OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - #17

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All joking aside, that project was just a trifold poster board that folds up flat to transport, plus a shoe box size diorama. I know for a fact that the back compartment of a Mustang could hold that with no problem without even folding down either side of the back seat of her car, which probably had a baby seat and booster seat in it. Really not even a slight difficulty at all to transport.
I'm just thinking she had trouble somehow fitting his project in the car.I'm just thinking out loud LOL.
I coach soccer, I couldn't be a coach until I was background checked.
I don't know if this thought had been brought up yet. I had a fleeting thought. What if the POI is a LEO or in security? I mean that would change my dynamic of how I looked at the way it is being investigated.

JMO stabbing in the dark here.

Or dressed like LE or security?
Several things Id like to clear up in my mind.

The white truck...
Is there a written transcript somewhere about the white truck sightings? Maybe a call to LE saying a smaller truck, larger truck, loud diesel truck, etc?
Theres quite a difference in say a small ford Ranger and a large dually or something.

How many vehicles do the Horman's own? *Is this one of their primary vehicles?

The second sighting was at 2am Saturday morning. Can we rule out the SM driving it at that time? It was dark, how was the caller sure it was a female driver?

Here is what Kelley said about the two truck sightings:

"We had two odd sightings of a vehicle on our road Friday," Kelley said. Around 3 p.m., he and a neighbor reported seeing a white pick-up truck with a female driver pull to the end of the long road, idle and then turn around. Then again at 2 a.m. Saturday morning, a similar white pickup truck appeared, idled and when a neighbor loosed her dogs, eased away."

Around three in the afternoon of the day Kyle disappeared, a female was seen driving the truck. At 2:00 am, though, Kelley does not mention being able to identify a driver:

"...a similar white pickup truck appeared, idled and when a neighbor loosed her dogs, eased away.

LINK: http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2010/06/day_three_search_continues_hun.html
I truly feel LE has a really good idea by now of what happened to Kyron. I am going to bet an arrest won't be made until sometime in late August or early September. For some reason, it just seems to take about three months to process evidence and make sure all questions have been answered so that the outcome of the trial is solid. I remember how LE was acting during the Devon Epps investigation back in 2007. The entire world knew the biological mother, Amanda Reagan Smith had murdered him. LE stood by her, calmy insisted they were investigating all possible tips, and that they had no reason to not believe her story. She also did strange stuff with her MySpace account and if I recall, she didn't go to the first vigil - and then she got in an argument at one of the others.. I was proud to see that Websleuth members doubted the story in the VERY first posting. Englishleigh was the first to comment after the story was posted, and her comment was "Ummm....yeah, right....this doesn't pass the smell test. Sounds like another Susan Smith to me, for now.". It is sort of interesting to go back and read a case like that one when analyzing a case like this one. Here is a link to the Devon Epps thread:

That wasn't an Oregon case though was it?

I don't have anything that shows the Oregon police would do the same as another state.

On their site they do say the offer the families of victims assistance and I believe that is exactly what they are doing because they do see all of them as victims who had their child ripped away from them.

Rumor posts will earn you 2 days off. Let others know so they have the immediate opportunity to edit theri own post before a moderator does.
Moderation and censorship whining is over now as well.

I have put a lot of personal attention into this thread which included literally sitting on it all weekend and for 2 days after to catch problems, explain rules, talk to you, open up the discussion A LOT and not give TO's.

95% of you get it. the other 5% will get TO's if they don't get on board pretty quick here.
We love that you are here and most of the work here is beyond awesome.

But if you want to post carelessly, then please do it somewhere else. there are plenty of discussion boards that anything goes.
Some people stay for the moderation here and some people leave because of the moderation here.

Read the OP if you don't know the rules. read the Rules and etiquette section of the forum, read the threadiquette entries all over the forums.

Hate to be so harsh, but moderating this thread is becoming a big problem.

Where this post lands is random and on another note those of you that are on board THANK YOU!
I hate to say this but there are alot of companies and/or institutions that, in order to save costs neglect to actually do backgrounds, believing that if somebody is willing to give their consent than they must be "clean." Unfortunately many (SO's, ect.) know this and are willing to roll the dice... it's equal to playing russian roulette IMO.

Right, especially if someone recommends them or knows someone in their family or group of friends.

Funny you should say this. Well guess what? Our local LL tells every single person that signs up to volunteer manage, coach, work in the stand, do grounds keeping, or be on the board that they are doing a background check. Everyone has to sign their consent on a form. They are then supposed to send it away for a thorough background check. Yeah, right... Get this: There's a guy that lives down the street from me, he coaches 2 of his sons' in LL. He's not a manager, but he's a coach. He's been helping for 2 years now. Well my boys stopped playing LL when they started to get more competetive so I had no need to go to the LL fields over the past couple of years, except to stop every once in awhile. I went to see a game last month & noticed this guy was coaching & I threw a fit...discreetly. I called the pres & told him I couldn't believe he allowed this guy to coach with his background & he said what are you talking about he passed a background check! I said LIE, he served 10 years in jail for starting fires in the town next to where we live...I know this for a fact bc my ex fiancee was the arresting lead detective in his case! Come to find out, they said they never got the reports back for any of the background checks! In my eyes, they probably never sent them off to begin with! And to make matters even worse, I recently found out that this guy happened to be on the LL Board in the same stinking town that he started those fires in! OMG! I mean...seriously now?

