OR - PRESIDENTIAL PARDON - Militia members occupy federal building in Oregon after protest #4

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There are other militia that went to Burns last year too. Some of the other group leaders were scoping it out too. Can't link it though so take it for what it's worth.

O/T sort of. Lyle Jeffs, FDLS, and a bunch of other people were indicted today. Fraud, money laundering etc...in Colorado City, AZ. They live about 2 miles from where Finicum did.
There are other militia that went to Burns last year too. Some of the other group leaders were scoping it out too. Can't link it though so take it for what it's worth.

O/T sort of. Lyle Jeffs, FDLS, and a bunch of other people were indicted today. Fraud, money laundering etc...in Utah. They live about 2 miles from where Finicum did.

Good! There are all kinds of nefarious things going on with the FLDS that seem to fall through the cracks in the name of "religious freedom."
I am fairly certain this article from a little over a week into the refuge takeover was previously linked. But, assuming there are some others similar to myself, I don't take everything in all at once and I sometimes skip over things that I might not understand the importance of at the time I read or first learn of it.

With that said, while researching Wes Kjar (one of the arrestees) a day or two ago I happened upon the following article which I may have read before but now I know so much more and I am astounded to learn that Bundy and Payne were actively planning this whole thing as early as October of 2015! I knew they had been there in December but was not totally aware of the even earlier activities.

I think it's worth a reread especially in light of the defense request to try all the cases as one.

Oregon occupation planned for months by Ammon Bundy and Montana militia leader
By Carli Brosseau | The Oregonian/OregonLive
on January 11, 2016 at 4:46 PM, updated January 12, 2016 at 1:16 PM

“It may have looked spontaneous, but the takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge a week ago was part of a plan Ammon Bundy and a trusted associate developed largely in secret over the past two months.

Bundy, the son of controversial Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, and Ryan Payne, a militia leader from Montana, came to believe that an armed occupation was the only way to bring enough attention to a pair of local ranchers heading to prison and change the underlying problem: federal land ownership.

Even as a wider network of anti-government groups and community members rejected taking action stronger than holding a public rally, Bundy and Payne privately strategized an occupation they felt was necessary to spread their message.

The Oregonian/OregonLive conducted dozens of interviews with Bundy, Payne, their supporters and federal officials that show how the leaders worked parallel tracks. They encouraged local organizers to plan a peaceful rally to back the ranchers -- Dwight Hammond Jr. and his son, Steven Hammond -- while they scoped out potential sites for a takeover.”​

Much, much more...

This is so fascinating. There seems to be an entire hierarchy of princes and pawns at work here. People using other people and piggybacking on other causes just to further their own agendas. Most of them are too dumb to even realize they're being used!

Connect the dots and follow the money......
$3.3 million and counting: The cost of the Malheur occupation

The 41-day occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge cost taxpayers at least $3.3 million to cover the massive police response, a week of shuttered schools and a long list of supplies ranging from food to flashlight batteries, according to an Oregonian/OregonLive analysis of public and tribal budgets.

The total will certainly grow.


Lol now OPB has an estimate of cost. It's going to cost though.

FBI Estimates Malheur Occupation Cost Oregon Taxpayers More Than $1.2 Million

There are other militia that went to Burns last year too. Some of the other group leaders were scoping it out too. Can't link it though so take it for what it's worth.

O/T sort of. Lyle Jeffs, FDLS, and a bunch of other people were indicted today. Fraud, money laundering etc...in Colorado City, AZ. They live about 2 miles from where Finicum did.
Regarding the bolded portion, could I buy a vowel?
$3.3 million and counting: The cost of the Malheur occupation


Lol now OPB has an estimate of cost. It's going to cost though.

FBI Estimates Malheur Occupation Cost Oregon Taxpayers More Than $1.2 Million


Someone needs to tell the III% and their ilk - this is the shizz that makes taxpayers angry. Not that some welfare cattle rancher can't use our public lands to graze their wild cattle for free.
Someone needs to tell the III% and their ilk - this is the shizz that makes taxpayers angry. Not that some welfare cattle rancher can't use our public lands to graze their wild cattle for free.

Don't forget they are all too happy to use public defenders. Effing hypocrite grifters.
Is it just me or does he seem quite desperate?

Yes - I will never forget how crude he acted at the Community meeting, nor will I forget how scared he acted when he found out the arrests had started. He was spouting off and giddy one moment then got a phone call and his demeanor totally changed. He wore the suit (this guy is NOO country boy) and the patches - he is one of them. He is disgusting!!
Another thing I noticed/witnessed live stream was all the bravado, manly, tough talk coming out of them. When push comes to shove, they squeal about everything and their brother being wrong and name off at least 3 things they've done good...for a pat on the head. It's embarrassing to watch. Honestly. Being a baby after all the tough talk isn't something I admire. jmo

Sean reminded me of the cowardly lion from Wizard of Oz. And Sandy reminded me of, scarecrow...David, scarecrow...Jeff...tinman?
Between watching Rachel do a short bit on Michelle Fiori with Ted Cruz overtly seeking 'the Bundy vote' in Las Vegas, and beginning to research the Sugar Pine Mine event in Oregon in April 2015 which was heavily attended by the Oathkeepers, I just noticed that a new thread was started and I am on it but have no conscious memory of how I got here!

