OR - PRESIDENTIAL PARDON - Militia members occupy federal building in Oregon after protest #4

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Ryan HaasVerified account ‏@ryanjhaas Feb 23
Court unsealed Sean Anderson indictment. Not much new, but says militant confessed to firing 4 shots "at a plane" during #Oregonstandoff

Conrad WilsonVerified account
Prosecutors plan to file two superseding indictments: one uniting all defendants under a single case and another as with additional charges.

Conrad Wilson ‏@conradjwilson 1h1 hour ago
The judge misspoke about the trial date -- right now it's scheduled for April 19th -- but it's likely to change #Oregonstandoff

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 1h1 hour ago
Several defs. said they had a hard time understanding their rights - particularly 'presumption of innocence' #Oregonstandoff

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 1h1 hour ago
Ryan Payne:'It's difficult to understand presump. of innocence when I've spent the last month in a jail cell'#Oregonstandoff

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 1h1 hour ago
Ryan Bundy:'We're being treated as (if) we're guilty so I don't understand the presumption of innocence' #Oregonstandoff

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 1h1 hour ago
Jason Patrick: ' I understand I have no rights at all. You're the fed. government. You're going to do whatever you want.'#Oregonstandoff

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 1h1 hour ago
And David Fry spoke out too: 'It's weird -innocent until proven - shackled up.' #Oregonstandoff

My heart cries for them. How unfair. Boo-freaking hoo.
Maxine Bernstein has submitted her story of today's court hearing with some new photos:


Oregon standoff: Ammon Bundy, others plead not guilty; judge aims to avoid trial delay
By Maxine Bernstein | The Oregonian/OregonLive
on February 24, 2016 at 1:32 PM, updated February 24, 2016 at 3:07 PM


“She ordered prosecutors to turn over some material to defense lawyers by March 4.

Brown said she appreciated the government's sensitivity in gathering the evidence in an organized fashion for defense lawyers, but their clients have already "been in custody four weeks. They need to get information.''

Defense lawyers have arranged to travel to the refuge Thursday to begin videotaping and photographing the site, escorted by federal officers. The judge declined a request by Ammon Bundy's lawyers to allow their client to be transported to the refuge as well so he could help pinpoint what may be significant.

When the judge dismissed his lawyer Lissa Casey's concerns about getting enough time to examine the evidence at the refuge, Ammon Bundy stood up beside Casey, only to be quickly admonished by Brown to "Sit down sir.'' And, he did.

Defense lawyers have from noon to 5 p.m. Thursday and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday to take photos or videos at the refuge site.”​
Of those, Kenneth Medenbach said he wished to represent himself and was not ready to issue a plea yet, but the judge entered a not guilty plea on his behalf.
Medenbach stood briefly to read his "motion to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction,'' but the judge said he could do so at a later date.

I am awaiting interesting motions from him.

This article may have been posted before: http://www.bendbulletin.com/localst...d-in-connection-with-refuge-standoff-familiar
In 1995, Medenbach claimed ownership of 640 acres of Bureau of Land Management land in northern Klamath County, according to Bulletin archives. He built a cabin on the property and claimed federal authorities did not have the right to own the property or evict him from it, but he did not prevail in court, and an injunction was issued barring him from the land.

In Washington state, Medenbach was arrested in 1996 after refusing to answer charges of illegally occupying a campsite on the Gifford Pinchot National Forest for more than 21 days. According to an account by The Associated Press, Medenbach used an argument often raised by those who describe themselves as “sovereign citizens,” claiming the printing of his name in all-capital letters in court documents rendered the documents invalid.

Also of note: bbm
Last year, Medenbach was arrested for allegedly camping illegally on BLM land for months near Galice, a Southern Oregon town where protesters — some associated with the ongoing occupation of the Malheur refuge — objected to BLM efforts to enforce an order halting work at a gold mining operation.

He was released on the condition he not “reside, camp on, occupy or leave any property on federal lands without the prior written approval of the Court,” documents filed in the case state.

A court document signed by Medenbach on Jan. 5 argued the U.S. District Court of Oregon had no authority to put him on trial. Medenbach wrote that the filing would be mailed to the court from the post office in Burns.
Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 4h4 hours ago
Man named Ronald Vrooman stood in court gallery,said he was '1 of the people for We The People' as private attorney general'#Oregonstandoff

Maxine BernsteinVerified account
@LoriLeeSH Judge just told Robert Vrooman ,'I need to think about the proposition'

He's going to be a fun one in court if he's allowed to represent himself, again.
Somewhere I read that there was one person who lived at the refuge and his story of how the FBI or someone told him to get out of there fast as the militia was coming to take over the refuge.
Somewhere I read that there was one person who lived at the refuge and his story of how the FBI or someone told him to get out of there fast as the militia was coming to take over the refuge.

The reports I read, said the refuge was unoccupied when they arrived. I believe the FBI told nearby residents to get out, after the occupation started.

The occupation: Some time after the rally, key militia leaders broke off and drove across the high desert basin south of Burns to the wildlife refuge. They said they took over the refuge headquarters, which was unoccupied for the holiday weekend.

