P.I. "Cobra", feels confident there will be a break in case soon #2

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Since we're dealing in metaphors here..."as long as the ends justify the means" and "no good deed goes unpunished"
According to AH who was with Cobra that day and was witness to the whole thing, Cobra was under the impression he had a green light to go arrest DS, LE were also present and thought Cobra had permission to arrest DS. You can read about the details of this day at Art Harris.com

ANyway, Cobra is now out on bond and will continue on the case.
According to AH who was with Cobra that day and was witness to the whole thing, Cobra was under the impression he had a green light to go arrest DS, LE were also present and thought Cobra had permission to arrest DS. You can read about the details of this day at Art Harris.com

ANyway, Cobra is now out on bond and will continue on the case.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse. He should have made sure he was on the right side of the law before he acted so foolishly. He deserves everything he gets for pulling such a stunt.

AH being there doesn't mean a darn thing to me because he is, IMO, not credible as a blogger/reporter or whatever he calls himself. Why read it when I don't trust who is writing it and the reasons behind it? He is a mouthpiece for KP and he used to be on Cobra's list of fans...but I guess that has changed recently from what I understand.
Yeah well, that was nice...now tell us who in this world will care enough about finding Haleigh, actually help find Haleigh now?
Very sad situation. Maybe Cobra shouldn't have done what he done, but this DS guy was a child molester, not an upstanding citizen of the community. Seems to me like Putnam County wants this to go away for some reason.
Law Enforcement cares enough to find Haleigh. They are working diligently on bringing her home. They do not need Cobra. They have their own set of investigators and officers to do the job. The interference from Cobra and KP have already been a hindrance, imo. They should both go home and take care of their own families...again, MY OPINION. The only thing I could imagine PCSO wants would be for them to go away and stop causing such situations to arise. PCSO isn't afraid of anything coming from Cobra and KP's so-called investigations.

DS may not be a stand up kinda guy, but he still has rights under the law.
Cobra interview on getting arrested: Cobra admits a 3rd of the way in that the people with the bond on Snodgrass told him that he (Cobra) couldn't just put him (snodgrass) back in jail. Cobra admits that he was told that what he was doing (just wanting to talk to Snodgrass) was a civil matter, by more than one person, from LE to the bonding people. So, in other words, Cobra is up crap-creek without a paddle...

The language on the recording gets pretty saucy... you may want to clean your ears out with soap, afterwards.

This man, Cobra, is out there risking his personal safety and everything else to find this little girl. It seems to me that there may be a small circle of people that don't really want her found.

I can't wait for the truth of this whole thing to come out. Haleigh deserves better. This makes me sick.
Concerning Cobra's arrest: that isn't about not wanting Haleigh found... it's about the judiciary system holding someone responsible for stepping over the boundaries of the law. By his own admission and before he went to Snodgrass' house, Cobra already knew that he couldn't arrest Snodgrass... the bond company told him he couldn't, and LE said that they had nothing on Snodgrass and that his (Cobra) dealings was a civil issue. Cobra admits this in that interview.

This is Cobra's mess coming back to bite him... not a group of people trying to stop people from finding Haleigh. Yes, Cobra has gotten out there, but what has he brought to the table that LE had not already taken care of? From the sound of things, he has not helped in furthering the case to find Haleigh, and in turn he has turned a lot of people against him that welcomed him with open arms at the onset of him entering into the picture. Something is up with Cobra... and I don't mean in a "he is a great guy getting railroaded" way.

Something that I don't get, at all: if he was so bothered by Crystal's supposed drug use, then it shouldn't have taken him getting busted for him to spill that information, he should have long stood up and said something. His accusations only coming out after he gets in trouble: look suspect... like he is just using it to divert attention away from his mess. As well, it is sickening that he would try to go on friendly terms with a man charged with being a sexual predator... he thought when he left Snodgrass that they were on friendly terms, with Cobra saying he would help him in the future if he needed anything: OMG!!!!! Who in their right mind dares to even offer up an ounce of any kind of niceties to a sexual predator? While Cobra had no right imprisoning the creep, he is off his rocker to try to be on friendly terms with the man. (It's in the interview, if you are pondering what I am talking about)
ALL I HAVE TO SAY ABOUT THIS IS AT LEAST COBRA IS TRYING TO FIND HALIEGH. He is not letting them run him off like they have everybody else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah well, that was nice...now tell us who in this world will care enough about finding Haleigh, actually help find Haleigh now?
Very sad situation. Maybe Cobra shouldn't have done what he done, but this DS guy was a child molester, not an upstanding citizen of the community. Seems to me like Putnam County wants this to go away for some reason.

