P.I. Says He Videotaped Area Where Caylee Was Later Found

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I am just so disgusted at the thought that anyone (other than casey) knew where Caylee's body was and just allowed her to lay there in a garbage bag. This is beyond the pale. I am truly horrified.:eek:
I couldn't agree with you more!!!!!!!!
One fact is certain, someone told this person to go to THAT location and capture said video for SOME reason...I think this is why LE is interested to speak with said video taker to discover whom sent them there and for what reason and WHY are they just NOW coming out with this info and WHY is Jose all in a huff about it and trying to make sure no privilege is divulged? If this were in their FAVOR you would think he would be dancing a jig!

Just kidding. JB is concerned that either PI (Dominic or Hoover) might have or did hear something. As I recall, Dominic was a visitor more than once,

The period in which we are interested is a possible gap in employment. Or a reason the A's needed this guy aside from looking hill and dale, but not moving azzes, personal or public or media or virtual. Time between finding pix of ZFG for JB, halted, firm takes up work for A's and finds site. Geesh.

I know it is timelines, but check it someone.

Quite a day. bye
If he was working for George and/or Cindy and/or Lee Anthony, or anybody other than Jose Baez directly, when he did the video taping, then no, he is not covered by attorney/client privilege ...
I think the a/c privilege issue is a little more complex here. Probably, Jose Baez isn't arguing that the person taping was *generally* covered (at the time of the taping) by an a/c privilege pertaining to JB and Casey. Rather, it's the concern that the REASON the guy went out to tape that area was b/c (1) he obtained information about that location at a time when he WAS covered by a/c privilege as pertains JB and Casey; and (2) he got the information directly from JB or JB's client. The concern might be that the person taping, after breaking off the association with JB, went on to work with the Anthonys and TOLD THEM the information he learned (location of body), which information was allegedly privileged. Just guessing here.

..unless he was hired by an attorney for any of the Anthoneys. If he was working for an attorney, then he is under the attorney client relationship and we should not even know about it.
Seeing as the a/c privilege is owned by the client, if he was hired by George and Cindy (and/or their attorney) that doesn't mean he can't ever talk. We don't know what happened in the course of events. The Anthonys may have waived the privilege themselves by telling a third party who was not subject to the privilege, or they might have even given permission for the guy to disclose the taping. Maybe they think it's positive for Casey for media to report that no body was found a month ago in this area. They might think it's helpful information for Casey's defense. Ugh. So many privileges, so many attorneys, and so little information upon which to analyze it all. I'm just dying for more information. Aren't we all.
Ok so there is this video, MAYBE, that was taken by the PI that once worked for Baez and then for the Anthony family, PERHAPS, and LE has been unable to reach this person thus far, and Jose is FREAKING about LE speaking with this PI without HIM or someone present to represent the issues of privilege and filing motions with the court concerning it. Said video MAY have been taken of the location of the remains being found or it MAY have been a close location but not EXACTLY the right spot. The video ALLEGEDLY was taken almost a month before the remains were discovered, but was not divulged until almost 3 weeks after the finding of the remains. The area was flooded and was a known "dumping grounds" and was densely overgrown with bushes, trees, vines, weeds and undergrowth. It is possible that said video was in the correct location and MISSED the bag of remains because of the thick undergrowth of weeds, etc, or that the bag had been dragged there by an animal from a close location nearby in the month SINCE the filming. It is possible it was moved there by flooding (evidence the trail of bones over a one acre area= animals or flooding) and highly unlikely that some "individual" went there and scattered her all around in that manner. So in summary, we know absolutely nothing!
Evidence, behavior, lies, etc of Casey and family in one hand...one LE officer doing a scan of a swampy choked area in the other.

Guess which hand I am betting on? I didn't bet on the Detroit Lions all year either....:rolleyes:
Smart move...in both cases.
I agree, Chilly.
I will have to listen to Kronks calls again and someone correct me if I'm wrong,
but, did he not mention in his August calls he saw something white? I did not hear him say a black garbage bag.
I think he did see something but it wasn't the bag Caylee was found in, I think it was other garbage and stuff thrown into the swampy area.
pure speculation on my part but, what if the "bag" she was in was a pillow case that was white in August, but black from being outside in the elements in December? that also might explain duct tape around the top of the bag, because who does that? you can just tie it closed. It would also explain LE taking Caylee's bedding. I also saw a black garbage bag in the photos but as many have said it is a dumping ground. Perhaps that garbage bag wasn't the one? just speculating, so be easy on me...thanks
Oh what a tangled web we weave, .........................

