KC didn't bother to find a job. She just went merrily off to work everyday even though there was no job. :crazy:

If we tried to dig in and analyze this crew, we'd make ourselves crazy. We've analyzed, but I think we shouldn't go any deeper or someone will be knocking on our doors carrying straight jackets just for us. We've already ascertained they aren't the average family group. Poor little Caylee. Poor little Caylee. I can understand why Lee stays low. :eek:
After studying these people for a year, I just simply don't understand how in the world they paid their bills. GA just didn't make much, KC didn't contribute anything, and I just don't see CA's salary enough to cover their lifestyle. Even shopping at Target, KC and Caylee had lots of clothes, then there's 3 cars needing gasoline, and all the usual household expenses. How did they do it??? I haven't seen THAT much of what KC bought to run up the cc bills so high. GA gambling debts must surely account for a large part of the high cc bills. In his interview he so quickly offered up to LE the Nigerian scam and all, but none of it makes sense. I just don't think CA brought enough $$ home to hardly cover the basics. And, a year later, it's all still such a mystery. Man, I would love love love to see those monthly cc statements.......and, I guess while I'm at it, I'd love to review the monthly bank statements too LOL. There's something more to the story and I would have thought it would have come out somehow by now.
Oh wow...is my next comment going to stir up stuff...the real victim in that house was Caylee. Understood...but imo the most trapped "close to being a victim" was CA. Imagine. You have one child that doesn't work. Total mooch. (not trying to say who is to blame for this). You have a husband, Awshucks, where are my gas cans GA, who appears to be a total mooch. You want to divorce him but you can't cause he gets alimony. So you get up for work every work day and rise...and you have two cancers (KC and GA) sucking the life out of you. .......

I snipped your post because you said what I was thinking and what I commented on in another thread.

When a family has two leeches in it like GA and KC, it's only natural for the one working herself to death to be a bit stressed. I'm sure CA has been stressed many, many times. Then with Caylee's death and KC in the pokey, well, it had to drive CA to stress hell.

CA is controlling, it's perfectly obvious. Her main problem was, controlling as she is, she just couldn't control GA and KC. They spent the money she worked for, she covered their habits because in doing so she was trying to save herself. She didn't realize that getting rid of the trouble would have been the way out of that mess. It's difficult to kick out your own child, especially one with an infant, so she just let KC go to her non-existent job, and babysat when KC wanted to play, and let GA have his fun spending money and not being able to hold down a job.

Yep, all that has to be difficult to live with but when Caylee disappeared after living in Cindy's house since birth, why didn't red flags go up. "Because she was with her mom." But, KC had never taken Caylee like that before and the family had never gone days with seeing or speaking to Caylee. CA was probably glad KC was out of the house. One less misery to drive her over the bend. But what about little Caylee? I think this eats at Cindy too.

There's a lot wrong with the whole scenario. George reacted oddly to the events. CA did too. Something's just not right with the whole thing. I think ALL of them knew something was up but either they truly were glad Casey was gone or they were trying to cover up from long before the 911 call. Also, why so many different "last seen" dates given by each member of that family? June 9, June 14, June 15, June 16, and who knows how many other dates?

If I were OCSO, I'd have charged the whole gang with obstruction.
Hello WS

I was looking through the threads and I found this one: George's Inconsistency's
I don't know if WS or the people on this thread want these together or stay separate...I just wanted to pass the info along.

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=68793"]George's Inconsistency's - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

But wouldn't talking about George in general, and solely about his inconsistencies, be two different things? I mean, look at all the threads we've made on just Cindy alone. Not everything about these individuals can be lumped to together and be understandable, can it? I mean there's just soooooo much.... :crosseyed:

Besides, the other thread you mentioned hasn't been active in nearly a year, since August 2008, and only has 10 posts.
I was reading over Lee's interview w/ OCSO today and came across something I don't remember reading before. We all know the story George gives about the 24th and askng Casey for the wedges to rotate the tires on one of the cars, an excuse used to look in her trunk. Well, in this interview of Lee's, the story changes somewhat. He says that Casey was walking out of the house with some of her clothes that she had come for, and George followed her out to the car. Don't know if it makes any difference, but I thought it interesting.

The part of Lee's interview where he states his version of events, on the 24th, is on page 45 at the link below...
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