P.I. Says He Videotaped Area Where Caylee Was Later Found

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I like it, DotsEyes!

I'm a Red Stick, LA. native, a recent TX transplant.

No Kidding!! I'm a Red Stick, LA native and Indiana transplant (10 yrs ago)!

Nice to meet some fellow Cajun sleuths. he he he
Just being the devil's advocate (cause I'm not sure he knew either) but if he did know, then he kept up the ongoing charade of carp that wasn't relevant just to further confuse LE, and the "quietly conducted search," well, it was really quiet, wasn't it?

Sort of quiet...but he wasn't hiding it. He clearly knew he was being recorded when he talked to Casey and that LE would know. But he didn't call press conferences about it no. But you are right...nobody knows what anyone knew and when at this point.

I was just thinking about what the PI might have heard when he was working for JB that would be considered privileged. JB is obviously concerned about it. I was wondering if perhaps Casey was playing the OJ game....the old "IF I did it...here is what might have happened to the body". Not admitting anything of course. Just "if it were me searching....I would look here".
The PI filmed the area after he quit working for the defense. He was working for the A's. However, it is thought that JB is upset because he was searching the area because of some knowledge he obtained while he was working for the defense. Which would be privileged I guess.

Hmmm....my question would be....

Wouldn't JB have to DISCLOSE what that priveleged information was to accuse the PI of disclosing it and have the tape thrown out or sealed? Hahah Could THAT open another can o' worms?
Blue is MINE and in the way of interpretation for those who did not understand...:)

They haz it, the pretty faces and hairdos and cameos!
The Anthony family SEEMINGLY has it all-pretty cars, pretty house, pretty daughter, doing the beauty parlor thing and making their television debut...BUT!

But not enough, in the bigger view of jeez, right vs. wrong.
In the midst of this they have completely lost sight of what is clearly right and what is clearly wrong.

I am still astonished, from what I infer, enough knowledge to lead their PI to a site.They apparently knew enough to lead this PI to GO to this site to film for SOME obscure reason unknown to any of US. I flail. Complete loss of words! Total FAIL. They have earned a complete FAILURE if this is in fact the case and they KNEW something and said NOTHING to LE but only to their own PI... At what that means in regard to A family. Defiance, as you said earlier in thread makes perfect sense: not one of the people who talked about the stages of greiving met with the criteria from what I could see (and you too, sorta but not, agreed). It is Defiance that marks this family: *advertiser censored**bombs. This family have never shown any signs of true giref. They have never begged and pleaded with the meany bad kidnappers to return their Caylee. They have stood in TOTAL and COMPLETE defiance of LE straight down the line in this from DAY 31. They have closely guarded their "status quo" and have bludgeoned anyone who tampered with THAT in any manner. TOTAL DEFIANCE of LAW and TRUTH and RIGHT and WRONG...only thinking of themselves...

Then, now, I reconsider involvment. About time....Major obstruction, no doubt, if photos are as said by PI for A's. Until now, I had not considered any substantial involvement on their part, but in light of THIS I am forced to relook and rethink potential involvement by one or more of them. They are GUILTY of MAJOR obstruction IF it is true that they sent their PI there because they KNEW something.

Major deal, book'em Danno.Lock em up officers if this is true and send them to jail with their daughter.

Sometimes I get tired of people blaming the A's for the murder in retrosopective fashion, but ick. Now with alleged evidence of complicity (as if we did not know--but stronger for LE) they tell us what they think love is. Although I have grown weary from the blaming of the Anthony family in light of this potentially and extrememly damning alleged evidence, we are somehow brought back around to how much they LOVED Caylee...

Anthony love is: ______________________.Fill in the blank with a word of YOUR choosing...

Looking for words and definitions here. Let's not get banned too close to New Years so we cannot well wish good people. Let's be civilized so as not to become banned from our lovely forum. : )

And there you have it folks, clear and simple...right?

I will say Anthony love is SELF-SERVING...
L L & S: Thanks for the warm welcome! I'm a total novice, but you guys are incredible. I have been addicted to the site ever since finding it a couple weeks ago.
Actually covered it earlier, or hoped to, #398 whatever, with a list that includes decison making.

Dots, I follow you, so to speak (dots.....) and have been trying to get this convo on track. Professorish me.

I am with you. Had to boldface, MC even went to color. We are nearly senseless with shock and hope (I assume) with the possibility of obvious obstruction.... vs mere words or laundry.

