Osco confirms caylee dna

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It being a holiday weekend and Gustav is making the weather terrible here in Florida, I think Caylee took a back seat. Seems like only the weather guys are in the newsrooms LOL--but I reread the article again and I believe it. Actual investigators names were used by Kealing and I doubt he'd risk that. But I expect the other stations will catch up eventually.
WESH 2 just did an interview with Detective John Allen who confirms all of this. The decomposing DNA in the trunk of Casey's car is that of Caylee Anthony.

Would like a link if possible. Thanks

there will be denial and there will be no truth coming from Casey..
she has disassociated her mind and thoughts from this tragedy and has closed her mind to the truth.
She has instead of owning responsibility for this has instead passed her actions onto her alter ego {the nanny]
has anyone actually found out how and when she paid that Nanny?
How much per week?
When was her payday?
the day of each babysitting day or for the month?
the week?
ok I doubt under the circumstances that Casey will plead insanity,but I do think a court appointed person will indeed root out the fact that she has
some sort of disorder relating to stress.

The family will deny this until a body is found.
Even then the blame will not be on Casey.
This will be a confusing case to solve..
No, not evacuating. Am 90 miles away from New Orleans.

Why do you think the article referenced a Central Florida Body Farm.


I know you didn't ask me. True, the article states this. I just know there isn't a body farm in Florida. If there is, it must be a covert one.
IIRC, IMO, that's what a defense would say to confuse a layman jury. A hair from a live person and a dead person look different. A dead person's hair has a black band on it. In other words, Casey was dead before her hair came loose from her body.

Wouldn't this hair in the trunk indicate that the body was not securely inside something and the death could have happened away from the home where there would be things such as bags or something for enclosure?
I don't get it - they have a hair - that is the only thing they have - that hair could have gotten in there anyway since she was in the car and some of her things were in the car. The hair decomposing? Well, it obviously had been there awhile. (Not that I don't think Casey is responsible, she is).

It is not just the hair breaking down. Dr. Baden has said on a number of shows and stations that the hair can be proven to have come either from a live person or a dead and decomposing one. It is a way to prove death with certainty.
Not to be too gross, but if you cut off a body part and left it somewhere, it would decompose even though the body it came from is alive.
Someone on Nancy or Greta said that hair that is shed from a dead body has some sort of ring right by the root, and that is how they can tell it did not come from a living person.

I heard that too. Can't remember which show. The expert said all hair from dead bodies has a "banding" that happens almost immediately after death.
I know you didn't ask me. True, the article states this. I just know there isn't a body farm in Florida. If there is, it must be a covert one.

Agreed, Susie. Thanks

Re: accidental death:
probably won't say this right and maybe it has already been suggested , and it is purely speculation , of course........but "Zanny the Nanny" has stuck in my head and I keep thinking that THE "Zanny" might really be a "code name" for Xanax and possibly used to "babysit" wonder if anyone in the house (or a friend) had access to that med.??
and could the "flurry of phone calls" be related??? (call for help, no answers, not responding, panic, then self-preservation sets in....????)("you think I can cry every second like I want to? I have to (stay calm) to to talk to the detectives" , etc......)

Does that sound too off the wall??
maybe some of you who know more than I do could help me with that?
and if this is not a proper post I am happy to be corrected.......delete me quickly!!! and put me in my place!!!
have read so much here that I haven't taken time to find my way around as I should...probably should just move on over to the the "newbie club"....and stay there........:
It is not being reported anywhere else so I don't put much stock into it. If true it would be all over every station with breaking news IMO.
It WAS reported on MSNBC about an hour ago.
I believe Michael Baden explained that after death there is some type of "band" that actually forms on the hair itself. This band ONLY forms after death.
Thanks that's who it was Dr. Baden!
Wouldn't this hair in the trunk indicate that the body was not securely inside something and the death could have happened away from the home where there would be things such as bags or something for enclosure?

I think it depends on when the body was moved, if it was. And how messy things were at that point. The hairs could have gotten stuck on the outside of a trash bag putting her in it. Then ended up coming off the bag in the trunk.
There is a body farm in Florida
Article from 2007
There are only two body farms in the country, the more famous one run by the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, which over the years has held a morbid grip on pop culture.
Its most fascinating details inspired crime novelist Patricia Cornwell's "The Body Farm" in 1994. More recently, the television series "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" and "The Dead Zone" co- opted deliciously grim scenarios from the farm. The second body farm is at Western Carolina University.
Now, in the Lee County (Fla.) Medical Examiner's Office, Walsh- Haney talks breathlessly about converting four or five acres of pasture in Port Charlotte into the third U.S. body farm.
"In Florida, with everything being perfect -- the weather not being too hot, it's not too shady, there are just enough insects, it's not too rainy -- we can have a skeleton in one week," says Walsh-Haney, who consulted on a "CSI: Miami" episode last year.
"That kind of time frame makes it urgent that we study how the body decomposes. It would go a long way in our efforts to determine time of death."
In March, Walsh-Haney was among the first investigators to arrive at a wooded Fort Myers lot thick with leaves, branches and the bones of eight men.------------
Florida's proposed body farm would be attached to a $100 million, 3,000-acre Homeland Security training complex scheduled to break ground early next year. The facility, called The Grove and set up like a university campus, is designed to train military personnel and emergency responders. It would include gun ranges, tunnels, a lake and caves, says director Stephen Alexander.

Anatomy of death embodies life's work

Oakland Tribune, Sep 28, 2007 by Audra D.S. Burch, McCLATCHY NEWSPAPERS
Body of article states, "probably looking...". Probably is the key word here.

If it was certain, he would not have said "probably".


OMG, how do we expect The Anthony's to see this conclusion when we keep questioning it also.
So, the example I heard was that if you pull a piece of hair from someone living and it has skin on it and then you put it in a trunk it would decompose.
Yes it will decompose, however, it will not have the banding that only occurs after death on it. The banding is only on hair from a dead person.
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