OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #10

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People can be standing by their driveway for any reason. I don't think a bus driver would stop for that reason, or they could be stopping all day long.

The only reasonable explanation is that another child gets off there as well.

If you are standing at the end of your driveway waiting for the bus. The driver will stop, they get to know what parent's do and don't do. My daughter missed the bus one day and while I was at the end of the driveway waiting for her, she meanwhile was trying to call the house. The driver stopped and said she didn't get on the bus.
Anyway, I am so afraid that LE does not have a clue in this case. I think they are searching with desperation and also keeping it open to the possibility that someone killed Kyron, and if so, going by the stats, his body would be left near the school where he was last seen. If LE thinks this was done by someone close to Kyron, they might consider that an isolated incident and not an actual abduction, the way most people think of that word. Searching the bridge area mentioned earlier could relate to cell pings or a tip.

In my mind, I am ruling out any formal kidnapping; they would not be doing this type of ground search at this late date, IMO. I hope they know what happened to him, but really feel they don't, not at all. As far as outbuildings, etc, they have to ask people to look anyplace a child could have gone, or a body could be hidden.
I hate it when people ask for things that have been posted, but I put Cornelius Road into the search function, and there are too many pages to search.

What is their address? I know it's been posted.
The map is linked in my signature.. interesting idea to look on Zillow!

Cornelius Pass road is curvy, and steep. Their road looks to be unpaved, with a good handful of houses up there. Street View doesn't go to their spur (it appears there are three mailboxes for it).
Anyway, I am so afraid that LE does not have a clue in this case. I think they are searching with desperation and also keeping it open to the possibility that someone killed Kyron, and if so, going by the stats, his body would be left near the school where he was last seen. If LE thinks this was done by someone close to Kyron, they might not consider that an isolated incident and not an actual abduction, the way most people think of that word. Searching the bridge area mentioned earlier could relate to cell pings or a tip.

In my mind, I am ruling out any formal kidnapping; they would not be doing this type of ground search at this late date, IMO. I hope they know what happened to him, but really feel they don't, not at all. As far as outbuildings, etc, they have to ask people to look anyplace a child could have gone, or a body could be hidden.

Sadly, I pretty much agree with everything you said.
Respectfully snipped ~
I agree that we need to keep this sad reality in mind (and I don't agree with the "keep your heads in the sand" posting policy here re discussing possible family involvement).

pinkpuddytat - there is no "keep your heads in the sand" policy here. There is a policy to treat victims and their family members with respect. That means you can question, speculate and theorize things that are said in the mainstream media and actions that are done in public - BUT you must tie those things in to the missing child.

It also means you can not bash someone for the kind of t-shirt they put on the child or the color of lipstick they are wearing or the depth of the v-neck in their shirt.

If these policies are not understood by any of the posters on this forum, they are welcome to pm or email a mod and ask about them. No two cases are the same. Some are similar, but they are not the same. That means there is a lot gray area that has to be dealt with. Things also change, sometimes minute by minute, and we have to be prepared to roll with the changes, resulting in more gray area. But what never changes is WS's commitment to the victims of crimes and their loved ones.

Hope that helps,

People can be standing by their driveway for any reason. I don't think a bus driver would stop for that reason, or they could be stopping all day long.

The only reasonable explanation is that another child gets off there as well.

I might be able to shed some light on why the bus driver would stop if the student was not on the bus. I drove a school bus for 15 years and this happened more times than I can count!
If I saw a parent at the stop and the child was not with me, I would stop out of common courtesy to let them know their child didn’t get on the bus. Granted, not ALL bus drivers do this, but most do. You would be surprised at how many parents forget things like after school activities, their child was riding a different bus home to a friend’s house, another parent or family member picked them up, etc. If the child was supposed to be o the bus, I was the first line of communication to the school because all of our buses were equipped with 2-way radios. 90% of the time, the student missed the bus and the school was trying to call home, but the parent didn’t know because they were at the bus stop already  So yeah, I always stopped if a parent was waiting for an absent child.
My daughter's bus driver would totally stop if he saw us...maybe he missed her getting on the bus...concern of why I'm standing there if she isn't on the bus.

We also know him personally. Small town.

