Deceased/Not Found PA - Anna Maciejewska, 43, Chester County, 10 April 2017

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I don't know that LE has tunnel vision on this. For me I haven't been able to shake the idea that there is a woman involved with this case as the person actually responsible for Anna's disappearance. I could very well be wrong about it.

But when I look at how this played out, how long it took LE to develop probable cause for the search warrant for the home it leads me to think a few things.

First, that there was likely no evidence of Anna being deceased found in her car or home. I would have expected more LE coordinated searches had either been the case. Anna would be located somewhere in the vicinity of where her car had been if there was evidence of Anna being deceased found in it. That doesn't mean where her car was found but anywhere the car had traveled which almost certainly would be recorded by the computer in the console of her car. Or, if there were indications in the home there would have been a more extensive search of the property occurring over more than one day let alone the few hours they were there.

Second, that it was information from the computer in her vehicle that proves the initial story given to LE was not true - when Anna left the home, that is what day and time - that actually provided the probable cause for the search warrant of the home. Her vehicle almost certainly had a GPS receiver in it as most, if not almost all, modern vehicles have them. Any car that offers built-in turn by turn directions as a feature or offer an OnStar or OnStar-like service have GPS devices in them. Since they are passive receivers there is no cost for them to operate and thus those GPS devices are always on and record to the computer location information. How far back it goes is the only question.

Third, it appears that something was going on within the household in the two to three weeks prior to her reported disappearance based on the reported conversations with her mother and the changes in plan of coming and then not coming to Poland and changes in returning to work and/or not completing annual goal requirements. There wasn't much revealed about what was the original plan for coming to Poland and how long prior to March/April that plan was made as we only have been provided what happened in the immediate time frame prior to her disappearance. Was the trip to Poland planned on the spur of the moment? Was that how Anna did things? Or, was it planned prior and then changes occurred per the conversations? Was Anna always this way when it came to taking time off or completing work tasks like setting annual goals? While this all could be related to the health of her parents I get the strong sense that the conversations and changes related to the Poland trip had to do with something else going on within Anna's household. What could the cause of that stress in the household be? I tend to think, in the absence of any other information, that infidelity by either one is a good possibility. Based on what we know of the early part of the last week of March whatever it was it had to be something that causes a lot of stress and reluctance to share, even what it was, with her own mother or friends. I would think there would have been some hint as to what was going on out already but nothing has appeared.

When I put this together in my mind I get the sense that Anna went somewhere to meet someone - a woman to woman talk. Likely in the evening of March 28th or into the day on March 29th. This would be a woman that Anna knew and trusted so this would be a double betrayal which makes things more difficult.

I truly believe that this case will be solved/resolved due to electronic forensics. Her vehicle's computer will also have a record of any Blue Tooth device that came within range. All such devices have a globally unique ID. Most people don't turn it off. So, when it comes to a car anyone that walked by it for example in a grocery store parking lot while carrying their cell phone would end up with their cell phone's Blue Tooth ID stored in a log in the car's computer. What this means is that any Blue Tooth device that came within range of the car will be logged including when that occurred and correlating that with the GPS location of the car at that time allows you to know not only where the car was but where someone else also was.

Cell phone location records and Cell Tower records will play a role in this as well since LE would know about almost all phones (except those not turned on or have a dead battery) that would be in the vicinity of a specific location at a specific time.

But none of this will allow LE to find the person responsible for Anna's death until Anna's body is found since LE will be able to work backward from that location in the electronic information and correlations in the electronic information. This is why finding Anna is critical, in my opinion. Her location should lead LE directly to who to arrest for this, though it may not happen quickly after she is found.

But like I said, I could be wrong. LE could have evidence of Anna being deceased in her home or car and have evidence of all kinds but prosecutors are not willing to go forward with the case without a body. So again, it also becomes critical to find Anna.