Maybe background checks are done but take longer to receive? You'd think major companies, especially school districts, would subscribe to some sort of online background check something or other! You know, the ones where they can see the info right off the bat! I'm so sick over this little boy...over all these little innocent kids going missing & violated! Grown ups need to be more responsible. Period.

Additional info: I'm stating this bc it's been said that a teacher or volunteer in Oregon had a past & was still holding their position yet they violated more children... I'm hoping beyond hope that thorough background checks were performed on all employees, including volunteers, of the Skyline School. That in itself could alleveiate some suspicion of a school employee.

Unbelievable and ITA. I was totally fascinated and ALARMED by this prospect, and even more so by the surprised answer I got from the head of one organization (when I asked why we had not been background checked for the past 10 years) which was essentially...."But... but... but we KNOW you! Everyone knows you! We would never worry about you guys!"
My god....all I can think is thank god we are, in fact, squeaky clean...but when tax dollars and donations are taken by organizations or governments (like schools) in which it is law or bylaw to background check everyone involved- and that doesn't happen but is purported or made to appear to happen....just- oh my god.

We train working dogs for LE and the military, and we background check LE that is going to receive them because it is in our contract and it ensures the safety of our dogs and our reputation!!
And these are 'just' dogs, not children!
ITA about the cost of background checks. Here - for the school system YOU HAVE TO PAY $75. for the background/fingerprint check. It is run through FBI. But little leagues and such might not because "good" ones are cost prohibitive and they just don't have the money.
I thought I read this morning that the family watched the vigil from a private room. Where did that come from? I just watched this video and it shows them and says "Kyron's family did attend praying along with the crowd".



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Hi, all. Just getting back online so I have missed someone already saying this I'm sorry. Just had a thought. I wonder if the house that was searched across the street was the person who was watching the 18 month old. I don't want to go into it more but if a person was to do something illegal, I would imagine that the next place they were at would be searched in case they left evidence.
I also want to add that I think in there investigation they do say they are looking at all angles. To me this may mean the are still trying to prove or disprove people as POI.
I have not made my mind up either way but It does seem they do have someone in mind by the way they speak. I hope it is the right person and that this is resolved quickly.
Thinking of Kyron.
Doesn't matter if it was "seen", she had every right to be there. Point is/was getting there early would insure a good parking spot.

Not necessarily. We have no idea how many other parents were there at the same time, nor how many staff members.

I think it's an opinion that she would have been guaranteed to get a good parking spot by arriving at the school when she did, not a fact.

Any news on the searches today? Any locals hearing the black hawk?
Don't want to quote JG's long post and take up space, but just last night on the news website where the video of the Kruger farm interview was posted, there were TWO stories of teachers in Oregon who had been arrested or who were on trial for sexual abuse cases with students. TWO in just that day's news, so the background checking must not be too thorough. Yes, I am on my way to find the link right now!

Here it is, one story is a coach out of Beaverton, another a teacher from Salem:

Another question for locals and TIA. Is Sauvie Island and the area below it popular for fishing? I think fishing season starts tomorrow so lots of people should be out and this weekend when it warms up. TIA
It's irresponsible and the school will be held accountable. I hope they changed their policy.

This may be too far off-topic (Kyron), so if so, please delete (or is there a place to move this to?)

How does your school handle crowded events, and do you feel it is safe?

I'm curious - what do people think should be the policy for schools to admit people on special event days (field day, choir program, etc. etc)?

Sign in?
Sign in and put on a name tag?
Sign in and provide proof of ID and wear a name tag? I ask this one specifically, because I would guess that this would be the answer many people would come up with, but there are (at least) two problems with this. 1-Logistics. Depending on the size of the school, this could take an hour or more before an event, and 2- Some parents would not attend the event due to this (parents without legal immigrant status). Also, you might be surprised how many parents complain about comlliance with even the simplest security procedures.

Would it be any different if there were security cameras on site?

Maybe schools could issue "Parent Passes" at the first event of the year, and for easy admittance you bring this to all future evnets? Without this everyone shows ID?
Maybe someone said something about his project that hurt his feelings ?
Maybe he went off into a wooded area to cry and pout , got lost or fell and was hurt. No jacket . Cool weather. That could quickly take its toll on a small child.
I do hope they are still searching the wooded areas near the school.
I did not watch the pressor or the vigil.
If that were my child or grandchild , I would want privacy during the vigil. I'm sure the family was shedding tears. These people are not out selling photos or making book deals. They are genuinely worried and sad.

Maybe. I think LE is keeping open all possibilities.

But I cant shake that Kyron's picture is going up on 30 billboards across two states. It makes me think they think he has been abducted but may still be alive.

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