I do miss the livestreams.
Between watching Rachel do a short bit on Michelle Fiori with Ted Cruz overtly seeking 'the Bundy vote' in Las Vegas, and beginning to research the Sugar Pine Mine event in Oregon in April 2015 which was heavily attended by the Oathkeepers, I just noticed that a new thread was started and I am on it but have no conscious memory of how I got here!

I do miss the livestreams.

Ha! I'm sure there are plenty of lifestreams by these folks on Youtube.
Maxine Bernstein
Maxine Bernstein – Verified account ‏@maxoregonian

Expecting a crowd for Bundy & Co. arraignments, federal court set up overflow room for 10 am hearing #Oregonstandoff
Embedded image
9:01 AM - 24 Feb 2016
Maxine Bernstein
Maxine Bernstein – Verified account ‏@maxoregonian

Odalis Sharp called events of Jan. 26 ( police shooting of LaVoy Finicum) "the evil that needs to be made right'
Embedded image
9:13 AM - 24 Feb 2016
JJ MacNab to Maxine Bernstein:

JJ MacNab
JJ MacNab – ‏@jjmacnab

@maxoregonian @TRKessler55 Ask them how where they get the money to travel the country to support armed standoffs.
9:07 AM - 24 Feb 2016
Oh my...


The Sharp Family singing in hallway of federal courthouse b/f Bundy & co. Hearing #Oregonstandoff
Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 1h1 hour ago
Fed judge Anna J. Brown said she wants to try conspiracy case 'sooner than a year from now' unless it's impossible #Oregonstandoff

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 1h1 hour ago
8 defs & their lawyers filled jury box+ Ammon Bundy and Ryan Payne & lawyers at defense tables -every in. courtroom filled #Oregonstandoff

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 1h1 hour ago
Feds told court they expect 2 superseding indictments - one in midMarch, another in 90 days- judge not happy w/ that #Oregonstandoff

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 1h1 hour ago
Judge Brown: '90 days is simply beyond belief to me' If govt plans to bring new charges, 'it had better do so promptly." #Oregonstandoff

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 1h1 hour ago
Initial 16 defendants entered not guilty pleas to federal conspiracy charge - 10 present in court; 6 waived appearance #Oregonstandoff

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 1h1 hour ago
Several defs. said they had a hard time understanding their rights - particularly 'presumption of innocence' #Oregonstandoff

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 1h1 hour ago
Ryan Payne:'It's difficult to understand presump. of innocence when I've spent the last month in a jail cell'#Oregonstandoff

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 1h1 hour ago
Ryan Bundy:'We're being treated as (if) we're guilty so I don't understand the presumption of innocence' #Oregonstandoff

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 1h1 hour ago
Jason Patrick: ' I understand I have no rights at all. You're the fed. government. You're going to do whatever you want.'#Oregonstandoff

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 1h1 hour ago
And David Fry spoke out too: 'It's weird -innocent until proven - shackled up.' #Oregonstandoff

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 1h1 hour ago
Judge pressed prosecutors to provide defense w/ some discovery by next Fri. 3/ 4 'b/c they've been in custody 4 weeks.They need to get info'

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 1h1 hour ago
Feds expect to provide 'some 300 to 500' pages of FBI reports #Oregonstandoff

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 1h1 hour ago
Ammon Bundy blew kiss to Sharp family, seated in 2nd row; Victoria Sharp gave thumbs up to Jason Patrick, who smiled #Oregonstandoff

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 1h1 hour ago
Feds say investigation ongoing: firearms and dozens of electronics being processed, 100s of artifacts examined #Oregonstandoff

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 1h1 hour ago
Kenneth Medenbach wants to represent himself- offered motion to dismiss case 'for lack of jurisdiction' # oregonstandoff
Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 1h1 hour ago
Next hearing 2nd Wed. in March to discuss whether to designate case a 'complex' one as govt seeks #Oregonstandoff

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 60m60 minutes ago
Oh, and looked like Ammon Bundy got a close-cropped haircut #Oregonstandoff

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 58m58 minutes ago
Defense teams plan to head to refuge Thurs to videotape site- judge denied request to have Ammon Bumdy transported as well #Oregonstandoff

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 55m55 minutes ago
Starting in April , judge will have monthly status hearings at 9:30 am, 1st We'd of month#oregonstandoff

Maxine Bernstein ‏@maxoregonian 54m54 minutes ago
Judge set date for Pete Santilli to argue for review of detention: Feb. 29 at 3 pm #Oregonstandoff


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