Militants continue occupation of Oregon refuge, police keep low profile
I think there might be some confusion between the Refuge headquarters with the old stone buildings and the Field Station which is a distance away and where they have educational classes and places for people to stay. It shows up on a Google map.
I know they said it was unoccupied for the holidays but the other day I read or heard there was a man who stayed there year round, an employee, and was told to get the heck out of there asap by town people/family/FBI because several of the militia guys were headed to the refuge. Maybe I made that up too? lol j/k

It could be where you are talking about i.b.nora.

I've looked and can't remember where I read/heard it but it was in the past few days...fwiw

I checked vinelink to see if Cliven had been transferred and he's still in Oregon.

Grant County Warns Potential Militants, Denouncing Occupation

The county statement also emphasized the importance of local collaborations with the federal government and encouraged any “out-of-county militants remaining in Harney County to go home to their families, and let local citizens speak for themselves.”

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 1h1 hour ago
Fed judge Anna J. Brown said she wants to try conspiracy case 'sooner than a year from now' unless it's impossible #Oregonstandoff

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 1h1 hour ago
8 defs & their lawyers filled jury box+ Ammon Bundy and Ryan Payne & lawyers at defense tables -every in. courtroom filled #Oregonstandoff

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 1h1 hour ago
Feds told court they expect 2 superseding indictments - one in midMarch, another in 90 days- judge not happy w/ that #Oregonstandoff

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 1h1 hour ago
Judge Brown: '90 days is simply beyond belief to me' If govt plans to bring new charges, 'it had better do so promptly." #Oregonstandoff

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 1h1 hour ago
Initial 16 defendants entered not guilty pleas to federal conspiracy charge - 10 present in court; 6 waived appearance #Oregonstandoff

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 1h1 hour ago
Several defs. said they had a hard time understanding their rights - particularly 'presumption of innocence' #Oregonstandoff

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 1h1 hour ago
Ryan Payne:'It's difficult to understand presump. of innocence when I've spent the last month in a jail cell'#Oregonstandoff

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 1h1 hour ago
Ryan Bundy:'We're being treated as (if) we're guilty so I don't understand the presumption of innocence' #Oregonstandoff

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 1h1 hour ago
Jason Patrick: ' I understand I have no rights at all. You're the fed. government. You're going to do whatever you want.'#Oregonstandoff

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 1h1 hour ago
And David Fry spoke out too: 'It's weird -innocent until proven - shackled up.' #Oregonstandoff

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 1h1 hour ago
Judge pressed prosecutors to provide defense w/ some discovery by next Fri. 3/ 4 'b/c they've been in custody 4 weeks.They need to get info'

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 1h1 hour ago
Feds expect to provide 'some 300 to 500' pages of FBI reports #Oregonstandoff

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 1h1 hour ago
Ammon Bundy blew kiss to Sharp family, seated in 2nd row; Victoria Sharp gave thumbs up to Jason Patrick, who smiled #Oregonstandoff

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 1h1 hour ago
Feds say investigation ongoing: firearms and dozens of electronics being processed, 100s of artifacts examined #Oregonstandoff

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 1h1 hour ago
Kenneth Medenbach wants to represent himself- offered motion to dismiss case 'for lack of jurisdiction' # oregonstandoff

I'd say that they've got a hard time understanding period.. But that's just me.
This should help clarify the difference between the two. There are pictures at this link.

Malheur Field Station director left after learning: 'You have an armed militia down the road'
By Les Zaitz | The Oregonian/OregonLive
on January 22, 2016 at 6:10 PM, updated February 22, 2016 at 2:49 PM


BURNS – Two cars traveling along desolate Sod House Lane slowed as they neared Duncan Evered, busy packing a rucksack with mail he emptied from the roadside box.

Evered was alone out on the desert Jan. 2. He was the last employee left at the Malheur Field Station, a separate nonprofit island within the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. He had no idea his neighbors at refuge headquarters four miles away had left days earlier, warned of potential trouble.

"I got this slightly spooky feeling," said Evered, co-director of the field station. "These people just looked at me."

He trudged back to the compound that Saturday night, ready to eat after a long day of tending the field station buildings.

His cellphone buzzed to life.

"Duncan, you need to get out of there now because you have an armed militia down the road," said the caller, a federal law enforcement officer.

Evered soon did as he was advised and left.​
Somewhere I read that there was one person who lived at the refuge and his story of how the FBI or someone told him to get out of there fast as the militia was coming to take over the refuge.

SLIDESHOW: Although the 41-day occupation is over, life hasn’t quite returned to normal at a birding and interpretive center just down the road from the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.
The Malheur Field Station includes an interpretive center, classrooms and labs, and several residential buildings where hundreds of students and visitors stay each year. Evered lives at the center. But on the advice of law enforcement, he and the other field station employees evacuated during the 41-day occupation of the nearby Malheur National Wildlife Refuge headquarters.

“When I left, it was completely open ended,” Evered said. “Would I be back in one day, a week, three weeks, four weeks?”

He worried that militants would break in and cause damage to the visitors’ center or start sleeping in the bunkhouses. And he fretted over his covey of quail. The refuge is for wild birds, but Evered puts bird seed out so the quail stay around for educational purposes.

