Recovered/Located PA - A.Y., 16, Allentown, 5 March 2018 *Arrest*

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She took her own passport, not her mom’s. Later on in the article you linked to, it says:

Yu's mother told police, according to the affidavit, that money, jewelry, and the teen's personal documents were taken from her residence without her permission.

Confusing to say the least.
Is $10,000 or $200? that same affidavit says $200.

The Banfield transcript says $10,000 in her mother's passport. If there was a transcription error, It could have read $10,000 and her mother's passport

But I concede that the passport issue is ambiguous at this time.
I just listen to the Ashley Banfield report 3/12/2018. A has her own passport.

Confusing to say the least.
Is $10,000 or $200? that same affidavit says $200.

The Banfield transcript says $10,000 in her mother's passport. If there was a transcription error, It could have read $10,000 and her mother's passport

But I concede that the passport issue is ambiguous at this time.

Honestly, I think they just got their info wrong with that piece that aired (the one the transcript is from). And yes, I think the “in” was intended to say “and.” I have about 9 years working with media relations (journalists and interviews from just the local town paper all the way up to prime time reporters from all the major cable news outlets) and I’ve noticed that, across the board, journalists and reporters make mistakes. Little spelling errors of names, main critical details, even just not appropriately vetting people’s statements. They all do. It’s a bit disconcerting actually, but that’s a whole other topic, lol. Anyway, I would just chalk the $10,000 claim up to a stupid error and stick with what all the other articles say. :)

Is there an alledged kidnapping here? The legal age of consent in PA is 16, but is there a loop hole about traveling across state lines?
Is there an alledged kidnapping here? The legal age of consent in PA is 16, but is there a loop hole about traveling across state lines?

No, there doesn't appear to be kidnapping. Taking across state lines becomes a federal crime if it is done for illegal purposes, and that may not apply either, at least not yet. A is legal age of consent in Pennsylvania, so all that has been charged so far I believe is the state charge of interfering with custody. But even that charge is a little weak if A says that she told him to take her.
No, there doesn't appear to be kidnapping. Taking across state lines becomes a federal crime if it is done for illegal purposes, and that may not apply either, at least not yet. A is legal age of consent in Pennsylvania, so all that has been charged so far I believe is the state charge of interfering with custody. But even that charge is a little weak if A says that she told him to take her.

I agree. Here in MI, a 16-year-old can walk right out of school, and no one can stop them.
Doesn't seem he had much financial resources to have cards, he was not in a great condition when he left. He had to take $4K from his wife's account, he had no job so likely nothing to draw on for a debit card. If he had a leftover credit card it is probably flagged and would give away their location immediately so doubt he would use it.
In the Frisina case, (soccer teen) LE reported Rodriguez used his father's credit card to pay for motel rooms along the getaway route (fraud I think) so if he has other credit cards (say her mom?) that hasn't been stated. Then the girl AY would have to pose as the mom to use it, still would be flagged.

Anybody can have a card these days. You don't even need credit or a bank account. You just walk into a store and buy a debit card off the rack. Having a bank card is nothing special anymore.

Bankruptcy doesn't prevent someone from having a credit card, or at least a debit card.
Yes, but it leaves a trail if LE, etc., were really looking closely at this case -- I'm sure it's not the only alert they have. He has cash, but car rentals do want a snapshot of your DL. So that would be a trail, but a bank card could be traced at the bank, etc., without having to contact each car rental company's home office records. With a bankcard, they would only have to deal with one car rental company. Plus the bank can put a flag on the card, so it would be traced and reported. I don't see him using anything but cash. JMO.
That's assuming he has some smarts, which so far, he hasn't shown any to me. :(

Tonight, we also have a desperate search for a missing 16-year-old girl believed to be with, are you ready? A 44-year-old friend of the family. Not sure how good of a friend, but that 44-year-old friend of the family is a daddy of his own with four kids.

Reports are these two were spotted on a flight from Philadelphia to Dallas. We`re going to talk with the man who said he saw them. Coming up, next.


[18:19:55] BANFIELD: Most people would say it`s acceptable to board a flight and ask other passengers to swap out seats so you can sit with your travel buddy. When you board your flight late, hurried with lots of baggage and you are a married father of four trying to cuddle with your teenage travel partner, that`s when some people might take notice.

And one passenger on a flight from Philly to Dallas definitely took notice. Frank Castrovinci spent under four hours eyeballing an unusual duo on this flight that he was on and it just might be the duo that authorities are desperate to track down. Sixteen-year-old AY and her friend`s 45-year-old married father of four, Kevin Esterly.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What do you mean she left?

Y: She just walked out she just went somewhere. My mom was upset and I was upset also. I felt mad.


Y: Because what her actions did and what her -- like what he did.


