GUILTY OR - Whitney Heichel, 21, Gresham, 16 Oct 2012 #2

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Someone requested these a page or two ago.

Uploading some screen caps of Whitney's SUV before it left the walmart parking lot. Maybe they tell a story for someone. Also I'm posting a link with the story showing the red marking flags for broken glass, black apron ect.

Screen shots are taken from this video as close as possible including the broken passenger window.


Front tires don't seem as muddy as the rear tires. Also I think it was backed in so the license plate was hidden, it was found by friends (video)

Video story explaining flags and SUV find at this link.

It looks as if it has been on a very dusty road gravel road, it is dusty looking. Could be the mud they where talking about even the tires appear dusty dirty. Thanks for the pictures.
I really hope this means that her ringer was off, or too quiet for the perp to hear, or maybe he was just an idiot... I hope that it rang and received texts and tracked her every move until it went straight to VM... "9:30ish", according to her husband. That gives them almost 3 hours of tracking information! :please:

Oh most defiantly I hope so to. From that article I posted it also
said Clint had revealed clues but the police where not commenting I wonder if she had mentioned things to him prior to dissapearing.
Interestingly, for gas in Oregon you don't give a PIN#. Even if it is your bank debit card, it treats it like a credit card at the machine (meaning no pin required) at the pump. However, most of the time you do have to give your zip code. Zips are a lot easier than pins to obtain, as we all know.

I'm not on the social networks because of their flagrant abuses (and the practice is snowballing) of peoples' privacy but from what various sleuths said in Thread#1 of this case, they had so much access to Whitney's FB page that it didn't appear she was using very many controls, if any, on the site.

[COLOR="DarkRed[B]"](BTW, even if you are ultra cautious and do lock down your social pages, and even if you never accept a single app request in all your time on there, still - ALL apps of your friends and ALL apps of your friends of friends get ALL of your personal data - even if they are some small third party fly by night working in their garage in godknowswhere. It is shocking and out of control. The US needs to more closely consider Europe's lead on privacy and the Internet[/B]. Sorry for the off-topic tributary rant on social media privacy nightmares)! [/COLOR]

Thread#1 posters pointed out that they could glean an enormous amount about Whitney's personal life (work, home, gym, groups, friends, family, dreams, desires, worries, health, and more) just from the public settings on FB and how she uses the site. Adding: Hence, a ton of people would have access to her zip code but hardly a soul to her PIN#.

Totally agree ..there is something severely OOC (out of control) with social media privacy....

I'm old school, and texting is an annoyance for me :)....but having zero social media accounts, facebook or whatnot, and a paid anti-virus /spyware....I still constantly get re-directed to extraneous sites....

"Kids" today...are so wide-open with social's scary...
I haven't read all of the posts yet (still working on the first thread--AND on all of the news reports. Been sick so I haven't spent a lot of time online--playing catch up here)...

I'm sorry if this has been covered before.. In Oregon you can't pump your own gas, an attendant does it. I'm assuming LE has talked to the attendants and gotten a description of whoever was driving since the attendant actually goes up to the vehicle to 1. find out how much fuel is wanted and 2. to get payment/return card/give receipt.
As anything been brought up in the media about that?
It looks as if it has been on a very dusty road gravel road, it is dusty looking. Could they be the mud they where talking about even the tires appear dusty dirty. Thanks for the pictures.

I suppose it's what they mean, I have another snap shot of the other side but I'm trying not to flood the forum with photos. Front tires seem clean compared to the back tires, not sure why. Small amount of mud on the other side, looks cleaner. I guess I find it a little puzzling, not sure why.
hopefully they can figure out where the phone was between 9 and 11. it seems like they know that the phone was in the mountain. then there's the sighting of her at the gas station. if it weren't for that sighting, i'd think that Whitney was left in the mountains. but if she really was at the gas station, then where did they go from the gas station before Wal-Mart. please phone tell us where!!
Interestingly, for gas in Oregon you don't give a PIN#. Even if it is your bank debit card, it treats it like a credit card at the machine (meaning no pin required) at the pump. However, most of the time you do have to give your zip code. Zips are a lot easier than pins to obtain, as we all know.


