Omaha double murder

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Mr TT: I just did a post on the thread about the Illinois murders. They bear some resemblence to this one and more so to the double murder in Franklin Indiana in 2006- in that one there was some faith based organization involved- I think the father worked for them or something.
There is just so much evil in the world now and that is perhaps the only link between all three.
Mr TT: I just did a post on the thread about the Illinois murders. They bear some resemblence to this one and more so to the double murder in Franklin Indiana in 2006- in that one there was some faith based organization involved- I think the father worked for them or something.
There is just so much evil in the world now and that is perhaps the only link between all three.

This is interesting and I think something to pursue, a connection on the three.
Just a note- I revisited the crime scene today. Due to conflicting arrangements, my family and I drove seperately to my inlaws' home in the Dundee area for an early Mothers Day gathering. I took advantage of the proximity to detour for another look at the house; I was looking especially for some idea of the side entrance and how easy it would have been for someone to exit from that door unobserved. I can't speak for how things were a year ago, but to me it looks like this would be plausable. The portico over the side door, apparently into the kitchen, shades that portion of the driveway. I did not want to get out of my car and arouse the interest of the neighbors but I could see that it looks as if someone could have exited that door and cut through the yard of the house to the south without being noticed.
I have mentioned this before but was struck once more at how unlikely it would have been for a casual killer to have simply found the house. The streets are confusing in that area. Either this was a targeted killing or done by someone in the neighborhood.
A chart was done by participants in the Forensic astrology board on WS on htis case:

Originally Posted by Tuba

The stranger/murderer's Money House is ruled by Mars, which is here making a tidy sextile to Saturn, 3° - 3°, an opportunity to collect for a hit.

I concur although we have to wonder WHY someone would want to take out a young child.

Interesting the mother just happen to be out of town that day and it is the father who made the 5:48pm (daylight savings time) 911 call.

I'm wondering if the father or one of the older brothers who live away from home have anything to do with why this child was targeted.

The astrologers comments are on the chart you can link to. Appears to indicate this as a killing for hire with the boy as the target.
If this was a hired killing, that child had some devastating information on someone in that community that he was going to disclose.
If this was a hired killing, that child had some devastating information on someone in that community that he was going to disclose.

Question would be: in what sphere was this person? School, the neighborhood, a basketball coach, a friend of the Hunter family, perhaps a medical collegue of his parents who made sexual advances toward the boy and was fearful of exposure?
If so were the parents aware of this? Have they kept silent all this time for fear of more retaliation? What on earth does this suggest if so?
Since the mom was out of town and the housekeeper was at the residence on an unscheduled day, I feel this was some type of message to Mr. Dr. Hunter. This case has such a sinister element to it. Did young Tom Know something which caused his demise or was he a casualty in order to threaten the father? I feel this way due to the timing of the killings....the killer(s) intended for the dad to find the bodies. JMO

Tuba did a great job on the astro chart!
In her last post on the astrology board, Tuba indicated that up to six persons may have been involved in the planning and excution of this crime.
If so, this takes the search for a motive into far deeper waters. In that case you'd have to assume the involvement of some criminal enterprise. Either Tom possessed knowledge of a matter that was dangerous, or someone in the family ran afoul of some very dangerous people. Drug dealing or pedophilia come to mind.
This was not a professional hit.......if it was, and intended to be the wife or husband they would be DEAD!!.......a professional killer, hired killer is not going to kill someone else, because the intended target, the one thye were being paid to kill or to retaiate against was not home............
if one or both of the parents were the intended targets by a professional they would be dead.........the professional would have tracked there routine, and waited for the perfect moment to kill them......that is why they are professional.........they would not had drove up and down a street looking for an address on the day they killed them.......they would have know the house location in advance, would have known all they need to know about the intedned target way in advance, to carry out the murder without drawing attention to themselves...........

In my opion, the target was the housekeeper, and the boy was killed because he was there, and could give information on whom did this............LE needs to re centered there investigation on the house keeper and her assoications...........the house keper was murderd for a reason, had nothing to do with the parents, for if it did, they would have killed them, bnoth or one.................LE, LOOK INTO THE HOUSEKEEPER AGAIN..........and look for that person, whom had been asking the wereabouts of her on this day...........i say on this day, for the witnesses whom reported a suspion person whom entered the home, after looking to find the could have been a retailation hit against the housekeeper, because someone she knew did someone wrong...but unsure..........LE, get your spanish speaking agents, BACK into her neighboorhood, and canvise the area, and ask again........ask whom on that dya, was looking for this person, and where she was looking............
Mr TT, your prevoius post regarding the pyramid reminds me of something like the Illuminati or Masons. LOL It's probably because the Movie 'Angels and Demons' is being released! But in the attempt to be a good sleuth I must ask,...Was Dr. W Hunter involved in any organizations? Does anyone know? Also, does anyone know the date Mrs. Dr. Hunter left for her business trip?
You never know what you will find when researching a case on the internet. This morning I found the following article in the online edition of a newspaper in New Zealand- it concerns the Law and Order episode that bore a resemblence to these killings. I am posting because there are a few quotes I have not seen elsewhere:

" On a late-winter day about a year ago, someone - his identity and motive are still unknown - entered the home of William and Claire Hunter in Omaha.
In his wake, two people were stabbed to death: the couple's 11-year-old son, Thomas, and the family's housekeeper, Shirlee Sherman (57).

