P.I. Says He Videotaped Area Where Caylee Was Later Found #2

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I agree but then again we're looking at it in hindsight. The detectives had no idea what they were dealing with, a kidnapping, a murder, a missing child? Casey was tossing around lies so fast that their heads were spinning. If they'd had a second chance to question her I think things would have gone differently.

But the Detectives should have known what they were dealing with, or at least had an idea. They deal with liars all the time, and if they are in homicide, they should be able to get a feel for a witness and use different techniques to interrogate, depending on the results they are getting, and they weren't getting results and don't appear to have changed tactics.
At the beginning, many people believed it was most likely an accident....the idea of a young woman murdering her baby was too much for many.

But, I think when evidence of her behaviour after Caylee went missing came out, many people, including LE's opinions changed. Seeing her lack of grief, despondency etc, combined with the fact she was clearly having a really good time partying etc, convinced most of us that it was more sinister than an accident.

I don't know if you've ever lost a loved one before...but I've never known anyone to be able to go out clubbing within days of such a loss.

IMO, they should have charged her as soon as it became apparent she was lying...then she may have cracked, but too late now, she's got too many people giving her false hope re her prospects at trial.

I really think that LE was in shock. Her lies were so stupid. How could she not think she would be caught. I bet they have never seen anything like KC before and probably hope never to again. Any anger and disapproval about this whole case should be directed at KC. imo
I agree but then again we're looking at it in hindsight. The detectives had no idea what they were dealing with, a kidnapping, a murder, a missing child? Casey was tossing around lies so fast that their heads were spinning. If they'd had a second chance to question her I think things would have gone differently.

But the Detectives should have known what they were dealing with, or at least had an idea. They deal with liars all the time, and if they are in homicide, they should be able to get a feel for a witness and use different techniques to interrogate, depending on the results they are getting, and they weren't getting results and don't appear to have changed tactics.

BTW, saying things to her like "how do you think lying to us is going to help us?" was counter-productive...allowed her an opportunity to explain many of her lies. They acted like they were questioning a scared child, when in fact they were probably questioning a cold blooded child killer (big difference). I just think they should have been able to change interrogation tactics and tried other ways of interrogating her.
But the Detectives should have known what they were dealing with, or at least had an idea. They deal with liars all the time, and if they are in homicide, they should be able to get a feel for a witness and use different techniques to interrogate, depending on the results they are getting, and they weren't getting results and don't appear to have changed tactics.

They arrested her initially for lying to them and child endangerment. What more could they have done? That's what they had on her at that time.
The detectives interrogation was sorely lacking. Sorry. They talked too much and then didn't keep at KC to tell the truth. They told her she was lying. She even agreed she was lying. But they let her get away with it. They didn't keep at her for the truth. I think if they would have kept after her, asked her over and over why she was lying, she may have cracked. I think I could have got her to crack.
I agree but then again we're looking at it in hindsight. The detectives had no idea what they were dealing with, a kidnapping, a murder, a missing child? Casey was tossing around lies so fast that their heads were spinning. If they'd had a second chance to question her I think things would have gone differently.
Bless your heart for saying this. They could only go on what they knew at the time. To be able to "diagnose" this girl during a time when they so desperately wanted to find this "missing" child is probably asking a lot. Who knew?
Calmer minds need to prevail on the Defense as well, JB.

If this was an accident then KC has had many opportunities to fess up and seek a plea deal. Time is running out and the stakes are increasing exponentially.

As has been said many times, only KC can introduce the theory that this was an accident by volunteering the info and making a statement as such. If KC does so, then maybe, just maybe she will get a lighter sentence.

If not, if KC/JB allow this to go to trial then it is very hard for the Jury to believe that it was an accident in the absence of any other testimony, evidence, statement from KC.

All the Jury has are KC's lies, not just to LE but loads of lies to her friends and parents about where she was, what she was doing, where Caylee was and, her actions.

It doesn't look good when you read the lies KC told to her parents -- if she was scared and covering for an accident then -- how far is she going to let this go? She was facing DP!!!! I would NOT gamble this on a trial by Jury and attacking forensics given Caylee's remains are found and all of the evidence.

Clamer minds do need to prevail but it is not LE, who were willing to entertain that this was an accident and consider a plea deal BUT KC and JB -- JB is playing this for the glory of his moment at trial rather than doing the right thing for KC and pleading this out.

If KC is innocent of murder and this was an accident then plead it out -- don't go for broke!!!!!!

My thoughts exactly. It's a case where you can't win if you don't call your client to give explanations (re her lies and behaviour afterwards re fusion etc) and you can't call your client, cause she can't keep her stories straight and will likely spin some brand new ones in the witness box despite a lawyers' stern warnings not to (many liars can't help themselves).

I agree...if it was an accident, it should have been pleaded out ages ago. But, given her behaviour afterwards, I no longer entertain the possibility it was an accident. They should have grabbed a deal when the could.
New Update for thread today:
Major Caylee Anthony Clue Could Be On Mystery Videotape
Friday, January 2, 2009

Brand new evidence could potentially tie Casey Anthony to her daughter's body. A mystery videotape of the crime scene, shot by one of the Anthonys' private investigators weeks before Caylee was found, reportedly shows their other private investigator on the phone. But who is he talking to?

That mystery caller could be a big clue that connects Casey to the crime scene.

Eyewitness News has learned the Anthonys' two private investigators came to the discovery scene on November 15 and 16, a Saturday and Sunday, possibly because they didn't find Caylee's remains right away.

