OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #15

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How do you see the comments please?

You have to join facebook.

THere is a Sauvie Island interest page, there is tab on this page where there is a global collection of any post or 'liked' article connected through the facebook plug-in that references 'Sauvie Island'.

THere also is a 'Missing Kyron Horman' page. THere is a front page/wall with Kyron related news articles from sites that have the plug-in. These articles can be 'shared' with any of your facebook friends and commented on by them. Some of the articles have well over 100 comments.

Furthermore there is a 'Discussion Tab' on the Missing Kyron facebook page and you can create a topic and discuss further.

Some comments are from FB users that dont realize their comments are public. Some people are carrying on 'conversations' with other users. I think its probable that some users aren't even aware of the fact that all these articles are congregated on the 'Missing Kyron' page, and instead these articles are being shared and commented on without actually visitng the Finding Kyron page directly.

...Hence some rumor commenting/discussion yesterday and an Admin of a Missing Kyron page that kept commenting to the writer please stop commenting on her news page and instead to go to her discussion tab. And a commenter that most likely didnt understand what being asked of her in the end deleted her comments.

ALso, i wouldnt be surprised if that 'missing kyron horman' page was created by a WS participant??

Basically the facebook social plug-in is a clusterfu#* that is confusing and jumbled, and you have to join to be a part of it.
As far as the artwork goes, I know I have seen the picture of that sun before, I checked google images but when you type up sun artwork in images, my goodness there are thousands. I believe he copied that picture from a book or a picture he seen hanging somewhere. I believe it is a native style, even with the colors that he used, I'm telling you I have seen that picture before.. I'm not crazy, I wish I could locate it. So there may not be much to that one it may have even been part of their art class. Maybe they were studying Native art and were asked to draw/color a picture from a book and thats the photo he chose.
Now as far as the chipmunk/squirrel, this one is telling to me. The squirel is alone in picture while he is eating. Is this something that Kyron had to do, eat alone? The colors he chose are all dark colors, the grey blue background is a sad and depressing color. Why not use light blue or yellows to signify a bright happy sunny day?

In one of the pictures you see him alone eating on some kind of narrow table by the window
This is my first post, but I have been lurking for quite some time. A thought I keep having is about the quality of Kyron's science project. He obviously didn't do that all himself. I actually think they would have had to send the foam core to a printer to have the background applied (unless dad had the ability to do it at the office). Way above par for a 2nd grader IMO. Another parent, not necessarily a SO - but maybe someone with a violent demeanor, was upset because he/she put in a lot of time with their project without such great results. Just speculating...

I did just watch John Walsh on the Today Show. He seemed to want to keep it open as to whether the "perp" could be a family member or SO, but he did revisit a family member a few times.

I am really torn up about this case, since I have 3 boys of my own. I really can't shake the feeling that whoever took him (and at this point I don't believe he wandered away) was familiar to him in some way. So sad.

I remember reading in a news article fairly recently that Kyron's father worked on this project with him. The article did state that Kyron himself did much of the work on the diorama .... I don't know about anyone being angry about any results. IDK if this was an event with judges...maybe more like a project display to promote an interest in science ?

My neighbor is a janitor at the elementary school here. Small public school. He wears what ever he wants to. He has an employee ID card he has to carry. That's it. He said none of the janitors in our district ( about 45 schools ) are required to wear a uniform. Just like teachers or other staff members can wear what they want to. The staff does not have to have their ID's in plain sight either.

Initially, this struck me as terrifying. Then I got to thinking that of the janitors I've seen at my DD's school, none of them were in uniform either, nor were the othre staff members. The only thing that differs is that at DD's school, they all have ID's hanging from their necks on a lanyard.

This does not make me feel better.
My neighbor is a janitor at the elementary school here. Small public school. He wears what ever he wants to. He has an employee ID card he has to carry. That's it. He said none of the janitors in our district ( about 45 schools ) are required to wear a uniform. Just like teachers or other staff members can wear what they want to. The staff does not have to have their ID's in plain sight either.