With no statute of limitations on murder LE there is not much motivation for LE, particularly the PA State Police, to move quickly on this, let alone search, let alone encourage search activities, with the assumption that eventually someone will stumble across her. Pressure on LE and prosecutors is appropriate, particularly the elected District Attorney. Not that it will necessarily work but it also doesn't hurt. At a minimum, if the pressure continues, it should cause LE or the prosecutors to release some information or take some action if only to try to relieve the pressure on them. I have been encouraged by the long over-due statements by LE and/or prosecutors in the recent weeks. Whether that is actually LE and prosecutors truly moving forward in this case or simply trying to placate people wanting some action is yet to be seen. If LE and prosecutors add nothing more in the coming weeks then we will know their recent statements were meant to placate.

Hopefully the upcoming search or future searches will lead to Anna.

Great post Jethro!! Thank you for your thoughtful insights!!
I don't know that LE has tunnel vision on this. For me I haven't been able to shake the idea that there is a woman involved with this case as the person actually responsible for Anna's disappearance. I could very well be wrong about it.

But when I look at how this played out, how long it took LE to develop probable cause for the search warrant for the home it leads me to think a few things.

First, that there was likely no evidence of Anna being deceased found in her car or home. I would have expected more LE coordinated searches had either been the case. Anna would be located somewhere in the vicinity of where her car had been if there was evidence of Anna being deceased found in it. That doesn't mean where her car was found but anywhere the car had traveled which almost certainly would be recorded by the computer in the console of her car. Or, if there were indications in the home there would have been a more extensive search of the property occurring over more than one day let alone the few hours they were there.

Second, that it was information from the computer in her vehicle that proves the initial story given to LE was not true - when Anna left the home, that is what day and time - that actually provided the probable cause for the search warrant of the home. Her vehicle almost certainly had a GPS receiver in it as most, if not almost all, modern vehicles have them. Any car that offers built-in turn by turn directions as a feature or offer an OnStar or OnStar-like service have GPS devices in them. Since they are passive receivers there is no cost for them to operate and thus those GPS devices are always on and record to the computer location information. How far back it goes is the only question.

Third, it appears that something was going on within the household in the two to three weeks prior to her reported disappearance based on the reported conversations with her mother and the changes in plan of coming and then not coming to Poland and changes in returning to work and/or not completing annual goal requirements. There wasn't much revealed about what was the original plan for coming to Poland and how long prior to March/April that plan was made as we only have been provided what happened in the immediate time frame prior to her disappearance. Was the trip to Poland planned on the spur of the moment? Was that how Anna did things? Or, was it planned prior and then changes occurred per the conversations? Was Anna always this way when it came to taking time off or completing work tasks like setting annual goals? While this all could be related to the health of her parents I get the strong sense that the conversations and changes related to the Poland trip had to do with something else going on within Anna's household. What could the cause of that stress in the household be? I tend to think, in the absence of any other information, that infidelity by either one is a good possibility. Based on what we know of the early part of the last week of March whatever it was it had to be something that causes a lot of stress and reluctance to share, even what it was, with her own mother or friends. I would think there would have been some hint as to what was going on out already but nothing has appeared.

When I put this together in my mind I get the sense that Anna went somewhere to meet someone - a woman to woman talk. Likely in the evening of March 28th or into the day on March 29th. This would be a woman that Anna knew and trusted so this would be a double betrayal which makes things more difficult.

I truly believe that this case will be solved/resolved due to electronic forensics. Her vehicle's computer will also have a record of any Blue Tooth device that came within range. All such devices have a globally unique ID. Most people don't turn it off. So, when it comes to a car anyone that walked by it for example in a grocery store parking lot while carrying their cell phone would end up with their cell phone's Blue Tooth ID stored in a log in the car's computer. What this means is that any Blue Tooth device that came within range of the car will be logged including when that occurred and correlating that with the GPS location of the car at that time allows you to know not only where the car was but where someone else also was.

Cell phone location records and Cell Tower records will play a role in this as well since LE would know about almost all phones (except those not turned on or have a dead battery) that would be in the vicinity of a specific location at a specific time.

