OR - Nine killed in Umpqua Community College shooting, Roseburg, 1 Oct 2015 - #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Yes. This also talks about the secure attachment and references Sroufe and Ainsworth. There is a reference to Batson but I think it is an error and it refers to Mary Catherine Bateson the daughter of Margaret Mead who did work on mothers a d their interactions with responses to their infants. I wish I could cite some of her work but I cannot find it.

She talks about how if a mother is not responding to an infant in ways that make sense, the child learns dysfunction. Very interesting .

The psychopathy piece is interesting and it seems like there could be intervention early if only it was identified that parenting was not going to teach empathy because of inappropriate parental responses.

Hi human! Your "safe" I ran thro spellcheck !!

The new "bible" of the field came out after I retired, and there have been modifications but basically how it works is there are two "things we look at". One is basically internal a disease depression anxiety disorder bulimia etc. Then (this s what you were referencing ) then external factors that impact how an individual responds to the world around - Iran,child abuse loss of leg etc.

Very separate entities. There called Axis 1 2 3 4 5. Each axis is for a different area. Axis 1 is only for the internal stuff (neurotransmitters etc)s. Think PTSD it has a lot of correlation in terms of symptoms as many other disorders (sleep, concentration, anxiety,lack of energy,eating BUT the causation of similar symptom is cause by an external event-

Axis 2 is for the personality disorders (borderline personality disorder, narcissistic) and retardation . All the personality disorders are related to what you were saying, parenting, sibling interaction family dynamics. etc. Many do not have symptoms that qualify for an Axis 2 diagnosis.

Axis 3 is for "regular! medical , heart attack stroke etc etc which most certainly impact behaviors

Axis 4 goes back out to external issues that are typically major life events , getting fired, child dies ,,bankruptcy divorce - major life events that would impact most people

Axis 5 is basically a "grade" from 1-100 that is like a summary of the entire picture..

Money always comes into everything. In order to get paid one must make a diagnosis after the first hour admission. I always found that ludicrous -1 hour.

You can revise it at any time but most put Rule Outs " (R/O). to try to give everyone involved in treatment is made aware of other issues you might think may emerge as you learn more about the person and their situation. It looks like this:

Axis 1: Bipolar Disorder (*advertiser censored*.xx) the code for bipolar, chronic. R/O Major Major Depression (XXXX).

Axis 2 Narcissistic personality disorder , R/O Borderline personality disorder.

Axis :3 Heart attack one year ago, COPD.

Axis 4 Foreclosure 10 months ago,contemplating divorce.

Axis 5: Overall Functioning 75.

In order to have a diagnosis the individual must meet certain "criteria "

In order to have a diagnosis the indivdual must meet certain "criteria "
For major depression diagnosis

DSM-IV Criteria for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)• Depressed mood or a loss of interest or pleasure in daily activities for more than two weeks.
• Mood represents a change from the person's baseline.
• Impaired function: social, occupational, educational.
• Specific symptoms, at least 5 of these 9, present nearly every day:1. Depressed mood or irritable most of the day, nearly every day, as indicated by either subjective report(e.g., feels sad or empty) or observation made by others (e.g., appears tearful).

2. Decreased interest or pleasure in most activities, most of each day
3. Significant weight change (5%) or change in appetite
4. Change in sleep: Insomnia or hypersomnia
5. Change in activity: Psychomotor agitation or retardation
6. Fatigue or loss of energy
7. Guilt/worthlessness: Feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt

8. Concentration: diminished ability to think or concentrate, or more indecisiveness9. Suicidality: Thoughts of death or suicide, or has suicide planDSM – V proposed (not yet adopted) anxiety symptoms that may indicate depression: irrational worry,preoccupation with unpleasant worries, trouble relaxing, feeling tense, fear that something awful might happen.

Screen for conditions that may mimic or co exist with Major Depressive Disorder:• Substance abuse causing depressed mood (eg. drugs, alcohol, medications)• Medical illness causing depressed mood• Other psychiatric disorders: mania, hypomania, bipolar, schizoaffective, schizophrenia, etc.• Bereavement unless sx persist for > two months or show marked functional impairment, morbid preoccupation withworthlessness, suicidal ideation, psychotic symptoms, or psychomotor retardation.Depressive Episode Criteria (may be part of Major Depressive Disorder ..

Finally, hope I am not boring you!!!

This is not %10 copyright stuff!