I'm surprised to hear how lax some school districts are. The school my son attends requires all employees-teachers, janitors, lunchroom attendents, office staff etc. to wear a name badge with their photo around their neck at school. The name badge also serves as a key they swipe on outside doors that are locked from the outside at all times during school hours with the exception of the front doors located directly in front of the office. IMO a name badge with a photo should be required and in plain sight for all school employees.
Well you should be worried! When the investigation is detoured by gossip and dead end leads, false accusations and incorrect information it delays finding the missing child . This is a very real problem imo, and the thought of people focusing on my skeletons instead of helping to find my child is frightening. Dancing on your lawn naked would most likely cause people to think perhaps you had something to do with the disappearance. This is where the rush to judgement becomes a problem. Tunnel vision on the wrong person for the wrong reasons can really detour a investigation.

Maybe focusing for so long on Jaycee Dugards' stepfather hampered finding garrido sooner. The clues were there, but no one saw them.
If my child had been abducted, I would do just about anything to get his picture posted all over Earth. The tabloids and news shows would focus on the case and they would show his photo over and over. If I am:
-completely honest with LE,
-my background is clean,
-my friends and family report that my marriage is healthy
-my friends and family report that we are mentally healthy
-and LE in my town is competent,
LE will know exactly why I danced on the lawn naked and they will focus on the finding my child. Getting your child's photo ingrained in everyone's mind, can help find one's child.
OT Apparently lots of Oregonians are running around nekid based on the scanner thread
How can this be a criminal investigation but not an abduction. Even if someone in the family took him who did not have custody of him it would be a family abduction and still criminal (Am I correct?).
LE says there is no evidence he was abducted, the evidence is he is missing. Yet they still say it is a criminal investigation but the boy wasn't kidnapped....I just don't get it.

I think you are on the right track. The police are choosing their words carefully, but you can still use their words to make common sense conclusions:

The police have said separately that this is not an abduction and I think they have said he wasn't kidnapped. So -- we can assume he wasn't kidnapped or abducted. That's a relief! There's not a crazed SO running the halls of schools in Oregon.

Each time the police have been asked about family involvement, they've declined comment, but they have openly said this isn't a kidnapping or abduction.

Reach for your common sense hat and put it on. :)
Looking at the public facebook page for the Island, (around 8 am pst, on June 15) there is a poster/commenter there who is censoring and deleting comments, saying people are only allowed to send well-wishes to the family.

That is beautiful, but why not have a facebook page for THAT? This is a community's page and I found it strange that it is being censored.

Is everyone supposed to stop thinking and feeling?

Those are links. The person deleting comments is doing so on their own page.
Initially, this struck me as terrifying. Then I got to thinking that of the janitors I've seen at my DD's school, none of them were in uniform either, nor were the othre staff members. The only thing that differs is that at DD's school, they all have ID's hanging from their necks on a lanyard.

This does not make me feel better.

Why would a uniform make a difference? My kids and I know who the janitor in our school is. Why would a uniform make the situation more or less safe? I'm not getting it!
The easiest way to do that kind of a background is to purchase a poster, wall paper, or aquarium background sheets, then use a spray glue to spray the poster and the board, smooth it across and its perfect.....easy as pie, actually. Some teacher supply stores even carry bulletin board background paper that will work for poster boards also. With sm being a teacher, she would know where to get that kind of thing. Occasionally, even stores like Office Max will carry display boards specifically geared to science fair projects.

ITA that he didn't wander away, and the reference to John Walsh proves how easy it is for someone to walk into a crowd of people, approach a child and leave unnoticed. And for those accusing sm, remember what was wrongly implied about that child's mother, also, and they were WRONG.


My parents bought mine at Walgreens when I was a kid. THat was a 'pre-walmart' era. I also used the spray adhesive.
How can this be a criminal investigation but not an abduction. Even if someone in the family took him who did not have custody of him it would be a family abduction and still criminal (Am I correct?).
LE says there is no evidence he was abducted, the evidence is he is missing. Yet they still say it is a criminal investigation but the boy wasn't kidnapped....I just don't get it.