BANFIELD: Well, we don`t know everything he did or she did, but we do know some of what they allegedly did before they left town. Police say they texted each other like a boyfriend and girlfriend. And that Kevin posed as her step-daddy, signing her out of school not once or twice, but 10 different times.

And then last week the two reportedly took thousands of dollars, some valuables and jewelry, personal documents and a passport from their homes before both disappearing together. Remember that airline passenger, Frank Castrovinci? He was the first person who has reportedly seen them.


FRANK CASTROVINCI, WITNESS: I just started thinking I wonder if he adopted this young girl. But then I saw her leaning on him, which daughters do, but the way he was rubbing her leg, it just did not seem like a father-daughter situation.


BANFIELD: With me now is Jaccii Farris, reporter at CNN affiliate W -- WFMZ. Jaccii, this flight, any idea of the time frame in terms of the last time that A was seen, and Frank seen them on this airline flight. How much lead time was it?

JACCII FARRIS, REPORTER, CNN AFFILIATE WFMZ: Well, apparently, A got up early on March 5th, went to the bus stop with her brother. Her brother said she ran away from the bus stop and then we fast forward to about 3.30 is when the flight from Philadelphia to Dallas was scheduled to take off.

And as your viewers heard, you know, they came on the flight late. They were trying to switch seats and made their way to Dallas. But before they went, we were told by A`s mother that she took roughly $10,000 in her mother`s passport and then Esterly took roughly $4,000 from his estranged wife`s bank account before getting on that plane.

BANFIELD: Well, that`s never good. I`m sure she was livid and there are reports that she then made her way over to the Y household right away, I believe notifying A`s parents or at least her mom who called the police right away.

There is also this report of the car they were in. The 1999 red Honda Accord Tudor with the Pennsylvania plates. Is there now some report that that car is not going to be the best indication clearly of where they are going to be?

FARRIS: Well, Allentown police are saying they believe the car is in the Philadelphia area. Now whether it`s in the area surrounding the airport or if it`s in one of the airport parking lots, you can imagine Philadelphia International Airport is a very large airport with a lot of cars and perhaps police are saying, you know, at this point maybe the license plate scanners hadn`t picked it up, but they believe that the car was ditched in the Philadelphia area and that Esterly and Y went to the airport from wherever the car is at and got on that plane.

BANFIELD: OK. Jacccii, hold on for a minute, if you will. I want to bring in Frank Castrovinci. He believes he was on that flight from Philadelphia to Dallas with Kevin Esterly and AY. Frank, can you hear me OK?


BANFIELD: Can you describe for me a little bit about the moment you first sort of set eye upon this couple and then take me from there, walk me through what you saw and what their behavior was like.

CASTROVINCI: Sure. They boarded the plane late. I think you alluded to that earlier. I was sitting on my seat on the aisle. There were two vacant seats in my, one to middle seats, one behind the other and again they boarded late. He had a desire to sit next to her. So he was looking for volunteers to move so that he could sit by her during the trip.

So that caught my attention and he did finally get a couple of people to move. They sat together one row up and across the aisle from where I was sitting.

[18:25:08] BANFIELD: So then where they were -- sorry to interrupt, but I wanted to ask you, Frank, when they were seated, that`s a long flight. You had a fair amount of time to sort of observe the behavior of this couple. It`s weird to call them a couple, but what did you think when you saw them?

Did you think they were father and daughter, did you think they were lovers? And did that change throughout the course of the flight?

CASTROVINCI: yes, during the course of the flight, that changed. I mean, my initial thoughts were here was a guy that adopted a girl, you know, she looked obviously much younger. So, but I thought it was interesting that the mother wasn`t there. So, but, who knows? I mean, they were just traveling together. Maybe they were going to visit the mother. I didn`t know.

But during the trip, it seemed a little bit odd the way she was leaning up against him and how he was -- how he was rubbing her leg and it seemed like his hand was quivering a little bit. You know, so again, I just picked up on that and just I thought it seemed unusual. I wondered what was going on, but that`s as far as I thought about it.

BANFIELD: So then also they were the last ones to get on board the plane. I think we`ve all been there as we`ve watched people get on board in a hurried and rushed way especially with a lot of -- a lot of -- what did they seem like? Did they have heavy excessive carry on and were they -- did they look like they rushed to catch that plane?

CASTROVINCI: Well, I wouldn`t say it looked like they rushed. When they were boarding at least she was pretty quiet and calm during the process. He was, you know, kind of taking charge and trying to get them situated. They did have a couple of each had a carryon bag, you know, maybe a backpack or duffle bag kind of thing.

You know, they were struggling trying to shove it under the seats. The flight attendant had asked them a couple of times to get it under the seats. They were loaded up pretty good for a carry on, you know, on a full flight. So, again, there were little things like that that just drew my attention. Now there was always something happening. He wanted a blanket for her because she was cold. They didn`t have a blanket on the flight. So normally I wouldn`t even notice I couldn`t tell you who was sitting across the aisle from me, but there were just -- there was always something happening with them. Several times throughout the flight it drew my attention to them, which is why I was able to remember them.