We have also had a sub bus driver and he passed up our house...only to turn around when my daughter spoke up...HEY you missed my house. LOL

Yep our bus driver would stop too. Sub missed our stop (in front of our house) and my son said nothing. I called the school when he didn't stop, they called transportation and the driver brought him back.
Does anyone have the wording of the presser of what they both said? I would like to read it instead of watching it? TIA
People can be standing by their driveway for any reason. I don't think a bus driver would stop for that reason, or they could be stopping all day long.

The only reasonable explanation is that another child gets off there as well.

A school bus driver passing our house stopped and picked up my son because he had already missed his bus and she knew it went by before hers does everyday. Bus drivers are mom's and grandma's too! Our bus usually stops and honks if we are not outside and waits for me to wave them on if he is sick.
Respectfully snipped ~

pinkpuddytat - there is no "keep your heads in the sand" policy here. There is a policy to treat victims and their family members with respect. That means you can question, speculate and theorize things that are said in the mainstream media and actions that are done in public - BUT you must tie those things in to the missing child.

It also means you can not bash someone for the kind of t-shirt they put on the child or the color of lipstick they are wearing or the depth of the v-neck in their shirt.

If these policies are not understood by any of the posters on this forum, they are welcome to pm or email a mod and ask about them. No two cases are the same. Some are similar, but they are not the same. That means there is a lot gray area that has to be dealt with. Things also change, sometimes minute by minute, and we have to be prepared to roll with the changes, resulting in more gray area. But what never changes is WS's commitment to the victims of crimes and their loved ones.

Hope that helps,

what she said
The bus would not stop at my house if my children were not on the school bus. There would be no reason to.

I am wondering if another child lived where the bus would drop off Kyron ( which I would assume would be at his house at that age, but then maybe not)

Otherwise, why would the bus stop?

The bus certainly wouldn't stop to talk to a parent. The driver would just drive on by.

I would be surprised if a school bus driver normally has an awareness of exactly which kids are on the bus, unless it's a special ed bus or some other special situation. During the periods of my life when I rode any sort of school bus, the only ones where I think the driver would have been fully aware of exactly who was on the bus were both very atypical. One was a private school (in the US) that had teachers at the school serving as drivers, providing pick-up within sight of each child's front door, and driving vans rather than buses, because they were only transporting children who lived more or less on the teacher/driver's way to and from school, and the absence of any child would definitely have changed the route for that particular trip. The other was when I was attending a private school in a foreign country, where I was the very young child of a diplomat, and there were significant security concerns surrounding the issue of my riding the school bus -- the bus's entire route was designed to pick me up last in the morning and drop me off first in the afternoon (which I eventually learned involved going *way* of its normal route), to minimize the amount of time and distance that I was exposed to any risk (which could have posed a risk to the other children too). In that case, I'm sure the driver always knew whether or not *I* was on the bus, but not at all sure he would have known whether any particular one of the other kids were absent on a given day.

But for an ordinary everyday school bus route, with regular kids? Especially for the going-home leg of the trip, I would expect that a mob of kids just pile onto the bus in the afternoon, with teachers of the younger grades making sure each of the younger children gets on the bus if they're supposed to, and the driver simply leaving at the appointed time and stopping everywhere he normally stops unless someone specifically alerts him that a child who is the only one who gets off at a particular stop is absent that day. And even if this driver had been under the impression that Kyron wasn't on the bus that afternoon, I'm sure that when he saw a familiar parent waiting at the stop, he would stopped, thinking either that either he'd been mistaken in believing the child wasn't on board, or that the parent needed to tell him something.
Very good question about the bus stop drop off and if any other kids get let off the bus there. You are right, if no other kids get dropped off - why would the bus stop? Here is a link to Skyline bus routes and times. I haven't had time to analyze it yet: http://www.pps.k12.or.us/depts-c/bus/bus_out.php?school=SKY&upload_date=4/27/2010

If a primary/secondary school parent is standing at the regular school bus stop around here (before or after school) with or without kids, the bus stops. The bus driver, even if he has no child to let off, opens the door to see why the parent is there.