[h=1]APA Diagnostic Classification DSM-IV-TR[/h]

Numeric codes appear on linked pages and in parentheses following diagnoses which are not linked.
Complete Numerical Listing of Codes and Diagnoses:
DSM-IV-TR Diagnoses with changed criteria
The listing below is intended only to provide organized access to disorder pages. It is not intended to be complete, or to take the place of the manual published by the American Psychiatric Press.

[h=4]Axis I: Clinical Disorders; Other Conditions That May Be a Focus of Clinical Attention[/h][h=4]Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence[/h]
[h=5]Delirium, Dementia, and Amnestic and Other Cognitive Disorders[/h]
[h=5]Mental Disorders Due to a General Medical Condition[/h]
[h=5]Substance-Related Disorders[/h]
[h=5]Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders[/h]
[h=5]Mood Disorders[/h]
[h=5]Anxiety Disorders[/h]Acute Stress Disorder | Agoraphobia Without History of Panic Disorder | Anxiety Disorder Due to General Medical Condition |Generalized Anxiety Disorder | Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder |Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia | Panic Disorder Without Agoraphobia | Posttraumatic Stress Disorder | Specific Phobia |Social Phobia | Substance-Induced Anxiety Disorder | Anxiety Disorder NOS (300.00)
[h=5]Somatoform Disorders:[/h]Body Dysmorphic Disorder | Conversion Disorder | Hypochondriasis| Pain Disorder | Somatization Disorder | Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder | Somatoform Disorder NOS (300.81)
[h=5]Factitious Disorders:[/h]Psychological | Physical | Combined | Factitious Disorder NOS(300.19)
[h=5]Dissociative Disorders:[/h]Dissociative Amnesia | Depersonalization Disorder | Dissociative Fugue | Dissociative Identity Disorder | Dissociative Disorder NOS(300.15)
[h=5]Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders[/h]
[h=5]Eating Disorders:[/h]Anorexia Nervosa | Bulimia Nervosa | Eating Disorder NOS (307.50)
[h=5]Sleep Disorders:[/h]
[h=5]Impulse-Control Disorders Not Elsewhere Classified:[/h]Intermittent Explosive Disorder | Kleptomania | Pathological Gambling | Pyromania | Trichotillomania | Impulse-Control DisorderNOS (312.30)
[h=5]Adjustment Disorders (with):[/h]Depressed Mood (309.0) | Anxiety (309.24) | Disturbance of Conduct (309.3) | Mixed Anxiety and Depressed Mood (309.28) | Mixed Disturbance of Emotions and Conduct (309.4) | Unspecified (309.9)
[h=4]Axis II: Personality Disorders | NOS[/h]Cluster A: Paranoid | Schizoid | Schizotypal
Cluster B: Antisocial | Borderline | Histrionic | Narcissistic
Cluster C: Avoidant | Dependent | Obsessive-Compulsive
Personality Disorder NOS (301.9)
[h=4]Other Conditions That May Be a Focus of Clinical Attention[/h]
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision. Copyright 2000American Psychiatric Association

fprgpt this part!
Description of Functioning
91 - 100
Person has no problems OR has superior functioning in several areas OR is admired and sought after by others due to positive qualities
81 - 90
Person has few or no symptoms. Good functioning in several areas. No more than "everyday" problems or concerns.
71 - 80
Person has symptoms/problems, but they are temporary, expectable reactions to stressors. There is no more than slight impairment in any area of psychological functioning.
61 - 70
Mild symptoms in one area OR difficulty in one of the following: social, occupational, or school functioning. BUT, the person is generally functioning pretty well and has some meaningful interpersonal relationships.
51 - 60
Moderate symptoms OR moderate difficulty in one of the following: social, occupational, or school functioning.
41 - 50
Serious symptoms OR serious impairment in one of the following: social, occupational, or school functioning.
31 - 40
Some impairment in reality testing OR impairment in speech and communication OR serious impairment in several of the following: occupational or school functioning, interpersonal relationships, judgment, thinking, or mood.
21 - 30
Presence of hallucinations or delusions which influence behavior OR serious impairment in ability to communicate with others OR serious impairment in judgment OR inability to function in almost all areas.
11 - 20
There is some danger of harm to self or others OR occasional failure to maintain personal hygiene OR the person is virtually unable to communicate with others due to being incoherent or mute.
1 - 10
Persistent danger of harming self or others OR persistent inability to maintain personal hygiene OR person has made a serious attempt at suicide.
My daughter had a boyfriend with Asperger's and it was just like that. She had to be very specific about how she was feeling and what she was saying, otherwise he couldn't understand. They sometimes got impatient and frustrated with each other, but he was a nice kid and cared about her a great deal. (They broke up for unrelated reasons. I was kind of bummed, but I learned years ago not to get attached to her boyfriends.)