I agree with you. Two wrongs don't make a right. I also feel that the big break may or may not of happen and we just don't know all the details. As one writer said yesterday. Do Not Mistake Silence For Inaction, this case has a wealth of information if you go mining. Unfortunately the mine shaft is protected by a mine field.
Regardless of what any of us may think or feel "Cobra" is up against town full of criminals, liar's and deceit. The worst part is that this is the town that Haleigh comes from and she is still out there somewhere, in God only knows what condition. Haleigh is still missing and he stuck his neck out going after anyone and everyone to try and get some answers from people who are afraid to talk to LE and I am sure that is not an easy task. He put his life in danger by doing so. I now learn that "Cobra," no longer works with Crystal, and Kim P. In the search for Haleigh. What I don't understand is what ever happen to "no stone unturned"? What ever happen to lets find Haleigh regardless? It is a lot easier for people to sit back and blog about cases and make judgment about all the players than it is to risk their life and career to help find a missing child. Not to offend anyone, this is JMO. I feel anyone willing to help locate the child should be thanked, not shunned. I agree Cobra is a bit ex-centric in his ways, but the fact that he has been out there doing what he felt, was helping locate this child and Art Harris ( Emmy winning journalist) reporting and appearances on JVM, TJ Hart News Director for The Sky 97.3 News Talk Radio have kept Haleigh's name out there in the media.

"Snip" By Kristin Chambers
Published: Saturday, May 23, 2009

Crystal , and a Kim P had hired Staubs to conduct a private investigation for missing Haleigh Cummings. Staubs no longer works with them.

I listened to his interview and nothing shocked me about what he said. I do believe 99% of what he said. I was never a supporter of him being on scene, but now, he is shaking up so much in the community. I was disgusted with him bailing out all the drug users, and now to hear that he associates with KNOWN SO's prior to this case. I agree totally with his thoughts on CS since everytime I have seen her she was spaced out.... I thought is was just something to calm her nerves.... KP, I agree whole-heartedly with what he said about her... she is in it for the notoriety from DAY ONE...being a custody case while all efforts should be on FINDING HALEIGH. I have met her and searched with her and she appeared to be sincere...but I do believe everything Cobra said about her. I would not trust her as far as I could throw her. About his comments on Det. Peggy Cone, I take that with a grain of salt, she is committed to solving this case. It does make it harder with all these OUTSIDERS swarming down on the community interferring with the investigation. And the comment about him planting evidence with a bloody cloth and not reporting it...that whole event is full of BS.... and I have posted my comments on that, which I will not do again, since most things about this case is reported as rumors and embellishments.

If this is costing him so much money, since he has 5 households to support, he should go back to So. Florida and tend to his own business, or stop making his supporter feel sorry for him that it is costing him to lose so much income. He is not forced to stay on this case if it is causing him financial ruin. I do feel he is very sincere and his heart is in the right place. I had hoped from day one his comments about finding her ASAP were true, but it has not happened, and the PERP or PERP's are still out there and this precious little girl is still missing.
I listened to his interview and nothing shocked me about what he said. I do believe 99% of what he said. I was never a supporter of him being on scene, but now, he is shaking up so much in the community. I was disgusted with him bailing out all the drug users, and now to hear that he associates with KNOWN SO's prior to this case. I agree totally with his thoughts on CS since everytime I have seen her she was spaced out.... I thought is was just something to calm her nerves.... KP, I agree whole-heartedly with what he said about her... she is in it for the notoriety from DAY ONE...being a custody case while all efforts should be on FINDING HALEIGH. I have met her and searched with her and she appeared to be sincere...but I do believe everything Cobra said about her. I would not trust her as far as I could throw her. About his comments on Det. Peggy Cone, I take that with a grain of salt, she is committed to solving this case. It does make it harder with all these OUTSIDERS swarming down on the community interferring with the investigation. And the comment about him planting evidence with a bloody cloth and not reporting it...that whole event is full of BS.... and I have posted my comments on that, which I will not do again, since most things about this case is reported as rumors and embellishments.