BANFIELD: Doesn`t seem like they were trying to stay under the radar whoever they might be. And that bring me to my next question. You`ve now -- I mean, this was Monday. This was not in the news. You had no idea anybody was missing. You didn`t get home until Friday -- I think it was Thursday four days later.


CASTROVINCI: Thursday, right.

BANFIELD: And then this all pops up on the news and all these pictures start cycling across the screen. Are you, do you feel certain, Frank that you saw A and Kevin? Or are you sort of 90 percent? How much can you qualify how convinced you are that it was them?

CASTROVINCI: I`m as certain as I could be. I mean, I`d be shocked if it wasn`t them. I`m as close to 100 percent certain as it could be. You know, again, it was a young Asian girl with very long hair, straight hair. You know, middle, 40 something-year-old gentleman with a, you know, kind of greased hair combed to the side and glasses.

I came back Thursday, it would have been 10.30 at night roughly then I was looking at the local news. I don`t know when the photos hit, but when I saw them, I mean, it was immediate that I recognized them.

BANFIELD: Well, I`m sure that -- and you had spoken with the police about this. You called them and clearly --



BANFIELD: Yes. Because that`s the kind of thing that they`d be able to start tracking down video inside an airport, et cetera and try to make that confirmation.


BANFIELD: Frank, stand by, if you can, please.


BANFIELD: I want to bring in John Y. John Y is A`s brother. Fifteen years old. John, can you hear me OK?

Y: Yes.

BANFIELD: So John, thank you very much for joining us. I know you and your mom are just, you know, just very -- you know, devastated about the situation that you`re in right now. It`s been over a week and I know that you are doing everything you can with the police to find A and I`m sure your mom is beside herself about this.

Tell me a little bit about the moment that Kevin`s wife came over to your house and notified you and your mom that Kevin had disappeared. Tell me what happened that day and that moment.

Y: My mom dropped me and my sister to the bus stop at school. And then they left when my sister left, because I mean, I didn`t know where she was. I was regularly and then that was it.

[18:30:00] I don`t know where she went and when I got the call when I came back after school, they said that they went with Kevin and that was about it.

BANFIELD: So, was -- and Kevin`s wife, her name is Stacey.

Y (via telephone): Yes.

BANFIELD: About a week before this -- actually I think it was a month before this, Kevin and his wife, Stacey, came to your home and your mom --

Y (via telephone): Yes.

BANFIELD: -- had to call the police and the police came to your home and they gave a warning to Kevin and Stacey to stay away from your home. What happened that night or that afternoon or that day that Kevin came to your home with his wife? What kind of words were exchanged between those two --

Y (via telephone): There was a meeting that time. My neighbors were there, my friends were there, and my mom`s friend was there. And they were blasting, yelling about they think that A and Kevin actually are sleeping together and doing some stupid stuff and the neighbor got pissed off and called the cops.

BANFIELD: So this is -- this is Kevin`s wife.

Y (via telephone): Yes.

BANFIELD: I`m only assuming here that this is Kevin`s wife --

Y(via telephone): Yes, right.

BANFIELD: -- coming to your home, dragging her husband along. Did he seem to be accusing A of something or did she seem to be accusing A of something?

Y(via telephone): I think they know or they planned to do this. I think it was both of their ideas because A is not that stupid to learn this stuff. She obviously knows how to do it.

BANFIELD: Well, I`m still curious about the -- a month before they disappeared, you know, Kevin, this 44-year-old married father of four
children ages, as I understand it, 14, 10 or 11, five or six, and two years old. Four daughters.

He and his wife come to your house a month ago and there`s a lot of of yelling and accusations. The police are called. But what are they yelling about? What are Kevin and his wife yelling about and who was doing the yelling?

Y (via telephone): It was just -- the yelling was only Kevin and Stacey. They went to my house and the neighbor came to talk about it. It is about A. They think about the stuff that A and Kevin were wrong. That they were like sleeping together or having sex or something.

BANFIELD: Was Kevin denying it in this meeting? Was he angry about it?

Y (via telephone): Yes. He was denying and angry. That was the day after on February 9th when my mother got rid of Kevin from the school thing or guardian or contact or whatever.

BANFIELD: Yes, it looks like and I will just read this here. It looks as though on the 9th, Kevin is told by the school that he is not allowed to be on school grounds again.

Y(via telephone): He`s not allowed to set foot on school grounds.

BANFIELD: OK. And then the next day, the police are at his house and both his wife and he are actually given citations by the police for harassing one another. So there`s something going on between Kevin and his wife. They are very, very angry with each other on February 15th. And then --

Y (via telephone): Because I don`t know, but they said that they were arguing and yelling and Kevin got mad. It was on a Monday when he left. Not last Monday. It was when Kevin almost did something bad to Stacey and the older daughter saw it and called the police and the police didn`t do anything and Kevin left.