Her boyfriend had great parents and a stable childhood though. It sounds like the shooter was doomed from the start. I'm not excusing his behavior or saying it wouldn't have happened even if he'd had a great childhood. Who knows. But I think the instability and whatever else happened in his early years didn't help.

and imagine the impact an an indivdual suffering with Aspergers, while all that other stuff is swirling around. That is core -- they need order, everything the same, predictablity etc
Thank you CARIIS! Very enlightening and now I have a much better understanding of how it works and comes together. Invaluable~ Frigga
and imagine the impact an an indivdual suffering with Aspergers, while all that other stuff is swirling around. That is core -- they need order, everything the same, predictablity etc

My friends who have kids with autism say that too. Like if they go to school five days a week and there's a holiday it's something they have to deal with. They can't just say "No school! It's Labor Day!"

How did this kid cope with so much unpredictability and chaos? He never got the tools for that.
and imagine the impact an an indivdual suffering with Aspergers, while all that other stuff is swirling around. That is core -- they need order, everything the same, predictablity etc

If this guy needed order and routine why in the heck would he join the army when there is a war going on?

I think ultimately he kept believing things will be different when 1) he joins the army 2) he moves to OR 3) he starts college etc.... He was already severely depressed and when he started college and realized "Things aren't going to be different" he quite simply gave up and took a class full of students with him.

While I fully understand the giving up part, I do wonder why he chose to take a bunch of others with him. I think he gave reasons in his manifesto but that will probably never be released (at least not anytime soon).

CARIIS thanks for explaining all of that Axis 1/2/3 stuff, I never knew what that term meant and never bothered to look it up.
"19-year-old Julie Woodworth, remains hospitalized, but her condition was upgraded from critical to serious at PeaceHealth Sacred Heart Medical Center in Springfield. Hospital officials said she has undergone multiple surgeries and can now breathe on her own but she cannot talk or walk."

Continued prayers for Julie's healing.


Your posts on tis : followup on folks)struck me as telling. We all (most- I am guilty) end up (media does it) forget about the people wose lives have been messed up after c#AP LIKE these -- Ty for the followups !
If this guy needed order and routine why in the heck would he join the army when there is a war going on?

I think ultimately he kept believing things will be different when 1) he joins the army 2) he moves to OR 3) he starts college etc.... He was already severely depressed and when he started college and realized "Things aren't going to be different" he quite simply gave up and took a class full of students with him.

While I fully understand the giving up part, I do wonder why he chose to take a bunch of others with him. I think he gave reasons in his manifesto but that will probably never be released (at least not anytime soon).

CARIIS thanks for explaining all of that Axis 1/2/3 stuff, I never knew what that term meant and never bothered to look it up.

Its so wierd, how in everyone of these there is no standard way of releasing info - on Batman we got everything, on Colorado we got everything on Flannigan nothing . on this one He is dead - release it -what could happen if they release what he wrote , again , he is dead! Its frustrating.............

and.....in a lot of these events people get angry at the parents -- in this and Adam mom plying around with guns is not ok! But like Elliot sRodgers parents were awesome they shared with the world what was and is happening.

If I had a kid who did something like this I would do media also -- it most vcertainly, IMO, lhas to be h@ll on all those people too - think , in all of these,brothers sisters gkids , who had a family member kill a bunch of people --hat has to be really tough stuff ----for the rest of thier lives---none of any of these extnded family memebers "did" anything

again the gun stuff not ok - if I was seeing him, (especially Adam) and one of them said to me mom and I went to the wild west yesterday, I would call it in -even though he is an adult , he is impaired and mommy should not be playing around on the gun range with her sick child.

hummm a mom with a kid who is missing a leg...making him/her run 2 miles a day - same thing !!

I think if Adams mom was alive she would have been charged - cause of his age...................
My friends who have kids with autism say that too. Like if they go to school five days a week and there's a holiday it's something they have to deal with. They can't just say "No school! It's Labor Day!"

How did this kid cope with so much unpredictability and chaos? He never got the tools for that.