BBM. Unfortunately you answered your own question in your 2nd sentence, I think.

I've been reading all over, not just here. As far as what doesn't 'add up', I've not seen any facts presented that point to any inconsistencies in what TH, or any of the family, did that day. I see people crucifying this woman because she didn't respond as they would, or she blinked too much or she didn't have enough pics of Kyron on her FB, or any number of stupid reasons used to accuse her of doing something horrific to this child.

Apparently to some Terri's trip to the gym to EXERCISE and blinking excessively in front of a dozen cameras w/flashing lights is considered as or more suspicious than if she'd refused to stay in the home where Kyron lived, got a tattoo of Kyron on her calf, and was planning/going on an "all-expenses paid by the media" second honeymoon!! :waitasec: Maybe she should borrow the line, "I was at work"...
~ MO ~
The dad had custody since he was an infant, and the mom had him for the weekend once every two weeks. A number of sources have reported this, but I am unsure what thread those links were on....it was probably in the first or second one for sure, though.

Here's a link for Kyron's bio mom visiting him every couple weeks since infancy.

"Terri has raised Kyron," her mother said. "She's been with him since he was an infant. She's as much of a mom as the mom is because the parents had separated about the time that Kyron was born."

She said he visits his biological mother in Medford every couple of weeks and that Desiree, 38, came to Portland as soon as she heard about his disappearance.

Initially, this struck me as terrifying. Then I got to thinking that of the janitors I've seen at my DD's school, none of them were in uniform either, nor were the othre staff members. The only thing that differs is that at DD's school, they all have ID's hanging from their necks on a lanyard.

This does not make me feel better.

just a few neutral thoughts on that picture - all the elementary schools i have worked at are just a bit smaller than this school...we all know who the custodians are (everyone goes through a criminal record check)...no-one wears uniforms..usually schools this size only have a couple of custodians (the term janitor brings up too many stereotypes for me (along the "bushy-haired stranger line)...as far as the desks in the hall -almost every school has this for students getting a little extra help from aides...at this point of these high profile cases everyone starts forming very strong personal opinions....i think this investigation is starting to make some pretty significant headway and i think everyone has been pretty civil about respecting other people's points of view...it helps keep perspective on things
The dad had custody since he was an infant, and the mom had him for the weekend once every two weeks. A number of sources have reported this, but I am unsure what thread those links were on....it was probably in the first or second one for sure, though.

Hopefully, it's ok to ask this ... does anyone know why mom wasn't given custody?
Well you should be worried! When the investigation is detoured by gossip and dead end leads, false accusations and incorrect information it delays finding the missing child . This is a very real problem imo, and the thought of people focusing on my skeletons instead of helping to find my child is frightening. Dancing on your lawn naked would most likely cause people to think perhaps you had something to do with the disappearance. This is where the rush to judgement becomes a problem. Tunnel vision on the wrong person for the wrong reasons can really detour a investigation.

Maybe focusing for so long on Jaycee Dugards' stepfather hampered finding garrido sooner. The clues were there, but no one saw them.

What she said.
I'm just feeling more and more that it was an accident in the parking lot, and she tried to cover it up. I might be tempted to do the same thing, because how in the world could you tell your husband that you ran over his son? Then she just came home and acted normal, going out to meet the bus, knowing he would not be on it. Maybe she went to the car wash after it happened.

Just my opinion.
Just trying to think with you here, Forensic fan. Wouldn't someone have been more likely to have seen an accident in the school parking lot than to notice, and register in their mind, a mom walking out of school with her child?

IF the step-mom is involved somehow, it seems to me that whatever happened took place after leaving the school grounds.

We have very little fact to work with. We do know the step mom was there in the early morning with Kyron. We know he didn't get on his school bus after school. I don't know if any teacher has verified (in any public press release) that she/he any contact with the step-mom that morning. LE knows more, obviously.

My thoughts. I think that pufnstuf (correct spelling?) has a wonderful idea about a "facts thread."

my opinions.

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