... when first we practise to deceive!

This was one of my mom's favourite lines. I was so afraid to lie. (But, of course, that didnt' stop me when I got to be a teen.)
The prosecuters won't overlook it, and thats what counts...they are Caylee's advocates and surely have shown that during that meticulous search...

Speaking of Caylee Advocate's...I can't help but keep going back to the fact that this beautiful precious baby-girl hasn't even been laid to rest yet. It's really too bad that CPS hadn't submitted a request for a Guardian Ad-Litem for Caylee following their assessment of KC and in light of the situation. Had Caylee been recovered alive it certainly would have been needed and it certainly seems just as important now, regardless of the fact that she's deceased. Her "family", the people who claim to love her, are far too busy scheming, plotting, scrambling, diving, hiding, wheeling and dealing to even stop for one day, two at the most, and for once in their life's put this child first, give her the respect and the honor that she deserves and put her to rest! If there had been a gaurdian appointed at least they could have ensured that her remains weren't recovered ONLY to be forgotten and lost again....that is my humble opinion.
Nope. Not one of my children would ever do this. Neither of my daughter's have any children yet only my eldest son, but I will tell you this. He has suported his child from moment ONE and has a REAL job not a pretend one and HE buys his child everything she needs and they live in their own home. This is the same son that I almost lost to a serious addiction that NEARLY claimed his life almost five years ago, and I had a MOST heinous, painful and difficult journey through this, so I am no stranger to battles
I wonder if your son would have been such a great dad if he would
have had a child when he was addicted 5 years ago?
I doubt it!

And I would almost bet money that had he had a child when he had his
addiction you would not want him to take off with the child!

But guess what.... you wouldn't have been able to stop him!

I don't need you to talk to me about courage by doing the right thing!
Trust me!

My point is that there was not ONE thing the Anthony's could do to keep
Caylee safe!

Casey was her mother!
She had custody!
You can't MAKE adults do anything!
And there has not been ONE thing mentioned in this case that
proves abuse bad enough to have CPS take her away from Casey!

No matter how sad it is that Caylee had to be around
her mom's life style.....it's not against the law to be a bad mom!
And it takes ALOT for a parent to get custody taken away!

I didn't think my daughter would either!
But she changed when she became a drug addict!
Ok so there is this video, MAYBE, that was taken by the PI that once worked for Baez and then for the Anthony family, PERHAPS, and LE has been unable to reach this person thus far, and Jose is FREAKING about LE speaking with this PI without HIM or someone present to represent the issues of privilege and filing motions with the court concerning it. Said video MAY have been taken of the location of the remains being found or it MAY have been a close location but not EXACTLY the right spot. The video ALLEGEDLY was taken almost a month before the remains were discovered, but was not divulged until almost 3 weeks after the finding of the remains. The area was flooded and was a known "dumping grounds" and was densely overgrown with bushes, trees, vines, weeds and undergrowth. It is possible that said video was in the correct location and MISSED the bag of remains because of the thick undergrowth of weeds, etc, or that the bag had been dragged there by an animal from a close location nearby in the month SINCE the filming. It is possible it was moved there by flooding (evidence the trail of bones over a one acre area= animals or flooding) and highly unlikely that some "individual" went there and scattered her all around in that manner. So in summary, we kn
ow absolutely nothing!

Agreed. We know nothing. But, in LE angle, why..... : )
The defense's spokesman said they don't want their former private eye to divulge privileged conversations they might have had about where Caylee's remains might be.

Like NG would say " Wait a minute" Baez, why would you have discussed "where a body could be" when up until the day she was found , you were sure she was alive.
What dates were you discussing possible places a dead body could be when you have discredited LE for not looking for Caylee. Not following all the tips, wanting all the tips compiled which cost over $900 . Why Mr Baez have you hung your A$$ out on such a limb??
Speaking of Caylee Advocate's...I can't help but keep going back to the fact that this beautiful precious baby-girl hasn't even been laid to rest yet. It's really too bad that CPS hadn't submitted a request for a Guardian Ad-Litem for Caylee following their assessment of KC and in light of the situation. Had Caylee been recovered alive it certainly would have been needed and it certainly seems just as important now, regardless of the fact that she's deceased. Her "family", the people who claim to love her, are far too busy scheming, plotting, scrambling, diving, hiding, wheeling and dealing to even stop for one day, two at the most, and for once in their life's put this child first, give her the respect and the honor that she deserves and put her to rest! If there had been a gaurdian appointed at least they could have ensured that her remains weren't recovered ONLY to be forgotten and lost again....that is my humble opinion.

