Omaha double murder

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I followed the link and you can download the show, BUT theres an obligation to join their downlaod service so I passed on it, hopefully this episode will be back on sometime, very sorry I missed it.
While on the subject of TV shows I think I mentioned earlier a strange juxposition- the movie 'Road to Purgatory' was on one of the networks a few days beofre the murders here in Omaha. A pivitol scene is a father coming home to find his son and wife murdered. I have always wonderd if someone unstable saw this and that somehow planted the idea.
Article on the front page of today's Omaha World Herald:

Looks like "Law & Order" stole a little Omaha fact to mix with its fiction.

Wednesday night's episode of the crime drama featured events eerily similar to the March slayings of 11-year-old Thomas Hunter and 57-year-old housecleaner Shirlee Sherman.

The unsolved crime involved what witnesses said was a mysterious, well-dressed man, carrying a briefcase, who was seen walking to the front porch of the Dundee home of two Creighton University Medical Center physicians and professors, Drs. Claire and William Hunter III. Police found the boy's video game paused.

The beginning of Wednesday's "Law & Order" featured two well-known biologists at a university who came home to find their young son and housekeeper killed and witness accounts of a mysterious, well-dressed man carrying a briefcase. The boy had been intent on playing a video game before the murders.

From there, the episode — titled "Pledge" — diverged into an original story. The killer turned out to be a science writer who had been ejected from a sorority party years earlier by the boy's mother.

"Law & Order" officials would neither confirm nor deny that the Omaha murders inspired the episode.

"The only thing we have to say is 'Law & Order' is fiction," a New York-based spokeswoman said Thursday.

But the show has regularly touted some of its story lines as "ripped from the headlines." A 1998 episode, for example, featured a women killed in a car crash while paparazzi are chasing her, a Princess Diana knockoff. Many other "Law & Order" episodes typically start with events inspired by reality but wrap up with fictional endings.

No one in the Hunter family saw the program, said Robert Hunter of New York, a brother of the young victim. No one from "Law & Order" contacted family members for input or to alert them about the episode.

One of Robert Hunter's other brothers did record the show, but family members hadn't decided whether to watch it.

A friend phoned Robert Hunter partway through the hourlong program to tell him about it. From the description, he had little doubt his brother's murder had inspired the episode. He didn't have much of an opinion on it.

"The only good thing, from what I heard, is the show didn't have any especially weird plot twists," he said. "Sometimes those shows can go overboard."

Omaha Police Department officials could not comment on the program because they hadn't watched it, said Officer Jake Bettin, a department spokesman.

Even if people from the program had called, the department's homicide investigators would not have cooperated or shared any information, he said.

"No one from the program ever talked to us," Bettin said. "None of us knew anything about it."

There is, of course, one major difference between the show and reality. "Law & Order" was able to solve the crime in an hour. It's still an unsolved mystery for local police.
To sSowerSinger, I am trying to PM you but your box is full! Didn't know any other way to alert you. Take care!
I finally got to see L&O on Tivo. It was typical (I watch ALL the L&O eps!), ripped from the headlines, then spun around. I hope the real case is solved soon.
Hi Snick (and everyone else!) I happened to stumble on this thread, I'm from Omaha and quite interested in this case too. Everytime I drive down Underwood I think about the family and wonder when this is going to be solved. Thanks for keeping the thread going and sharing all of your great ideas. I've wondered about this since it happened. I will share my thoughts, ramdom as they may

As much as I agree with you on so many things, I differ with you on the Omaha crime and lack of investigations. 90% of the murders that happen in Omaha are not random, they happen in the streets of north Omaha. I'm a north Omaha resident so I dont feel bad stating that fact, it is street crime that is painting Omaha in such bad light. The crime is a chain reaction, retaliation for the shooting that happened yesterday is the cause of the shooting today and so on, its a cycle. Everyone in the streets knows who shot whom and why, but they are not willing to tell the police because of retaliation. I can find out within hours of a murder why it happened by asking someone, not who did it, but why it happened. The police know who do the crimes too, but it is such a strong subculture in the criminal community that their suspects are right here, just very well hidden. I liken it to the new age version of the Underground Railroad, just not for the good purposes that the URR was founded. The lack of solved murders are not for lack of trying on the police's part, it's lack of cooperation from those in the know. It's a sad state of affairs here yes, but until all of the residents of the offending community step up and force these little knuckle heads to change, nothing will happen. I can only think of about 5 or 6 truly random murders in 2008, one of them being at the Hunter house. (sorry for my soapbox :-) )

