P.I. "Cobra", feels confident there will be a break in case soon #2

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IMO atleast "Cobra" is doing something with this case, LE hasn't offered any new information lately. I think anything at this point to get HC back into the public eye. I can't really form an opinion about "Cobra" and the way he operates but if he finds anything, i mean even the slightest bit of evidence connecting someone to the disappearance of HC then i think his time here was well spent. again IMO
imo atleast "cobra" is doing something with this case, le hasn't offered any new information lately. I think anything at this point to get hc back into the public eye. I can't really form an opinion about "cobra" and the way he operates but if he finds anything, i mean even the slightest bit of evidence connecting someone to the disappearance of hc then i think his time here was well spent. Again imo

IMO atleast "Cobra" is doing something with this case, LE hasn't offered any new information lately. I think anything at this point to get HC back into the public eye. I can't really form an opinion about "Cobra" and the way he operates but if he finds anything, i mean even the slightest bit of evidence connecting someone to the disappearance of HC then i think his time here was well spent. again IMO

I understand and I agree with you. If LE is doing nothing, than anything that he is doing is at least doing something. I didn't begin to look critically at his statement until he mentioned the part about the public donations.

I am not accusing him of trying to con anyone, but we unfortunately live in a time when people have been known to try to take money from the public using the guise that they are helping to find missing children. If someone is asking for the public's donations I think that it is reasonable for the public to want to see that something is being done.

Stating that there is an undercover agent is in Putnam county to confirm he is still working the case even though he is not in Putnam county seems hinky to me because the statement itself compromises the ability for an undercover to actually remain undercover. :cow:
I wonder what he thinks of Gale St. John and crew down there nosing around.
Atleast it keeps Haleigh in the news!
I can't figure out why Cobra is constantly getting bashed when he is one of the only people who actually got some information from the locals and tried very hard to locate a missing little girl. Go figure? I don't think he portrayed himself as being a model citizen although Haliegh's entire family can't claim to be model citizens. At least he made an attempt to find Haleigh and to get to the truth in her disappearance. We have learned more about the events leading up to the night that Haleigh disappeared and I hope that information leads to the case being solved and Haleigh being found.

Just because he is telling us things does not mean that they are accurate or true. The same can be said for LE, however that is not at all unusual in cases such as these, BTK is the example that first comes to mind. Cobra concerns me because we do not know how this affects LE's ability to focus on what they are doing.

How much of what Cobra has said are we able to verify? If what he is saying cannot be verified how is it any different from people stating rumors as fact on this forum? He is a professional, being a professional implies that he has professional ethics. Art Harris comes to mind as someone who does not seem to understand that term either. Birds of a feather...

I'm sure that there are many, many cases like Haleigh's were private investigators are used and I don't see those PIs courting the media.

I just think that a responsible citizen would err on the side caution in a case like this and not do something that could potentially damage a case like this where success is so important.

(And I used to be supportive of Cobra, so it does make me sad to be writing this.)
I wonder what he thinks of Gale St. John and crew down there nosing around.
Atleast it keeps Haleigh in the news!

I had heard that she was going to see if she could help find Adji, I didn't know that she was going to Satsuma too.

I think that there is a difference between psychics going to help and Cobra. I don't think that psychics insert themselves into the investigation as an authority. In some ways I think that they are more helpful in that way. They present a different was of perceiving which I find to be very engaging and helpful if not in using the specific information they provide but in encouraging others to do the same.

They do get media attention, but I don't see them as having anything even remotely like the ego these bounty hunters show.
It takes a special type of personality to do what Cobra has been doing to find little Haleigh.
His high energy and determination to flip over every rock reminds me that actions speak louder than words.

How or why he got involved in this case is backseat now to the months, days and hours he has spent sweating through the endless ignorance surrounding the disappearance of this little girl.

The truth is, if he wasn't there flipping rocks and asking questions, no one would be actively searching for Haleigh.

This is a beautiful rural area. Spread out and sometimes isolated where most folk know of one another and I got the impression that they are leary of law enforcement and will not offer up information.
They still have to live there tomorrow.

Cobra has an engaging style and most people want to talk to him.
And I think that anyone who has spent time in his presence comes away with an understanding that his ONLY goal is to find Haleigh Cummings.

I have always said that any personality that can shine a light on the missing is a blessing.
When that same personality actually puts his boots on to search and put's himself in harm's way for the missing, I call that soul a treasure.

Right or wrong he is keeping precious little Haleigh's face in the news and for that I am hopeful she will be found and will not end up like the thousands of other missing cases in the cold case files.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words.

It takes a special type of personality to do what Cobra has been doing to find little Haleigh.
His high energy and determination to flip over every rock reminds me that actions speak louder than words.

How or why he got involved in this case is backseat now to the months, days and hours he has spent sweating through the endless ignorance surrounding the disappearance of this little girl.

The truth is, if he wasn't there flipping rocks and asking questions, no one would be actively searching for Haleigh.
This is a beautiful rural area. Spread out and sometimes isolated where most folk know of one another and I got the impression that they are leary of law enforcement and will not offer up information.
They still have to live there tomorrow.