I was in Oregon 2 weeks ago and got gas, the attendant didn't ask for my zip code to use either... debit or credit card (got gas in two different locations using different cards over the course of a weekend).
I suppose it's what they mean, I have another snap shot of the other side but I'm trying not to flood the forum with photos. Front tires seem clean compared to the back tires, not sure why. Small amount of mud on the other side, looks cleaner. I guess I find it a little puzzling, not sure why.

i find that odd too. the back tires are dusty while the front are not??
What ever happened with the possible sighting of her sitting on the dead tree? Did anything from that pan out?
I suppose it's what they mean, I have another snap shot of the other side but I'm trying not to flood the forum with photos. Front tires seem clean compared to the back tires, not sure why. Small amount of mud on the other side, looks cleaner. I guess I find it a little puzzling, not sure why.

post the pictures. they may help.
i find that odd too. the back tires are dusty while the front are not??

My truck is rear wheel drive and the back tires are always dirtier than the front. I think it has something to do with them doing most of the work.

If I remember correctly her SUV is rear wheel drive too.
There are 2 pix I'm seeing of the car. Both show it backed in, 1 is of passenger side, the other driver side, are they the same spot just different angles?
Also lusted road (the only road to dodge park) is very very windy this is not a road that you would be going very fast on. It is physically impossible to go any faster then around 50 on parts of this road or you will fly off the steep cliffs. The bull run Waterhed which
Is closed to the general public is very close to dodge park. It is around 150 square miles of nothing but trees and forest roads. If someone had a lock cutter they could easily gain acess to this area and you could hide a body and no one would ever find it.

Do you think they might search that area? Where could the lock be cut and not have it noticed though?
I was wondering since you don't pump your own gas and have a gas can that needs filing up do you pass the gas can to the attendant? Wondering if all the small purchases could have been for a gas can to burn evidence or maybe gas for another vehicle?
BBM Hmm... Well, how's this for a wild thought:

Know about those "drive you home in your own vehicle" designated-driver services? You have too much to drink, you call them, and a driver is dispatched to your location on a motorized scooter to pick you up and drive you home in your own vehicle, stowing the foldable scooter in your trunk or cargo area so the designated driver can take you and your car home and use the scooter to return.

Basically it's a solution to the need for one person to command two vehicles at the same time & place. These services have popped up all over the country to help people avoid drunk driving arrests.

Here's an example from North Carolina:

So, obviously a stretch, but what if a motorized scooter served as the perp's second vehicle?

A plan like that could account for the abandoned Explorer, the purchase of a small amount of gas, the folded-down rear seats, the busted window (nervous perp accidentally breaks out the window wrestling scooter into the Explorer), as well as the mystery of how the perp got away after abandoning the vehicle.

:dunno: You never know!
Yeah, guess I'll post it anyhow. Just saying...don't know if it means anything or not this sides cleaner too.


That's the one I was asking about. Can't see the yellow post from the other one, so trying to figure it all out.
i find that odd too. the back tires are dusty while the front are not??

Could have possibly stopped on a road, reversed just slightly off the road and then turned back into the direction they were coming from in a very fast way..A three point turn?? Gravel or dirt off the side of the road could have caused the back tyres to be dirty and would explain the dusting on the car...JMO
Yeah, guess I'll post it anyhow. Just saying...don't know if it means anything or not this sides cleaner too.


Oh On the side there is a vehicle with a trunk open I wonder if that person seen anything. This side is alot cleaner than the other side strange. And it looks like the person who backed up wanted to back up as much as possible looks like the suv is backed into the bush.
Yeah, guess I'll post it anyhow. Just saying...don't know if it means anything or not this sides cleaner too.


The first time I saw this picture, I was wondering if maybe the front tires are new and that's why they look so clean compared to the back??? At quick glance, the back tires look a lot more worn than the front. I dunno, just a thought....
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