OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - #17

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But are the tight-lipped tactics being used in the Kyron Horman case counterproductive? Not necessarily, says Harold Copus, a former FBI agent who has worked dozens of missing-person cases.

"The police might think that this is an abduction and, because of that, don't want to feed information to the suspect," Copus, now head of Copus Security Consultants in Atlanta, told AOL News. "They may also want the family to remain silent so they don't inadvertently say something they shouldn't to reporters."

Earlier this week, authorities announced they had reclassified the case as a criminal investigation; up to that point, Kyron was considered a "missing endangered child." In addition, Multnomah County Sheriff's Capt. Jason Gates told The Associated Press that local parents had been told that Kyron's disappearance was an isolated incident. "There is no reason to believe that the kids are in any danger here," Gates said.

Gates' statement has caused some to surmise there must be specific information that is leading the authorities to believe no other children are in danger. After all, if a child predator were on the loose, why would the police tell parents they don't need to take extra precautions?

According to Copus, it could be an assumption based on past experiences.

"If you're a child sexual predator, you only need one victim at a time. You don't need one victim a day," Copus said. "You have to put yourself in their mind-set. Once they've done this evil deed, they know there's going to be a tremendous amount of publicity, so they'll immediately go underground and disappear.

"It would be unusual for a second child to be abducted in such a close period of time."

For a DA to be visiting the house before Kyron is found, for a DA to be visiting the house before a suspect is charged--well, I don't think he's there to answer their questions. My guess is that he is there to ask questions, maybe get clarification on their whereabouts on the day Kyron disappeared, possibly why evidence doesn't match statements, that kind of stuff--the DA is, after all, the person who will present the case to the grand jury and ask for an indictment, whenever that is done.

Ethan Stacy was contacted by the DA re the death penalty etc because there were already two suspects in custody and prosecution's work had begun.

My opinion only, and just based on what I think.
Hi, long time lurker that just had to join because of Kyron. When I first saw Kyron's missing picture I honestly thought it was a picture of my youngest son, who is also 7 years old. My heart just breaks for this little boy and his family. Still trying to catch up on all the threads, so I'm really sorry if at first I say something that's already been thought of.

But one of my many many random thoughts. My kids are in a small district, there are less than 1000 kids in the three buildings. This includes Even Start and Headstart/pre-k through 12th grade. All three buildings are on the same campus, with middle and high school being joined, and no fence of any kind anywhere on the grounds. The only camera is outside the highschool entrance, and it isn't even working. I constantly worry about something like this happening at this school. The only "security" measures are the main doors are the only ones left unlocked during the day, and in the elementary building guests have to sign in at the office and no one is allowed past a certain point in the upper hallway. The only thing stopping anyone is a sign stating that visitors must sign in at the office. Now, I don't know if it's because they know me at the school since I've been a parent there for 11 years now, or what, but when I go there and sign in I don't have to show any ID of any kind, and more times than not, there isn't even anyone in the office. I have made my displeasure over this well known, but at times I think that since no one else does that I'm a) overly paranoid or b) overly protective of my kids. The BOE did propose putting cameras up at all doors and in all hallways, but the parents voted it down saying it would invade their privacy too much. :furious:

It almost sounds the same as it was at Kyron's school that morning. For any "special" days no one has to sign in and no one makes sure that kids are signed out. This includes the doughnuts for dads, muffins for moms, goodies for grandparents, holiday programs, etc. About all I have to do is send back in the paper saying if my child is going home with someone or ride the bus home. I can only think of one time where my mind was going in so many different directions over what all I had to do that day that I forgot to sign youngest out after his moving on ceremony. I didn't get any call or anything about it. The school doesn't even call if any of my kids aren't in school on any day. My middle child is special needs, so I do call even before the bus leaves for here so that they don't have to send the wheelchair bus and aide and can just use a regular bus, so for him I can see, but not for the other two. Youngest is in his class play this Friday, so I will be more alert as to what, if anything, the school does or doesn't do as far as visitors and the kids after the play.