My little monkeys (older one and a younger one) would ocaisionaly decide to walk home (together or in a group) and I'd be standing at the bus stop thinking they were on the bus. The bus driver would open the door and just smile at me "they walked". So I'd know I had another 10 minutes before I needed to panic. lol.

I am very surprised to learn a primary/elementary school bus would fly by a regular bus stop especially if a parent is standing there expectedly - probably because that definitely was not my experience.
OK. People feel the bus driver would stop. IDK. We have no info on that, as we have no info on anything except that he's missing.

I see that they live on Sheltered Nook. Their house is not on Zillow. By looking at the other addresses, it looks like the house is on a straight road (not their personal house, but the public road).

So, the bus driver could look back or the kids could be telling him to look, or it looks like he may have to turn around at some point and that's when he was flagged down.

Unless SM is incredibly stupid or delusional, I can't see her doing it. She was seen with him at school. One would think that would give rise to major scrutiny , so why risk it?

But LE's tight lips, strange things about not saying it's criminal, make no sense.

I am wrong in that they are saying it's not an abduction and he didn't wander off?
does anyone know why they have not released the 911 call?
I'm not understanding all this debate about bus stops and drivers...all because they said they spoke to the bus driver? I am sure they did, this is something easily verifiable by LE.

I'm just getting short-tempered I guess, sorry, will go away.
does anyone know why they have not released the 911 call?

Great question I am curious too.
Was there a 911 call? or an non-emergency call. Do they record both types of calls.
Respectfully snipped ~

pinkpuddytat - there is no "keep your heads in the sand" policy here. There is a policy to treat victims and their family members with respect. That means you can question, speculate and theorize things that are said in the mainstream media and actions that are done in public - BUT you must tie those things in to the missing child.

It also means you can not bash someone for the kind of t-shirt they put on the child or the color of lipstick they are wearing or the depth of the v-neck in their shirt.

If these policies are not understood by any of the posters on this forum, they are welcome to pm or email a mod and ask about them. No two cases are the same. Some are similar, but they are not the same. That means there is a lot gray area that has to be dealt with. Things also change, sometimes minute by minute, and we have to be prepared to roll with the changes, resulting in more gray area. But what never changes is WS's commitment to the victims of crimes and their loved ones.

Hope that helps,


Salem, if you are refering to my remark about the t-shirt, I will just say that I did not bash anyone and I have nothing but respect for the families. I do stand my opinon and that is JMO.
I would also say that the respect that is shown this family has not been done for some other victim's families on this forum. I wish it had.
From looking at Kyron and his big contagious smile, I really feel he probably makes friends pretty easily. I have been looking at the locations where they play their soccer games. And I have been looking at RSO's located near some of those locations. And yep there are some. I have a feeling that Kyron may have put his trust in the wrong person, someone who befriended him at an earlier time and perhaps knew his bus schedule, etc. Who knows, maybe they were waiting that day, but when Kyron didn't get on the bus that morning, they were forced to go to the school. I don't know, but that's the only thing that makes sense to me, that he knew whoever he went with, even if it was only in a casual acquaintance way. I won't post any more RSO's, one is only minutes away from a soccer field, as I'm awaiting a clarification on the posting of RSO's from the mods, and I don't want to go on another unintended hiatus. LOL

I can post the link to the soccer fields though, here they are, and I don't know which ones Kyron's team would or would not have played on, but when you click on the addresses it shows you where they are.

does anyone know why they have not released the 911 call?

Apparently LE in this case really does give out info on a need to know basis.......and it appears as though they're firm believers that we don't need to know. That's about all the explanation I can come up with. :snooty:

It strikes me that if they don't come forth with some information soon, some people's heads are going to start spinning like the exorcist baby.

This case is driving me up a wall. I absolutely don't know what to think.
Portland is a fun place to live as a single person! I am not a fan of the Portland Police Department, they can be slow to react ....so glad Multnomah Sheriff has this and called in the FBI (they have certainly been low key).

Well yeah, I've been there as an adult, it can be a fun place. I really suggest that you listen to the scanner, I think you'll see why they are slow to respond... it's non-stop 24/7 craziness, assaults, people being chased with a machete, homeless guy verifying his gender at the bus stop, robberies, domestic violence. Sorry, got off topic. Done.
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