Osco confirms caylee dna

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Re: accidental death:
probably won't say this right and maybe it has already been suggested , and it is purely speculation , of course........but "Zanny the Nanny" has stuck in my head and I keep thinking that THE "Zanny" might really be a "code name" for Xanax and possibly used to "babysit" wonder if anyone in the house (or a friend) had access to that med.??
and could the "flurry of phone calls" be related??? (call for help, no answers, not responding, panic, then self-preservation sets in....????)("you think I can cry every second like I want to? I have to (stay calm) to to talk to the detectives" , etc......)

Does that sound too off the wall??
maybe some of you who know more than I do could help me with that?
and if this is not a proper post I am happy to be corrected.......delete me quickly!!! and put me in my place!!!
have read so much here that I haven't taken time to find my way around as I should...probably should just move on over to the the "newbie club"....and stay there........:

we are all sort of in shock,but not surprised but will be
relieved when and if Casey tells where Caylee is.unless like she said she doesn't,She may have asked someone else to take Caylee someplace and not tell her so she would not know?
Who really knows?:confused:
Channel 9 Eyewitness News is also reporting that the body in Casey's car trunk was indeed Caylee
OMG, how do we expect The Anthony's to see this conclusion when we keep questioning it also.

I truly do not understand the rationale behind the continual denial of the death of this baby. Exactly who is surprised by this? Show of "hands"-

I get waiting for confirmation for some, and respect it, but I am flabbergasted at the 'blanket" need for dismissal of physical evidence by some. Not at anyone in particular, but :eek:
No other news site is reporting this, I think it is BS!

Wesh and Wftv both reported on 6pm broadcasts. Sgt John Allen was on camera:

For the first time on the record on Sunday, Orange County investigators acknowledged that recent FBI lab tests confirmed that Caylee Anthony's body was in her mother's trunk and that the child is dead.
"The information we've gotten back from the lab that she was in the trunk of that car and that she is dead is certainly something we take seriously," said Orange County Sheriff's Office Sgt. John Allen.
I look VERY MUCH forward to a perp walk involving Cindy, George and Lee.

Can't wait for the next interview with the BH, to hear his latest ramblings on how he is still trying to get casey out again.
I think it depends on when the body was moved, if it was. And how messy things were at that point. The hairs could have gotten stuck on the outside of a trash bag putting her in it. Then ended up coming off the bag in the trunk.

Or the hairs could have transferred to Casey's clothes if she carried Caylee & then fallen into the trunk when she returned to the car alone.
Re: accidental death:
probably won't say this right and maybe it has already been suggested , and it is purely speculation , of course........but "Zanny the Nanny" has stuck in my head and I keep thinking that THE "Zanny" might really be a "code name" for Xanax and possibly used to "babysit" wonder if anyone in the house (or a friend) had access to that med.??
and could the "flurry of phone calls" be related??? (call for help, no answers, not responding, panic, then self-preservation sets in....????)("you think I can cry every second like I want to? I have to (stay calm) to to talk to the detectives" , etc......)

Does that sound too off the wall??
maybe some of you who know more than I do could help me with that?
and if this is not a proper post I am happy to be corrected.......delete me quickly!!! and put me in my place!!!
have read so much here that I haven't taken time to find my way around as I should...probably should just move on over to the the "newbie club"....and stay there........:
Hi & welcome! :) That has been discussed quite a bit here as a possibility. I don't know though if anybody in the house had that med but it's possible Casey could've gotten it from somewhere and been using it to medicate Caylee while she went out and partied. Even if that was the cause of Caylee's death, it still wouldn't be an accident, imo, since she had no business giving Xanax to a 3 y/o ~ IF she did. MOO
I think everyone was holding onto that fine thin thread of the possibility she might be alive but this has confirmed our deepest fear. She is playing with the angels now and is with those who will give her the unconditional love she so willingly gave in her short life on this earth. May God have mercy on the souls who did this to her.
I truly do not understand the rationale behind the continual denial of the death of this baby. Exactly who is surprised by this? Show of "hands"-

I get waiting for confirmation for some, and respect it, but I am flabbergasted at the 'blanket" need for dismissal of physical evidence by some. Not at anyone in particular, but :eek:

let me be frank here- it's all a fricken game to them- they are not only trying to protect there daughter, they are trying to protect themselves- all of them just need to be fricken charged and taken to jail
I do too. I will wait until LE does a pc with FBI present. I would imagine someone from the FBI would speak to this if it were so. Now I am going to see if I can email the writer/s of the article.


http://www.wftv.com/news/17315205/detail.html WFTV reported it on August 27 and updated it on August 28, 2008:

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Orange County detectives were expected to meet with the State Attorney's office to discuss new evidence in the Caylee Anthony case. A source close to the investigation confirmed for Eyewitness News, that FBI test results show hair and a stain in the trunk of Casey Anthony's car belong to her daughter, 3-year-old Caylee Anthony. Eyewitness News was also told the evidence found proves that she is dead.
I will wait to see what other news organizations release before I give up hope completely. The wording of this statement seems to not "fully close" the final conclusion yet that they are confident to fully speak. IMHO it is another piece of the puzzle, but I'm not reading full conclusion and no other media are holding news conferences yet which I would expect.
Wouldn't this hair in the trunk indicate that the body was not securely inside something and the death could have happened away from the home where there would be things such as bags or something for enclosure?

Excellent point. IMOO
Or the hairs could have transferred to Casey's clothes if she carried Caylee & then fallen into the trunk when she returned to the car alone.
No matter how hairs from a deceased Caylee got into the trunk, along with the air test showing decomposition in the trunk, her body was in there ~ and ~ nobody saw Caylee after mid-June, while Casey was driving the car ~ so ~ who else but Casey would be responsible? At the very least she failed to report Caylee's death and unlawfully disposed of her body, imo. :behindbar
I think everyone was holding onto that fine thin thread of the possibility she might be alive but this has confirmed our deepest fear. She is playing with the angels now and is with those who will give her the unconditional love she so willingly gave in her short life on this earth. May God have mercy on the souls who did this to her.

Welcome, tb&b!
You've really expressed my feelings well. I have been positive Caylee was dead from the beginning, but now that it's confirmed . . .
Also, WFTV also reported today:
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Today Sgt. John Allen with the Orange County Sheriff’s Department confirmed what Channel 9 has been reporting since Wednesday. There was a dead body in the trunk of Casey Anthony’s car, and that body was Caylee.
I will wait to see what other news organizations release before I give up hope completely. The wording of this statement seems to not "fully close" the final conclusion yet that they are confident to fully speak. IMHO it is another piece of the puzzle, but I'm not reading full conclusion and no other media are holding news conferences yet which I would expect.

please remember that right now, all news stations and print media are focusing on the storm
I truly do not understand the rationale behind the continual denial of the death of this baby. Exactly who is surprised by this? Show of "hands"-

I get waiting for confirmation for some, and respect it, but I am flabbergasted at the 'blanket" need for dismissal of physical evidence by some. Not at anyone in particular, but :eek:

I'm with you on this. I mean with all due respect, some of us are starting to sound as bizarre as the Anthony's. I mean does anybody believe that Cindy the NURSE thinks that DNA test are hocus pocus.

I mean frankly I am tired of the whole circus. Casey killed her daughter. She probably will never admit it because I think that Casey thinks that if nobody saw her do it, they can't prove that she did.

And as far as the accident theory, please. That is the most least likely explanation for all this, because she would be grieving, and she would have told someone by now.

Oh, and Casey is not legally insane. Those people normally admit there crimes. Casey is sane enough to make this cover story and try to fabricate evidence to support her story. That is not legally insane.
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