Witnesses said they saw a young, well-dressed man carrying a briefcase or satchel enter and leave the residence about the time of the murders.

The bodies were discovered by Thomas' father, a physician and college professor, as is his wife.

Today, the police investigation drags on. Theories have been floated and abandoned. Nothing.

There was, however, this: On January 21, 10 months after the killings, NBC's Law & Order, the venerable cops-and-courts drama, aired an episode about a double homicide.

The victims were a young boy and his family's housekeeper, both stabbed to death in the boy's home.

Their bodies are discovered by the boy's parents, both of whom are college professors.

The chief suspect: a well-dressed man with a briefcase.

After watching the programme later, William Hunter said he found it "eerily reminiscent".

How would you feel if a traumatic personal event suddenly appeared as the plot of a prime-time entertainment programme?

During 19 seasons of Law & Order (and four spin-off series), a few hundred people have found out.

One of TV's longest-running and most honoured programmes, Law & Order uses real, "ripped-from-the-headlines" events - celebrity trials, political scandals, notorious crimes - as the basis for its crime-and-punishment plots.

Although the stories tend to wander into make-believe, they rely on the lightly-disguised depiction of real people and events for their immediacy and sense of authenticity.

The real people? They feel blind-sided and used.

No-one in the Hunter family saw the double-homicide episode, called "Pledge", when it aired.

Rob Hunter, the Hunters' 23-year-old son, began getting the first calls about it from friends.

"Did you see that?" they asked.

"Did you know about this? Wasn't it creepy?"

He did not. And it was.

"If the story was pure fiction," Rob Hunter says, "it would be less sick."

Joanne Banks, Shirlee Sherman's mother and a fan of Law & Order, was so disturbed by a description of the programme that she has not watched it.

She says flatly, "It's not something I would want to see."

William Hunter downloaded the episode from iTunes after friends and colleagues mentioned it.

He could not finish watching.

"It's uncannily similar to what happened here," says the elder Hunter, a pathologist who teaches at Creighton University's medical school.

"It's just very disturbing. We're trying to heal, and to have it constantly dredged up is painful."

The most disconcerting part, the family members say, is that no-one from the network or the programme contacted them.

Omaha police say they, too, were never alerted by the programme's producers.

"My instant reaction was, how come we didn't know about it?" says Rob Hunter, a website designer in New York City.

"How could they write something like that without talking to any of us? They never let the families know before they pushed something like that out to hundreds of millions of people.

"You see the warning that it's all fiction," he says.

"The fact is, it's not all fiction."

NBC will not confirm that the programme was based on the Hunter-Sherman deaths.

Representatives of the network and the show's producer, Dick Wolf Productions, say the same thing, repeatedly, in response to questions: all stories on Law & Order are fiction.

The show carries this standard disclaimer: "The preceding story was fictional. No actual person or event was depicted."

That is more than just boilerplate.

It is a legal argument, with important implications for NBC and Wolf.

Since 2004, the network and the show's creator have been fending off a lawsuit that claims there was just too much reality in one of the show's dramatisations.

New York lawyer Ravi Batra says he was libelled by a November 2003 episode called "Floater" that revolved around a murder and judicial-bribery scandal.

Batra claims that one of the villains of the story - a prominent, bald, Indian-American lawyer named Ravi Patel - was a barely camouflaged version of himself.

Batra is an Indian-American lawyer prominent in New York City legal circles.

He is also bald.

Batra's name was in the New York press several months before the "Floater" episode aired; he was linked to a bribery scandal in Brooklyn involving another lawyer and a judge.

Batra was never charged in the case, which, unlike the TV programme, did not include an act of violence.

With a little spicing up, Batra's lawsuit against Law & Order might itself make a compelling episode in the series.

The suit, seeking $US15 million ($NZ26.7 million) in damages, turns on the legal principle of "libel in fiction", the idea that a fictionalised depiction can damage a real person's reputation.

Batra said he was harmed because the name, ethnicity and appearance of the character were so similar to his.

His suit noted that there were only six lawyers named Ravi in the New York area.

Although libel-in-fiction claims rarely succeed, a New York State Supreme Court judge shot down a defence motion last year to dismiss Batra's suit, clearing it for trial.

There was "a reasonable likelihood that the ordinary viewer, unacquainted with Batra personally, could understand Patel's corruption to be the truth about Batra," Justice Marilyn Shafer wrote.

The matter is still awaiting trial.

"They hired a look-alike for me, and that's their killer," says Batra in an interview.

"If they hired Bob Dole to play the character, no problem. But to get someone who looks like you, acts like you and has a name like you, well, excuse me . . .

"Their defence is worthless, because their claim to fame is that they are a reality-based show. How could they not know it was me?"