“If you create a dependency, especially in the winter, and then you can’t basically deliver, you’re kind of creating an abandonment,” Evered said.
When she asked the defense lawyers if they had yet received any evidence from the prosecution — so-called discovery materials — and was told no, Judge Brown turned her gaze back on the prosecution team.

“I need to know when, and I need to know now,” she said, demanding a date when they could provide the materials. When one of the assistant United States attorneys told her 14 days, she snapped at him, too. “Can you do it in 10?” she said. She then ordered prosecution to comply by a week from Friday. “They’ve been in custody for weeks,” she said, referring to the defendants. “They need to get information.”

The prosecutors said their evidence was sprawling and complicated. It includes social media posts and videos taken during the occupation, as well as physical materials gathered by F.B.I. teams after the occupation ended.


I don't see the big deal really, there's nothing that stops the defense from examining the social media videos now, it's all out there. The defendants know where they posted and what they said.
Amanda Peacher
Amanda Peacher – Verified account ‏@amandapeacher

Got word that monthly raptor surveys resumed at Malheur Refuge in Feb. The FBI helped & were deemed qualified bird counters.
2:05 PM - 25 Feb 2016 from Bend, OR
$3.3 million and counting: The cost of the Malheur occupation

Not included in the tally were things like added demand for food and services at the Harney County Senior Center. The nonprofit, with more than $1 million in annual revenue, runs a food pantry and administers federal energy assistance.

Executive Director Angie Lamborn encountered new faces among the regular visitors during the occupation. They asked for extra food and acknowledged they weren't full-time residents, she said.

Lamborn couldn't quantify the impact on the senior center's finances, but she said they've "taken a pretty big hit" as a result.

During your next occupation, bring your own food and don't take it from the local poor seniors.

Grant County Warns Potential Militants, Denouncing Occupation
Grant County leaders unanimously passed a resolution Wednesday in opposition to the armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.
The meeting was the third time the court had deliberated and heard public comment over a similar resolution.

County leaders said they were pleased the 41-day occupation is over, and the resolution sends the message that out-of-county militants are not welcome in Grant County. It also states county officials will continue to collaborate with state government and land agencies.

And timely legislation...:

House Republicans seek to open up national forests to mining and logging
Weeks after an anti-government militia’s takeover of an Oregon wildlife refuge, legislators are presenting bills to loosen federal authority over public land
Congress is to consider two bills that would allow states to hand over vast tracts of federal land for mining, logging or other commercial activities – just weeks after the arrest of an armed militia that took over a wildlife refuge in Oregon in protest at federal oversight of public land.

The legislation, which will be presented to the House committee on natural resources on Thursday, would loosen federal authority over parts of the 600m acres (240m hectares), nearly one-third of the land mass of the US, it administers.

A bill put forward by Republican Don Young would allow any state to assume control of up to 2m acres of the national forest system to be “managed primarily for timber production” in order to address what Young claims is a decline in national logging rates.

A further bill, written by Republican Raúl Labrador, would allow state governors to assign up to 4m acres of land as “forest demonstration areas”, which would allow logging free from any federal water, air or endangered species restrictions.
Clatsop County DA Josh Marquis files state bar complaint against Ammon Bundy's lawyers

In Marquis' complaint, which was emailed to the Oregon State Bar on Feb. 17 and first reported by The Register-Guard in Eugene Thursday, the Clatsop County district attorney described the Oregon U.S. Attorney's Office's handling of the federal conspiracy case pending against Bundy and 24 others as "measured.''

"Yet Mr. Arnold has seen fit to constantly hold news conferences to convey his clients opinions, defenses, attacks on the federal government in a manner that cannot be for any other purpose than reaching and influence possible jurors who, if this matter goes to trial, would be the triers of fact,'' Marquis wrote.



But markers of the 41-day takeover endure. Concrete barriers and bundles of railroad ties stand at the refuge entry, a choke point created by the protesters as they tried to control access to the area. A shelter there – a guard shack, really – is now missing its tarp and twisted out of shape.

The stone monument meant to hold an official government sign announcing the refuge stands empty. The protesters, led by businessman Ammon Bundy of Idaho, had proudly replaced the official sign with a big blue one reading "Harney County Resource Center." No one at the entryway could say where the sign had gone, perhaps squirreled away with other evidence collected in recent weeks by the FBI.

Remnants of "Camp Finicum" -- the spot where the final act of the occupation unfolded -- still litter a parking area at the edge of the headquarters buildings. The camp was named by the last four occupiers for Robert "LaVoy" Finicum, 54, who was shot and killed by state troopers when he tried to evade arrest on Jan. 26.


Jeff should come help clean up the mess.

Defense attorney Robert Salisbury said Banta arrived at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge Jan. 25, just a day before eight occupiers were arrested and one was killed. Salisbury also indicated that it was Banta’s idea to contact evangelist Franklin Graham, who talked to the militants in the final hours of the 41-day occupation.

Per the conditions of Banta’s release, Judge Beckerman ordered him to avoid his co-defendants and he isn’t permitted to make statements in support of illegal behavior.

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