So I really don't see SM as just taking Kyron without signing him out, but if the school didn't even have that policy to begin with?? I do have a few thoughts on why the teacher didn't think anything of it, but will save that for another post so I don't ramble too much.

No this thing is something that looked like it was heavy and metal, sort of on the property for a very long time. The rust corroded it and it is caked with it, and sort of a box if you will. It is maybe 3 feet tall, by 1 to 1/2 feet wide. I can see a lid or top that is askew and hangs off by a hinge. There is a cut out in the lid or top, much like a mail slot. It is brownish, red like rust. Hidden in tall grass and foliage. He stands next to it.

Did you see a basic look of the person?This sounds like something used years ago on a farm or something.If it was round and wider,I would have said a garbage can from a picnic area.
No this thing is something that looked like it was heavy and metal, sort of on the property for a very long time. The rust corroded it and it is caked with it, and sort of a box if you will. It is maybe 3 feet tall, by 1 to 1/2 feet wide. I can see a lid or top that is askew and hangs off by a hinge. There is a cut out in the lid or top, much like a mail slot. It is brownish, red like rust. Hidden in tall grass and foliage. He stands next to it.

Would this be like the tool boxes that fit in the bed of pick up trucks??
Silence Over Missing Ore. Boy, 7, Raises Questions

(June 16) -- It has been nearly three weeks since 7-year-old Kyron Horman mysteriously disappeared from his elementary school in Portland, Ore. In that time, local authorities have put in hundreds of hours and launched a number of searches for the missing youngster, all to no avail.

Now, as the search efforts begin to wind down, some are starting to question the way in which the investigation is being handled.

In contrast to most missing-child cases -- in which police and family members attempt to draw as much media attention as possible -- there has been an unusual silence around Kyron's disappearance. Police have refused to release a detailed timeline or comment on possible theories. In addition, the boy's family has made just two public appearances: at a Friday police press conference, where they briefly pleaded for his return but did not take questions, and a Sunday police press conference, at which they were present but did not speak.

BBM. They forgot one, the vigil last night.
Would this be like the tool boxes that fit in the bed of pick up trucks??

No, it is above ground, metal. I got the feeling it was just not in use anymore, something that was abandoned. I looked at the livingwells but that is not it. I will sit and do a drawing by tonight and get it on my profile page. Promise. Then if any locals know what it is, maybe that will help.
For a DA to be visiting the house before Kyron is found, for a DA to be visiting the house before a suspect is charged--well, I don't think he's there to answer their questions. My guess is that he is there to ask questions, maybe get clarification on their whereabouts on the day Kyron disappeared, possibly why evidence doesn't match statements, that kind of stuff--the DA is, after all, the person who will present the case to the grand jury and ask for an indictment, whenever that is done.

Ethan Stacy was contacted by the DA re the death penalty etc because there were already two suspects in custody and prosecution's work had begun.

My opinion only, and just based on what I think.

Exactly, the DA visiting is not a positive sign! The only reason I can think of for a DA to be there in addition to what you said is IF this was a kidnapping or something that has developed on along that lines. If that were the case that there is NEW info. well....you can image how rare that would be this far into the case. JMHO.

By the way Nancy Grace is covering Kyron tonight! YAY!

But are the tight-lipped tactics being used in the Kyron Horman case counterproductive? Not necessarily, says Harold Copus, a former FBI agent who has worked dozens of missing-person cases.

"The police might think that this is an abduction and, because of that, don't want to feed information to the suspect," Copus, now head of Copus Security Consultants in Atlanta, told AOL News. "They may also want the family to remain silent so they don't inadvertently say something they shouldn't to reporters."

Earlier this week, authorities announced they had reclassified the case as a criminal investigation; up to that point, Kyron was considered a "missing endangered child." In addition, Multnomah County Sheriff's Capt. Jason Gates told The Associated Press that local parents had been told that Kyron's disappearance was an isolated incident. "There is no reason to believe that the kids are in any danger here," Gates said.

