Deceased/Not Found PA - Anna Maciejewska, 43, Chester County, 10 April 2017

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I am so glad that WS has TOS rules about discussing someone who has not been officially named a POI by LE. In my opinion, an attorney could have a field day with some of the FA FB posts. Opinions can sometimes be construed as accusations. I would rather bet on forensics and facts than "it's obvious who did it" any day. There is a long list of cases here on WS where everyone thought it was obvious who did it, only to have it turn out to be someone else. It's a slippery slope, both morally and legally. When the individual is publicly stated to be a POI, then the rules change a bit. Odd or out of character is not the same as guilty.
Thanks All for the FA FB Page link, although, I do not quite understand everyone’s prior comments here with the “Oh’s”[emoji33]...As I did not read anything on the FA FB page, which wasn’t already posted here. Well, except something about a feast+about the town not having a police force if I understood that correctly (that’s just totally insane!!)

If possible, then I would love some clarity if anyone can provide it to me via DM, about why there was a post (a fairly recently last posting of those last posted), which commented about anyone from WS who thinks they can run a search better feel free to show up at such and such I found that a bit disturbing...other than that🤷🏻*♀️everything else, as I understand it, has been posted herein on WS’s forums.

Again, Thanks for the link or reposting the link (for us Ppl who only occasionally get to pop in & try to catch up!)...*smiles*

***Note:The above is only my own opinions, thoughts, theories, views, and possible BIG Fish Tales; unless otherwise indicated by a website URL and/or reference to a direct origin source..Thanks!
The TRUTH WILL OUT!, and There will be a Reckoning, in this Life or the Next!
Thanks All for the FA FB Page link, although, I do not quite understand everyone’s prior comments here with the “Oh’s”[emoji33]...As I did not read anything on the FA FB page, which wasn’t already posted here. Well, except something about a feast+about the town not having a police force if I understood that correctly (that’s just totally insane!!)

If possible, then I would love some clarity if anyone can provide it to me via DM, about why there was a post (a fairly recently last posting of those last posted), which commented about anyone from WS who thinks they can run a search better feel free to show up at such and such I found that a bit disturbing...other than that🤷🏻*♀️everything else, as I understand it, has been posted herein on WS’s forums.

Again, Thanks for the link or reposting the link (for us Ppl who only occasionally get to pop in & try to catch up!)...*smiles*

***Note:The above is only my own opinions, thoughts, theories, views, and possible BIG Fish Tales; unless otherwise indicated by a website URL and/or reference to a direct origin source..Thanks!
The TRUTH WILL OUT!, and There will be a Reckoning, in this Life or the Next!

It’s the comments under the posting on February 16. The posting about a fundraiser.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It’s the comments under the posting on February 16. The posting about a fundraiser.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Thank You Bunches!! I swear My big overly fat digits clicked that stupid post like 6+times! And I couldn’t figure out why it kept taking me directly to the dang event announcement & not to any comments🤷🏻
So originally I never saw all those, I just wrote it off as an error with using FB via my cell phone or that perhaps the ‘comments’ were just a “Yes I’m attending” or “No”, I can’t attend type of thing sent directly to the event organizer and maybe that’s why FB wouldn’t show me anything...and I was very confused by everyone’s comments here on WS about what was so surprising, etc..[emoji849]

But GOSH! I’m so Grateful that you were kind enough to point out what y’all were all talk about, because obviously this time I was extra determined to make sure it worked, when clicking the post (it only took me two times this time around, to finally hit the right spot and get into the comment section instead of the event info..*sheesh* ..*shrugs* bad, as I currently have vision issues so my perception is a bit skewed and sometimes/often I think my finger is hitting one spot & it’s hitting another closer spot *shrugs* hard to explain, but point is between what my eyes see & what I think I’m clicking/hitting & what my finger physically is hitting is a bit skewed & off at the moment , my typing is much better only, because I don’t have to look at the keys to type, as I type from memory...Thank heaven or I’d be here ages typing and missing/making mistaking..*shrugs*)....

Wow!-Wow!-Wow!...again, Thank you so much! I greatly appreciate your kind assistance! [emoji847]

=== BTW===========
As I keep reminding people, for whatever reason, my Tapatalk keeps removing my “Thanks”, I push the “Thank” button, the Thank turns blue (shows it registering my “Thanks” to people), but then a min/two later or the next time I look/log in/visit, my “Thanks” to that person no longer shows as registered or part of the total, point being, I say “Thanks” to everyone, or certain people, but Tapatalk keeps removing them, so I apologize for not showing my Thanks or support; however, I have/did/try, it’s just Tapatalk hates me..& removes them...Please do not think I’m not acknowledging you or your comments, as I have, multiple times in some instances...THANKS!!

***Note:The above is only my own opinions, thoughts, theories, views, and possible BIG Fish Tales; unless otherwise indicated by a website URL and/or reference to a direct origin source..Thanks!
The TRUTH WILL OUT!, and There will be a Reckoning, in this Life or the Next!
I think a certain chunk of those responses will disappear. Too bad we can't talk about them to archive them.
I think a certain chunk of those responses will disappear. Too bad we can't talk about them to archive them.

The gall of that jerk complaining about a place have a fundraiser.

I feel so bad for her parents and son.
I think a certain chunk of those responses will disappear. Too bad we can't talk about them to archive them.

The "Snip" tool in MS is your friend. Snip and paste to a Word document. Keep adding the Snips to your Word document and save. A very helpful way to keep evidence/information that suddenly goes missing or you suspect may go missing.