So heartbreaking...and IF they get their wish? Can you imagine? If it was my mother, I doubt she would want to live in the house, let alone be within 2 yards of the cold, calculating person that killed her granddaughter.

This is the part that I am totally lost in understanding...
Ok. 1. The EVIDENCE will show that she was there in November and even months before. I think this is an absolutely ridiculous claim to try and pull off. What about the medical examiner? What about the entomologists? What about how much decay had happened? The bones were spread all over the place! Come on. There is no way anyone can pull this and it be believable.

2. Why the heck was he filming there? Why is Baez worried about him divulging priveledged information about where the remains were? Obviously they knew.

3. News reports at one time did not want to comment on "what color" the bag was. IF it was a white bag - with a decomposing body in it, it would appear gray. The sheriff made a pretty big point of not wanting to disclose the color at one point. The bag that was in KC's car was white though. So maybe the bag she was in was white - is there a definative report on it?

Now I think they all knew and that's why these reports about LA possibly facing charges and CA & GA wanting immunity and now this video. They were building up to this.
I just don't see how it can go against the physical evidence that the body was indeed there.

My apologies to Mrs. Peel. No offense intended - and I was teasing TxRose, it was just a playful slap.

I think I "got it" a while ago (see quote above, bolded by me), just didn't want to spell it out - and I figured Mrs. Peel didn't either, but that one post did read a little like greek. :)

But the more I think and digest this and read. . . . I've wondered what Dr. G was going to say when she ended her statement with "they are not intact, as far as they are all disarticulated, they are completely skeletonized, there is some dispursion of the skeletal remains over an area. There's a clear. . . . and that's all I really want to say." There's a clear what? There's clearly something more that she didn't want to say. She also said that there was "no trauma to the bones prior to death". Realizing the whole water and animals thing. . . . but as thick as the plant growth was, how did bones get so far away. It wasn't like it was moving water. Just makes you wonder. I still think she was probably there all along but, there is so much that we don't know.
Our jaws have dropped to the floor and we've shaken our heads in disbelief as we've all watched (and re-watched) KC spew one lie after another, a ficticious job, nanny, co-worker's, etc... in her video-taped interviews with LE - information that could & would obviously be looked into further by LE and could easily be verified or disproven and exposed as the lies that they were. But what continues to blow my mind in this case is that there are so many other's involved on/for KC's behalf that do the very same thing! Do these people think so little of LE/Investigator's that they think they can simply make statements on the fly or provide a video as evidence without having to establish it's credibility? I can't wrap my mind around harming a child in the first place, when it comes to this case, the second thing that I can't wrap my mind around is this craziness.:crazy:

You've encapsulaed this mess very well NMS! ITA with your post.
By the time this saga is over George, Cindy & Lee will all be facing charges.

I've never seen such obvious "Guilt" in my life.

They knew all along that Caylee was dead & It wouldn't surprise me if they knew exactly where her body was.

Obstruction of justice charges are comming against all of them & I hope it's sonner than later

I am so hoping your'e right, Boston! They have obviously decided that they're above the law, and they need to be put in their collective places.
ok, what doesn't make any sense, is the fact he didn't LOOK IN THE BAG! i mean c'mon, any one of us would look if we thought it was suspicious! has he ever answered if he looked in the bag? DUH this would have been over in August had he looked and actually seen a body.

I tend to agree FB, but ... I would also be extremely hesitant to do so! If I thought there might be a body in a bag, I think I would wait as long as I needed to for LE to arrive and check it out for themselves.
The meter man saw the bag in August. He later met a detective at the scene yet the detective found nothing.

Months later, in the same spot, the meter man finds the body in a taped up plastic bag.


I believe that the meter man saw A bag in August but he didn't open it up and didn't know what was in it. Later a cop met him at the site and the cop told the meter man to stay back and he would go look. He ran into a snake and ran back to the road. He told the meter man that it was just garbage in the bag. When the meter man actually found the body of Caylee he went to where the bag was and he looked inside and the skull rolled out. He then called LE and they came and found the body. If the meter man had opened the bag the first time around he would have found Caylee inside.

Anyway the two or three time the meter man called no one actually opened up the bag to see what was inside. The last time he looked and found Caylee.
LE screwed up by not looking in the bag. Seems that whoever it was was to afraid of the snakes out there to go any further back into the woods. That's what I understand anyway.
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