They are actually referred to as "high functioning" individuals with the illiness- he was high function Apbergers. Elliot Rogers was high functioning too.
Thank you CARIIS! Very enlightening and now I have a much better understanding of how it works and comes together. Invaluable~ Frigga

Ty all .... when I was writing I was saying oh your getting too long here...........
o/t but she is brillant Caution she is "racy" and there is some language (were adults )but I thought you all would get a kick out of this part @ 11:20 her segment on Nancy Grace is hysterical-- I watched her for a while, (nancy) and it was a sudden instant turn off and have never watched her again - there truly are a limited number of "bombshells"!!

i is the same, IMO, with CCN "Breaking News"!!!


also o/t---adopted a one year old several months ago. all my babies have been crated. My life was so different before retirement. There was routine. Well this baby is not doing well with the carpet - and it must stop! Got a kennel yesterday - and I am totally engaging in avoidance, of putting her in. I got it to outside the bedroom door, it is really odd, I can inteligently tell myself I know why this is hard- but I just realized that I stopped bringing it in the bedroom. Some of this is "neediness" she is just a snuggler- I want her on the bed! I have always slept with the babies on the bed. It is just strange brain understands but heart is having a hard time...... I am going to bring it in here now yuk...she is rocking out now in REM sleep!
I think if Adams mom was alive she would have been charged - cause of his age...................

I have thought the same thing. There is NO WAY NL would have gotten a "free pass" from the media or authorities. Not only would they have charged her but many areas would have instituted laws holding people responsible when they provide an arsenal for a mentally ill family member.

But in this case the mother is handled with kidd gloves and allowed to hide away.
Originally Posted by CARIIS

I think if Adams mom was alive she would have been charged - cause of his age...................

I have thought the same thing. There is NO WAY NL would have gotten a "free pass" from the media or authorities. Not only would they have charged her but many areas would have instituted laws holding people responsible when they provide an arsenal for a mentally ill family member.

But in this case the mother is handled with kidd gloves and allowed to hide away.

Why would Lanza's mother be arrested because of his age? He was 20.

Why do you think the mother in this case is handled with kidd gloves? The media seems to have done a good job of exposing the mother-son relationship and the love of guns.
Why would Lanza's mother be arrested because of his age? He was 20.

Why do you think the mother in this case is handled with kidd gloves? The media seems to have done a good job of exposing the mother-son relationship and the love of guns.

Hi Ms Sophie!

I think because Adam was much more acute as it relates to his illiness and I think a court , as a result of the severity of his mental have held her mure cupable for what ended up happening. At the end of the day we have to remember he ended up dead as well.

it would have been easier to hold her accountable --this guy and Elliot were much higher functioning. Adam sounds like flat out autistic ( which is basically the same as Asburgers but far more acute)..

Aspergers is a cheeseburger and autism is a Whopper. ...............

Both hambugers ( lets pause here why is a hamburger called a hamburger - thats funny if you think about it!) ???

- Elliot was also a naarcissitist, which makes him a Whopper with cheese!--

Elliots parents were on their way to Santa Barbara , they were insightful - they called for a well care visit remember.

But in fairness Adams mom if I recall correctly did attempt to get some help but these disorders are not treatment responsive -kinda like you cant reallytreat mental retardation.

Therapy is more , (for the autistic disorders) about giving the caregiver support and some techniques to help the caregiver not escalate the individual suffering .

In any of these - I dont understand the families (except Elliots parents) NOT wanting to do media (it can be helful for them to tallk about it)

at the end of the day its noones "fault" noone gets angry with someone suffering with cancer, its the gun deal IMO- kinda like giving huge chunks of chocolate to a diabetic , there are some judgement issues......................
I have thought the same thing. There is NO WAY NL would have gotten a "free pass" from the media or authorities. Not only would they have charged her but many areas would have instituted laws holding people responsible when they provide an arsenal for a mentally ill family member.

But in this case the mother is handled with kidd gloves and allowed to hide away.

so agree with you ,

Very intersting piece , as far as Lanza' mom notions :

“Parental bonds are formed so early in life . . . they are either there or they aren’t. It is a direct product of how much the parent put into that relationship,” she wrote

After being told in March 1999 of an incident in New Hampshire involving a student attacking another with a nail, Nancy Lanza’s outrage hinted at her growing frustration over Adam’s troubles.
“That kid (with the nail) should be expelled from school,” she wrote in an email in March 1999. “(Schools) go on and on about their great ‘zero tolerance’ regarding drugs and alcohol . . . but go ahead and let a kid attack another with a weapon!
“They will spend THOUSANDS of dollars on that child to keep an aide sitting with him . . . and then they say they don’t have money for one hour a week of speech therapy for a smart, quiet child with a speech impairment,” she wrote, apparently referring to Adam.



2001-2013: 406,496 died by firearms on us soil . or around 93 per day !


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