OR OR - Union Co, Finley Creek Jane Doe, UnsFem 14-25, UP11902, preg, on wooded hillside, Aug'78

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I like big picture reliance. The clothing match is easily the most significant variable I see, far beyond dentals. That's especially true because it is two pieces of clothing, not one, with each as color match, and described in newspaper print days after the disappearance.

This is a red and white case.

The decomposition estimate could not be more meaningless. We've seen countless cases in which the body has later been identified and none of the estimates were even close, regardless of whether they were done early or much later. Nature can do that. I'm surprised the experts still cling to it. But I guess their expertise aligns with stubbornness.

Worth repeating (quoting @PattysVoice (that is you, right?)): "Timms believes the discrepancy is due to an error made by the OSP’s medical examiner while doing examinations of the skeletal remains for two Jane Does in his office at about the same time in 1978. She suspects he assigned his reports to the wrong Jane Does because his report for the second Jane Doe matches her mother’s autopsy photos and dental records."
by Anna Velasquez
April 13th 2022
Lewiston missing person cold case: Patty Otto Part 3
''Melinda began to research and uncovered more information.

“From what the investigators and the witnesses could tell, [Finley Creek Jane Doe] was buried kind of in a crouched position, face down in the ground,” she said.

Jane Doe had on boots, red pants, and possibly a white halter top.

Melina also said Oregon State Police documented there was a black radio antennae cable in the grave, found around the neck area of the Jane Doe.

Investigators also determined the woman was about six to eight months pregnant, she discovered.

In 2019, Melinda established the Finley Creek Jane Doe Facebook page.

Soon after, other people who were interested in helping solve this mystery became involved.''
What does that article say?
I can’t access it as I’m not in the US but in the EU.
''UNION COUNTY — The Oregon State Police are turning up the heat on a local cold case.
OSP officers and OSP crime lab personnel will soon reexamine a site near Finley Creek, 18 miles north of La Grande, where the remains of an unidentified woman were found in August 1978.
The OSP team, which will have human remains detection dogs, will be searching for anything connected to the unidentified woman who was found there in a shallow grave more than 40 years ago.''
The OSP will go to the site after all the snow there has melted. Detective-sergeant Sean Belding of the OSP said his agency will be facing a big challenge.
“It will be a little like looking for a needle in a haystack,” Belding said''.

''A big reason for the confidence is that task force members went to the Finley Creek site where the woman’s remains were found twice in 2021 with cadaver dogs. The task force brought a single dog once and two on another trip. Each of the two dogs indicated they found ground under which there are human remains at the same site at or near a tree.

“One dog pawed at the ground near the tree,” Jederberg said.

The task force members did not dig at the site because it is a crime scene and thus it would be illegal to disrupt it. They instead notified the Oregon State Police who later decided to investigate the site and possibly dig there.''
What phenotype do you think she looks like?
I'm definitely getting Southeast European or Ashkenazi vibes.
Someone said that she facially reminded them of their male Jewish-American friend.
What phenotype do you think she looks like?
I'm definitely getting Southeast European or Ashkenazi vibes.
Someone said that she facially reminded them of their male Jewish-American friend.
No one knows what she looks like. It's a reconstruction based on a photo of the skull. The skull was cremated, so it's not even a clay model.
There is very limited evidence to support the gestation of FCJDs pregnancy. No measurements of the fetal bones, no xrays, no photos.
Exactly. And that's a huge thing to not have documented it with at least a photograph. Why is there nothing to support this ME's reporting on several identifying key factors. Firstly, the x-ray and fcjd teeth totally match up. Every shape, angle and gap totally line up. Every tooth listed by ME on his list of fcjd is just as the x-ray clearly shows and Dane, with the exception of the upper right third molar. And that's already been explained since that's the likely tooth to be extracted and the reason this x-ray exists. And it's also clear the ME was confused on his own written note by stating unless Patty had only 3 third molars removed when fcjd clearly still had 3 third molars. Okay, he references seeing a note that Patty had all her third molars removed, where's that more? Who have him that note? Why is it not included in the report? Why was there no photo evidence of this alleged near full term baby?
If Patty Otto wasn't pregnant then why would her husband had gone after the guy that she had the one night stand with 5 months previously,with a gun in his hand, leaving the message with that guys fellow employees saying "tell him I've got something for him" ? On the day of or the day after her going missing. Everything about the things that transpired on Patty's last few days and especially after going missing totally suggest that this is Patty Otto. Back before we had DNA one of the main key factors they used in determining identity was clothing and the clothing matches in this case. Then there's the obvious factors of height weight age hair color and distance which all also match. As do the dental x-ray to the skulls teeth and that the skull matches the photos, everything lines up,the eye sockets, the nose, the mouth, the teeth, the chin, cheekbones, the top of the head. I've done multiple superimpositions with just random women and have yet to find a match that fits as perfectly as Patty's fits. I believe her husband chose that location where he buried her because of the known serial killings throughout the near surrounding areas. Not to forget that he also mapped logging roads for a living at that time as well. Everything points to this being Patty.
There is very limited evidence to support the gestation of FCJDs pregnancy. No measurements of the fetal bones, no xrays, no photos.
So when we are in a situation like this, we have to remain cautiously optimistic. We have to remember that the FCJD “dentals” only consist of a handwritten chart, no physical X-Rays. Patty has physical X-rays. Both individuals had a silver filling in tooth #30 and #31. With a consultation with three other dentists and Patty’s daughter recently, the teeth do line up tooth to tooth based on the photos and the x-rays compared (the images are too graphic to share).

But again, we still remain cautiously optimistic. In the meantime, however, we still field other tips and look into them as best as we can. We do not leave any stone unturned.
I am now 100% convinced, without any doubt whatsoever, that this is Patty Otto. From the first time I viewed photos of the picture of the skull and saw her teeth, I was nearly positive at that instance. Which is what pulled me in and do whatever I can to help.
I like big picture reliance. The clothing match is easily the most significant variable I see, far beyond dentals. That's especially true because it is two pieces of clothing, not one, with each as color match, and described in newspaper print days after the disappearance.

This is a red and white case.

The decomposition estimate could not be more meaningless. We've seen countless cases in which the body has later been identified and none of the estimates were even close, regardless of whether they were done early or much later. Nature can do that. I'm surprised the experts still cling to it. But I guess their expertise aligns with stubbornness.
@Patty's Voice, can I post the impositions?
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