I think you may be right about this case not getting the local attention it deserves, but I think it is less of a conspiracy and more of a public affairs spin. This happened in one of the most prominent neighborhoods, to a prominent couple. That is a lot more damaging to the image of Omaha (that is REALLY trying to market itself on a happening place to visit!) then some wannabe gangbangers killing each other off. The area the Hunter's live is somewhere that anyone visiting Omaha could and would go. The area that 90% of crime takes place is somewhere that people visiting Omaha are not going to go, even if they are lost. Fahey has worked hard on the image of this city, the media has a lot to lose by breaking the silence and tarnishing the image.

The one thing that has nagged at me from the begining is the lack of substantial reward for information on the crime. A prominent family likely has prominent friends and an ample bank account to offer up $ in addition to Crimestoppers. Money talks and unfortuantely in our greedy society, some people are not really motivated by $1000 anymore. It's odd to me that 5k, 10k or even 20k wasnt added specifically for this case.

All of your theories make sense, I sway back and forth from one to another. It never crossed my mind about the honor of a child theory, that was good! I am sure police talked to the classmates, if at the least to ask if they noticed anyone strange hanging around the school, or if Thomas had mentioned anything out of the ordinary. I wonder if they thought to ask if Thomas had any problems with other students?

Honda CRV's arent a typical rental car, I am having trouble thinking of any of the rentals that offer that particular car.

Now here are some things that puzzle me. Thomas and Shirlee were murdered with knives. Knives are the most inconvienient means to kill someone, let alone two people. You would have to totally take the victim by surprise or fight thru a struggle. I dont remember hearing if there was a struggle with either victim. Why would the potential of a struggle be worth the risk to a murderer? Knives are also messy, even if it werent a fatal wound, the stabber is going to have blood spatter on them. Why would the risk of anyone seeing the spatter be worth the risk to a murderer?

Someone bringing knives with them seems premeditated, yet on the other hand using knives seems like a risky method. Why bring more than one knife to the scene?

Stabbing is a passionate crime, specifically when there are multiple excess wounds. Excuse the pun, but someone had an axe to grind, IMO.

Some reasons for using a knife: Someone with a history of mental illness wouldnt be approved for a gun permit, so they could not legally buy a gun. I dont know this for a fact, but I believe that non US residents are not allowed to buy a gun. Someone suddenly decided to commit this crime, they didnt have enough time to buy a gun and secure a permit.

I really believe if this were a professional hit they would not have used a knife. If it were something related to a drug deal gone bad or a dispute over drug $, the murderer would have solved it with a gun, not a knife. A professional would have also scoped out the situation, meaning he would have known who was around when and exactly where he was going. Based on neighbor comments, I dont think this person knew exactly where he was going. Then again maybe that was part of his plan, to look confused, but that just draws attention to you. Puzzling.

The next part I am torn over, if the murdered was only after Shirlee, he had all day to target her and her alone. If the murdered was after Thomas, well that makes sense why it happened around 4:00. If the murdered was actually targeting the mother or father, the 4:00 scenerio makes sense. What Dr. (outside of thos in an office practice) would still be working after 4:00? When I think of Dr's I think they are free most of the afternoon. Even professors, I cant think of a single prof I had that was around campus past 3:00 unless they had a late class. It would be helpful to know what Mrs Dr Hunter's normal schedule was had she not been traveling that day. Is she normally home around 4:00? But again, if you are coming prepared with knives would you really be expecting two people to greet you? On the flip side, if you werent expecting two people why would you bring multiple knives? Setting here thinking, if I were a murderer I really dont think it would cross my mind to take mutliple knives even if I were walking into a house full of people, in fact I know it wouldnt. Multiple knives strikes me as extremely odd. (PS I'm not a murdered, I just try to think like a criminal when I think about these things, in case anyone was

If I remember right, the older brothers lived out of state, so I'm having a hard time factoring them into this, not that the tie isnt possible. The suspect description could easily fit the age of one of their peers, but with them so far away I dont know what the gain would be.

