Osco confirms caylee dna

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Now, in the Lee County (Fla.) Medical Examiner's Office, Walsh- Haney talks breathlessly about converting four or five acres of pasture in Port Charlotte into the third U.S. body farm.

Florida's proposed body farm would be attached to a $100 million, 3,000-acre Homeland Security training complex scheduled to break ground early next year. The facility, called The Grove and set up like a university campus, is designed to train military personnel and emergency responders. It would include gun ranges, tunnels, a lake and caves, says director Stephen Alexander.


But this says PROPOSED body farm. We still don't know for sure if it was even approved.

It's likely the article is just one more example of the subpar journalism skills in today's media.
I will wait to see what other news organizations release before I give up hope completely. The wording of this statement seems to not "fully close" the final conclusion yet that they are confident to fully speak. IMHO it is another piece of the puzzle, but I'm not reading full conclusion and no other media are holding news conferences yet which I would expect.

Many said the same thing about the source who reported that decomp was in the trunk. And it ended up being true. LE confirmed that days later at the presser Friday night.
As an aside, they quoted Cindy but I think it was in the context of the paragraph below and the rearrest. before we go crazy, I think Cindy's comment about wanting the apology is regarding the rearrest. because the quote matches the subesquent information.

Does anyone esle read it that way and see some poor editing?

Yes, I believe you are right.
I think everyone was holding onto that fine thin thread of the possibility she might be alive but this has confirmed our deepest fear. .

Maybe it's me or something but I just can't understand why anyone would still have hope that this child was alive?

I believed when her disappearance was first reported that she was alive, but after learning of casey's moronic nanny story and the entire avalanche of lies that she told I put 2 and 2 together and I knew from that moment on that this child was dead and that casey drove around in her car with her dead daughters body and then since Caylee wasn't found in the car obviously casey put her somewhere.

I think having hope is a good thing but when faced with so much that points away from that possibility I think hope loses it's value and becomes something not healthy.
Welcome, tb&b!
You've really expressed my feelings well. I have been positive Caylee was dead from the beginning, but now that it's confirmed . . .

I try to read a lot of the different threads but can't quite seem to keep up. So I guess I 'lurk' a lot. This case has captured the good and bad in all of us it seems. But as most on here our main thoughts are of Caylee and bringing her home to rest so justice can be done for her.
Yes, I believe you are right.
Thanks. I only pointed it out because I was afraid in a frenzy it would get quoted and carried as her response to this info.
let me be frank here- it's all a fricken game to them- they are not only trying to protect there daughter, they are trying to protect themselves- all of them just need to be fricken charged and taken to jail

I agree Mitch, but I was really referring to John Q. Public-with nothing really invested other than compassion- objective analysis of evidence leads to only one conclusion therefore I continue to be stymied..:eek:
If Casey takes the immunity deal she has to say where Caylee is.

Maybe Casey is afraid Caylee's body will show some trauma that points to a more deliberate act instead of an accident.


Clever observation! I believe that is exactly the case.
Maybe it's me or something but I just can't understand why anyone would still have hope that this child was alive?

I believed when her disappearance was first reported that she was alive, but after learning of casey's moronic nanny story and the entire avalanche of lies that she told I put 2 and 2 together and I knew from that moment on that this child was dead and that casey drove around in her car with her dead daughters body and then since Caylee wasn't found in the car obviously casey put her somewhere.

I think having hope is a good thing but when faced with so much that points away from that possibility I think hope loses it's value and becomes something not healthy.

I agree. Any person with an iota of sense could see that the child was dead and the mother was hiding something. About the only people who could possibly hold out hope are the grandparents and uncle. And these are apparently the same people that looked at at 7 month pregnant Casey and believed her when she said she wasn't pregnant, only believing the lies they were told instead of what the eyes, and common sense told them. All these test prove is what any sensible person already knew.
I am too depressed to go into my reason for my thinking on this- but as i have shared, I have a daughter exactly like Casey-but i have NO DOUBT that this entire family has played a sick game. The entire family has done NOTHING but try and confuse this case from day one. I expect, and hope that very soon, both Cindy and George and possible Lee will be arrested. I pray that is soon, and I pray that little caylee is found so she can have a proper resting place, WITHOUT the murders standing by her grave giving another performance.
I heard that too. Can't remember which show. The expert said all hair from dead bodies has a "banding" that happens almost immediately after death.

I'm having a hard time catching up with all these threads, but just incase this hasn't been mentioned, Dr Baden mentioned on one of the shows a few days ago that besides the banding in which you mentioned, when we die, our bodies secrete some sort of chemical which can be detected in hair strands.

Puff puff..that was a long sentence lol.
Info on the root banding if some are still confused


[SIZE=-1]When hairs originate from a body in a state of decomposition, a dark band may appear near the root of the hair. This characteristic has been labeled a postmortem root band.[/SIZE]
I'm with you on this. I mean with all due respect, some of us are starting to sound as bizarre as the Anthony's. I mean does anybody believe that Cindy the NURSE thinks that DNA test are hocus pocus.

I mean frankly I am tired of the whole circus. Casey killed her daughter. She probably will never admit it because I think that Casey thinks that if nobody saw her do it, they can't prove that she did.

And as far as the accident theory, please. That is the most least likely explanation for all this, because she would be grieving, and she would have told someone by now.

Oh, and Casey is not legally insane. Those people normally admit there crimes. Casey is sane enough to make this cover story and try to fabricate evidence to support her story. That is not legally insane.

Totally agree with you! Casey is certainly mentally ill, probably sociapathic narcicistic, but certainly capable of understanding the charges against her and able to stand trial.
I once saw a documentary on Serial Murderers...one of the serial murderers interviewed was asked how he can take human lives so carelessly and without emotion...he was at that time drinking from a paper cup so he said: "Well, you see, it's just like drinking from this paper cup. After I'm done drinking from it, it of no use to me" at that point he crumbled it in his hand, "so I just throw it in the garbage" at which point he did just that, tossed the crumbled paper cup without any emotion itno the garbage!. This is how sociapaths see life...very difficult for normal individuals to understand. I don't think Casey is much different. Caylee was useful to her for a while, but after the newness wore off Caylee became too much to deal with so she had to be disposed off...:mad:

There are 86 pages in that doc. Not sure what it's supposed to tell me. You can visually look at hair and see whether it came from a live person or a dead one. I'm sure other testing is being done. All indications are that LE in this case is pulling out the stops in testing. Prelims then more tests to comfirm and verify.

I really don't need proof of testing. They merely confirm what I've always thought. Caylee is missing, there are no kidnappers, 3 year olds can't take care of themselves. And they certainly can't run off and start a new life somewhere. Really leaves only one option whether you hold out hope of her being alive or not.
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