OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #9

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Do you know what car SM drove when she went with Kyron to school that morning?
I found the answer to my own question.

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5277961"]OR OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #9 - Page 19 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
post #459

"The search parameters using dogs has NOT been confirmed by LE. It has only been stated that they used them inside the school, and that they did not have any positive hits in the initial use of dogs. It has been stated that they have been used in the ground search- no confirmation of hits/no hits there. Also, no confirmation on scent-type of dog used."
Does anyone have a picture of his project?What did she bring the project in that morning?



BBM: They may be using infrared during lighter ground traffic times. When there are hundreds of bodies on the ground working searches, often they will schedule infrared flyovers during more quiet time periods.

That is very true. My thinking was, they could do infrared in the areas that are not currently being searched by ground crews. Then, if they found something they could decide at that point how to go about investigating it. They did mention again that the helicopter is equipped with it though... so maybe they are still using it. He seemed pretty clear to me at the press conference though.
Liz- Do you think he became upset about something and ran away to hide?
Sorry, if I am reading into what you posted incorrectly.

Hi Xfiles,
I think a lot of misunderstanding in this case was caused by the phrase "wandered off " ; IMO a lot of people saw that phrase,and it brought to mind a child who was a bit scatterbrained, a daydreamer,and then they read about Kyron,and saw the sparkle of intelligence in his eyes in his photos,and they just could not reconcile " wandering off " with this child. IMO,

I will *speculate * that Kyron went into the woods to see something,or to find something.Something that was maybe featured in another child's science project.Something that just totally piqued his curiousity. Be interesting to know if there were any projects dealing with flora and/or fauna of the Pacific NW.... IIRC, school did not officially start that day until 10;00 ; Kyron might have thought he could be back in time...

Anyway, all JMO ; where is this little boy today ?
I haven't heard LE say that other children are not in danger. Do you have a direct quote for that or can you tell me if you heard it in one of the pressers and if so what day?


Gates said in a news conference that the case is an isolated incident and other children are not at risk. http://www.kptv.com/news/23842774/detail.html

Authorities said they believe Kyron's disappearance is an isolated case and addressed parental concerns over safety by urging them to keep their same routines. http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2010/06/kyron_hormans_disappearance_be.html

he authorities decline to say what they believe happened to Kyron, but have attempted to reassure parents that the case appears to be an isolated incident and other children are not at risk.

Besides the fact that numerous news sources have published the information that authorities have indicated that other children are not at risk, the very term "isolated incident" means that. What else could they mean by terming Kyron's disappearance an "isolated" incident?
Well-trained tracking dogs can track through anything. Snow, mud, and rain do not stop them. In fact, I once read that it is easier for a tracking dog to track someone that is wet (ever smell a wet dog?). Since the Sheriff's office and the FBI are involved, one can be certain that well-trained, certified tracking dogs were used and not somebody's Chihuahua. (Yes, I know that tracking dogs are not infallible, but when you have many tracking dogs working on a case the probability for error is small.) It is probable that they now need to use cadaver dogs....so awful.

Early on I posted a question for the dog SAR people re whether or not the rain would be a problem re Kyron's scent. IIRC, the response was that the rain could diminish his scent. I also recall at the time a local posted that the rain was "epic".
Hopefully, I can save you some time. I read EVERY post on her FB several times from many days before Kyron went missing until within probably minutes of her setting it to private. From June 4 on, I saw exactly ONE reference to the gym and I am pretty sure this is almost an exact quote "tomorrow I am planning to hit the gym". She did not say work out, etc. and by that time the gym was already a collection center for donations to searchers, and a place to pick up posters, etc.


Thank you, raeann. I saw only one reference to going to the gym, and it was as you say, an expression that she was thinking of doing it. Nothing to say she did. Somehow that morphed into multiple trips to the gym, and that's what I meant by fabrication, along with the fabrication of all kinds of intent and meaning and motivation behind those fabricated multiple trips to the gym.

Hi Xfiles,
I think a lot of misunderstanding in this case was caused by the phrase "wandered off " ; IMO a lot of people saw that phrase,and it brought to mind a child who was a bit scatterbrained, a daydreamer,and then they read about Kyron,and saw the sparkle of intelligence in his eyes in his photos,and they just could not reconcile " wandering off " with this child. IMO,

I will *speculate * that Kyron went into the woods to see something,or to find something.Something that was maybe featured in another child's science project.Something that just totally piqued his curiousity. Be interesting to know if there were any projects dealing with flora and/or fauna of the Pacific NW.... IIRC, school did not officially start that day until 10;00 ; Kyron might have thought he could be back in time...