Umm, you were dang near yelling it, me thinks.
So far I have heard reference to "a grey bag ," "a black bag," and " a white bag." Very confusing...

Actually it was a round white THING but that is neither here nor there. What is the case in point is that Caylee Marie Anthony was discovered on December 11, 2008 on Suburban Drive in a wooded area very close to the Anthony family. Further, she was NOT intact and her bones were spread over a one acre area and the area had to be gridded and sifted to locate as many of her tiny bones as could be found. She was inside her mother's trunk for at least 2.6 days give or take and a hair from her tiny skull was discovered in said car that was pulled from the head of a CORPSE. Human decomp was in her mother's car as well, and every single detail of every single story that her mother told the police was all ONE HUGE LIE-a waste to talk with her, a TOTAL waste as far as useful info for finding Caylee. Oh and did I mention she waited 31 days to even inform one single soul on the planet that her daughter was DEAD/MISSING? Now there are hoards of lawyers and media and PI's and Child Finding agencies having become involved and the stories and theories have spun out of control. But one thing we DO know is where Caylee lay inside a garbage bag and where she was finally found by the meter man who persistently kept after it. The place was a "dump site" so of course every manner and color of garbage was there, but one thing that was there that was NOT garbage was dear sweet baby Caylee and nothing that anyone filmed, saw or said is going to change that one hoot.:mad:
Sort of quiet...but he wasn't hiding it. He clearly knew he was being recorded when he talked to Casey and that LE would know. But he didn't call press conferences about it no. But you are right...nobody knows what anyone knew and when at this point.

I was just thinking about what the PI might have heard when he was working for JB that would be considered privileged. JB is obviously concerned about it. I was wondering if perhaps Casey was playing the OJ game....the old "IF I did it...here is what might have happened to the body". Not admitting anything of course. Just "if it were me searching....I would look here".

As well JB should be concerned.
Some attorneys screw up by discussing things that should NOT be discussed in front of others.
Though there are some posters saying that comments made in front of or to this PI necessarily ARE privileged, it will depend upon whether or not FL has a statutorily based privilege that extends to commentary made in front of the PI.
I'm not going to bore you with what we do in Louisiana, cause it just isn't relevant, and I haven't seen a FL legal eagle crack open the FL code of evidence or the FL code of criminal procedure yet for this question. ;) But I'm still waiting... ;)

Do we have a FL attorney in the thread? We need advice on what FL's Code of Evidence says re: the attorney-client privilege / the work product privilege and whether or not either extend to a temporarily (e.g., not a permanent employee at Baez' law firm) hired PI who may or may not have generated all of the investigative materials that were generated.
TIA :blowkiss:
Blue is MINE and in the way of interpretation for those who did not understand...:)

And there you have it folks, clear and simple...right?

I will say Anthony love is SELF-SERVING...

LOL. Thank you! I was right, I understood about 20%, but agreed fully. Wow! Ya'll rock!!
But what bothers me is that if this were true, why did Lee continue to try and get info from Casey about people he should look at, passwords, phone numbers, etc? If he knew she was already dead, why was he wasting his time running down those leads? He could have just done nothing...like Cindy and George...but he quietly conducted his own search for facts that might support her story. I just don't think he would bother if he knew she was already dead and just need to move the body. That's what makes me believe he didn't know she was dead....at least not at that time.

Yup! I think LA was duped by KC at first, he totally bought into the LE framing KC and even partnered with LP and RD to investigate. KC, to me, even seemed to mock LA with silly details. Eventually LA had a realization.

As JG said, this was not the KC they once knew.
ITA, and it makes perfect sense to this Cat.

I have two siamese:

Mrrrow? MRRRO! mmmmmmrow, mRRRWOOOOO? rrrroww....jump!

Yes, the Anthonys defense team working at strategy.

Makes perfect sense, who would not take pictures of where the body wasn't before it was discovered there? Yikes.

I studied your words very carefully about the fifth vs. subpoena and habeas. I understand, pretty well (used to be a legal clerk before running wild as English major), but as you have seen--cite you all the time on this thread because you are clear....meow? uh oh!

And you happen to agree with me, hahahahahha, or vice versa, but with greater poise and gravitas.

The A's are just about to the arc of x to the point of no return.


