Oscar Pistorius - Discussion Thread #66~ the appeal~

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I think this is because you're not approaching the case as a layperson.

Even when waiting for the original verdict David Dadic tweeted that the word in legal corridors is that OP would get 10-15 years thus inferring DE rather than DD- doesn't DD have a minimum of 25 years? Also, right at the beginning of the original verdict when Masipa threw out the screams as being female but also seemed to go against PDD (who knows what she was really doing, this is before the remainder of the verdict sent most of us down the rabbit hole where some of us also drank whisky) by not allowing him to be more fearful because of his disability etc Judge Greenland commented at the time that Nel would have been reasonably pleased with how things were going. Personally I was reeling at the screams being thrown out but I now see that JG thought that Masipa was also dismissing PDD and thus DE was to follow. A lot of Nel's prosecuting tactics were aimed at emphasising that OP wasn't under threat; I don't think he'd have been upset by not getting DD in the first instance, given that there were no eye witnesses and Reeva was shot through a shut door. Which isn't to say that some judges wouldn't have given DD, JG would have and I get the impression that Leach would have too, but we shall see.

So, people with a legal background seem focused on whether murder was proved and whether there was enough to get OP convicted and appropriately punished.

However, for someone like me without a legal background the sheer audacity of his ridiculous defence (Reeva was "scared" of her feelings for him, OP screaming stealthy down corridors, the 4th shot coincidentally being the one that killed her, him not breaking down the door for minutes yet still seeing her terminal breaths and a non-breathing, incapacitated Reeva still having sufficient cardiac output for arterial spray in spite of also bleeding out so badly her heart and liver were pale on post mortem, Reeva not saying a single word in spite of being slaughtered in the toilet, the fan dance he claimed to have done to have brought them in without actually seeing her in the bed, him sleeping in spite of phone evidence to the contrary, the way in which his reported last meal with her was tailored to resemble her stomach contents even though after 8 hours or so there'd be nothing in her stomach at all, the grouping of his shots which were supposed to be "random") just makes me angry. I wanted there to be an epiphanic moment like there is on TV trials where he realises he's been caught out, confesses and everyone knows the truth. Which was never ever going to happen given his personality, entitlement, acting lessons and coaching.

I suppose the lawyers have moved beyond hope or expectation that murderers will confess and instead aim for what they can realistically get. Nel will consider DE a victory, I'm sure.

What a superb post, Jake. Exactly how I feel but have struggled to put into words.
I don't know if this has been posted before but Pistorius is spending only two days a month carrying out menial tasks ‘out of the public eye’, a magazine reported.

Supervised by warrant officer Henriette Gouws, Pistorius spent his first community shift mopping the floors of holding cells at Garsfontein police station, a short drive from his uncle’s palatial villa.

A source told South Africa’s You magazine: ‘He is doing work where he won’t be seen by members of the community. He has to sweep and mop floors and do odd jobs.’

The star of the London Olympics was described as ‘willing to help and work’ by the source who observed him clearing out a station store room where documents and exhibits are held.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...conviction-replaced-murder.html#ixzz3t4J4tRWi
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Some light cleaning work and only two days a month Estelle and out of the public eye........
Some light cleaning work and only two days a month Estelle and out of the public eye........

IMO Pistorius still seems to be fortunate in that he was able to celebrate his 29th Birthday with family, then Christmas, only have to do 2 days community service per month and if he is found guilty, he will be sentenced by the sympathetic Masipa in January. I would not mind betting that they let him go to Mozambique too! Or will Uncle Arnold have to cancel that holiday this year rather than have to leave Pistorius at home alone?

If Masipa does not sentence him to at least 15 years for murder (with no mitigation and less time already spent in prison), I will be very disappointed. Imo he should be given 25 years but that will not happen.

What sentence (if OP is found guilty) do you predict OP will be given?
Well....I take it all back.

I have just seen the photo dear Auntie Lois posted for us on the great occasion of Ozzie's birthday.

With a baby on his knee, surrounded by his littlest relations, well....I'm convinced. He is just a sweet, misunderstood boy, beloved of children everywhere and....yes, I'm going there.....a SAINT.

A more cynical person might consider it quite disgusting to use children in an effort to rehabilitate a killer's reputation, but not me. Not any more. That photo has convinced me.

Pistorius + babies = good guy. Simple arithmetic.
Personally speaking, I find this 3-hour guided tour quite outrageous. This is for the benefit of the public to show that OP didn’t have his own cooking facilities, gym equipment etc.

Karyn Maughan ‏@karynmaughan · 2h2 hours ago
First time that correctional services has allowed such a detailed tour of Kgosi Mampuru prison. It'll be 3 hours long

Does anyone seriously believe these journos are here for any reason other than to see OP's cell?

The prisons in SA are horrendous places for most of its inmates. Once again, this is all about OP, and showing that he is special, special enough to take the media on a 3-hour jaunt to dispel rumours.

Why haven’t the media been in that prison before to highlight how the majority are suffering from the shockingly overcrowded conditions, lack of facilities, how severely disabled people can be left to their own devices as to how they get about even if it means dragging themselves along the ground and not given an opportunity to get the much needed medical attention they so desperately need.