In Omaha it is very uncommon to have a housekeeper on staff all day, even in that neighborhood. A maid for a few hours, yes. A nanny for smaller children, yes. But an all day maid in this city is not common. If the murderer was someone very familiar with the family or Shirlee they would know that she was there all day, any other person outside of that small circle, would not. Most people would assume that Thomas was at an age where he was old enough to stay home for the 1 - 2 hours until his dad came home at 6:00, so that leads me back to someone not realizing that Shirlee was there. Nothing about this whole case is black and white, it is so puzzling!

Like I said I buy into every one of the theories that has been posted here, when you think about them they all make sense one way or another with the small amount of facts that we actually know, yet at the same time none of them make sense. I think its going to be something beyond the obvious, not directly a student who felt they were wronged and not directly a parent or sibling of a patient, not directly a parent of Thomas' peer, maybe an extended family member of one of those groups. The direct links are too easy to identify and trace and they would have found their suspect by now.

After I typed all of this I'm not sure what I think my theory is anymore, I've pretty much talked myself out of what I thought for the past 10 months!
Proudmama- many thanks for what has to be one of the best posts in this thread. You expressed yourself so well and it is nice to have some folk from here in Omaha participating.
There is so much here in your post I may mull parts over and respond to some things but for now I can tell you that my thinking lately has been far less critical of OPD- I think they have tried but as you suggest the obvious isn't working in this case. I think it is far more likely that if this case is solved we all will be saying "what??"
To me the whole thing points not to a professional but to someone with severe mental issues who had an irrational grudge against either the Hunter family as a whole or against the boy. Like you said, he may have felt that Dr Hunter or Ms Hunter would have been home then just went for what he had when he got there. I assume you read one of my pet theories- that this may have been someone the boy angered online, I'd bet he spent hours playing video and on line games and in chat rooms. If that isnt the case then some link with his school becomes more likely, just what that would be I don't know.
I would bet they have exhausted the angry med student theory by now, it isn't panning out. One chilling possibility is that this is some serial killer with a strange MO- maybe one that strikes in different areas of the country.
I have nothing interesting too add here really. I read this thread on a regular basis as I find this double homicide very puzzling especially given who the victims are.

I have been toying with the idea that the killer who obviously did not know exactly where he was going went to the wrong house and killed the wrong people. Maybe he did not even have an address - maybe he had something like 'blue two storey house w/ long driveway and oak trees' or something. Regarding the knives; This has puzzled me too for all the reasons proudmama said. Maybe he had been hired by someone to kill the victims and the person who hired him wanted these people to be stabbed because he/she had a vendetta against the intended victims and wanted the satisfaction of knowing they were stabbed instead of shot which is a much quicker death.
Just an idea.
I think the reason for the knives is very simple. Knives do not make noise and they are much harder to trace than guns. Quiet and quick.

Since burglarly doesn't seem to be the motive, I'm inclined to agree with Snick that this may be a serial killer. Someone who carries knives with him into a house is there for one reason and one reason kill.

I believe the young boy was the intended victim and the housekeeper was killed because she could identify the killer. The question to me is what did this young boy do to this man to make him want to kill him?
I could dig it out from the original articles but I am sure there were two knives both left at the scene. I was told by a reporter I was in touch with early on that one of the knives was left in one of the victims' throats, he didn't know which- too bad, that would be very indicative.
So he brought in two knives and left them both. Crazy. I would like to know more about those weapons, I noted they did not release any of that, might be suggestive if any emblems, etc were on them.
Yes I have also thought maybe he got the wrong house.
I think the reason for the knives is very simple. Knives do not make noise and they are much harder to trace than guns. Quiet and quick.

Yes, good point.

I always imagine murder by stabbing to have a lot of risks - stabbings not always fatal or quick especially if unexperienced and trying to overpower and stab someone in a spot that will incapacitate them quickly, it gives the victim more of a chance to scream and make a lot of noise, the risk of cutting yourself in the process and leaving your blood behind.

