P.I. "Cobra" searches for Haleigh, feels confident there will be a break in case soon

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Does anyone have a clue why all of my posts have been removed? I only joined this site last night. Not only have mine been removed, but those who replied to me were removed also, all except ONE, because it looks likes whoever did the removing missed ONE that had mention of me. Could the moderator please explain this to me? MADJGNLAW had one very excellent posting with all of alledged White Boy Greg's list of arrests. If there is anyone who could comment on this, please let me know. Does this happen often? Did I overstep some boundaries here that I apparently know nothing about? All I did was post a photo of "White Boy Greg" - Gregory P. L., and apparently someone didn't like it. Did I do something wrong? Please advise.
Haven't heard anything about this great bounty hunter for awhile. Has anyone heard anything? Is he still around? Is he looking for Haleigh?

I was reading on another forum last night and read that Cobra was supposed to have talked to Ron and that Ron married Misty to keep her close to him so he can learn the truth about what happened to Haleigh. Cobra said that he told Ron that Misty had been having an affair with a black guy named Greg and Ron said he knew about it. Cobra tried to get Misty to reinact that night and she was going to then changed her mind and walked out of the room. It is probably just a bunch of rumors but this is what is going around. It doesn't sound like Cobra is going to solve this mystery or that he is even doing anything to try. That is what I'm getting anyway. Don't know if he is even still around or not now.

Maybe he just blew in like a big wind and whipped right through town and out again.
Yes, it sounds like him. I saw an interview with him on the news. I think he's real and Ron is on board with him releasing this. Misty is the key.

I would like to hear this from Ron instead of just from this Cobra. Why does this guy call Greg "the white boy" when earlier he said he was black? That is what I read on a different forum.

Personally, I can't imagine Ron believing that Misty had something to do with Haleigh's abduction or that she knows something and him not choking the truth out of her long ago. It is said that he has such a bad temper...if so...would this make any sense? I can't see him marrying her if he had even a clue that she knew things but wasn't telling. It just doesn't fit for me. He wants to find his daughter...NOW and I can't see any parent having the patience to wait until his wife breaks or decides to tell the truth. I don't see Ron with that much patience or anyone else for that matter. I think if Misty was lying LE would have broken her by now.
nope, he was there yesterday and today

What is Cobra doing to find Haleigh? He seemed to believe that he could come in and solve this case pretty fast but so far nothing is happening that I'm aware of. Is he looking for her or just talking to people?
I just saw the thread a minute ago. I swear it wasn't there before...LOL. I read the list twice. I'm going blind..that is all there is to it. I hope this can be removed cause we don't need two.
Does anyone have a clue why all of my posts have been removed? I only joined this site last night. Not only have mine been removed, but those who replied to me were removed also, all except ONE, because it looks likes whoever did the removing missed ONE that had mention of me. Could the moderator please explain this to me? MADJGNLAW had one very excellent posting with all of alledged White Boy Greg's list of arrests. If there is anyone who could comment on this, please let me know. Does this happen often? Did I overstep some boundaries here that I apparently know nothing about? All I did was post a photo of "White Boy Greg" - and apparently someone didn't like it. Did I do something wrong? Please advise.
I removed the information you posted, PLUS the photo as this person is not part of the investigation at this time.

We don't post 'Random' people's information in here based on 'Rumor' and "Hearsay'.

Thank you !
OK, I like so totally missed the story of the bouncing couch. :confused:

We all missed the story of the bouncing couch...it must have come in later.

We also missed the black man at first...it came in later.

We only heard..."a man in black with squeaky shoes took sissy."

I would discount "a black man and the bouncing couch" as they were added as the story went along.
We all missed the story of the bouncing couch...it must have come in later.

We also missed the black man at first...it came in later.

We only heard..."a man in black with squeaky shoes took sissy."

I would discount "a black man and the bouncing couch" as they were added as the story went along.

it might be possible that little JR is remembering in bits and pieces....
I removed the information you posted, PLUS the photo as this person is not part of the investigation at this time.

We don't post 'Random' people's information in here based on 'Rumor' and "Hearsay'.

Thank you !