The timing - just before the release of the appeal decision - is deeply, deeply suspicious to me!
Anybody would think that external pressure was being brought to bear on the 5 SCA judges!
Very poor form IMHO!!!
Well....I take it all back.

I have just seen the photo dear Auntie Lois posted for us on the great occasion of Ozzie's birthday.

With a baby on his knee, surrounded by his littlest relations, well....I'm convinced. He is just a sweet, misunderstood boy, beloved of children everywhere and....yes, I'm going there.....a SAINT.

A more cynical person might consider it quite disgusting to use children in an effort to rehabilitate a killer's reputation, but not me. Not any more. That photo has convinced me.

Pistorius + babies = good guy. Simple arithmetic.

I agree - the use of children in that shot was cynical in itself. Furthermore, in MSM celebrities seem to be at great pains to not have their children's faces appear, or they are pixellated. She wanted this photo in MSM but via the back door, posting it on SM instead.
Presumably the adults at the party had a choice as to whether their photos with him were released, but not their kids as they are less easily identified.
Repeating myself - but a woman who retweets a racist tweet inferring only 30 Muslims protested the Paris attacks ....it says it all.
The timing - just before the release of the appeal decision - is deeply, deeply suspicious to me!
Anybody would think that external pressure was being brought to bear on the 5 SCA judges!
Very poor form IMHO!!!

very poor form indeed. In the circumstances , with a very good chance he is retuning there in January, it is very strange timing for a PR jaunt.

But don't you wonder Ochre Blue that they are- instead of trying to put pressure on SCA judges whose decision is already made- are trying to persuade how well-run it is, and thus is a fitting place for his imminent return?

Anyway as JJ says, this is probably the only prison hospital wing that is in an acceptable condition, prepped for OP.

Anyway will stop now as just heard DEC 3rd is the SCA delivery date if not already posted
Barry Bateman ‏@barrybateman · 25m25 minutes ago

#JUST IN: #OscarPistorius judgment will be delivered on Thursday at 9:45am. BB
Barry Bateman ‏@barrybateman · 25m25 minutes ago

#JUST IN: #OscarPistorius judgment will be delivered on Thursday at 9:45am. BB

Ok who's turn is it to share what time it will be Eastern central and Pacific and Western US . :floorlaugh:

I think it is 2:45 a.m. Eastern :D
very poor form indeed. In the circumstances , with a very good chance he is retuning there in January, it is very strange timing for a PR jaunt.

But don't you wonder Ochre Blue that they are- instead of trying to put pressure on SCA judges whose decision is already made- are trying to persuade how well-run it is, and thus is a fitting place for his imminent return?

Anyway as JJ says, this is probably the only prison hospital wing that is in an acceptable condition, prepped for OP.

Anyway will stop now as just heard DEC 3rd is the SCA delivery date if not already posted
Agreed. Very poor form and suspicious timing. They've had a year to show us the inside of his cell, and they pick a couple of days before the judgment is read? Maybe they should have shown us (again) OP playing football with a prison mate. if OP didn't want to spend time in a cell, he could easily have avoided it!
Well....I take it all back.

I have just seen the photo dear Auntie Lois posted for us on the great occasion of Ozzie's birthday.

With a baby on his knee, surrounded by his littlest relations, well....I'm convinced. He is just a sweet, misunderstood boy, beloved of children everywhere and....yes, I'm going there.....a SAINT.

A more cynical person might consider it quite disgusting to use children in an effort to rehabilitate a killer's reputation, but not me. Not any more. That photo has convinced me.

Pistorius + babies = good guy. Simple arithmetic.

Hehe BIB LemonMousse you are beginning to sound like Judge Masipa :wink:

Pistorius + crying over Reeva = innocent
Not saying that this image is representative of all prison cells in the UK, but it is an example of one and the second is of Broadmoor hospital prison Anonymous-prisoners-in-th-014.jpg


Affluent country vs poor country. Ok his hospital cell is clearly not Waterkloof but I don't think he has done too badly with that cell - and I presume it is his choice ( if it's true) that he spends up to 23 hours in it.
Not saying that this image is representative of all prison cells in the UK, but it is an example of one and the second is of Broadmoor hospital prison View attachment 85058

View attachment 85060

Affluent country vs poor country. Ok his hospital cell is clearly not Waterkloof but I don't think he has done too badly with that cell - and I presume it is his choice ( if it's true) that he spends up to 23 hours in it.

I would have asked at the front desk for a pool view.

Always check on Tripadvisor first.
Karyn Maughan ‏@karynmaughan
Judge Leach giving #OscarPistorius ruling exactly a month after he and 4 other judges heard state appeal. Ruling will be broadcast live.

Should judges rule in state's favour, NPA says it will not ask that #OscarPistorius return to jail while he awaits sentence. @eNCA

NPA says #OscarPistorius won't have to bring a bail application if SCA substitutes a murder conviction in his case and refers it for sentence
I am now wondering if OP will have to go back to prison straight away if he is found guilty of murder but before his sentencing in January?

I just saw previous post so OP will not go back to jail until January.

Sydney time will be 6.45pm Thursday to hear announcement of Appeal.
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