Oscar Pistorius Defense

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And that is what I think is the more likely scenario. Reeva was one of many beauties on Oscar's buffet, she even mentioned in one of her texts that she was not one of his *****es, This indicates to me that for Oscar it was a casual relationship for Reeva it was the beginning of a long term love affair.

If the *****es is what I think it is, then I believe that this refers to that horrible song that OP wanted his friend to play. You know, the one about b**** don't kill my vibe. I don't think it had anything to do with any other current flings, but past girlfriends that OP perhaps complained to Reeva about. Say perhaps Samantha. Reeva was clearly upset by that song being played, and I don't blame her.

In fact, this is what you said with regards to why the Steenkamp family wanted to keep Reeva's autopsy report private:


Just to clarify, earlier tonight I responded to Shane's speculations regarding why the autopsy report was unavailable with this (snipped-For context I included more of the pertinant part of my response)

Hello Shane,
I agree on many of these points, especially

BIB1- Although potentially disturbing, I think the Steenkamp's stand a much better chance at uncovering the truth had they supported the disclosure of the autopsy results. It is quite possible that they want to conceal the nature of any sexual contact that evening but I just can't see Nel leaving it out...unless at the family's request or if stipulated.

I also earlier posted my opinion that they weren't intimate...but who really knows and it's not important imo. .

Rape is usually quite evident at the time of autopsy. I can't imagine that if true this would not have been brought up by Nel. You might not be able to see traumatic changes from initially consensual relations that got out of hand.

For absolutely no reason except my own hunch, I don't think they had 'sex' that evening, jmo.

I really don't want to argue, you contribute a lot and I'd like to be able to enjoy your posts.
OP confused himself during his cross with Nel about the house in Jo'burg. At one point he said that he had purchased a home there and that he and Reeva were looking at interior decorating things for that home.

So he did. I have added a link to my earlier post to show his house in Silverwoods has been up for sale since 2011. I recall him wanting to relocate long before Reeva was on the scene. IMO this guy is a compulsive liar and finds it easy to do so for effect.
Sooo .... Are we back on tonight for trial in three hours .. Need to get back to links and take quick nap !

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Any chance that you might go "downstairs " to chat tonight ? Miss ya Tori !

Has thread for tonight opened yet ? Link ?
Sent from my SCH-S720C using Tapatalk 2
Any chance that you might go "downstairs " tonight ? Miss ya !

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Not sure yet. Will try to but it won't be until about 8 or 9 am our time. Been dealing with a lot the past few months. Miss you too!

And that is what I think is the more likely scenario. Reeva was one of many beauties on Oscar's buffet, she even mentioned in one of her texts that she was not one of his *****es, This indicates to me that for Oscar it was a casual relationship for Reeva it was the beginning of a long term love affair.

And that would mean that he lied in his bail affidavit when he said they were "deeply in love". He also then lied on the stand when he said he was probably more in to Reeva than she was in to him.

There would be absolutely no need to lie about his relationship if the shooting was just mistaken identity.
Any chance that you might go "downstairs " to chat tonight ? Miss ya Tori !

Has thread for tonight opened yet ? Link ?
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I remember the fun days on the Arias thread and some peeps mentioning the "downstairs" area, which I never visited. Where exactly is this ultra lounge? :)
There is a lot of debate whether Oscar and Reeva's relationship was abusive....


The relevant, end run and most important thing is, Reeva FELT she was being disrespected and was SCARED of OP. IMO, OP was miffed, then really pissed, when he was called out on it. Especially considering he was in the midst with an ex who had filed a lawsuit against him.

There's no debate regarding that.
I'm going to run over to the 'What really happened' board and check the new trial thread.
Goonight Tori, Lisa, Carmelita, Athelake & Screecher if I don't see you there :)

Will probably check back even though I should be off to bed. :eek:fftobed:

As for OP, he was dating, enjoying Reeva for the moment, imo, and likely would have moved on. In fact, he has moved on except for the technicality of this pesky trial.
No romantic plans for Valentine's, no gift, and not even a card must have been very eye-opening to Reeva.

Add to that him disappearing upstairs for an hour while you are cooking his dinner, potentially finding the *advertiser censored* site he just viewed on his iPad and maybe even finding the flirty text messages with other women (Erin Stear)...

All speculation, but if true, certainly would not make for a good evening.
I remember the fun days on the Arias thread and some peeps mentioning the "downstairs" area, which I never visited. Where exactly is this ultra lounge? :)

lol, I was afraid to ask, so tnx!

Lisa, who is Erin Stear?
It was ridiculous OP wouldn't admit to the *advertiser censored* on the stand...his answers were just disingenuous.

And that is what I think is the more likely scenario. Reeva was one of many beauties on Oscar's buffet, she even mentioned in one of her texts that she was not one of his *****es, This indicates to me that for Oscar it was a casual relationship for Reeva it was the beginning of a long term love affair.


This indicates to me Reeva made it clear to OP if he wanted to continue seeing her, he'd better man up and treat her with the respect every human being is entitled to. After all, they were her words. She said nothing, nada, zilch about any past women, girls he had been with. On his 'buffet'. Ugh.

IMO, he didn't take kindly to her voice. He felt challenged.

Oh, and I also believe that 'hurdle' he had to jump over that day? Was his advisers, his lawyers telling him he must settle that lawsuit his ex had against him. Yeppers, I can imagine he was really pissed about that.
And that would mean that he lied in his bail affidavit when he said they were "deeply in love". He also then lied on the stand when he said he was probably more in to Reeva than she was in to him.

There would be absolutely no need to lie about his relationship if the shooting was just mistaken identity.

I agree because she wrote for the first time "I love you" in her card. Can you really say you're both deeply in love if you haven't said it yet?
Can't see the relevant thread for today's proceedings, so I apologise, but can someone confirm whether or not it kicks off again in 2 hours from now?
Can't see the relevant thread for today's proceedings, so I apologise, but can someone confirm whether or not it kicks off again in 2 hours from now?

Yes, as far as I know and can find online!

"Trial resumes on May 5th 2014 at 3:30am ET."
(12:30am for me)
I remember the fun days on the Arias thread and some peeps mentioning the "downstairs" area, which I never visited. Where exactly is this ultra lounge? :)

WS Chat room for trials... I don't have link this moment as on phone vs computer. Its good for live chat 24/7. There are multiple ways to get there and there is a thread specifically saying how to . Member HarryDresden (aka Panini ) can give direction as he is the moderator .

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The relevant, end run and most important thing is, Reeva FELT she was being disrespected and was SCARED of OP. IMO, OP was miffed, then really pissed, when he was called out on it. Especially considering he was in the midst with an ex who had filed a lawsuit against him.

There's no debate regarding that.

OF course there is room for debate! I think there is a lot of room for debate on just about every aspect of this case.

These are not the words of a "scared" woman, in my opinion.

How often has someone said you "scare me," when they don't mean "scare" literally? It is often used as a figure of speech to make a point. Do I think Reeva was actually scared of OP? Absolutely not.

On Feb. 13th-14th, I don't know.

If there weren't room for debate, we'd all be agreeing, and we don't.

Reeva to Oscar
Jan. 26, 2013

"I can't get that day back.

"I'm scared of you sometimes and how u snap at me and how u will react to me.

"You make me happy 90% of the time and i think we are amazing together but I am not some other ***** you may know trying to kill your vibe. I am the girl who let go with u even when I scared out of my mind to. I'm the girl who fell in love with u and wanted to tell you this weekend."

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