But none of this will allow LE to find the person responsible for Anna's death until Anna's body is found since LE will be able to work backward from that location in the electronic information and correlations in the electronic information. This is why finding Anna is critical, in my opinion. Her location should lead LE directly to who to arrest for this, though it may not happen quickly after she is found.

But like I said, I could be wrong. LE could have evidence of Anna being deceased in her home or car and have evidence of all kinds but prosecutors are not willing to go forward with the case without a body. So again, it also becomes critical to find Anna.

With no statute of limitations on murder LE there is not much motivation for LE, particularly the PA State Police, to move quickly on this, let alone search, let alone encourage search activities, with the assumption that eventually someone will stumble across her. Pressure on LE and prosecutors is appropriate, particularly the elected District Attorney. Not that it will necessarily work but it also doesn't hurt. At a minimum, if the pressure continues, it should cause LE or the prosecutors to release some information or take some action if only to try to relieve the pressure on them. I have been encouraged by the long over-due statements by LE and/or prosecutors in the recent weeks. Whether that is actually LE and prosecutors truly moving forward in this case or simply trying to placate people wanting some action is yet to be seen. If LE and prosecutors add nothing more in the coming weeks then we will know their recent statements were meant to placate.

Hopefully the upcoming search or future searches will lead to Anna.

Thank you for your insight. I think if there is a another woman involved we've all got a good idea who it is.
Thank you for your insight. I think if there is a another woman involved we've all got a good idea who it is.

Well I sure don't have an idea who it is. I have seen speculation that a certain male individual has a girlfriend. No one has been named and I have seen no objective evidence, but that sure would change the dynamics of the case and indicate a motive. Seems really difficult to nail the facts down in this case.

I can't remember if I have stated this learned lesson in this particular case or not. In a number of missing person and homicide cases, the actor and/or confederates have posted disinformation in various social media formats, torn down missing person flyers and have even infiltrated themselves into search operations and other activities, not only in an attempt to derail the investigation, but to keep tabs on how close LE is to figuring out what happened. Confederates and helpers tend to be "loose ends" that the actor in some cases decides not to leave around to point fingers. Love and loyalty can sometimes cause people to do things they would normally not do, and the price in the end can be very steep indeed.
Trackergd;14065196 Confederates and helpers tend to be "loose ends" that the actor in some cases decides not to leave around to point fingers. Love and loyalty can sometimes cause people to do things they would normally not do said:
With that said, is there a reward for tips 8n this case, whether from LE, a group or Anna's employer which might help sway one to cooperate if they otherwise were holding out?
Thank you for your insight. I think if there is a another woman involved we've all got a good idea who it is.
I know that I don't have any particular person in mind. It is just my working theory. And I could be wrong about it. I have to say that what would help is knowing what was the cause of the stress that seemingly was in play at the time Anna disappeared.

One of my concerns is that it could be - I am most certainly not saying it is - something related to Anna's activities rather than her husband's activities that caused all the changes in terms of going and then not going to Poland. If it were something that would be viewed negatively with respect to Anna then no one is likely to say anything about it. Conversely, one would expect that if there was something that would portray her husband negatively then that would have come out somewhere. So, it is a situation where there certainly appears to be a stressful situation that was going on. It could simply be related to her parents and their health issues but I doubt it. I believe if it had to do with something related to her husband Anna would have said something to someone, maybe not her parents, however, but I think someone would know. If it had to do with Anna, herself, I don't know if she would have told anyone but if she did I don't expect it would be shared.

It is obvious something was going on and yet even a year out there is zero information whatsoever about it. We know what transpired with changing plans and what not but not why that happened. That is concerning. There has to be a reason. Without being able to understand the likely motive there really is nothing to work with in terms of who to be looking at. In the absence of such information my theory of the crime devolves to Anna simply being in the way and the perpetrator(s) action was what they believed to be the best way to get her out of the way. I am stuck with this being a planned crime rather than an impulsive crime. Which, as I say, could be wrong.