Cobra has an engaging style and most people want to talk to him.
And I think that anyone who has spent time in his presence comes away with an understanding that his ONLY goal is to find Haleigh Cummings.

I have always said that any personality that can shine a light on the missing is a blessing.
When that same personality actually puts his boots on to search and put's himself in harm's way for the missing, I call that soul a treasure.

Right or wrong he is keeping precious little Haleigh's face in the news and for that I am hopeful she will be found and will not end up like the thousands of other missing cases in the cold case files.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words.


As for no one searching for Haleigh, please get your facts straight, there are plenty of locals searching....I am not a local and I have been searching with locals. Just because we do not make our searches a MEDIA event...... there are quiet ACTIVE searches for HALEIGH.
As for no one searching for Haleigh, please get your facts straight, there are plenty of locals searching....I am not a local and I have been searching with locals. Just because we do not make our searches a MEDIA event...... there are quiet ACTIVE searches for HALEIGH.

Hi Chesterp!

It's been a long time since we searched together for little Caylee.
God Bless You for searching for little Haleigh.

My support for ANYONE who actively searches for a missing person is meant with an open heart.

Whether we like it or not, media events as you call it are a necessary part of reminding people of that one missing piece of the puzzle they might have. The media generates tips. Without useful tips the cases go cold.

Stay safe and I'll keep you and yours in my prayers for finding precious little Haleigh.

Hi Chesterp!

It's been a long time since we searched together for little Caylee.
God Bless You for searching for little Haleigh.

My support for ANYONE who actively searches for a missing person is meant with an open heart.

Whether we like it or not, media events as you call it are a necessary part of reminding people of that one missing piece of the puzzle they might have. The media generates tips. Without useful tips the cases go cold.

Stay safe and I'll keep you and yours in my prayers for finding precious little Haleigh.


I have no problem with the MEDIA and tips.... but those of us who do search choose to keep under the radar.... we have been able to sneak into places...such as DS property without notice....and other places of RSO. Many of us will continue to search until she is found... we do not pay attention to all the rumors....we are only concerned with finding HALEIGH.

As for us searching for Caylee.... please let us all pray that we will never need to come together and search for another helpless innocent little child.
As for us searching for Caylee.... please let us all pray that we will never need to come together and search for another helpless innocent little child.

God speed in finding little Haleigh.
I know you must be in awe, as I am, of the beautiful countryside there in the Satsuma area.
It is hard for me to believe that so much darkness exists in such a beautiful place but drug use is all over and unfortunately the children suffer.

No word yet about anyone finding Chad Reynolds, the RSO missing a week before Haleigh.

And I agree with you about the focus should stay on finding Haleigh.

I think everyone looking for her feels the same way. The media tends to twist and turn information for their own benefit. But the media is a necessary evil to generate tips.
Cobra is a good example. People who have never talked to him have made their minds up that he's a bad guy.
I can't find fault with anyone who looks for a missing child.

I see, so plugging Nay Nay for information may or may not bring forth information.
Good luck Cobra, you're dealing with some real winners!
I suppose everyone can believe what they want but to me Cobra is full of hot air and is in this for one thing and sadly its not for the right reason and thats finding Haleigh. Its sad how some cases become a circus. I just want Haleigh to come home safe and sound:(
He won't be around down there, long, by the sound of things... he is having funding issues:


I just don't know what to make of him, anymore. He points to giving up millions to search for Haleigh, that he is losing everything. He seems sincere in the video... but I think he needs to realize that if he is truly searching for Haleigh, that he is not helping her by letting his own life fall apart. Mind you, I am not saying that he needs to put himself first... no, not at all... simply put: working under that kind of stress can't be good for him or the case.
Can anyone confirm Cobra's where abouts today?
Does anyone know for sure if Cobra reads and posts here at WS?
Sorry OT
Can anyone help me out with this question?
Is it normal here at WS to have so many individuals with inside information to come here and share personal opinions and generate reasonable doubt within an investigation? Don't get me wrong I welcome all opinions, but, feel an agenda being directed from some and it is not to find Haleigh but focuse on the abuse aligations and pending custody battle.
~~SNIP~~... we do not pay attention to all the rumors....we are only concerned with finding HALEIGH.

Thank you, thank you! It raised my spirits to hear you say this. All the negative rumors are very depressing and distracting and will likely backfire on somebody. It's great to hear that searchers are staying focused.
Sorry OT
Can anyone help me out with this question?
Is it normal here at WS to have so many individuals with inside information to come here and share personal opinions and generate reasonable doubt within an investigation? Don't get me wrong I welcome all opinions, but, feel an agenda being directed from some and it is not to find Haleigh but focuse on the abuse aligations and pending custody battle.

I am happy when individuals come with ANY information. I have been checking these threads for weeks and there is not a whole lot of new info. No disrespect intended but you said so many individuals? Where is this info? Do you mean on the rumor thread? Most of the talking goes on down there because it is all just rumor and speculation. I would be happy to find out ANYTHING happening in Haleigh's case....but I trust very little of what I read unless it is from a honest and reputable source. I would say check the daily update threads but at the rate this is going maybe we should just shoot for a monthly update thread. Again no disrespect intended.:)
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