But the Detectives should have known what they were dealing with, or at least had an idea. They deal with liars all the time, and if they are in homicide, they should be able to get a feel for a witness and use different techniques to interrogate, depending on the results they are getting, and they weren't getting results and don't appear to have changed tactics.
IMO, Casey is much more than a liar. She would have changed her line of thinking/talking to change with them. Have you ever "called" a socipath on something? It's mind boggling trying to follow their thought processes. She would never have given up the information. She would have weaved a new tale. The detectives had to make a quick decision, no doubt. They knew that they had a "murderer" on their hands. They were right IMO.
I really think that LE was in shock. Her lies were so stupid. How could she not think she would be caught. I bet they have never seen anything like KC before and probably hope never to again. Any anger and disapproval about this whole case should be directed at KC. imo

I am sure they did the best they could...but I do think they may have done better if they had better training.

Re never seeing anything like Casey before, while they may not have met young mothers killing their kids before, if they have been police for any length of time, they have dealt with lots of liars like her. You'd be surprised how many criminals try to spin you really really bad lies thinking you will believe them....there are many just as stupid as Casey, sadly, but thankfully not all are murderers.
They arrested her initially for lying to them and child endangerment. What more could they have done? That's what they had on her at that time.

We seem to be at cross purposes...I'm discussing their interrogation tactics, not the charges they laid. They knew she was lying, and lying, and lying...yet they never changed tactics in an attempt to get her to try to tell the truth....just kept trying the same tactic over and over.
Both DC and LP said JH claims to have recorded over most of the tape he shot at the scene, but Eyewitness News has learned that JH is planning a news conference for Monday.

Monday will be interseting day I'll have to say....JB's motion.....Immunity deals & what is next????
My thoughts exactly. It's a case where you can't win if you don't call your client to give explanations (re her lies and behaviour afterwards re fusion etc) and you can't call your client, cause she can't keep her stories straight and will likely spin some brand new ones in the witness box despite a lawyers' stern warnings not to (many liars can't help themselves).

I agree...if it was an accident, it should have been pleaded out ages ago. But, given her behaviour afterwards, I no longer entertain the possibility it was an accident. They should have grabbed a deal when the could.
Absolutely! My mind for a long time could only reason that this person wouldn't have deliberately killed her own child. Now, after hearing what we've heard...as the jury will hear...I can't rationalize "accident" any longer. Even the attorneys/talking heads have said that the 31 days will be what jurors won't be able to understand. Add to that the forensics, and her "unwillingness" to talk to LE, her goose is cooked IMO.
We seem to be at cross purposes...I'm discussing their interrogation tactics, not the charges they laid. They knew she was lying, and lying, and lying...yet they never changed tactics in an attempt to get her to try to tell the truth....just kept trying the same tactic over and over.
How do you know what went on during the hours leading up to her being interviewed? As this thread is about the tape, perhaps a new thread could be started about all the mistakes made by LE.

I just want to address this part of your post.

Even if DC took pics of this area for Baez, as many seem to think, and it was part of some consipiracy to aid the defense, putting a master in the room during the questioning of DC wouldn't make a difference. JB couldn't stop LE from asking about the pics, what made him go out there, etc. From what I understand, JB wants to make sure DC doesn't release any privileged information he obtained when he was working for JB.

Oh yeah, and I don't think the PI who videotaped had worked for JB. The one who took pics worked for JB.

By the way, JB is saying DC didn't just quit, he was fired. Did we know that?

Why does Baez say he was fired? Doesn't seem the Anth's would want him working for them if it was for a legit reason.
Why does Baez say he was fired? Doesn't seem the Anth's would want him working for them if it was for a legit reason.
Maybe he came cheap?

I agree with you BTW.
Why don't you believe they believe the charges themselves? From the minute we all discovered Caylee had not been reported missing for a month and Casey was lying about the babysitter etc, I think most of us found it at least "believable". I'm not saying LE has handled it great...I'll wait til trial to make my mind up on that. But if that body was there when the MR called in August and/or they never properly searched that area, I would have to agree that LE was slack in that regard. I really felt they didn't search enough in the early stages and seemed to rely pretty much on TES.

I totally agree, Bunny. They were given nothing but lies to work with in the beginning and pretty much had to find their own way through the investigation.

Casey offered nothing other than bullcrap.

The rest of the Anthonys had no idea what was going on in the beginning.

I think LE did an outstanding job in spite of these challenges- much less the fact that the trail was a month old before they knew Caylee was missing.

And regarding their mishandling of the tips from MR in August- I can understand that they may not have been taken seriously. My short time here at Websleuths, I have become exasperated by some of the off the wall theories that have been thrown out there. Fortunately I am not obligated to read, respect, or research any of the craziness.

The membership here is a tiny fraction of the number of people who probably called in all kinds of tips and I'm sure LE did the best they could with what they had. It would have been wonderful if they found Caylee back then but I really do believe it was an honest, understandable mistake.

I thank God every day that Roy Kronk was persistent and found her.
Just wondering if Baez is sitting back say...OOPS! My Bad!!!

HHMMMM.....My point is that this is the only thing that has been thrown out there by the defense since the body has been found.

I think there is video. A WFTV photog is saying he saw a portion of it... and check out the latest article or two on WFTV's website.. LP is contradicting himself again.. saying he spoke to DC on November 15, when two days ago he made it clear on HLN that it was December 15 or 16!

AND.. he's talking about "the man in the distance" on the video (DC). A prior article about the video mentions NOTHING about a man in the video.
I agree that from what we have seen of the early interviews it really seems as if there might have been another interviewing approach that detectives might have pursued since they certainly were not getting anywhere. However, would any approach get through to a sociopath? Genuinely curious, and OT, I know--sorry.
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