Indeed. Looks like there could be cause for libel suits from both sides (since it's in print) and I'm sure both LE and other folks have made copies. Seems to be a number of very good people with a real desire to solve the case, however they are being overshadowed by a few whackadoodles making wild accusations.
The "Snip" tool in MS is your friend. Snip and paste to a Word document. Keep adding the Snips to your Word document and save. A very helpful way to keep evidence/information that suddenly goes missing or you suspect may go missing.
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY ahead of you. I may run out of RAM due to all the screen grabs I have on all the cases I follow.
Indeed. Looks like there could be cause for libel suits from both sides (since it's in print) and I'm sure both LE and other folks have made copies. Seems to be a number of very good people with a real desire to solve the case, however they are being overshadowed by a few whackadoodles making wild accusations.
We don't know if they are wild or not, actually. :thinking:
If possible, then I would love some clarity if anyone can provide it to me via DM, about why there was a post (a fairly recently last posting of those last posted), which commented about anyone from WS who thinks they can run a search better feel free to show up at such and such I found that a bit disturbing.

Respectfully snipped for space.

As a PA Certified Search Manager, I made a few comments here which I guess were not appreciated by some of the more vocal members. I also received a threatening PM that was reported. I guess one or more individuals thought that they could restrict my access to public places such as roads and designated open space areas. Since I was not coordinating my activities with them and under their direct control, I would be reported to LE. Seems that anyone that disagrees with the group or asks a question is subject to being reported to LE from what I am reading...or at least by the more vocal members. Always makes me wonder what ulterior motives some members of groups like this have. All that said, I doubt another SAR team would want me to insert myself into "their" operation, nor would I want to assist a group that has threatened me over completely legal activities. I always sit back and have a laugh when one group says "you can't do any searching without our approval" when LE is saying, "if you see or find anything, let us know". Makes you wonder who is running the circus.
We don't know if they are wild or not, actually. :thinking:

No we don't, but unless they have hard evidence, it's pretty much wild. Not saying they are wrong, just that they are not taking care with how they couch their comments and are not backing it up with facts.
Respectfully snipped for space.

As a PA Certified Search Manager, I made a few comments here which I guess were not appreciated by some of the more vocal members. I also received a threatening PM that was reported. I guess one or more individuals thought that they could restrict my access to public places such as roads and designated open space areas. Since I was not coordinating my activities with them and under their direct control, I would be reported to LE. Seems that anyone that disagrees with the group or asks a question is subject to being reported to LE from what I am reading...or at least by the more vocal members. Always makes me wonder what ulterior motives some members of groups like this have. All that said, I doubt another SAR team would want me to insert myself into "their" operation, nor would I want to assist a group that has threatened me over completely legal activities. I always sit back and have a laugh when one group says "you can't do any searching without our approval" when LE is saying, "if you see or find anything, let us know". Makes you wonder who is running the circus.
I'm kind of rebellious. That type of threat would make me go on a lot more hikes with, poking stick, spotting scope, binoculars, and camera in tow. And, if I saw the same person more than once or was threatened more than once, I would sure have a restraining order and stalking case against them without hesitation. The law is on your side on this one, my friend.
I'm kind of rebellious. That type of threat would make me go on a lot more hikes with, poking stick, spotting scope, binoculars, and camera in tow. And, if I saw the same person more than once or was threatened more than once, I would sure have a restraining order and stalking case against them without hesitation. The law is on your side on this one, my friend.

I may or may not have taken a number of nature walks with a high power pair of Nikon binoculars and Digital camera. With all the green undergrowth dead and warm days here and there, the sight seeing is very enjoyable and you can see quite far into wooded areas. I like to watch for scavenger activity....just a little side hobby of mine.
I may or may not have taken a number of nature walks with a high power pair of Nikon binoculars and Digital camera. With all the green undergrowth dead and warm days here and there, the sight seeing is very enjoyable and you can see quite far into wooded areas. I like to watch for scavenger activity....just a little side hobby of mine.
We have similar interests. I love animals and the woods, and trees, and the way nature cleans itself. I wish I could take some nature hikes with you. But alas, I am much too far away to insert myself in any meaningful way.
We have similar interests. I love animals and the woods, and trees, and the way nature cleans itself. I wish I could take some nature hikes with you. But alas, I am much too far away to insert myself in any meaningful way.

You know, bird watching is kind of fun, and I always seem to find the most adorable salamanders amongst the trees. I love looking for bird's nests, too. If I wasn't so far away, I'd join him in his nature hikes myself. I might even bring a picnic.
I may or may not have taken a number of nature walks with a high power pair of Nikon binoculars and Digital camera. With all the green undergrowth dead and warm days here and there, the sight seeing is very enjoyable and you can see quite far into wooded areas. I like to watch for scavenger activity....just a little side hobby of mine.
While it is rather large, this particular place might be a decent place to get in touch with nature.!8m2!3d40.0362184!4d-75.5138118
While it is rather large, this particular place might be a decent place to get in touch with nature.!8m2!3d40.0362184!4d-75.5138118

I have probably walked 90% of that area and the surrounding areas. I have a special permit for that location to do a specific type of historic and forensic artifact location and am on a call list for that specific location and the State list as a SAR resource. Have already poked around a bit. With the hunting season, a lot of the normal access points have been walked over a number of times. Lots of dog training, bird watching, fishing and day hiking in that area. Would be a very poor choice to dump remains. Probably would be discovered quickly.
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