BANFIELD: So, yes, just so I can clear that timeline. February 10th, the police are at Kevin`s ouse and giving citations to his wife and him both for behavior towards each other.

Y(via telephone): Yes.

BANFIELD: Five days later, they are at your home and the police are called and Kevin and his wife are told to stay away. And one month later, Kevin is gone with AY
The only reason I would think he wouldn’t use his credit card (if he has one) is because it’s so easily trackable. With their flight out, yes, that too can be traced, but it takes much longer as LE 1) didn’t even know he intended to fly them out and 2) all of the flight manifests need to be searched.

Regarding using a debit card/pre-paid “credit card” (like a visa gift card or something), the car rental place always puts a pre-authorization on the card for any incidentals that may occur. The charge drops off after the car is returned with no problems, but the funds do need to be available when they swipe it. So, if he were using some sort of card not linked to any account, like a pre-paid card, he would have had to have purchased a card for a very large amount or deposited a substantial amount of money onto the card. (I really don’t know what amount the pre-auth hold on the card is for a rental car, but I will guess around $300+)
I think that law would only apply if she was under the legal age of consent from the state she came from, or being used for prostitution.

Gotcha. I thought I read that the federal age is 18, but I really have no clue. Lol!
"...she took roughly $10,000 in her mother`s passport"

I first took this to mean that the mother had $10K in cash folded in her passport, sort of as if it was hidden emergency money.
But the "in" may be a typo and should be "and".

If it's $10000 worth of jewelry, would it be stated as "jewelry" instead of the sum $10K ?

I dunno

$10,000 cash in a passport is not unusual. You can generally travel with up to $10,000 in cash, without declaring it to customs. So she probably had that money saved and ready for a future trip.
I think that law would only apply if she was under the legal age of consent from the state she came from, or being used for prostitution.

The federal charge is 18. No state exclusion.
$10,000 cash in a passport is not unusual. You can generally travel with up to $10,000 in cash, without declaring it to customs. So she probably had that money saved and ready for a future trip.

Having 10K in you house is unusual.
I'm not sure on the $10,000 either. I'm fairly certain that would not fit IN a passport. However I don't have a ton of experience with passports or thousand in cash.

I do wonder if it's a language difference or something because there are a few times when the brother doesn't completely make sense. So I guess we can assume they believe they have $14k worth of stuff and/or cash. .

$10,000 = 100 x $100 bills. It would fit in a passport. It would be about a half inch thick, but it would fit. I do agree that the brother's speaking is not completely coherent.
So many parallels!


TC was 50 or 51 at the time, KE is 45
MCET was 15 almost 15, AY is barely 16

Marital status/kids
Both TC and KE were married with children, all daughters - 2 for TC and 4 for KE. TC has grandchildren, too.

Both TC and KE went to church with their victims.

Both TC and KE were caught due to incidents that occurred at their victim's schools.

Great comparison Kapua! Saved me a lot of typing.
So I'll post a couple troubling differences.
1) MCET, and others (Frisina, Clay, etc) did nothing wrong - ie. criminal. In fact LE made sure to point out that MCET did nothing and she should run away while they were on the run, However, AY can at least be viewed as taking (theft?) between $200 (petty theft) to $10,000 (grand larceny). Plus jewelry. Maybe lying to investigators about the relationship before they ran. She is in a lot of hot water. And that is something that KE can use over her head not to run as she can be charged when caught He is making sure she is on the run too.
2) No car to id them. Their transportation is unknown, the Accord is back in Philly. All others had a vehicle that was eventually id'd to their location.
I'm confused about the $10,000. In a passport? It doesn't specifically say cash. She's a single mom, as I am. Idk what she does for a living, but $10,000 would be a lot for me to have hanging around.

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The only reason I would think he wouldn’t use his credit card (if he has one) is because it’s so easily trackable. With their flight out, yes, that too can be traced, but it takes much longer as LE 1) didn’t even know he intended to fly them out and 2) all of the flight manifests need to be searched.

Regarding using a debit card/pre-paid “credit card” (like a visa gift card or something), the car rental place always puts a pre-authorization on the card for any incidentals that may occur. The charge drops off after the car is returned with no problems, but the funds do need to be available when they swipe it. So, if he were using some sort of card not linked to any account, like a pre-paid card, he would have had to have purchased a card for a very large amount or deposited a substantial amount of money onto the card. (I really don’t know what amount the pre-auth hold on the card is for a rental car, but I will guess around $300+)

The load limits for prepaid cards vary between $2,500 and $10,000. So it would easily be enough to cover the pre-auth for a rental car, hotel, or anything else they need.
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