PS Glad you are here.
She lived under THEIR roof and they DID have ALL authority to govern their own home and those abiding within it. If said parties were not agreeable to the terms of the living arrangement then said parties would certainly have been welcome to leave and find alternative living arrangements. George and Cindy SUPPORTED both Casey and Caylee FINANCIALLY so they DID have a say on what went on in their home. If Casey did not like their rules, then she would have then had every right to vacate and take her infant child with her. Nobody is saying they should have stopped her from taking her, or even that they COULD have. What everyone is saying is that they should have done something long ago, not the day that they were leaving. They SHOULD have put her right out in the street, child and bags in hand and THEN she MIGHT have appreciated what it was that they actually did do for her. Had they practiced a little tough love, she MIGHT have been someone different than the cold, calculated indifferent woman who murdered her child and went to Blockbuster with her boyfriend all in the same day. If they had held her ACCOUNTABLE ever even once for anything that SHOULD by all rights have been her responsibility we might not be here wondering about the PI with the video of where her remains were discovered. I think they did everything wrong with Casey straight down the line, and I think they did every single bit of it for THEMSELVES and not for anyone else, to KEEP APPEARANCES as they desired them to appear and not as the horrible and ugly reality that they were.:furious:

I think it's easy for people who have never had to deal with someone like
this to sit back and judge!
In fact I would almost bet all those who blame George and Cindy for not
doing anything sooner do not have grandchildren or a daughter like Casey!

Have you ever cried every waking second for over a week straight because
your daughter took your grand kids and you have NO clue where they are
and IF they are being taken care of?

I have! And it sucks!
I would much rather put up with a daughter who may take advantage of me
JUST to know that my grandchildren are taken care of!
Especially when the police sit in your house and tell you that you can do
NOTHING when they choose to leave at 1 am because they don't like your rules!
Walk a day in someone else's shoes and you just MAY understand WHY
George and Cindy did what they did!

I feel sorry for them... I imagine the what IF's kill them at night!

I think they did every bit of it for Caylee!
Thanks Mrs. Peel...my brain is feeling much better now! You are a sweetie for helping me out. I agree with everything you said. I did get the "Book 'em Danno" part...I am an old Hawaii Five-O fan myself! Thanks again.
They do here in Texas. ;) Esp. if it's a rattlesnake.

I hear ya.....I'd be shootin the dang thing if I had a gun on me. I'm not into killing creatures but if it comes down between me and them.....I'm gonna take my best shot.

It is a little worriesome that a snake ran the cop out of there originally.....considering the magnitude of this case.
Yup! I think LA was duped by KC at first, he totally bought into the LE framing KC and even partnered with LP and RD to investigate. KC, to me, even seemed to mock LA with silly details. Eventually LA had a realization.

As JG said, this was not the KC they once knew.

I think many people didn't rub away the veneer when dealing with Casey. John Wayne Gacy is a good example of an individual that most folks never saw through the facade.
I think it's easy for people who have never had to deal with someone like
this to sit back and judge!
In fact I would almost bet all those who blame George and Cindy for not
doing anything sooner do not have grandchildren or a daughter like Casey!

Have you ever cried every waking second for over a week straight because
your daughter took your grand kids and you have NO clue where they are
and IF they are being taken care of?

I have! And it sucks!
I would much rather put up with a daughter who may take advantage of me
JUST to know that my grandchildren are taken care of!
Especially when the police sit in your house and tell you that you can do
NOTHING when they choose to leave at 1 am because they don't like your rules!
Walk a day in someone else's shoes and you just MAY understand WHY
George and Cindy did what they did!

I feel sorry for them... I imagine the what IF's kill them at night!

I think they did every bit of it for Caylee!

{{HUG}} :blowkiss:
I have two siamese:

Mrrrow? MRRRO! mmmmmmrow, mRRRWOOOOO? rrrroww....jump!

KAT FU: ssssssssssssss your risk the wrath of hssssss rearing up with phds and lawyers w ha ha ha double that! ssssssss pow! pow! do not understand? pow? gotcha in the hiney.....fffffttt smack smak hiney bite! double that or what? I will steal your food. hsss smack.sssssss I will pretend bite your head off. I hate you so much. Later, xxxxooo. sss. zzzzzz. eat. purrs. sleep. repeat.

Ok now...the cat references I definitely get! :crazy: I have a ninja kitty sleeping on my feet right now. LOL
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