If this is costing him so much money, since he has 5 households to support, he should go back to So. Florida and tend to his own business, or stop making his supporter feel sorry for him that it is costing him to lose so much income. He is not forced to stay on this case if it is causing him financial ruin. I do feel he is very sincere and his heart is in the right place. I had hoped from day one his comments about finding her ASAP were true, but it has not happened, and the PERP or PERP's are still out there and this precious little girl is still missing.

I USED to support Cobra until his latest recorded diatribe. He trashed everyone, himself included as far as I'm concerned. I believe one needs to ask themselves why he has 5 households to support. Yeah, he explained how helpful he was to his 2 grown kids, that leaves 3 others to explain. Does this guy lead a stable life? One could suppose not from some of the things he says, not to mention his girl friend's perils that he had to take care of.

I think he stirs things up but not in a productive way. I don't see ONE bit of good he's done, but all of this is just my own opinion.
Australians have a word they use to describe someone like "Cobra". He would be called a "Stirer". He came into this situation, stirred up the dust (people) and it appears he's still waiting to where the dirt will rest. The question is, " did all this garbage surrounding the disappearance of Halleigh need to be brought to light in order to become one step closer to finding her? However one answers this question may mean the difference in finding out if all this stirring has totally taken the focus off Halleigh and that was the original intent. I only know what W/S members have described about cobra but if I were their in satsuma I would be very leary of a man like this who trys to be the Great white hope there. Lots of wives, kids, allegdley helping in Satsuma, and if I'm correct is now helping the Grunds in Orlando. I'd say Cobra is putting to much on his plate and keeping his ego sustained seems all important. When something or someone seems to good to be true it usually is. I don't post here due to the lack of sluething without emotion to get to the bottom of Halleighs disapperance. I always feel when lurking you can't see the light because of the forrest of emotions you must tredge through to get facts. So sad on this memorial day Integrity may have left the town of Satsuma. Pray it may return someday. <3
In regards to "Cobra", All I have seen is a lot of talk with no results. It is my opinion that he is more about himself than finding Haleigh. All of the talk in the world will not bring this little girl home. If L.E. does not want him there, he should not be there.

It has not helped my opinion for him to be soliciting donations. To get my money, it will take results. I am not aware of any results produced through his self serving trash talk.

To "Cobra" I would say, "Don't sing it, bring it". Either produce tangible results or leave Satsuma.

With all of my heart, I would love for "Cobra" to prove me wrong and bring this little girl home. He would have not only mine, but the gratitude of all people who are concerned about Haleigh. I have seen nothing of him so far to make me believe this is likely.
I am certainly glad I did not contribute to the Cobra fund. For him to be there taking money that should be going to PCSO to lighten their burden after months on this case is wrong, imo. With the extra manhours and the searches which have drained their resources trying to find Haleigh, they need the support. At least giving to PCSO, the money is going to the right place and for the right reasons. They have no hidden agenda. They only want to find Haleigh and bring justice to her. If people are in a giving mood...I recommend adding to LE's pocket instead of supporting those who are not of any help in the effort.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse. He should have made sure he was on the right side of the law before he acted so foolishly. He deserves everything he gets for pulling such a stunt.

AH being there doesn't mean a darn thing to me because he is, IMO, not credible as a blogger/reporter or whatever he calls himself. Why read it when I don't trust who is writing it and the reasons behind it? He is a mouthpiece for KP and he used to be on Cobra's list of fans...but I guess that has changed recently from what I understand.

ITA. As for AH well I dont put much stock into anything the man says. People wonder why NG isnt touching this story anymore well my guess is she knows not to touch it with a ten foot pole. When all is said and done AH rep isnt gonna be any better then before. The sad thing is he didnt seem to learn from the last time ANS case. Oh well some never learn I guess. My big thing is nothing Cobra has done has brung anyone closer to finding Haleigh. I just want to find Haleigh:(
On Art's site and entry about Cobra being arrested and bonded out: reply #164 points to Cobra AND Art possibly being sued by Snodgrass. How true it is, is up in the air...
April 29, 2009


Yesterday Cobra pulled another fast one. After improperly bonding witnesses last week, Cobra did a bond surrender on one of the witnesses, and he and T.J. Hart, a radio personality from Ocala, announced to the Palatka community that Cobra was bringing into the county jail a "person of interest" in the Haleigh Cummings case! This caused a furor over nothing.

What will you do for an encore Cobra?

Greg Kimball, T. Jerry Snider

http://www.findhaleighnow.com/press2.htm#May262009 (Bolded by me)

I suppose we know now what he does for encores...he gets arrested and sued. LOL
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