Thank you for clearing that up for me. I can't quite understand why my first posting was deleted though. I only mentioned that I drove down to Satsuma and had lunch at MeMa's and that the employees there confirmed that RC and Cobra had indeed had a meeting in their restaurant. (I REALLY did drive down there yesterday. I am not making that up.) I wrote that because so many people in this forum were questioning whether that interview/meeting really even took place. Call it hearsay if you will, because I am not getting paid to post or drive down there to Satsuma to ask questions like that. I was only curious like everyone else. I think a lot of what is posted on here could be construed as "hearsay" or incomplete or speculative information, by nature of the forum, especially if most members/posters are not professional law enforcement assigned to the case. I don't think that any of us are. I thought this forum was to express our opinions and to perhaps figure out what "really happened." I do understand now that I should not have used a person's full name, and I apologize for that. I will definitely go back and read the terms of service!
In my opinion, this Cobra dude lacks integrity! Regardless who hired him, etc. the fact that he would induce RC's confidences and then publically air them is not right. Now that he has put out this "interview" Misty can say to RC - I told you so, he is out to get Jr taken and that's all!

This stupid interview has done more harm than good in my opinion and for such a crackshot PI to be so careless about his work is amazing.

This cast of characters is beginning to resemble those in the Anthony case and it is disgusting! Seriously - is every young girl that goes missing in Florida going to be 20-25 people's chance to become famous and on national TV? WTH????


I couldn't agree with you more. I was thinking the same thing. I don't know what the purpose of this interview was but I can only come to one conclusion...he is tooting his own horn. I think he is full of it and I would really like to hear it from Ron's own mouth if this is true or not. It's been all over the media and internet that Ron is supposed to have a terrible temper so it wouldn't be hard to make up some stuff that he was supposed to have said like "putting a gun in her mouth."

I don't think we will hear anything from Ron though. He is busy trying to find his daughter and he is listening to his attorneys about making any comments to the things that Crystal is saying about him and I think it will be the same way with this hotshot PI. Maybe that is the purpose of what Cobra is saying...to get a reaction from Ron.

LE doesn't seem to worried about RJ's safety. Maybe they believe that Crystal put those ideas in his head and that he really didn't see or hear anything at all. Makes me wonder because of the way she keeps adding to the story. Crystal isn't worried about RJ's safety or she never would have taken RJ on Geraldo so the whole nation could see his face. Ron is smart to just keep quiet and not give anyone anything to talk about from his side.
Thank you for clearing that up for me. I can't quite understand why my first posting was deleted though. I only mentioned that I drove down to Satsuma and had lunch at MeMa's and that the employees there confirmed that RC and Cobra had indeed had a meeting in their restaurant. (I REALLY did drive down there yesterday. I am not making that up.) I wrote that because so many people in this forum were questioning whether that interview/meeting really even took place. Call it hearsay if you will, because I am not getting paid to post or drive down there to Satsuma to ask questions like that. I was only curious like everyone else. I think a lot of what is posted on here could be construed as "hearsay" or incomplete or speculative information, by nature of the forum, especially if most members/posters are not professional law enforcement assigned to the case. I don't think that any of us are. I thought this forum was to express our opinions and to perhaps figure out what "really happened." I do understand now that I should not have used a person's full name, and I apologize for that. I will definitely go back and read the terms of service!
Expressing your opinons are fine, posting random parties information not mentioned in this case are not.

Perhaps you'd feel more comfortable posting in a Private here at WS
where your 'hearsay' won't be picked up as fact on someone's Google search.
This video makes quite an impact, with all the hugging and snuggling between Jr and both Chrystal and Ron. He sure didn't come across as an abused child, the way he was hanging onto Ron! More like he felt comfy and protected.
I also got the same impression from photos of Haleigh and her dad together. :) MOO
Don't give up on Cobra finding out what happened to her. It may appear he is gone long before he leaves. Unless the guilty confess, Cobra is the only hope I think we have of finding out what happened to her. I want answers and justice for her. I am very concerned about her little brother. It's too late for her. He needs protection.
Kim Pacazio was "Cobra's" lawyer in family court with his wife in 2006 according to Broward County records.It seems like the only thing he's done is made public what LE might have been keeping close to thier breast,since they had already questioned WBG.Besides that and a bad mouth,he's only dug up rumor.I don't see where he's helped the case,except give people more to look up and with all we have and no concrete info,might just be a distraction.But,I think his quick departure after the interview speaks alot.
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