OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #10

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just a little heads up that facebook quotes are not really ok at this point

Oopsie..didn't realize that. Sorry. The link above is actually to an image posted in Terri's FB gallery? Is that okay?
Rumor alert-on a comment on an article on KGW-says family pet is also missing? What???

I remember seeing a slideshow that included pictures from various places (home, zoo, outdoors, indoors, etc). In the pictures of the family at home, I don't recall seeing any pets in the pictrues. Did anyone else?
Why do parents do their little kids' projects?
1. project was too difficult and child couldn't complete on his/her own
2. Parent thinks project is a reflection of themselves and therefore, it must be almost perfect or better that the other kids' projects.
3. Child left assignment undone until 11:00pm the night before it was due and all supplies had to be purchased at the 24/7 Walmart at midnight. When mom returned home with supplies, the child was snoring loudly, so mom did the project. (Lordie, that is one brings back unpleasant memories....hehe)

My son-number 3 child!!!!! Number 3 on the list. Over and over again. Last child, only son. Big mistake!!!! Although I did not do the project. Just the midnight shopping. Didn't want the kid to flunk as I was a teacher, for goodness sakes!

Parents, do not do this at home! Let them flunk in elementary school. Then it won't persist. Won't go into more, but I am proud to say that he is an engineer and is on his way shortly to get the highest level of engineer-a PE.

But, let me say I wondered while he was in high school if he would be asking, "Do you want fries with that?" as a career.
I posted earlier and shared these pics

I found them by browsing googlemaps... they are at the corner of NW Cornelius Pass Rd, and NW Skyline Boulevard

*but these images are from anytime.... maybe a few months ago.. maybe a few years, depending on when google got the images.

it made me think about something... the electricity trucks there look all white, with no marking.

What if someone happened to be working on a pole near the school and talked Kyron into going to check out "electricity"

I hope they have looked into any work being done near the school, the workers.
Or any parent who might work for the electricity company and maybe have a record?

As I mentioned 2 or 3 threads ago now, If Kyron was abducted from the school, IMO the abductor would be someone who had a legitimate reason for being there. Someone who could enter and exit the school/school property without standing out or raising suspicions. I suggested looking at delivery company drivers, such as FED EX, UPS, Food vendors (i.e. Sysco, Duck Produce Delivery, FSOA, etc.) vending machine vendors, and, as you've pointed out, utility workers that may have been working in the area that day. Thanks for bringing that up! JMHO ~
I just can't get over the fact that on the day he disappeared he was wearing "Crime Scene Investigation" shirt
:crazy: oh dear, are we recycling rumors already? lol. :crazy:
For once if this is a perp abduction I wish he/she would just let the child out in front a large store where the child could go for help.
I remember seeing a slideshow that included pictures from various places (home, zoo, outdoors, indoors, etc). In the pictures of the family at home, I don't recall seeing any pets in the pictrues. Did anyone else?

the only pet i noticed was the horse...and i notice pet pics...it was mentioned on SM's facebook that they had a cat (one annoying cat) lol
That's a rumor. There was a comment on SM FB (that is now private) that talked about Kitty missing Kyron. I forget what it said exactly but somehow in the telephone tag game of the rumor mill it turned into the family pet being "missing".

Kitty is a nickname for Kryon's little sister. She is not the family pet.
Children only exhibit separation anxiety (around 1- 1 1/2 years of age) for the primary caretakers. I doubt Kyron was Kitty's primary caretaker...just saying.

"I saw a mention that the step mother mentioned on her facebook page they had also lost a family pet recently. I don't know if the pet was lost literally or died. If the pet disappeared, and now so does the little boy, makes me wonder if someone has something against someone in the family, for some reason. Or, if the pet was stolen, to use as bait to draw a boy into a predators trap. Well, likely if the pet disappeared, in that area, a coyote got it or it was killed by a car. I'm just thinking of scenario"
I have to go to bed, it is past midnight here. I hope I dream good dreams of Kyron being brought home, safe and sound. Keep up the prayers! Hope tomorrow he is home when I log in! Night all.
I just noticed something that was mentioned several threads back, someone mentioned that on FB SM labeled pics with first and last names, except Kyron, I was just looking through one of the albums and noticed that that is true, and the little girl (little sister) does not have a fb so there is no link to her pics.

I also noticed that there are a few with a friend of Kyron's or maybe a relative, a boy around the same age and she refers to him by his first name only too, just weird when the rest are all tagged with the whole names, including her older son (or the boy I assume is her older son.)

I just can't get over the fact that on the day he disappeared he was wearing "Crime Scene Investigation" shirt
Welcome to WS! Yeah...that is spooky, but apparently he really liked this shirt. There were other photos of him wearing it. One was at the zoo.
JMO, I watched the video (press conference) several times, with sound and without. I honestly did not see or feel anything that made me feel 'squirmy'. When Terri has her head on Desiree's shoulder, they are speaking-Terri asked a question (or made a comment) and Desiree answered her. She did lean into her briefly as Terri drew her closer. I think this family is emotionally devastated and exhausted, and in shock, that this it really happening to them. But I felt they were united-in grief and in wanting to find little Kyron. I did not pick up any animosity among them-I do think they were uncomfortable being up there with the press and the camera's. I think Desiree was struggling to keep herself together. Terri looks deeply grieved, and as though she has had very little sleep. I am not a crier myself, so I can't judge someone who has no tears. She does, however, have pain and fatigue etched deeply on her face.
I just noticed something that was mentioned several threads back, someone mentioned that on FB SM labeled pics with first and last names, except Kyron, I was just looking through one of the albums and noticed that that is true, and the little girl (little sister) does not have a fb so there is no link to her pics.

I also noticed that there are a few with a friend of Kyron's or maybe a relative, a boy around the same age and she refers to him by his first name only too, just weird when the rest are all tagged with the whole names, including her older son (or the boy I assume is her older son.)


I noticed this too...the tags would go to other peoples facebooks but they are not in the photos.
can I link the facebook of the older brother's step mom?

it is public and may clear up a few things
I hope someone can clear this for me...

The class were in group of 6 when they started to tour other projects at the beginnng
but at the end of the tour there was only five in the group.

I really confused by this...Kyron must been counted in the beginning to be in group of 6.

Or why would would the helper say OH NO there only 5 where Kyron?
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