It is interesting the perp left the two murder weapons behind. In this day and age with all the forensics LE uses I would never leave behind the murder weapon.

Does anyone know if the son was involved in any competitive sports?
This killer could have had the knives strapped to his ankle or on his belt, overpowered his victim and quickly pulled the knife and stabbed the victim before he knew what was happening. I think this was done to the child quickly before he even realized what was going on. Then the maid walks toward the front of the house to see what is going on and she is immediately overcome by the killer herself. If the killer had dark clothing on, the blood would not have been very visible to the neighbors.

As for the pastel license plate, the killer could have moved to the area fairly recently and was still driving on his old license plate. Perhaps he had even gotten a new plate from Nebraska and had not yet put it on his vehicle. He has probably traded the vehicle he used the day of the crime for something different by now. LE should be checking with used and new car dealers to see if any vehicles like the killer drove that day have been traded in on a new or different car. This could have been done in a different town than Omaha like Hastings or Des Moines.
As far as the knives go, they could have been bought at a flea market, yard sale or brought by the killer from his own kitchen.
One puzzling aspect of this case is the time line- if memory serves, he was observed entering the house about 3:20 or so, he was apparently in there for 20-25 minutes- doing what? Maybe he had some sort of discussion with one of the victims with the idea that if he didn't get some desired outcome he would kill. If he took these people down right away was he looking for something? Or maybe was in shock at his own actions?
I think the Hunter boy may have been active in soccer but cannot say for sure.
One puzzling aspect of this case is the time line- if memory serves, he was observed entering the house about 3:20 or so, he was apparently in there for 20-25 minutes- doing what? Maybe he had some sort of discussion with one of the victims with the idea that if he didn't get some desired outcome he would kill. If he took these people down right away was he looking for something? Or maybe was in shock at his own actions?
I think the Hunter boy may have been active in soccer but cannot say for sure.

Hey, Snick, I tried posting on WOWT again. We'll see if they approve it--or approve it and remove it--this time. :)
Tapu- still not on there it sometimes takes a couple days we'll see.
There was a touching note someone left on one of the threads on WOWT dated in November I hadn't seen it until yesterday by a girl who said she had a crush on Tommy. I left a reply to reassure her that there are people out here who still care and are looking for justice. See if they post that one.
The OWH is running a story tomorrow, here is the teaser....

Dundee slaying victim's dad: 'Keep this case alive'

Omaha police say last year's horrific double slaying in the historic Dundee neighborhood remains "very much an active investigation." The FBI is assisting, and a $25,000 reward has been offered.

Tom HunterBut a mystery man seen in the neighborhood the day of the killings has vanished, and the families of the two victims are frustrated that no significant leads have panned out.

Tom Hunter, 11, and family housecleaner Shirlee Sherman were fatally stabbed in the Hunter family home one afternoon last March. Now, in his first interview, the father of the slain boy shares his fears that the case is at a standstill, and describes how painful it is each time he and his wife return to their now-empty home.

"Somehow we, the families, as well as the public, need to keep the pressure on to keep this case alive," said Dr. William Hunter III. "It is just killing us as a family, not knowing who and why."

• For the full interview, see the Sunday World-Herald
Too bad we couldn't post the full article, it is very good, lots of human interest and details about the victims. Nothing much not previously discussed here. It sounds like the cops have exhausted the angry med student angle. They are now making another appeal for tips from the public.
I am perhaps being hopeful but I wonder if this may be a prelude to an arrest. I have seen this happen with other long term unsolved cases in the past. Let's hope so.
i cannot access the article. is it not availible online until later?
i cannot access the article. is it not availible online until later?

That must be it. It would be today's paper so I guess we have to wait. (Took me a bit to figure that out--everything seems to be available so instantaeously these days.)

Snick, I wrote a note to WOWT asking for clarification of their comments policy. I inquired as to whether being local was required... or... what?

They never did post my latest comment. I don't really get what their requirements are.....

Let us know about today's article if you can. It may be interesting to read comments on it, too. Well, those published anyway. Grr....
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