That all said, this is why I write from time to time on this thread that I think someone knows something and they believe either someone else informed LE about it or figure that LE would discover it on their own and that may not be the case and that they need to speak with LE. In many cases there are people that have information but do not want to get involved and that could be at play here as well. There is no harm or foul if LE already knows but it is the only way to be certain to know that LE knows what you know. I can't help but think that LE doesn't know something or LE can't make a more solid connection due to not having some piece of information that someone out there has - aside from the perpetrator(s).

I hope that LE can piece this together. Locating Anna is the key, in my opinion, for LE to be able to connect the dots. But that may never come about if Anna is never found. Pennsylvania State Police are not motivated to keep after the case. They are more than comfortable to sit on a case for decades. There are numerous cases across the Commonwealth that are like that. One of my own family members is missing over 30 years now and PSP hasn't been motivated to solve that in all that time and won't even share information on the case lest it "compromise" the investigation they aren't actually doing. If you have noticed my dissatisfaction with PSP now you know why. I don't want anyone out there to be waiting 30 plus years or longer.

So if anyone has information with regard to Anna, particularly the last few weeks before her disappearance, I would hope they would offer it up regardless of whether or not they believe someone else would already have shared the information or that LE would discover it on their own.
“One of my own family members is missing over 30 years now and PSP hasn't been motivated to solve that in all that time and won't even share information on the case lest it "compromise" the investigation they aren't actually doing. If you have noticed my dissatisfaction with PSP now you know why. I don't want anyone out there to be waiting 30 plus years or longer. ”

My biggest fear with this case!
Having reward offered in both parts, from family and crimestoppers will hopefully aid momentum and confirm case is still very actively being worked. Again will restate what others have promoted, if there is something, no matter how small, someone perhaps knows, PLEASE PASS ON. IT JUST MAY BE A MISSING PIECE OR LINK WHICH WILL AID CONNECTING PARTS.

Why does the article state thenson doesn’t know her? Maybe I am thinking he is older than he is. I thought he was about 5.

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If you love your wife and miss her and want her home, wouldn't you take measures to find her?
Pennsylvania State Police say investigators have never stopped searching. They have not ruled out any suspects and say they would like to speak to Anna's husband.

"He has an attorney and he is not cooperating with the investigation. All I can say is that Allan, if you are out there and you are watching this, we'd love for you to come forward and talk to us. We know you can help us with this investigation and we'd be willing to speak with you with your attorney," says Corporal Robert Kirby with the Pennsylvania State Police.
The only reason I hesitate in going 100% in the direction of the husband is because of Michelle Roode Boyd.
There is now a $30,000 reward in the case of a missing woman[FONT=&amp] from Malvern. 44-year-old Anna Maciejewska went missing last April 2017. Her family from Poland has put up $20,000 and Crime Stoppers offered $10,000. Her husband reported her missing on April 10th but has not cooperated with the investigation. Her car was discovered only two miles from her home, but other than that there has been no trace. Pennsylvania State Police continue to work the case and search.[/FONT]
Unless I miss my guess, I suspect limited immunity for providing evidence would be far more valuable to the individual(s) who hold the key than any amount of money.

And it goes without saying that if the actor and any associates dare cast an evil eye at the innocent very young man caught up this case, it is a guaranteed express train to "do not pass go, do not get plea deal, go directly to jail and a lethal injection".
Unless I miss my guess, I suspect limited immunity for providing evidence would be far more valuable to the individual(s) who hold the key than any amount of money.

And it goes without saying that if the actor and any associates dare cast an evil eye at the innocent very young man caught up this case, it is a guaranteed express train to "do not pass go, do not get plea deal, go directly to jail and a lethal injection".

I totally agree.
The wheels of justice can seem to move very slowly at times, but I feel confident justice will be served nonetheless.
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