Rob Hunter, meanwhile, struggles to find some silver lining in the episode that was so chillingly close to his family's tragedy.

Maybe, he says, the reflected attention of the TV show could renew interest in the real crime.

Maybe it might shake loose a reluctant witness or put more pressure on investigators.


As is, the trail seems to have gone cold, despite the offer of a $US75,000 reward and continuing publicity on an Omaha website.

"My frustration comes back to the fact that the case is unresolved," Hunter says.

The producers could have put something at the end of the show, he says, "something helpful, to tell people about the real [crime] and where to contribute information."

Instead, he says, "it just looks like they want to make money off of this."

I understand some of this story doesnt relate to the case under discussion but I left it in for continuity.
It does seem like an underhanded way to gain story ideas and pawn them off as fiction. I find it disgusting that they would take an unsolved case and use it as their story line.
I respectfully disagree, Snick. I feel the story is relevant since it includes interviews from two Hunter family members! I'd like to watch the episode of Law and Order. This is not the first time I have heard of others' disgust at the show for preying on unsolved crimes.
Thank you for posting the article! Good sleuthing there Snick!
WaltzingMatilda- actually I think your disagreement is with Yellowdog- but that's no big deal;.
I admit I'd like to see this episode. It is available for download at a couple sites but you have to join their service, etc. The article says Dr Hunter downloaded from Itunes, will need to check that one.
WaltzingMatilda- actually I think your disagreement is with Yellowdog- but that's no big deal;.
I admit I'd like to see this episode. It is available for download at a couple sites but you have to join their service, etc. The article says Dr Hunter downloaded from Itunes, will need to check that one.

My apologies Snick and YellowDog. I misread.

Aside from my failing eyesight, I am still 'tarp as a shack'! LOL!
thats just a reprint of a washington post article from a few months ago...

nothing new...

Yes it is- word for word- funny that the NZ article came up for me and the WP didn't. Thanks for your posting.
It would have been wonderful if the producers had put a brief appeal at the end of the story asking for anyone with knowledge to come forward. That is perhaps expecting too much. Also I doubt if Omaha Police would have appreciated it (!) The didn't want AMW running a segment on this crime and it took months for them to even list it on the Crime Stoppers site.
Yes I can see why the families feel used.
In case anyone isn't aware, there has been another discussion of this crime from the astrological view point in the Forensic Astrology board:
That is the approximate starting point for the discussion, you will need to scroll a bit as several cases are being discussed on the same thread.
The reading indicated up to four perps involved. It was a plot that was hatched a week or so prior and the actual killer acted for money. There was something about a school being involved- unclear if Creighton or the boy's school. This per the reading was not a case of an angry ex student or patient, etc. Something much bigger was going on and this was part of it. Of interest is that per the reader, the hit man wore a disguise to make him look differently- he may not have been 'olive skinned' at all.
I am undecided what to make of all this- it is not an exact science in my opinion, however it is interesting and maybe could show some avenues that need investigation, that is, if LE is still investigating, which I question seriously.
I'm from Omaha as well and have often wondered about the lack of coverage of this story. Every once in a while, there will be a little blip about it, but nothing more.

Now, on to the theories...
For me, the theory of an 11 year old boy being involved in a sinister way in all this just doesn't work for me. The only way I can see him being involved is if he listed something on Craigslist or Ebay or something and was expecting to meet the purchaser. But, I guess that would have already been floated around by the police. What do we know about the parents? Any talk of maybe a third party in the marriage? Could one of the doctors have been having an affair? But, then again, I guess that would be one of the first things the police would have looked into. The idea of a patient or student doing this for retribution is plausible. Also, what if we're on the wrong path here...what if the murderer WAS there for the housekeeper. She's in the middle of cleaning and hears the doorbell. She sets the bucket down and answers the door. She opens the door and he tells her to not say a word and pushes his way in. Asks her if anyone else is in the house. She calls the boy up (who puts his game on pause and goes to see what she wants) and he attacks the boy. She runs down the hall to get help and he attacks her. Could this be someone who knows a member of the housekeeper's family who, maybe, wants a life insurance policy or something? Maybe I'm naiive. I just have a hard time swallowing the "angry ex-patient/student" theory. It's good to see so many people on here, though, dedicated to trying to help figure this all out!
Thanks for your post and interest- it is always nice to have local people involved.
If you have read back through the many posts in this thread you can see almost every possible angle debated. a year or more later and I am still confused. I have had fellow WSers tell me this is one of the most baffling cases they've encountered. Mainly due to utter lack of motive. You get the feeling that the perp wanted it to possibly look like a serial killer but wasn't.
The idea of Shirlee being the primary target has been around for some time and from what I understand that was what LE thought for the first few months. That went nowhere, and now that her family has put up reward money I doubt it strongly.
There have been rumors of all kinds of things, some of which I won't post on the board- you can send me a private message if you want to know what they are- it is all speculation.
I am not a mental health professional- but, the level of rage involved in these killings suggests some sexual element.
I just hope the LE guy that screwed up the forensic evidence was not involved in this one. Take care.
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