Gates' statement has caused some to surmise there must be specific information that is leading the authorities to believe no other children are in danger. After all, if a child predator were on the loose, why would the police tell parents they don't need to take extra precautions?

According to Copus, it could be an assumption based on past experiences.

"If you're a child sexual predator, you only need one victim at a time. You don't need one victim a day," Copus said. "You have to put yourself in their mind-set. Once they've done this evil deed, they know there's going to be a tremendous amount of publicity, so they'll immediately go underground and disappear.

"It would be unusual for a second child to be abducted in such a close period of time."

Wow, that makes a lot of sense to me.
Bern, I also appreciate your input and although I've always been sceptical of dreams and visions in the past, I've come to believe in it largely due to your posts.

The thing that came to mind when you described it was a livewell. If you google it in images, you'll see what I'm talking about. Also, if this was near that island, I think it could make sense.

Good point...those fish holds, I hadn't thought of. I was thinking of those big tool box things in truck beds, but that don't have square tops (kind of like a raised pyramid) but I don't think they have slots. Or like a old fashioned tool box. I'm tired, too...Pensfan opened up a feeding frenzy with those eastern european wontons last night and I got 2 or 3 hours of sleep. I'm getting too old for those kind of nights!
Hi Emma, Seeing how the Sheriff often took the media aside to talk to them, if there is anything new like them lawyering up, I doubt they'd let that info out. I think it is imperative to their investigation to keep everything they know as quiet as possible. IMO only, that could be the case if there is more than one person involved, making it more complicated.

Good point. Boy, the media must be bored to tears sitting on their pads of no-comment questions and no-tell notes. That's why I'm sending my own Clark Kent to PDX. :dance: And the bonus is, he's a crime fighter.
Dream 6/16/10
Kyron is in the back seat of an older car parked in high grass, vegatation(not sure what to call it). There is an older man outside the window bending down looking it at him. Gives me the feeling of an abandoned car in someones long neglected back yard.

Usually when I have these dreams it is very early before I have read so much on the case. So I am not sure this dream means anything but he is alive in my dream and that gives me hope.
"If you're a child sexual predator, you only need one victim at a time. You don't need one victim a day," Copus said. "You have to put yourself in their mind-set. Once they've done this evil deed, they know there's going to be a tremendous amount of publicity, so they'll immediately go underground and disappear.

"It would be unusual for a second child to be abducted in such a close period of time."
I don't really agree with this. When Ashley Pond disappeared about 8 years ago I am sure they thought that was an isolated incidence but then Miranda Gaddis disappeared about a month later.
How do we even know the white truck was one like step-mom's (dad's)?

There are many different kinds of trucks and do you know how MANY white trucks there are? White is probably one of the most common colors for a truck.


I have been thinking about that. White is the most common color of pickups on the road today.

The article I read said "A TRUCK" was towed from the Horman property due to mechanical problems. (paraphrasing)

For all we know it could have been someone who has been consoling the family that has been visiting with them in their time of need and were having truck problems.

I just cant believe that if the media thought it belonged to one of the family members they wouldn't tail the tow truck driver to the dealership or wherever it was taken.

Has any other news site reported on the truck?

I think it was a big ado about nothing, imo.

I can't help thinking that if this family felt LE still had to look at them as suspects, they would have no trouble getting counsel. And no, we haven't heard of them using any...other than the e-mail to the law firm...

But that doesn't mean they haven't been using counsel all along. I just think we'd have heard about it ...?

Between this & the tow truck, I need to hire me a snoopy investigative reporter. lol.

You could email Mike Donahue Emma. I bet he'd love to get questions to ask LE. Plus you'd get him at no cost !!! xox

Dream 6/16/10
Kyron is in the back seat of an older car parked in high grass, vegatation(not sure what to call it). There is an older man outside the window bending down looking it at him. Gives me the feeling of an abandoned car in someones long neglected back yard.

Usually when I have these dreams it is very early before I have read so much on the case. So I am not sure this dream means anything but he is alive in my dream and that gives me hope.

Thank you for sharing, it gives me hope too.
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