Anyway, all JMO ; where is this little boy today ?

I am having a hard time believing he wandered off alone too, unless the woods were close to the school. Then it would have been easier to get to and back where he thought he'd be safe.
If he did walk in the woods to find something he must have really walked in far or fell where the searchers cannot see him or hear him.
It would a happy ending if they did find him in the woods.
Good Morning, I have had company all week so have not been able to follow this. There is just too much to read, so I am just looking at the links to get info. I have one Question about the white VW. Where did they get this picture. I thought I heard that the school didn't have video Cameras? Was this picture taken the day he disappeared or some other day. Do they know where it was taken? Sorry to ask questions that have already have been asked and answered. My prayers for Kyron. :rose:
Is there a way for an "Asked and Answered" bullet list of questions that have repeatedly come up in Kyron's threads to be placed at the top of each new thread, so that we are not wasting time addressing the same questions over and over again?

The mods have been posting the link to Kyron's media, timeline, and important links thread in the opening posts I believe. That's the best place right now for it to be posted.

We can request the mods to put that the link includes our upcoming Case FAQ, or for new readers and those catching up to go to that thread first to catch the latest, since it will also include the latest news articles and press conference videos.
This case is the most stressful one I've ever followed. Honestly, now I remember why I usually avoid the missing children threads. :( :( :(

I'm taking a break from WS for a while. I'll check the news and come back when there's a resolution. Be good to each other!


My son has field day at his school coming up and I was asked to volunteer since I have "been cleared to do so". I was happy the teacher mentioned that I had already been cleared to do so. I filled out a volunteer form at the beginning of the year and had to come in and give them my driver's license at one point this year and I think they ran a background check. I am happy to know they are not just asking any parent to volunteer. I am going to take a close look at how the event goes and see what types of improvements could be made to make sure students stay safe and this type of thing doesn't happen. Our school is backed by woods on two sides and that always freaks me out.

Though there have been times that I could have written the first post above, I find Jules' comment almost therapeutic. Isn't it encouraging that so many of us are motivated to action purely from our time at WS? Many have discovered, even developed, talent, knowledge, and skills here that can significantly benefit their communities and an accompanying fulfillment that they haven't felt in awhile, if EVER!
Thanks!! I was going to help with that last comment but I didn't know we are allowed to paraphrase. That helps a lot!

Another thing with comments on news sites (I haven't finished catching up yet, so if someone already posted this I apologize. I wanted to post it for anyone still searching for the comment.)

You have the article where the comment is left. You can say, it is in the 20+ replies to oregcan's comment.


Personally though... I find this easier. Linking the article it's left on, then this link here.


Most of these news sites allow you to essentially link directly to the comment you are referring to. If you click on the name of the person leaving the comment, it brings up the comments they have made. The interesting comments have all been left by people with very few comments.
[SIZE=-1]Again I want to apologize for my regrettable mistake yesterday when posting quickly without double-checking stuff; the last thing I wanted to do was to post anything that would make WS appear anything less than a totally credible forum.

Back in thread one (link below) there was "hear-say" that a "creepy man" had been seen around the school, as talked about by students on FB:


And early on Captain Gates refused to comment on a reporter's questions as to whether or not there were transient shelters in the woods.

That could explain a live child being moved from primitive camp to camp.

A previous poster linked us to The U.S. Dept. of Justice website called NISMART - Nonfamily Abducted Children, National Estimates and Characteristics. (ojjdp.ncjrs.org). I can't remember if that poster brought the charts over here. This might be a hint as to why this was called a "unique" case (although it would seem more proper to call it "unusual" or "unlikely"). In that article it is shown in Table 4 that the percentage of all nonfamily abductions that occurred in a school or daycare was about 5% (there wasn't a large enough sample to be exact). In a stereotypical kidnapping (they define these terms in the article), it is only about 2% (also not a large enough sample to be exact). So it's sure not as common as in a Street, Car, or other vehicle, Park or wooded area, Another person's home or yard or Other Public Area. (percents for these add up to about 90% for nonfamily abductions.) (my bolding)

[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/ojjdp/196467.pdf - 2005-02-11

another statistics site:

[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]It sounded like the "uniqueness" of Kyron's disappearance might be more than just statistics, tho.

I hope these links work or I'll just give up trying to add my 2 cents'.

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