OR - PRESIDENTIAL PARDON - Militia members occupy federal building in Oregon after protest #4

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Reaing Macnab's tweets she did tweet that Santilli really didn't break big laws & wasn't worthy of arrest, kind of today. hmmm Maybe
Santilli will be the first to spill or already has? yowsa.

Keeping tabs but she does sound like she knows the militia somewhat more than I do. except I know this guy in Vegas...lol
As much as I like MacNab and respect her vast knowledge of the militia groups and other current terrorist type organizations I feel she might be slightly biased when it comes to deciding who is legitimate press.

I can put a Santa Claus suit on but that doesn't mean I am Santa Claus.
Whoa that's evil, even threatening the families.
Whoa that's evil, even threatening the families.

Okay, that sounds like a direct threat. Can this idiot be arrested for making threats online/putting them in writing???
Reaing Macnab's tweets she did tweet that Santilli really didn't break big laws & wasn't worthy of arrest, kind of today. hmmm Maybe
Santilli will be the first to spill or already has? yowsa.

Keeping tabs but she does sound like she knows the militia somewhat more than I do. except I know this guy in Vegas...lol

Except if it wasn’t for Santilli, nobody would have even heard of the Bundys. He stepped way over the line of being a journalist many times, and the evidence is all on his videos. It’s going to be almost impossible for him to find 12 jurors who are going to be sympathetic to him.

As I heard someone say, he is like an arsonist who started a fire. Then claimed he was just a journalist there to report on the fire.
Another way to look at it is if it weren't for the Bundys, people like myself would have never heard of Pete Santilli.
So, websleuthers, how do we find the answer, how do we find the proof?

JJ MacNab
JJ MacNab – ‏@jjmacnab

@chewbacca510 I'm looking for direct ties / proof of who handed funds to Ammon Bundy to engage in the armed takeover a federal property.
9:46 AM - 22 Feb 2016​
So, websleuthers, how do we find the answer, how do we find the proof?

JJ MacNab
JJ MacNab – ‏@jjmacnab

@chewbacca510 I'm looking for direct ties / proof of who handed funds to Ammon Bundy to engage in the armed takeover a federal property.
9:46 AM - 22 Feb 2016​

Amy guesses? Suspicions?
Pete Santilli urges court to reopen, review his detention in Malheur refuge conspiracy case

Santilli also offers the court a new release plan.

It would allow federal officers to search his apartment for any firearms or ammunition, conduct random searches "as they feel may be necessary'' and even allow the government to mount a video camera in his home so officers could continually monitor him, according to court documents.


Lots of spelling and grammatical errors. They really should proof-read that stuff, before they file it with the court. :facepalm:
I am fairly certain this article from a little over a week into the refuge takeover was previously linked. But, assuming there are some others similar to myself, I don't take everything in all at once and I sometimes skip over things that I might not understand the importance of at the time I read or first learn of it.

With that said, while researching Wes Kjar (one of the arrestees) a day or two ago I happened upon the following article which I may have read before but now I know so much more and I am astounded to learn that Bundy and Payne were actively planning this whole thing as early as October of 2015! I knew they had been there in December but was not totally aware of the even earlier activities.

I think it's worth a reread especially in light of the defense request to try all the cases as one.

Oregon occupation planned for months by Ammon Bundy and Montana militia leader
By Carli Brosseau | The Oregonian/OregonLive
on January 11, 2016 at 4:46 PM, updated January 12, 2016 at 1:16 PM


“It may have looked spontaneous, but the takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge a week ago was part of a plan Ammon Bundy and a trusted associate developed largely in secret over the past two months.

Bundy, the son of controversial Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, and Ryan Payne, a militia leader from Montana, came to believe that an armed occupation was the only way to bring enough attention to a pair of local ranchers heading to prison and change the underlying problem: federal land ownership.

Even as a wider network of anti-government groups and community members rejected taking action stronger than holding a public rally, Bundy and Payne privately strategized an occupation they felt was necessary to spread their message.

The Oregonian/OregonLive conducted dozens of interviews with Bundy, Payne, their supporters and federal officials that show how the leaders worked parallel tracks. They encouraged local organizers to plan a peaceful rally to back the ranchers -- Dwight Hammond Jr. and his son, Steven Hammond -- while they scoped out potential sites for a takeover.”​

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